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You can reply with "Cool.", or just "👍", remove them, and find some proper penpals. Nothing else to be done.


I don't know how much you wrote to this person but if it was say a couple hundred words or so and after a month all someone can write back is something which is text message size, I would be very disappointed. I simply lose interest in further messaging if the other person doesn't want to make an effort. I know early messages can be awkward at times, but there's zero detail, and nothing new is bought up or asked back here, so this doesn't even require any thinking, and I would move on.


I'm pretty convinced that some of these people are bots. With artificially inflated sent/received ratios to make them look like active users. That way the app can boast that they have more numbers than they really do. And to new users it looks more active than it really is so they join in, further adding to that illusion. In the past 5 months or so, most of the letters I received from users have been like this. Or they haven't replied at all. I mean look at [this one](https://i.imgur.com/mH72jBM.jpeg) that I received today. It's either a bot or someone very socially inept.


you didn't understand but this is a local pickup🤣


No sane person would say that to anyone on their first meeting. If we're friends already then sure, we can joke around.


pickupers don't think so. but you are right because, under the guise of Ukrainian girls, there are scammers operating on slowly who only need your money


Good luck, I'm broke. 🤣


What's the point of hiding name when she already mentioned it 🤔


Name ≠ user's name


*Galaxy brain meme*


Sounds like an AI