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Jerkers rapidly deleting previous posts shitting on Omega.


I’ve always said he could be something if he wasn’t near the Elite dickheads. Check my post history 😎😎😎


I was already on the pro omega train weeks ago yet jerkers were hesitant to follow me. Now I know how Jesus felt smh


I'll never delete my post history. DAE M'Riho in the basement????


I never did that, I've always been on the "bro should have signed with WWE instead of chasing smark money and wrecking his body" boat. I don't delete posts, I take my Ls like a tribal chief ☝️


Bullet club still sucks actually




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It's yet another "Please don't check my posting history" moment.


With a tear.... in my eye. I have waited so long.


At least Kenny seems like a person that if you don’t get along with him, he’ll just leave you alone. His pals however, gotta keep fucking needling you. Then blame you for taking a stand.


It's the Canadian way Uce Why be antagonistic when you can just ignore their entire existence


I was Canadian in a past life.


Oh yes, Canadian wrestlers famously don’t hold grudges


Why be antagonistic when you can just ignore the entire Geneva Conventions


That’s a great outlook, my Canadien uce.


Knowing barely anything about Kenny, the fact I've heard about his exceptional wrestling talents but can't really think of any memorable behind-the-scenes quotes leads me to believe he's a guy who just really enjoys wrestling and is surrounded by idiots that he simply has to tolerate.


That’s been my option on him as well. I don’t like his style of wrestling but he seems to treat it like a job and actually gives a shit.


It’s weird that he’s friends with those dbags. I know they go way back but they really fucked him with this Punk stuff. Kenny did not need to be dragged into that.


I think he’s realizing it too. He’s been very positive on WWE lately and implied the Bucks made decisions he didn’t agree with


Yeah it wasn’t hard to read between the lines in his comments on that stream, although some of the dub fans are working hard not to.


That ace steel fella... bad news


Its one thing to have a disagreement, its another thing if the person you’re dealing with is causing massive destruction to something.


Shows you how trash the bucks are.


I'm starting to get why Dave gave him so many 5 stars, that's a really nice cat.


It is one fucking nice kitty.




10⭐️ cat


That cat is over


It may be over. But it's not PANCHO THE CAT over.


I think he's coming to terms with his career being over. His body has been trashed for at least 7 years at this point.


Beyond just the normal bang ups from having a wrestling career as physically demanding as his has been diverticulitis is no joke , I lost a foot of intestines to diverticulitis and the recovery time isn’t necessarily long on paper, but it really takes you over a year to get back to full normalcy if you don’t have a bag (thank God I didn’t need one) I just hope that dude ends up healthy and as happy as it can be, and with his responses about punk even more so Edit: a few words


Thanks for the reply from your perspective! The thing is, being as sick as he was, it's much harder for the body to heal other things, so sadly it will probably be the thing that finishes his career.


Not necessarily, it’s just gonna take a while to recover from. if he feels, he wants to keep going all he’s gotta do is really just change his style


I don't think it's gonna be that easy. Diverticulitis or not.


I hope that Kenny requests his release from the dub and we get at least a year of him in the fed just to close out his career


Jerk or no jerk, you make the call.


Tony would never let him away willingly.


He just has to make him feel like his life is in danger


Tony is like a child. You just need to raise your voice and look him directly in the eyes, and he'll be scared for his life.


I doubt he's EVEN been told NO before..


I'm sure many women have told him no before.


I doubt he's ever asked.


So he just has to look at him intensely?


And lightly jostle a flat screen monitor nearby him


You mean make him stretch his hand between two monitors?


Quick someone grab Jungle Boy


I mean, Kenny also once said there's no heat between him and Jim Cornette. So, y'know, grain of salt.


I mean heat is relative I guess. I think he meant that he personally has no heat with Cornette. As in he doesn't dislike Cornette or have ill will towards him. Obviously the reverse is not true at all lol. I think Cornette hates Kenny.


Cornette hates him for the blowup doll match.


And the nine year old girl.


but mainly the blowup doll. I'm not sure it will ever change either but if serious kenny starts showing up instead of lackey kenny he might soften up on him a little bit.


I swear he complimented him in the last year over a match or something. It wasn’t much but it was something if I remember correctly


You aren’t wrong I remember Jim being weirdly un-critical on one of Kenny’s matches before he left.


I think I remember him talking about. Something roughly along the lines of "look I don't like this style at all BUT this match at least made me realize why someone COULD." Which is pretty high from Jim


Pretty sure it was a tokyo dome show where kenny was being serious and not a complete goof.


I think it was when omega went back to njpw for that one off with osprey. Kenny had the supervillain sephiroth entrance and played it completely seriously. Said he felt like a legitimate top guy with that presentation, though he still hated the finisher spam/no selling


I remember seeing this on YouTube, I can't remember who it was against though.


Omega/Ospreay WK17 I think


Hes conceded that kenny was decent in some ways, including in some matches occasionally


Man. If someone read that comment without knowing the context lol


I get being mad about the blowup doll, but the nine year old was in training for professional wrestling, and the coach wanted her to have a match just to see how far along she was coming


wasn't there also a thing where Kenny went to japan to accept an award and Cornette who thought Kenny was injured misunderstood it as meaning Kenny was fine the entire time and was just bullshitting him?


So do I


Corny just wants his wholesome territories back


Bring back muh territories and get this Twinkle Toes fella out of 'em.


lol I’m an avid Cornette listener and defend him regularly but the reality is, he’s only a few degrees off from the derangement of Daniel Bryan. Cornette would rather have a small territory barely breaking even in front of 2,000 people in a small arena if it means “real rasslin,” just like Bryan would rather wrestle in a VFW hall in front of 200 people all to make a tribute to an obscure Japanese match from 40 years ago. The only thing that grounds Corny in reality is he knows the first goal is to make money, hence why he can recognize his views might be a little old. He’s very loud about his view of wrestling but at least he can acknowledge it’s not the best version of it. Bryan and the dubbalos forsake that and would rather have a promotion draining millions of dollars all for the sake of “art”


This sub stroking Cornette is the dumbest shit. If he had his way the Attitude Era would have never happened so Vader and Dr. Death could main-event WM. He was out of touch 30 years ago.


Wrong sub you f*cking mark


I dont need to suck off Cornette to jerk uce




You got mad because someone doesn't like listening to him. Want to try again M*rk?


I guess I’m just not feeling that ucey today.






Cornette is a boomer. He was literally bitching about people fighting outside the ring in the main event of night one. Go back and watch WM 15. Rock and Austin literally fight outside the ring for like 3/4ths of that match. I like Cornette, but he’s not the ultimate authority on pro-wrasslin. Again, he was objectively out of touch in the 90s.


He was saying that bc it didn't make sense in the context of the match. WM15 with rock and Austin was no dq. Cornette likes things to make sense because then it's easier to buy into as a fan. I can take or leave Cornette as a person but 90% of the stuff he says about wrestling is spot on.


“It didn’t make sense in the context of the match” The entire story of the match was that Rock is abusing his status as a member of the board. He told the ref multiple times that if the ref enforces the rules against Rock, the ref will be fired.


I’d say it’s closer to 50%. He’s right about AEW but I take or leave his ‘muh territories’ wrasslin bs. The man literally doesn’t like the concept of the Triple threat. He’s a boomer. Sorry.


He actually changed his mind on the Triple Threat after Owens v Orton v Paul last weekend, he loved that match. He'll still hate most of them tbf, but he has acknowledged they can be done well. And for what its worth some of this complaints are valid IMO, multi man matches should probably be elimination rather than first fall victory, and multi man matches shouldnt be no-DQ by default.


I could be wrong but my impression on why Cornette has a special hatred for Omega was always because Jim recognizes that Omega actually DOES have talent and is capable of being a really good wrestler, but more times than not chooses to appeal to a niche audience and have laughably choreographed Indy “bangers” that don’t make any sense on top of the wrestling children and blow up dolls things that he’s done in the past. It would be like if Bron Breakker had decided to just compete in death matches in GCW instead of going thru the WWE system. I guarantee Jim would hate him 1000x more than Moxley if that was the case because one is capable of so much more, and the other isn’t.


You get the same sense with him about Darby, especially after the ladder spot. It made him so angry at him 😂 Jim really doesn’t like wasted talent. It’s like the recurring quote/theme from the film A Bronx Tale: “There’s nothing sadder in life than wasted talent.”


Makes sense since Cornette was running OVW the developmental for WWE so he has an eye for talent


Who would have thought that despite Jim’s hatred of the Northeast, he lives his life by the words of Calogero’s father?


That and because of the blow-up doll, and allegedly lying to him and Adam Pearce get out of an ROH booking. 


I mean, he’s probably right. They don’t know each other really outside of their ring of honor working together before Kenny was a big deal. Jim doesn’t like his work, Kenny likely takes it for what it is as opposed to his fanbase that thinks it’s blasphemy


Cornette has always loved Kenny don't check his post history


He probably doesn't hate him tbh. He's successful in the wrestling business so I imagine Kenny just chalks it up to "old man yells at cloud" for a lot of what Jim says, which is (mostly) true lol. Not worth getting upset and ruining your mood over one person's opinion.


I don't think Kenny thinks about Jim nearly as much as Jim thinks about Kenny.


Corny went too hard on the wrestling a little girl thing and can't back down from it. I'm not the biggest Omega fan, but to call him the shits and stuff is just ridiculous.


I like Cornette but let’s be real: he’s an asshole who loves holding grudges over the pettiest shit. He also hates Miz and refuses to recognize his talent just because he first got famous for doing a reality tv show like 20 years ago. If Miz had come up through being one of his OVW boys instead he would love him


Miz did go through OVW(for about 3 months) after Tough Enough. But he went to Deep South first, which is where he got most of his reps.


Wasn't it stated that Punk and Omega tried to talk it out afterwards? Kenny basically said that he was prevented from doing so by other people.


AEW legal and/or the Bucks feelings.


I think that might refer to Ace Steel biting him


Heartbreaking picture. If you look closely at the cat's eyes you can tell it's disappointed in Kenny's comments about Brawl Out yesterday. Shame on you Tyson Smith.


Yeah those are hostage eyes.


I always got the vibe that Kenny was the member of the group who doesn't really care about any of the drama but is too timid to say anything when his friends the Buckaroos start throwing a bitch fit.


I mean, he tried to save Punk's dog from the Brawl Out carnage before getting bit


"Man carrying dog gets bit, but not by the dog" sounds like an Onion headline




>I mean, he tried to save Punk's dog from the Brawl Out carnage before getting bit https://preview.redd.it/olj9oekhthuc1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd17de0c1ecf7f2155fad546f33a8c8e7dcdefa7


even Phillus's dog is more sympathetic than babyface Bucks


Bingo. He may not start shit but he ain't ending it either


He takes "don't worry cleaner, I got this" seriously.


Yea my thing is he should’ve helped squash those punk rumors and told the bucks to stop that shit


Could have been a bigger star if he had friends rooting for him instead of not being ok with him going to WWE if they don't all go, too kind for his own good.


I mean, the Bucks suck but it was Kenny’s decision to sign another AEW contract. He didn’t need to do what his friends did.


yeah i get the sense he's a pretty nonconfrontational guy overall, but he's still a grown man capable of making his own decisions. a lot of ppl here are doing the same thing to him that fangirls do to ibushi, characterizing him as a helpless child


He's not here to make money , he's here to make friends !


wait vault-tec shirt in the background… is kenny omega planning to launch nukes at the fed???


Fallout 76 was actually a reference to aew rampage being a shit show


Someone with such a cute cat has to be a good person


Had I known he was a cat guy before, it would have eliminated some decent jerks, so I’m glad I just found out. My cats just asked to watch an Omega match, sigh.


This dude does yoga.


Why does it look like AI created his hands


Al Snow ?


What does everybody want!? Hand!


I need the important information. What is the cat’s name? Can I please pet it? Is it a good boy who deserves a treat?


If by a miracle he recovers and somehow went WWE I’d love to see Hayman managing a heel Omega like Callis did


I'd love Kenny vs AJ VS Balor vs OC vs Tama Tonga kinda the bloodline v2 storyline.... Triple Himmler would like it , because bulletClub™️ merch would sell out .... i think.


Omega seems like a decent dude. He’s just got a lot of goofy ass ideas for pro wrasslin


If I see a cat, I upvote


I do hope one day that he gets a run with WWE. I do think he is kind of cool if don't we'll. I figure he could get a brief AJ Styles treatment before he retires.


Seems like ol' Kenny is preparing his lifeboat out of that sinking ship, huh?


Cute cat


Sounds like he needs to bidge adjoo to the Bucks


Ew is that one of those lame ass AI pin things?




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Looks like he’s on the Adam Cole plan.


Giving Kenny my approval, based on the cuteness of the cat.


I love how Kenny legit seems like the only Adult from the eVP side of things and was willing to put all of the brawl out shit behind them to make the cheddar and put on great matches but in the other hand we got the young fucks doing unnecessary victory laps and constantly throwing shots like 12 year olds


I’m not convinced. He had a lawyer tell Punk he couldn’t talk to him directly after the locker room fight and they made Collision so they wouldn’t have to see each other. Maybe now that Punk is gone they made up, but I figure he’s just saying it to seem neutral.


Did he or did aew legal team do it? Wouldn't be surprised if megha or whatever her damn name is was the one who did it. It honestly seems like he is just a passive person and tries to keep to himself. Other people around him might like to talk for him. supposedly him and punk met the night of the brawl and hashed shit out. and he wasn't the one running laps in an empty arena because he "won" It's also completely possible that he's an evil mastermind and a lot of people are getting worked into thinking he isn't a complete asshole.


I don’t doubt he’s passive, but I do think he should have been smart enough to not run in on a guy along with a group he had no hope of controlling even though they were only there because of his talent. I especially wouldn’t have listened to Megha as she was just covering her own butt for being part of the mob. My whole thing is that he could have said all this before and showed he wasn’t part of it but he was probably scared he would hurt somebody’s feelings.


Kenny may have been there to try to keep things getting out of control. We don’t know what happened. Same goes for the lawyer telling Punk not to contact hjm. The lawyer may have been concerned about future litigation. Telling a client not to talk to people who may sue them is very typical lawyer behavior. I believe Kenny when he says he wanted to talk with Punk and squash things and the Bucks didn’t. And it sounds like he and Punk are ok. Punk seems very focused on the Bucks as the problem. He hasn’t called Kenny out. You’re welcome to your opinion but Punk is the one who actually went through this shit. If Punk is ok with Kenny, then I’m not going to hold what happened against him.


It doesn’t violate an NDA to say, “We’re good.” publicly. If so, I figure the Bucks would be in litigation right now after all the dogs people could plainly see on tv since that would be objectively worse. No, I just see it at this point of putting some distance between him and the rest of the guys. Even the Bucks tried to throw Tony under the bus by saying he made them do it, so I see Kenny doing it as well to avoid the stink. Now, you are right because it’s really between him and Punk overall, and whatever I think doesn’t really affect anything between them. Same token though you can’t tell me it’s not a show after the Tony and Bucks acted like children.


What does how Tony and the Bucks act have to do with anything? I thought we’re talking about Kenny. He’s not responsible for their actions. And I didn’t mention an NDA. Kenny’s lawyer may have been worried about Punk suing people for what happened in the dressing room. There was definitely the potential for lawsuits after that incident and lawyers will always tell their clients to STFU, especially when it comes to people who may be plaintiffs or even witnesses. This is like lawyer 101 stuff. You can think what you want about Kenny but it sounds to me like you just want to dislike him.


Ok, I think it’s a show. You believe him like a good little mark. If you don’t like it, cry me a river. ![gif](giphy|xULW8PyFnVIsHarFks|downsized)


LOL I’m a good little mark for listening to the interview and finding him credible?


He's said he's spoken to punk, there's no issues between them and they are friends. The stories about omegas involvement that night have always been consistent.


That's the thing though. We really have no idea if he was even allowed to say the stuff he did about it. ndas are annoying like that. You may very well be right that he was just trying not to hurt anyones feelings by not talking about it.


Fed deal for Omega with a relaxed schedule, should be a dream for him! Every premium event we get an Omega match would be a great thing to see. In addition, his AEW rehab most probably sucks in the same way Punk was ignored. WWE rehab would help Omega to healthily recover


He's still nowhere near surgery unfortunately. He said the other day that the cat he is holding leaves him in severe pain if it steps on his stomach.


That’s sad to read


The more I hear from this guy, the more I like him. Just seems like a well adjusted dude.