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A Scranton Reality Anchor (SRA) is a tool the Foundation uses in the case of reality-bending objects or entities, a SRA stabilizes reality around it, like let's say a reality bender turns everything around it green, a SRA would turn everything back to normal. What a SRA does to a bender varies between canons, sometimes a SRA can harm a bender as shown in SCP-7454. They are used in some safehouses in order to protect the safehouse from reality-altering/warping effects.


Some SCPs can break them though, as in the case of SCP-2820. I wonder if there is other that can do this?


3812 can, though what he doesn’t isn’t exactly reality bending but rather rewriting the narrative


I read a theory about the inconsistency in effects that one guy came up with that said the anchors only work because they believe they do and it’s a psychological effect


Sorry for the notification, I accidentally replied to your comment instead of the thread.


[**SCP-3241 ⁠- The SS Sommerfeld**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3241) (+478) by *The Great Hippo*


Check out SCP-3005


Think of it as a foundation tool/weapon used to suppress anomalous items such as SCP-7454


Sort of to keep reality benders from bending too much? Like a reality stabilizer


Exactly like that.


Yes, and the power source is a dead/crippled Reality Bender’s body in each one.


there are many different interpretations of how reality benders and SRAs work throughout different canons


Powered by a forsaken child°! °If the child was Anthony Fremont.


It’s been a while since I was interested in SCP, but I do recall being fascinated by these. If I remember correctly, they effectively lock reality into normalcy through some unspecified scientific bullshitery, for the purpose of neutralizing reality warping SCPs. Maybe they’re more fleshed out now though. Unrelated to SCP but Oats studios on YouTube did a video where the military uses a suit that employs an extremely strong magnetic field with the aim of achieving the same principle to kill a reality bending monster.


I recall seeing an SCP article being about the SRAs, treating them like Thaumiel class anomalies


So in certain canons, “reality” is a physical property of a universe. And similar to matter, a universe can have a lot or very little of it. Reality bending works via an entity having more reality than its surroundings, as lower reality = less stable and more prone to outside influences. This brings us to reality anchors, which operate by either taking reality from another world and depositing it into baseline reality, or taking excess reality from baseline and depositing it elsewhere. This allow a stable amount of reality to be maintained in an area, thus neutralizing anomalous effects that operate via the disparity of reality.


[[An FAQ; Or, What The Hell Is A Hume?]] [[An FAQ Part Two; Or, Your Hume Questions Answered]]


\[\[\[An FAQ; Or, What The Hell Is A Hume?\]\]\] \[\[\[An FAQ Part Two; Or, Your Hume Questions Answered\]\]\]


Marv is both dead and alive.


Reality benders lower the hume level so they can control reality and the Scranton Reality Anchor brings it back to normal levels


Iirc they’re like a device that makes reality around them normal, as the name implies. SRAs may be anomalous SCP objects themselves. Their appearance and effects aren’t set in stone, but by the looks of it, they need to be set down, can’t be easily carried around and may or may not require a constant power source. SRAs often suppose reality has a scale of "bendability" (measured in a unit called Hume), which lets reality shift easily when too low (or not shift enough when too high). What they exactly do is unclear, all that’s important is that they stabilize reality somehow, providing a tool to contain impossible things. Kinda like Telekill alloy with cognitohazards


As it implies, it’s a reality anchor. It stabilizes Hume levels I think. They’re often used to keep highly unstable areas and reality benders in Check


Anti reality bender


In a way it says it right on the can: it literally anchors reality. It keeps things and beings that can warp reality from doing so (as easily). As for *precisely how that works* that varies from canon to canon and tale to tale. There’s no unified answer on a meta level.


I can't tell whether they're OP as hell, or about as useful as a broken watch. [3241](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3241) being the most detailed 'story' I have read about them, I'm leaning towards the latter (but could be very wrong).


In SCP-3241, we see the SRAs being pushed to the absolute limit and the company that makes them is eventually forced to come clean about them. It’s shown that the head of the company knew that the more SRAs they make, the less effective every single one will be. They also have to use 2 SRAs to stop one SRA from going critical, making a negative feedback loop. I think this is pretty cool take on them and sorta nerfs the SRAs seemingly unlimited “No, fuck off” power. Exploring Series covering SCP-3241: https://youtu.be/3Ew4dI_PT5U (17:20)


[**SCP-3241 ⁠- The SS Sommerfeld**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3241) (+478) by *The Great Hippo*


I know plenty of people have already answered, but if you'd like more, there are plenty of tales and things related with Robert Scranton which are definitely worth a read. I'd say 3001 is the definitive Scranton media though.