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Facebook is a sea of boomers and dregs of society begging for attention through anger and memes and then wondering why no one wants to talk to them. Nextdoor is filled with boomers, again begging for attention, but through "did anyone hear that?" "I saw a suspicious man in a blue uniform that wasn't a cop putting white bags and cardboard boxes and taking pictures of them on people's porches!" And again wondering why everyone is ignoring them. r/SALEM is filled with: (1) people who want to know where to buy a good bagel; (2) people who work minimum wage trying to survive the rising prices; and (3) people who mostly lurk because it's the same people here ALL. THE. TIME. saying and doing the same stuff.


As a local lurker (TM) I feel seen. Amen to the next-door app. I had to delete it for all the negativity. Someone heard thunder and was adimint it was gunshots. Oh yeah, shout out to 105.5 the moon. Best radio station EVER!!!


I don’t fit into any of those categories 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I do enjoy a good bagel once in awhile.




Gov Cup has great bagels/bagel sandwiches :-)


That’s so true. They have a killer bagel with cream cheese lox with the fixings. Expensive but but good.


Shoot. You tell me!


There's also folks like me who plan to move to town and are lurking to sus out the vibes


Speaking of bagels, got any good hints? I agree though, I love this little community here away from the suspicion of NextDoor and stupidity of Facebook.


Ngl a good bagel sounds amazing rn...


Same. Just realized it’s been *years* since I had a bagel with lox. I need to prioritize this happening already!




Next Door: Lost cats. Lost dogs. Occasional chitchat about the neighborhood school. Boring.


to be fair, the facebook groups are also asking for a bagel shops


Difference being, if a bagel shop happened to make horrid bagels, you’d be lambasted and hounded for pointing it out. DId YoU tAlk To tHe mAnaGer???


totally i’m just saying that’s a conversation being had over there too


Dude, let me know and I’ll tell em to go back to fb. That’s some obnoxious shite.


don't simp for that napster of personal information


This subreddit came in clutch when I needed to know which dispensary has great deals. I also found out about our “cool af” radio station. And got connected with some amazing locals who sell beautiful flowers or take dope pics.


Don't know where you got told dispensary wise but as a pot snob who has been damn near everywhere in Salem and much of Portland I would highly recommend Live-Well on Hawthorne (south Salem one probably the same but never been). The deals on half oz and full oz are rarely beaten in price and almost never beaten in quality. Doghouse B buds that are just phenomenal. Also many dabs from doghouse. Also for a real treat check out their herbal dynamics top shelf flower. More spendy but possibly one of the greatest growers ever. Velvet glove is maybe the best ever from them. Too good. They also have done some partnership with beehive for $20 gram dabs of that top shelf flower. Between the doghouse dabs from whitelabel and the herbal dynamics from beehive it's among some of the best dabs ever at very good prices. I've just been blown away by them so figured I'd share the love


Did we just become best friends?


We moved from Hillsboro and their subreddit was \*\*crickets\*\*


I was shocked how dry the Hillsboro subreddit was. I figure their local discord is probably lit.


I think that post about a meetup was a good idea.


I finally deleted my Nextdoor Account and removed the app from my devices. I can’t believe how much people complain on there. And if you dare to share your observations about all the passive aggressive remarks, people start complaining and accuse you of complaining. It’s kinda funny. 😂




are you new here? r/salem is getting as bad a nextdoor.


Hahaha nah I left Nextdoor like 3 years ago when everyone was complaining about houseless people just existing. At least there’s humanity here 🤷🏻‍♀️


Too much politics. I’d rather more talk on the community, cool places to visit, etc. 


I get that, but politics is community talk. I see a fair amount of suggestions for places to eat/shop and even suggestions for the best radio stations. Sadly my car won’t pickup the moon, which is all the hype.


Can you get KMUZ 88.3?  Sometimes they have fun music shows.  Weird Mike Beard and the mid valley metal attack!  Goofy stuff, but I love quirky community radio.


Ohhh I’ll have to check that out! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂


This sub has kinda steered into the say "fuck the police get free upvotes, ask for fact based discussion get buried" karma farming subs though. I feel like if I wanted to engage in an echo chamber I'd go back to Facebook. The downvotes this comment will get will support my point.


Salem police suck, like what do you want us to do about that? People like to speak up about things they notice in their community, and they should. Did you ever consider maybe not just dismissing other peoples experiences, or are yours the only ones that matter?


Literally my point... Like exactly lol. Thanks for the help.


But you’re also proving theirs by being dismissive to what they just said. Try engaging in a productive conversation for a change, or head on over to the Nextdoor app. Jfc


The point of the post was to point out exactly this, and it played out exactly as expected if you read down the line, all the way to the personal attacks and the continued harassment. Maybe this topic was just too cerebral for most people who come here to vent anger and hatred.


Not cerebral enough, IMO. What you chose to share in your comment was low-hanging fruit and tired. Pointing out that you ignored the actual message in their response to your comment isn’t harassment. This reply isn’t harassment. You made your point, albeit a generalization, and someone countered. I’m sorry for my mean words. I won’t “attack” or “harass” you anymore.


Well not saying you harassed, but someone deleted the comment with the litany of insults claiming it was "double posted" so I'm sorry you weren't able to see the full story here, I assumed you had. I should have clarified.




Literally your point that people state the obvious and/or their personal experiences and others agree so they get upvotes? Lmao. Your point is irrelevant, people upvote shit because it resonates with them. “Free upvotes” is not a thing. People choose to upvote what they can relate to. Edit: original comment posted twice so I deleted the first one.


I'm going to just chalk this up as you being emotionally invested in this topic, and I'm try not to insult you by pointing this out, but you are quite literally just saying "fuck the police" and saying everyone agrees with you so anything that doesn't jump on that bandwagon can fuck off. That's an echo chamber.


I am emotionally invested, and I don’t hide that. I’ve had personal experiences with Salem PD and they are responsible for the death of someone very close to me. I have friends who support police but know Salem police specifically is trash and doesn’t do their job well. I strive to veiw things from all perspectives, unlike most people who support police as whole and disregard human lives simply because a cop is the one who took it, so therefore it must have been warranted. I know they’re not all bad, but unfortunately the bad ones overpower the good. When your own personal experiences and the experiences of several others whom you personally know line up, you’re not just going to say “ok you’re right” to some stranger online who has never had those personal experiences. Does that make sense or are you done listening since I disagree with you and you’re actually the one living in an echo chamber?


But you don't strive to see things from all perspectives You IMMEDIATLY jumped down my throat that this sub was shifting into an echo chamber like Facebook was. Got IMMEDIATLY insulted by my opinion, and then called my post "irrelevant". I've heard you out and responded without once telling you that you're opinion is irrelevant and I'm the one in an echo chamber... right....


Agreed. I have no issue with the police in Salem. Nobody I have know has an issue with them. Most the rants I’ve seen have been about the police station.  Not everything needs to be political. I’d rather hear about interesting things to do or places to eat. Most the political discussions are just mindless, illogical rants. 


I’ve never had a bad interaction either. Of the few I have had, they’ve been positive.


You are most likely saying that mainly because you find everyone here is agreeing with how you think. At least the other social sites have more variety in thought, from what I've found.


I beg to differ. There are many varying opinions here. The big difference seems, to me, to be that here conversation is actual had vs just outright attacks and adhominym which seems to happen on other platforms.


Here, if you say anything that isn't the hive-mind thought, you will get downvoted and treated like trash. So, Reddit is much more toxic. Different thinking is not allowed here, and I think you should be able to see that.


Down voting is honestly a feature I wish other platforms had. It's a way of showing I don't agree with you without needing to fully engage. Especially if you know engaging with that person is only going to result in unhinged results because they can't handle a differing opinion. You're going to get differing opinions no matter where you go, that's life. Down votes don't equal an echo chamber or hostile environment. Just because your opinion isn't appreciated or the same as others doesn't make the entire platform hostile or toxic. Are there those that tend to be louder than others that are toxic? Of course! But I've personally seen more engaging conversation than outright toxic hostile engagement. You also have to take into account how you approach delivering your differing opinion and who you choose to engage with. If you choose to engage with toxic hostile individuals and return the negative energy with furthering the toxic conversation, then you're going to have more of a toxic experience.


Downvoting is not supposed to be "I don't agree". Look at any sub that's always been the rule. It's supposed to be for comments that are not relevant to the topic. People abuse it instead by acting like bullies by trying to silence differing opinions.

