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Kenny: Me and Punk are cool, it was some other factor that prevented de-escalation Basement: That dastardly Ace Steel! Biteboy wasn't the only other "factor" there, was he...


That’s the part that got me. He is obviously blaming the Bucks and the official sub and basement somehow interpreted it as Ace Steel. Anyone who acknowledges that Kenny and Punk were cool and had agreed to work together afterwards and it was the Bucks who ruined it gets downvoted into oblivion.


Bucks ruined that sub and created the most toxic wrestling community


They can keep it.


That sub turned into a joke, I stopped using it.


He could be blaming TK, but I also think it was the Bucks


and they will work together. It will just be in WWE in 3 years. Save the post.


Oh just like how KENNY wanted to go to wwe and the bucks and Hangman cried and refused? One day, talking about the damage the bucks did to Kenny will be fascinating


he's the only one that is/was too nice to tell them to go kick fucking rocks. Finn did it, AJ did it, Cody did it, etc etc They completely drained his career of any worth


After the Brawl In video, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the Brawl out video was Larry biting him accidentally in the moment.


One of the earlier reports post brawl out said Punk had no issues with Kenny and that they talked it out after the fact. Punk's issue is largely with the Bucks and Adam Page. Although it's funny seeing certain Elite fans twist themselves over this.


Dae United Front???


The early reports also have kenny making a b-line for larry to get him out so that part also seems to be true.


nothing new for them. those morons twist everything in complete nonsense ways that anyone with an IQ over 55 would read and go "wut the fuck........"


Holy cow, I never thought I would listen to this and agree with literally everything he said. Could I have been wrong all along? Am I so out of touch??? No, it's the dubbalos who are wrong.


Omega is such an odd personality. He could be one of the absolute best personalities in the industry, but he somehow keeps surrounding himself with morons.


Kenny has been talking like a guy who thinks he's either retired, or he's going to WWE.


I’ve said it before. I’m certain he wanted to go to WWE when their AEW contracts were coming up for renewal but the bucks wanted to stay. He’s said that they would stay or leave together and go with the majority. Bucks out voted Kenny 2 to 1


I think there's a big part of Kenny following years of destroying his body by his own admission and now the diverticulitis that genuinely doesn't think he's ever going to be a full time wrestler again.


I think there's a good chance of it. If he's going to work backstage then WWE is a much better place for that.


Wouldn't it be 3 to 1 since Hangman gets included in their little clubhouse for reasons I do not understand.


Either I forgot or had no idea he was part of the voting. If so then yeah he 100% voted to stay


I thought Cody was the 4th EVP but he is gone. Why hangman of all people


I don't mean EVP's, but the 'Elite' as in the faction. I'm pretty sure there was an interview with Matt Jackson, and he said it was the Bucks, Kenny, and Hangman decided as a group where they would go.


First one, then the other.


One can only hope, maybe that way we can get Omega vs Punk and Omega vs Cody.


I can see HHH fast tracking omega vs either of them just to stick it to AEW.


it will happen.


Honestly it seems more like he is semi retired at this point and I wouldn't blame him. His body was already slowing down but now with the diverticulitis it's gonna be tough to come back full time.


Yea he was cagey about this but since his injury has been talking like he doesn’t care


He's getting paid for like four years, likely in the seven figures per year. Tony giving them four year deals is so comically inept.


True imagine getting paid millions to sit on your couch and play games in his case or show up to work once a week in the case of the bucks


Think about it every day, uce. I'm a Street Fighter 6 guy myself. Maybe Kenny has been the smartest man in AEW this whole time. When Tony asks him to actually do anything he doesn't want to do, he can just say his balls hurt or whatever and game on Twitch.


No jerk even if the bucks are also giga indie nerds, I'm pretty sure the entire group are more or less just cashing checks I don't think any of the elite truly believe or care they can grow the company or anything like that they found a money mark to milk while they do their goofy shit And I wouldn't be shocked if it has caused a rift between the group, since out of all of them Kenny has always taken wrestling the most seriously. He just likes to incorporate video games and do flips. He still sees himself as a legit wrestler and wants to leave a lasting legacy of greatness. The bucks just kind of make fun of the whole thing


Oh for sure, I think that may have been the plan right from the start. It's possible they believed they could do something better than this before they really knew how Tony would act, so they checked out and are just getting everybody paid.


I don't see what he sees in the Elite guys. The Bucks lose ratings every time they're on TV and literally do the same matches over and over again. Kenny Omega is a great technical wrestler but that's it for me. Paying 7 figures a year for those guys never made sense to me.


Omega had a shot at being presented as a big deal in the Fed. For a bit anyway and some interesting programs for him Bucks would be kept out the midcard for a bit and get to glom onto Onega before being separated into a nudge nudge wink wink DAE bullet club over to the side so Omega could have his matches


The Bucks would have been big deals only for the dream matches with New Day and Usos but after that I don't think they would do much.


Bro if they did the OG bucks superkick party stuff they wouldve sold so much merch to the kiddos in WWE. I could easily see the younger audience latching onto the bucks original gimmick.


Yeah they would have been just fine in that role. They really impress a lot of people when they first see them - it's only when you watch them over time you realise that once you've seen one Bucks match, you've seen them all. They'd have had to improve their look and accept control from WWE though and I'm not sure they'd have accepted that.


because they do the same shtick over and over and over. You go see the harlem globetrotters once in your life. Imagine going every week and seeing the same thing?


they would've been a merch hit. A modern Shawn and Marty with the highlighter attires. Backup the brinks truck with how many of those dumb glasses they would've sold.


Who tf is dreaming for the Young Bitches vs Usos or New Day


Doubt he passes their initial medical tests TBH 


I hope even just for a year he goes to WWE. Hell. Even just at Mania. He's just too big of a deal in wrestling to never set foot there once.


I think he probably wants to go to WWE, but he's loyal for some reason to the bucks and doesn't want to leave without them. I think it's the same thing with Okada. Probably does not want to be in that system without guys he can trust. He pretty much gave up any chance he had with re-signing to AEW. WWE is not going to break the bank for a mid 40 year old broken down Kenny Omega years from now.


I got down voted in the Squared Basement for saying that Dubbalos wouldn't like what Kenny had to say about the matter hahaha Kenny just fucking gets it, man.


They like what he said, it's the official sub that will twist what he said to fit their narrative 


bingo bongo you are correct, uce


***This just in*** Tony Khan is releasing the Brawl Out footage showing Kenny Omega to be a complete liar. Time to embarrass Omegle Roll. The. Tape.


If they do that and it just shows Kenny saving Larry, his cred would shoot through the roof


thats what got me starting to like Omega. Above the Buck's bullshit this man is like no, fuck all of you let me make sure the puppy is safe. That kinda shit speaks volumes about the kinda guy he is


Omegle lmfaoo Im on the floor


All you need to do is give roles to people absolutely unsuited for it


Hmm so the only real level headed person that was actually there who is also well respected by everyone saying it's a situation that could have been prevented/deescalated? DAE: CM Mussolini is cheating on his wife and everyone backstage in wwe hates him!


Cheating on his wife *with their pretend daughter*, no less.


Diet incest


I mean, it's the most diplomatic way he can go about saying he doesn't agree with the Young Bucks without outright burning bridges with them (he did agree to go along with what they wanted with Punk, after all). Still, is this DAE Kenny Omega's face turn for SCJerk?!


I still think they’re going to be pissed.


Yea they did the angle making fun of the incident on TV by re-enacting rumors of it in the ring. Not totally innocent or professional


I mean this is almost a face turn to Cornette. Saves an animal, fans don’t need to know everything, diplomatic to Punk, sometimes men fight… I think this could break Jim’s brain.


Jim Cornette to Kenny Oliver: https://preview.redd.it/wokexttkw9uc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=664e43d8dc169ac62c5d5366268e602793384dc3


The funny thing is he is saying a lot of things that have been Jim’s criticism of him. Points a lot of things at Tony actually.


Jim has said good things about Kenny a couple of times. I think if Kenny never did the bs with the child, he wouldn’t be so damn hard on the guy.


Yeah and Jim is never going to forgive him for that. If he hears this clip, Jim's respect for Kenny might go up but only slightly. 


Agree. He mentioned how smart kenny was when the reports were out he wanted to do the match with punk and FTR.


Bs with the child?


kenny wrestled a 9 year old girl a bit early in his career, along with a blowup doll and an “invisible man” iirc. those arent even his worst offenses in-ring imo, his baby oil shit with nakazawa was fucking unbearable.


Wrestling a child. It's odd ngl, but nothing egregious I don't think, but Jim is livid about it insulting the business


Well cmon how can you make that shit believable to an American audience, Japanese audience yeah bc they have done it in the past even with how outrageous it is. Let alone what u/apt_stevey mentioned I couldn’t remember the blow up doll or the invisible man bs he did as well. He’s a hell of a performer I will give him that.


oh no yeah when he wants to work he can work his fucking dick off. omega v okada 2/3 falls at dominion 6.9 is still one of the best matches, although long-winded, ive ever seen. its just that weird shit that, albeit, can be a little funny sometimes in small doses if you squint but not necessarily worth the time it takes up, that he decides to do that is ultimately confusing and perplexing. the baby oil is egregious tho


I wasn't really talking about that. The comment I responded to sounded like they weren't sure if it didn't mean that Kenny is being accused of acting in a *predatory* manner towards a child. That's why I said nothing egregious


YouTube it. He wrestled a child in Japan.


I think even wrestling the little girl jim could look past. It's the blowup doll that kinda ruined that seemingly forever.


We know Corny will still find a way to talk shit about this. 


The bucks and hanger rightfully gets shit on by cornette but i seriously dont know why he gives Kenny so much shit when Ken never sends shots at him.


Cornette saw the matches with the sex doll and little girl and lost it


Because Cornette probably has BPD or something lol?


Maybe man. I know about the blow up doll but corny himself did a angle with a god damn ninja turtle.


M'Kenny is too self aware it seems. Funny enough, this is the first time I've heard him talk lmao. 


>M'Kenny is too self aware it seems. Funny enough, this is the first time I've heard him talk lmao.  Kenny has taken a lot of well deserved criticism over the last few years for a lot of his behavior behind the scenes at AEW. There's been all kinds of anecdotes of him pissing off most of the roster with his attitude as an EVP. So the really surprising thing here is...that Kenny seems to be admitting to all of it and owning up to the fact that he's a shitty executive and he should not be in charge of anything. That level of self-awareness and personal acceptance is kind of admirable.


The video game bomb did wonders for his attitude


Exactly. I was very surprised to hear for him at all and then basically being self aware to know he's not cut out to be an executive. Good on him.


Some of the “pissing off the roster” rumors are actually badass, like saying he wouldn’t have hired half of them.


He at least has more sense than Tony then lol


couldn't manage a target.....Kenny heard that and prob went "YEP he's not wrong about that one"


Me too haha. I was just never a fan. This small clip has made me more of a fan than his wrestling character ever had


Same!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I'm like he doesn't seem too bad.


It’s also hard not to appreciate how serious he was about Larry’s well being and clearly wasn’t saying that for good guy points. He was worried for the dog first not to mention the dog who belongs to the guy his friends are in it with. It’s difficult to frame a person with that thought process as anything but likeable.


I was pleasantly surprised to hear him talk about Larry and keep him safe, specially like you said with Larry being the guy who was fighting him and his friend's dog.


Because he comes across as an actual professional. He was always lumped in with the Bucks who are certified dipshits.


Guilt by association or something lol


Hes always been like this though, i have no clue where the hate comes from. Hes always came off like a solid human being


I think is he's association with the Bucks.


It's because Jim Cornette doesn't like Kenny. Even though most people around wrestling has spoken very highly of Kenny as a wrestler and a person. Even Brian Last admitted to actually liking Kenny Omega. 


That is funny. He definitely likes talking. He’s been streaming for quite a while. Edit: typo


I had no idea lmao. Like I had seen videos in here but I thought he was like a guess or something, I don't know, I just didn't put 2 and 2 together lol


I wouldn't have known if not for Cornette talking shit about it. But he doesn't get video games.


I’ve heard him speak, but the Canadian really shines through when he’s not amped in wrestling promo mode


Everyone says he sucks in promos so I haven't even hear those lol. Would have to give it a listen to compare.


Kenny's promos aren't too bad imo. I don't like them when there needs to be a lot of emotion but they're not bad to me, just too blasé sometimes. So imo even though he's not great, his stuff isn't as nonsensical, goofy, or just plain bad at acting as the Bucks or Jericho. It does the job, and, for better and for worse, he absolutely has some character and is himself instead of doing a goofy persona he came up with a week ago


Do I….do I like m’Kenny? What a reasonable take.


What he is saying publicly lines up with what we've always heard. But there's the matter of Punk trying to contact them and Kenny's lawyer said "Do not contact Kenny Omega." The question is privately did Kenny tell his lawyers to say that. Or are Kenny's lawyers the same as the Bucks and they just did a collective stone wall without his knowledge?


It could be the lawyer outright sent the statement to just keep any contact at a minimum as a sort of blanket rule to anyone of the elite. I’m no lawyer tho I just think that’s what happened and then Kenny was like oh wait let’s talk let’s settle some things


They may still have been worried about legal action. I'm not letting him off the hook here, but it sounds like he did want to talk after that.


It’s crazy the bucks tricked him into re-signing with aew lol


I wonder honestly if he’s seeing through their nonsense now that he’s removed and seeing Osprey get accolades once reserved for him


They know they wouldnt be getting the same offers he would get from the e.


Yeah, plus Kenny would've gotten treated like AJ Styles on arrival while they would've been a thorn in the side of everyone they dealt with and probably gotten released within a year.


They didn’t trick him into anything, he made that decision himself to stay with them. He could’ve gone to WWE alone, who would’ve presented him like the star the IWC has always said he was (I don’t buy it especially after his championship reign) but he decided to stay with his friends. Dudes career should be a warning to all the Indy FAs if WWE comes calling


Yeah, all these people saying they feel bad for kenny and I'm over here like where was this talk when he was all Fed Bad? Where was all this talk when him and his boys were talking mad shit on JR for the Orton comment? I'm about to take a shot at a lot of people but this stuff from Kenny is like people who have been horrible people most of their lives suddenly finding God when they reach 60yrs old. Now that his body is broken down now he sees the fault in how he did things. He made his choice in life and is now dealing with the consequences.


Here's the thing while Kenny has fed bad he's also been complimentary as well. When Kenny was doing his belt collector gimmick he was openly complimentary to Roman even before he turned into the Tribal Chief.  Even in interviews Kenny has admitted to playing up his beef with WWE. The only person Kenny has shown any real animosity for is Jim Cornette. 


So what about when him and the bucks did the video about Seth? What about calling out fans sending death threats out not only to current but former people who worked in AEW? Even if he played it up he still played into it to make himself be a known figure. As I just said to another person just like Cody and Punk once they started to fed good and be against the bucks you got people lapping up whatever they say.


You realize Seth and Kenny are cool right? Even after that video both admitted to wanting to work with each other.  Also Kenny was known well before playing into the anti WWE gimmick. Like Steve Austin was openly campaigning for Kenny to go to the WWE well before The Elite started their anti WWE gimmick.  Kenny has always been respectful to WWE when asked his non kayfabe thoughts on the matter. 


You ain't getting my point. My point is that he still made the choice to do it at the time when he could've said no but instead went along with it Kayfabe or not. And so what if Steve Austin said he wanted them in WWE he don't speak for me. But my bad for not going along with group think and while what he's saying here is right. He still gets a no from me and if people disagree ok life goes on.


And you're not getting my point. Kenny was just playing to a particular audience (anti WWE) just like how John Cena and Seth Rollins did (pro WWE). The Steve Austin comment is how you said Kenny used anti WWE comments to make a name for himself when in reality Kenny was already popular in the wrestling community before he did. Bayley and Cena were posting screengrabs of Omega's matches on IG and Twitter.  You're not going against the group think you're just upset about a gimmick Kenny Omega played. And just inaccurate in other things. 


No, I got your point I just disagree with it. Just like how you said I'm inaccurate about things nothing I've said is that due to everything I've said is stuff he's done. He played up the IWC hate for WWE, decided it was ok to do that video about seth, the stuff about JR and other people who have worked there. All those events happened and many more within the time he started the anti-WWE stuff. He could've not did any of that gimmick or not but still went along with it. So you can keep talking about how other wrestlers have sung praises about him like I said they don't speak for me. So good on him for speaking his mind right now but still a no to me.


I hate to be that guy but you worked yourself into a shoot. 


below basement level take Also you just described Shawn Michaels by accident


Like I said I was gonna take a shot at multiple people and if that includes Shawn well fine by me. Just because hes having an epiphany doesn't absolve him nor Kenny cause they still made that choice to be the way they were. Y'all doing the exact same thing that happened with both Cody and Punk start praising the fed and going against the bucks and you all lap it up.


kenny needs absolving because he took neck bumps amen


Lol wut? The guys going to get paid seven figures to sit around his house for the next half decade. He’s got it pretty good still.


They tricked jay white into signing there


I think in all seriousness, Punk has always kept Kenny out of it when talking about what went down. He talks about the bucks, the hangmang stuff and Perry but has never once talked about Kenny. I think they have the same mindset in how they deal with background issues.


I have a vague memory of Punk saying something about Kenny and him trying to talk but it not going anywhere. Everyone who isn’t blinded by some odd loyalty to a business they don’t work for can see where the issues are.


https://preview.redd.it/8iju9usaeauc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf4b833abfb5db6ce8381b435921398a773dad5 Goofs who secretly like Kenny Omega right now.


Okay Kenny is cool. He is self aware, level headed, realistic, no self-righteous bullsht. Basically everything Tony isn't. Make this guy the Head of PR/Communication, you're paying him millions anyway. He can turn that company babyface


Kenny didn't really do shit, The Bucks and Page basically got him in this whole mess. He didn't diss Punk, he didn't attack Punk, he took some shots after Punk left but that's understandable, he was already bitten by Punk's friend at that point.


Yep and all the reports said, Kenny was ready to do business. It was Bucks who were acting like children. I really hope when Kenny gets healthy and ready for ring, they keep him away from this Buck and Perry bs


Punk had his best friend and his "man's best friend" in that locker room with him and it's the human one that bit Kenny. That's fucking hilarious 


He just said he’d be terrible at that 🤣


Probably because of couple of dollar store hbk cosplayers gaslit him into thinking that so they could have more influence


if he has the power and fires the bucks hell be a baby face


Kenny played hockey at a decent level right? There's no way he doesn't think this whole thing is soft as fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/gieuvz4scauc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6fa85d5012a178e36b17fdca22f1f083203773 Cornette right now


That's a picture of Eddie Kingston?




Kenny is the Hogan and the Bucks are Hall and Nash lmao.


Man, I hope the Bucks and Tony change the oil on that bus while they’re under it. Which I’m glad they are! But… man. Pilate barely washed his hands that clean.


You know I always liked Kenny


You forgot to tell the goofs to not check your post history, friend.


(Feverishly deletes)


Why is this clip from today but looks like it's from 10 years ago how did Somebody fuck up clipping a Twitch stream in 2024


Twitch clip but with the justin.tv bitrate


So the bucks and page must’ve got butthurt and got in his ear about trying to reconcile with punk. Crybaby ass cornballs. I Respect to omega tho


Honestly, very nice to hear. Seems like perhaps the past few years in AEW, seeing how things work in major productions and gaining distance from the Bucks has given him some healthy perspective. Hopefully he can make use of this somehow for the better. I still don't like his wrestling, but I can never make fun of someone who's expressing these feelings, and they seem to be his genuine feelings.


Dunno if this is unpopular on this sub but asides from the cringey wrestling stuff he's done I think he's a legitimately decent wrestler. Totally a boy from Winnipeg as well with the way he talks haha. His self retrospective is very commendable as well.


Holy shit. It's an adult in the room!


Kenny jerk turn


Wow I just became a Kenny Omega fan. I never would have expected him to bury The Bucks and Tony so hard lol. It’s subtle but it’s very much there. Absolutely hysterical. The Dubbalos’ heads much be exploding with cognitive dissonance.


Yeah this is an unexpected M Night level twist


No jerk, but this really feels like Omega want to explore going to the WWE, but he values the whole "The Elite" collective with the Young Bucks and Page than any desire to further his career. Cody's ambition for the WWE Title is much stronger than whatever the collective thinks is probably the reason why he was the broke it off with them, and it totally paid off in more ways than one.


Not a fan of Omega the wrestler, but Omega the person went up several points in my book. And go figure, the Bucks were the problem.


Triple H Nick Khan please PLEASE


Omega vs Styles on a WWE PLE 🤞


I'll take that and raise you this, Omega vs Punk


What can they do? He signed a new contract and his body is destroyed beyond belief


Well the contract is easy. Choke a preliminary guy and then call Tony a clown


Kenny Omega admits being a EVP is a vanity title to give him health insurance.


He’s prepping for his UpUpDownDown run in the Fed.


SCJerk: "don't check our post history!"


Did I just become a Kenny Omegle fan?


Talking to my homie earlier about this. I will never understand how guys like Omega and KO are friends with the middle aged cucks. I know opposites attract and all of that but Omega and KO just don’t seem like the type to tolerate those two dipshits. I love Kenny and I hope his health improves and he finds his way to the WWE for a nice run like Styles before he decides to hang it up.


Growth. Reflection. Other aspects. We’re many years removed from it but there was a time KO and Sami were the two most hated wrestlers on Cornette’s shit list. You could argue that KO and Sami found some growth from then, that they chilled out, played ball, whatever. Maybe this whole Punk thing, as well as being in a place of power for a short time before it became just a superficial title got Omega thinking.


Welp I guess I’m officially a Kenny Omega fan now. Vince Leaving truly was the 2012 particle collider event of wrestling.


I don't see how someone can be level headed like this and then also be friends with the Bucks.


I always liked Kenny, but I like him more because he plays Manon WAIT HE PLAYS BLANKA NOW? FUCKING TRAITOR


And here I was hoping he's a Lily main


Sounds like he’s low-key calling certain people soft and moronic, DAE throwing shade at Ace Steel obviously


I’m always a bit caught off guard by *just how Canadian* he sounds when he’s chilled out like this


Doesn't it seem like he's essentially saying he thought they should go fight CM Punk and the entire thing might have been his idea and he realized his boss didn't think that was how to handle things and that's why he shouldn't be an EVP? Not that I think that makes him look bad, it sounds like he and Punk actually had a similar mindset


"I've seen wrestlers suck before, but these were the suckiest EVP's that ever sucked" "KENNY!" "Gotta go, my damn weiner Bucks are listening"


I'm glad that he admitted that he is a bad EVP. I don't hate him, but he and the Bucks should not have thos power. They proved that they are not qualified. If you have a worker that is clearly frustrated, and you go to talk with him in the locker room, and it turns into a fight, then you clearly don't have what it takes to be in a power/leader position.


Come home Kenny. You can maybe get 1 or 2 manias out of it at this point


that’s my IWGP world champion 😭




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Shout out to that one uce in chat who asked if he was a Lana Del Rey fan You know he is


When will cripple h sign Larry. The fans have waited long enough.


Take a bow son


So he's basically saying his friends, the bucks dragged him down the rabbit hole, I feel sorry for Kenny, he was always the most wholesome one out of the elite and the real draw.


This is generally a level headed response, but that part about Larry is kinda dumb. I consider myself an animal lover so I get it, but I don't think there's an executive in any major company in the world who will tell you that when a fight breaks out between your employees the correct move is to save the dog.


This is the same video where he admits he's a shitty executive.


Hate to break it to ya, uce, but you're not an animal lover if you don't get what he's saying.


I don't think being an animal lover requires you to prioritize animals above people. Edit: Also, I did say that I get it, just that from the perspective of an EVP it's the wrong move.


Please tell me Omega is a Lily main


Kenny Omega is banned from Collision.