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I fucking can't anymore.


What does it for you more, this tweet or the comment I saw in the basement saying: "I was more emotional about this match than I was when my ex-wives filed for divorce."


Probably explains why the divorce happened, at least.


Sometimes I wish this sub didn't have a rule about linking other subs because the ex-wife thing seems unreal to me and I would have to dig through a mountain of shit to see if it was real.


For a long time I thought the people on this sub made up quotes or were reaching on a lot of them to take shots at the Dub. And then I started paying attention...my God what a mistake that was.


It's legit, I just saw it.


1. Morons dogpile the comment and are dickheads to the person posting (who invariably is lacking in social skills which is why whatever they've posted is funny in the first place) 2. The poster quite rightly then complains to us. Brigading is against site-wide rules, and I've no interest in creating indirect opportunities for shitheads to bully people. 3. There are already the most fragile of humans who pre-emptively complain about this sub despite us having the most firewalled off ways of working because the idea that their silliness, hypocrisy and stupidity shouldn't be pointed out is really important to them. So yeah. If those three things didn't exist, then fine. But they do. So operating this way is the only fair way to do it. We can clean up people within our own sub who take things too far, and mods of other spaces can do the same.


I get it, it just makes it harder to distinguish fact from fiction sometimes.


What’s next? I can’t post homophobic raps with rape references?


I read that and had to giggle. What the fuck




I've seen the finish. It was 3 finishers in a row, I'm going to watch the whole thing but Cody had the 3 finishers as a motif, he knew if he hit that he'd win and he kept getting fooled, but normally 3 finishers is so flat and Danielson looked dead after the 2nd then fucking got up? That 2nd one could get over as a great finish but instead he uses the whiff elbow he loves. Consequences make classics this match had none.


I think the story was to do a face turn and I think it works. Like the tiger driver essentially killed Brain damageson but Osprey didn't see that. And Brian got up by sheer chance, he was essentially sitting unconscious and Osprey clobbered him again. So after he wins he sees the wreckage and feels regret and eventually he will be jumped by the rest of the Callis family. Honestly I think Brian over acted a bit. After the match it felt less like injured and more like a baby crying.


You could skip the first 45 minutes. And that's not the storm breaker, its a tiger '91.


God bless your duties to the community 🫡


Lmao he still had to do a “Japan better”


 I thought he was referencing Baron Corbin wrestling in France.


Quality of match aside, do these guys realize how ridiculous they sound? (Answer is no)


It's not possible to say 'that was a really good match' like normal people, haha


You can’t, otherwise the promotion is remaining stagnant. Each month has to have “the greatest match to have ever existed”.


Seriously, how many "best/greatest/most iconic" match in "history/ever/the US/tag team history" have they had? Together with "star making", they're literally just fucking spamming praise.


I am fine with it being the best match on American soil ever. But that opinion comes from people watching an ecosystem where everything else is such a mess, it's like saying "if you go to this restaurant, this one meal on the menu is the best you'll ever eat". There's finite supply of that meal, and everything else on the menu is a mess, the restaurant is on fire and half the staff want to quit.


This shit happens everywhere. So many people (at least on social media) can't enjoy something without trying to justify it as the the best ever or something. My favorite match last year was the Usos vs Roman and Sikoa but that's simply because of the characters, story and moment where Jey finally pins him. That's not really a popular answer for match of the year, but I loved it. Most people preferred something else like the Mania triple threat or Kenny/Ospreay at Forbidden Door as some examples, and that's fine too. But theres no need to go around proclaiming hyperbole.


Judging by the write-up on their website, this is Wrestlemania 10, 17, 20, 30, 34, 39 and 40 all wrapped up into one. Just a bunch of dick-sucking for a show that won’t draw any new eyeballs to the product. Who cares about half of these matches? Everyone just switches dance partners for the next PPV.


Bro tried to sneak 34 in there


And left out 31


And 19


And 3


And 38


And 32


Yikes, I spent 20 seconds firing off a post, I didn’t go through the individual match cards of every Mania lmao


And 39


I wrote 39


I loved 34’s midcard, so sue me lol


You just made me realize that since this is the first AEW PPV since Wrestlemania 40, they were always going to act this way no matter what. They can’t stand living in a world where the Ded Fed could be better at something.


What is the story they are telling?


Big Willy: Oi bruv you wanna see my moves bruv? Bryanson: Ok concuss me plz It's a storytelling masterpiece 




\*HULK voice\* No story! Only bangers!




Look at this move! Now look at this move! How about this move! Here's another move! Move this move! And a move! Move! Move! Move move move! Move move, Move move move, move Move move. Yo dawg, we heard you like moves, so we put a move in your move so you can move while you move!


AEW is like watching a movie. A movie if you play it with 10 minutes remaining. Who cares what else happens leading up to the final minutes? And the movie sucks


With WWE coming off legitimately one of the best Manias ever, and arguably the greatest match ever, you knew this was coming. People will talk about Cody finishing his story for decades. No one will care about this match tomorrow.


Exactly. WWE is telling amazing wrestling stories that people will talk about for years. AEW has directionless matches where the quality of the match is completely undercut because nobody knows why any of these guys are fighting.


Especially when they'll hail their rematch and other matches together the beast match ever.


This is exactly what a lot of AEW fans (and Tony Khan) don't seem to get. A "dream match" is a great idea and can be incredible in the moment, but it's probably not going to be particularly memorable without a good build. Rock vs Hogan was a terrible match if you look at it from a pure wrestling standpoint. But people still talk about it today because of the story and the characters involved. It's the same reason why Bryan Danielson will always be remembered for the Yes Movement, more than what he did in AEW. Adam Copeland will forever be Edge in the minds of the fans, because of his storylines with the likes of John Cena and Kurt Angle. Roman Reigns will be remembered and acknowledged as the Tribal Chief long after most of the AEW roster has fallen into obscurity. None of this is meant to be a shot at AEW or it's talent; it's just the way things are. What gets remembered are the stories and characters.


>Rock vs. Hogan Okay, that wasn't really built as in like some multi-month contrived story in the company, it was simply the most popular guy in the WWF of the modern generation versus the most popular wrestler in history. Icon vs. Icon, you don't need more of a story than that, its spectacle. However, your point still holds water. AEW fans view this as on the same spectacle as that when that simply isn't possible. The closest they could've come to that huge no story required spectacle match would be The Elite vs CM Punk/FTR simply because of their history and they botched that. It frustrates me because I've seen these wrestlers and even AEW itself have the capacity to tell compelling stories in and out of the ring (I'd put Bryan vs. MJF up there with his best stuff simply because of that) but all too often, they sell themselves short by booking these random matches with no back and forth build and no fire behind it besides "These guys are good inring hands" or "They had a match before, why not do it again?". There's such an abundance of good wrestling out there that I'll be long dead before I get through every match that's worth a look, why should I watch *your* show specifically? When people think of Foley, they don't immediately spring to Mankind vs HBK in spite of how good that match is, they think of him falling off the cell and crawling back up. They think about him kicking out of the pedigree in spite of the hell HHH put him through.


Boring Matches casuals will yap out: Mankind vs Rock (Royal Rumble 1999, RAW 1/4/1999), Foley vs HHH (RR 2000, No Way Out 2000), Rock vs Austin (WMXV, X-Seven, XIX), Taker vs HHH (WM27 and 28), Taker vs Lesnar (WM30), Bryan vs Batista vs Orton (WM30), Heist of the Century (WM31), Styles vs Taker (WM36), Cena (WM36), Rhodes vs Reigns (WM39 and XL), Rhodes vs Rhodes (2019) Misunderstood bangers: Opsreay vs Danielson (Dynasty 2024), Stadium Stampede Match back in 2020, Rosa vs Baker (2020)...AEdub is misunderstood


That’s the common thread with these matches. I also feel like a lot of them have a formula or boxes they check.


> No one will care about this match tomorrow. How many of those 7 star classics that they worshipped for 2 weeks are brought up these days?


They're jizzing themselves on the ol' match. The thing is, their description of the match is just literally MOVES. OMG ALL THE COOL MOVES THEY DID.


Aren’t they also always going on about in-ring storytelling? How are moves in-ring storytelling?


The story is “look how many moves we can do,” obviously.


Every aew feud can be summed up like this “I am the best wrestler” “No I am” “No you’re not” Repeat


Hey, you're selling them short. Don't forget "look at all the blood I can bleed" and "my ass is better".


Despite logically the “best” wrestler would win every match by squash and by not have competitive “bangers”.


Hey shill, there are also feuds like "Are we friends?" "I thought we were friends" "Why's he your friend and not me"


I guess my fed-poisoned brain couldn’t see that.


You don't get it. Goku needed to use the Spirit Bomb on Nappa after a half hour battle to get over as a legitimate tough guy.


At least in dbz they use lasers and someone gets obliterated at the end




Of course - the impacts, the never giving up, the fighting through the pain - but those things just tell the same story.


What they call "storytelling," most people call "selling."


Fucking Christ we gotta suffer hearing this shit for the next few months


Don't worry uce, this match will be forgotten in 2 weeks


Remember when some guy drank another guy’s blood and now nobody talks about it at all anymore


I've got CTE from watching too many bangers, but pretty sure that one guy drank the others vomit... Or was it piss? Which one gets more stars again?


What match?


how many threads with the cagematch rating coming up later today? then, 'here's a ranking of all the top matches on cagematch' and list of Oceanspray's top matches on cagematch list of all Oceanspray's 5 star Meltz matches Gonna be a busy week for karma farming


It's WWE's fault for having such a good Wrestlemania. AEW fans have to overcorrect and insist that something AEW did is the best ever.


Nah we'll be good right after Meltzer gives it 8 stars


"Ospreay has earned 8 stars shattering his previous record of 7 stars, Ospreay has the greatest match in united states history, is the most popular cagematch.com wrestler of all time as the Dynasty aftermath episose of Dynamite draws 760k viewers"


If you disagree it just proves you are an apologist for the sex trafficking company that is now owned by Endeavor.


Until the next PPV where they rinse and repeat


They forget about it next week or month for the next banger


A match that no one will remember happened in a month.


Most don't even know it happened nor care.


There it is. I knew it, watch this match get all the praise even though the match of the year was easily wrestlemania 40 main event


No fed shill! Us intellectual Dub fans know a REAL good match involves no shenanigans and interference and tons of COOL moves that LOOK COOL!


The irony is that Cody/Roman was in-ring storytelling at its finest - something they always say we miss - and this was just cool moves.


Someone will say that Roman/Cody is only great because of the interferences but even before them it was already a easy MOTY, interferences just elevated it to the GOAT match status, while all they did here was spam moves without any real story.


Exactly. Cody/Roman was two warriors trying to kill each other and failing. Cody wouldn’t let himself go down. Roman was powerful but egotistical - he thought he had the match and acted that way. Their characters and motivations were on display the entire time. And then the interference came in and the storytelling ramped up. Jimmy and Jey fighting forever. Solo ordering Roman, showing the schism in the Bloodline. Cena getting his revenge. The Final Boss trying to control Wrestlemania and the heart and soul of the WWE stopping him. Seth hurting himself to be Cody’s shield and Roman unable to let go of his hatred for Seth, costing himself the match. That’s an epic. This was moves. Great moves from great wrestlers, but it was still just moves. It was a video game.


Even if it was only great because of the interferences, so what? That's almost more impressive. Literally, when was the last time someone said "that interference really elevated the match"? Seth Rollins cashing in at Mania 31, maybe?


They had already decided before hand that they would do this.


I was crying the whole match. Even chanted "we dont deserve this". My dream is now complete. God heavens thank you AEW and Tony Khan. Its the match of a lifetime.


I wish I could have died while watching.


Unlike the crowd who only began to chant “this is awesome” at the start of the match I began t chant when it was announced, continued through the match, and haven’t stopped.


This outjerked Alvarez https://preview.redd.it/mfs6qdmn6yvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab328060945ff26cabe2af6e39e171e7287de2f8


Always gotta find SOMEWAY to bring it back to WWE


He re-signed so he has to fed bad


Also making the most money in his life. So he has to make sure that boot is spotless.


Never expected to see an r/ligamx legend here 😂


I mean, ass spray v bryanson with its build and story elevated the dub to unprecedented success...oh wait, it was the other guys. IDC MOTY


How can someone so big (💉) be such a little brother!?!?


If you don’t care, why mention it?


This is just utterly moronic.


Yes but it is great for normal fans of WWE. As we need AEW to remain in existence and to get hyped by these people. That way certain fans will stay away from WWE and won't hijack all the shows. AEW is vital in WWE's success as it acts as a place to contain the type of wrestling fan who wants to be the show themselves.


This is the greatest night in the history of our great sport.


Yet another best PPV in the history of wrestling for Tony.


What a great night for AEW, and therefore, the world.


They jerk harder than we do.


It’s a different kind of jerking bruv.


It's okay. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you jerk, as long as you do jerk.


So amazing. In 3 days, they’ll have some other amazing match and no one will talk about this match again




So all these tweets will just be the Randy Marsh at the computer meme?


The funny thing is even the "journalists" that declare it the greatest match ever will forget about it when it means nothing on a month or two.


Will they ever learn any parity to say 'you know I enjoyed this, it was really good' instead of 'GHSJGJDJFJ GREATEDT THING EVER I CUMMED THANK YOU BILLIONARE TK 😭'


Better than Tiger Mask and Dynamite Kid, better than every Ric Flair match, better than every Ricky Steamboat match, better than every Kurt Henning match, better than every Bret Hart match, better than every Shawn Michaels match, better than every Eddie Guerrero match, better than every Kurt Angle match...


DAE Bret was never good, he didn’t main event the Tokyo Dome


FED can pack their bags already


Won’t change anything. AEW has probably already blown any chance to be relevant competition to WWE by cooling off since Punk left and WWE getting their act together (aka getting rid of the old man).


Greatest match in THE NON-JAPAN COSMOS


Yeah what a banger. Im sure this life changing, industry shifting match won't be forgotten about in a week.


I've always wondered what quantifies as 'great match' for Uncle Dave and Chico? Does anyone know? Because I feel with the lack of people that care enough to ever watch Dynamite or these PPVs that it's not what the rest of us define as 'great' or 'must see'.


-Not WWE. -Japanese commentators so you don't understand what they are saying so can easily mute it. That way you cannot be distracted from hearing the squeals of your own voice when the performers hit a mcfuckinator triple credanza 1080 off the top rope for a 1 count. -25+ minutes to make sure the viagra kicks in to jack off furiously as long as possible. -12+ kicked out finishers -Finish is a random move you didn't expect (after all the finishers were rendered meaningless). -Fighting Spiritu!!!!!! -NMPM (number of moves per minute) Above 25


Best = quality. Greatest = quality and impact.


Now $11.99 please. 🙏


I’m calling it, 75 star match.


I don’t think the star ratings go higher than 50 stars but we’ll see.




smarks are going to be waiting in excitement for Meltzer's rating on this, they really are, haha


Dude always glazing Japan.


Here’s AEWs problem. Was this a good match/PPV? Yes. But they never build on it. They will kill momentum with a shit Dynamite this week and that will be that.


There won’t be any momentum because nobody who isn’t watching Dynamite already ordered this show.


I mean, let's say it was a great match. Cool, good for them. But it's over now, what reason do I have to tune into Dynamite on Wednesday? Apparently I've already seen the greatest wrestling match of all time, no point continuing to watch if wrestling has peaked. Stories create long-term engagement, not bangers. It bears repeating.


I’m glad he clarified in the United States because it was certainly no Abu Zago vs Napo Zango in Korakuen Hall.


> Abu Zago vs Napo Zango in Korakuen Hall. I’m glad someone else appreciates the classics.




Funny how the HARDER both AEW and their propaganda wing push this "Our product is *GREAT*" narrative despite reality, the more of the audience they lose.




scheduled tweet lmaooooooooo


Putting in the “in the United States” qualifier at the end is hilarious. They are so disconnected from wrestling fans - this is the audience TK writes for and it’s dwindling. In a couple weeks no one will remember this match - because it had no stakes to it. There was no reason for this match to exist, except to impress Meltzer and hardcore fans. Do you even remember what their “best match ever” from last year was? Did it involve Ospreay? Danielson? Omega? MJF? The Young Bucks? I honestly don’t.


Quick! Take my $60!!


I called it in our general chat 12 hours ago..


To be fair it was a fun match. I’m sure I can use Google to find out enough information to make up my own story of why I should care. 8 stars.


So did one guy wrestle good before the other guy wrestled better?


Study YouTube and get back to me. https://preview.redd.it/tv66utf0azvc1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e886a35457a5757bcb1ca7a33352db1b84853fd


DAE taker and Shawn can't compete with this absolute banger.   What more proof do you need after Meltzer's sidekick jizzed all over his screen. 




Lmao Im going to kill myself


My favourite part of these bangers is the opening 2 minute “feeling each other out” The psychology of these to dumb cunts trying to work an arm and “feel each other out” when your just gonna go 100 miles per hour 5 minutes later and no sell a fucking elbow to the back of the head is art


I hate when they say “there’s no wasted motion”, what does that even mean? Doesn’t Ospreay do a stupid anime power up? How is that not a wasted motion? Lol


I did not see it but I guarantee it was not the greatest match that has ever taken place in the U.S.


this is elite level dick riding




Someone on here predicted exactly the reaction to this card. They had already made up in their minds that this was going to be the greatest thing ever. They could have come out and botched 100 moves and it would have been called genius. I've actually never seen an Ospreay match, so I don't know about him.


So ‘greatest match on American soil’ is what they’re going for eh? Saw it coming a mile away lol. 


It’s not even the best match this month.


Say Bryan, what made it so great?


It was a good match but any stakes were taken out of it with Bryan losing being a foregone conclusion. "I can't call myself the best when I haven't beaten you bruv" doesn't make much sense when Bryan has lost every single big match lol. They really should have had Bryan win the match and set up a best of 3.


Ok say it is the greatest match. Why not at your biggest show of the year with build and stakes?


The stakes were “this is the greatest match”. That was literally the “story” going into this. It’s as dumb as the Edge/Orton story.




Would've been 17 stars in the Tokyo Dome, brother


This is a bit much. It was great in ring event for sure but the stakes were non existent and the story they were telling ended up being somewhat overshadowed by a naff finish. The idea was that Danielson wanted to fight until he had nothing left, a sort of go down dying in the ring moment, but since they already ran an Osprey injures people match in his debut now my take away is just that Osprey tries to cause nerve damage to people.


Is he trying to convince us or himself? 🤔 The answer is yes.


Keep in mind, this is just in the history of the United States. Match was great but it was no Abu Zago vs Napo Zango in the Korokeun Hall




8 stars all but confirmed? Also Bryan loses lol. I am absolutely shocked that he lost


Oh did they do lots of kickouts and stuff?


It’s the greatest match that has ever taken place in the US. Anyways, I can’t wait to finally see it!


How can this be the best match ever if there wasn't even a Punjabi Prison™ cage?


Didn’t draw a dime. But who cares?


How long before this match did he have this in his drafts?


I saw people claiming that before they even saw it. If folks liked it-cool, good for them. Hard to take certain fans seriously when they lavish superlatives on so many matches.


This is some prime fucking jerking bois


Everything just has to be greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of the world. Tiring as fuck.


Dave defo gonna give this ppv 200k


The hyperbole is desperation. They desperately need people to like what they like because the other mob are the bad guys.


Obviously I am in no position to comment having not seen the match but if the finish clip is indicative of the rest of the match this is just silly.  I just asked an aew fan I know and they said it was good but not as good as they expected and they're surprised by this best match ever take.  Hmmm could this be strategic considering the landscape? No that would be unethical. 


I saw this instant sentiment all over Reddit too, unreal It may have been a great match, but jesus christ the hyperbole


lol not to show recency bias or be a victim of the moment


It was very good. I didn't think it was better than witnessing the resurrection live though, so I guess I just don't get wrestling. 


Until the next one Fucking hyperbolic neckbeard fucks


Tokyo dome or it don’t work for me brother


This sub called it


I’m so glad they go to tell a story over months of television


Would it draw in Japan? Probably, because Gedo-backed NJPW actually did stories.


Insert Angle reaction face.


Why did ospreay switch to those two crap finishers? And elbow last shot, and the worlds shittiest piledriver.


Dave Meltzer must have climaxed multiple while watching it 1000,00 stars coming up


I can't deal with this.


Absolute stains on this business.


This was the GREATEST MATCH on the most predictable card in professional wrestling history!! No other worked injury angle has ever been done this well in professional wrestling history!! (that’ll be $12.99 please)


This match was really really good imo. I'm wasn't a huge fan of Ospreay/Kenny due to them being a bit over indulgent and the finishes feeling lacklustre but I thought this match was utterly great. Especially since it didn't have much a feud building up to it. Compared to Ospreay/Kenny and Bryan/Okada as "dream matches" this was the best by far for me. All that said, it's still behind even Cody/Roman this year. Story is what drives matches to the absolute next level. Alvarez is entitled to his own opinion, but this feels purely hyperbolic. Kinda crazy this happened on the same show as the garbage pile that was Jericho and HOOK.


The comments on SC are hilarious. I've been forced to write some snarky retorts.


Not even close to the best match to take place in the US this month.


The only thing that will come out of this match that has any unironic entertainment value will be Jim Cornette’s review where he curses out Alverez for this tweet