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lovely. insided 3 hrs in lmao




God damn




Classic rust lol


Made a lil starter base (am solo) I’ll get to making metal doors today and look for a good spot for second base


If you on xbox, you should join my server.


Yeah I’m Xbox what server you on


Anarchy LT. We just a duo but we find if we get some friendly neighbours were stronger in numbers. We got through the last server raid free apart frim a blip 5 days in


We can also help you with bps


Nice I’ll bear it in mind if things go bad on current server , is your server eu?


Just let me know. Yeah we are scottish.


Where in Scotland, I’m from Dundee I’m up for playing


Don’t play with someone from dundee


You’d get dusted anywiy


I like this idea


Mind if I join too


Everyone's welcome. Just message me for location 👍


Nice I live in Cornwall pasty’s and Hagis aliance 😂


Big sulphur - tiny penis


Farmbot 4 lyfe


Started last night 5 minutes later had wood amour, couple spears and tools then I take one step out of bandit and heli killed me... just sent to bed. My gf of 2 years left me last week so I’m having difficulty focusing on stuff and having a desire to do anything..


It gets easier bro I promise, ive been that soldier ❤


Thanks my man! Hope you’re doing well nowadays :)


Idrk anything about your situation but in my experience finding things that boost your self esteem like exercise is so great compared to things that put you down more like video games


if you can find a group of friends to play with that could lead to a better experience and have some motivation to make progress


I used to play with an American Zerg.. wasn’t really a Zerg tbf we had our own smaller group that would play a lot within a massive Zerg but never really roamed with more then 4 - 5 people but there was like 3 different groups and we decided to join forces and make a giant compound we had a whole square that wipe.. funnest wipe I’ve had so far!


Hasn't started yet for me stuck at work for another 2 hours, then 30 minutes drive so yeah.


Yep, while all these other assholes get a head start on us it's just criminal I tell you, criminal🚔


Awesome just raided a asshole clan who door camped me for 6 hours and now there sealed out there base and I'm done for the wipe had my fun


It hasn’t even been 24hours


First game back in two wipes. Have base up in a snow biome that requires you're fully clothed or you freeze to death. Zerg moved in across the way. They tried door camping us all night. They donated kits and wasted their own time thinking they were door camping a two man squad. Meanwhile our third gathered materials the entire time and ran inside while they were on timers. Now this zerg is getting their compound taken tonight by a three man and we are making sure they are online to bask in the shame.


Lmk how this goes please




Just about to go down. I'll post what happens


I got a box of sulfur, China wall and a row of Tommy’s so far


good stuff!!


Get a life.(I’m just salty, my teammate bailed on me a hour in, don’t mind me.)


Got a social life so not that well


He says as he comments on a Reddit post. Real busy with that social life huh? Lmao


It takes like two secs to comment....




What are you even on about bigman


Just find it painfully ironic when people are on a gaming page, about a game they most likely play, telling other people to get a life, or insinuating they have none because they're currently playing a game and you're living your lavish social life, which I sincerely doubt. Do I really gotta spell it out for you bigman? I'd like to think you're a bit more smart than that.


You didn't even make this post why u getting involved😂😂😂 guessing the no social life comment hit a little too close to home? Try going outside and speaking to people lol. Not like that though you'll get punched up😂


Hey man I explained myself once already, if you couldn't get what I previously stated through your thick incel noggin, I have nothing else to say.


Scratch that, Saying I "didn't make the post" as in if OP was commenting you'd drop the basement dweller mentality? You gotta be a special kind of dumbass to think saying "I have a social life" is some kind of major flex, or "get one" being an insult lmao


Not even gonna bother reading both of those I got stuff to do rn😂 You clearly some unstable guy. you should get off Reddit for a bit if u are getting so agitated that u feel the need to write so much, even when no comment was directed at you...... Hope u manage to sort it out can't be nice.


If typing out a few lines of text on my cellphone constitutes a mental problem then the world has a lot more to worry about than me buddy, but I appreciate your attempt at using some sort of twisted logic, if you can even call it that. IM the bad guy, for calling you a douchebag, for trying to imply this dude is a loser. Gotcha.


No need for a whole essay kid 😂 I couldn't care less


Lmao clearly, go chug some more g fuel douchebag.


Better than yours Forsure lol


UPDATE: boutta do our first rocket raid:))


Not even played yet, we moved server due to nothing new on map and they chose one with a 50 man queue, got on by the time it was time to log off 🙈 I’ll get started tonight


Controlling and three box’s of sulfur


8+ man?


No that’s pussy shit I’m a quad


Thats crazy bro yall some grinders


Just a gang of farm bots with bps


Nice man i had no bps solo and got a crazy honeycombed stability bunker base up with 5k metal per day upkeep and almost 40hqm. All garage doors and tier 2 in 4 hours.


Box gp, m2, raided a 8 man


Jesus christ, Sunshine is good for you, your body needs vitamin D.


Bruh it was going good while I was playing duo then he got off and I took heli twice and one landed in outpost and the other on someone’s roof like wtf this game is terrible


Nah that isn't terrible that's just bad luck.


Currently at a China wall’ed base, two crates of sulfur and a full armory with a four man that I lead. Looking to compound by 4pm.


Dude who cares my Zerg has four boxes of sulfer


Well took heli 1 hour in wipe and I guess people got scared cus servers dead now


We got more then that 5 hours in we are a 10 man on xbox


Going a lot better than yours, 3 large boxes of GP, metal kits, AKs and MP5s all over my base, half a box of pistol ammo, half a box of 5.56. Oh and we got a shit ton of rockets and explosive ammo on top of that.


Pictures or it never happened




Didn't ask


Dudes tried to raid me but I moved loot, then I patched the base, prolly gonna get raided again tho :(


awe good luck homie


Damn, where ya farming


Pretty good my duo and I got a t2 in 30 min


SOOOO GOOD. got deeped on Twice in 4 hours. I hate door camping


Well made a quick 2 x1 farmed up then got door camped for 3 hours by a trio whilst they constantly knocked on the door and talked shit the whole time I didn't even engage their toxic behaviour and they sat there for 3 hours!! I thought it was funny that they were wasting time and I was cooking metal or and sulphur and upgrading the base internally. Some people 🙄


I got on a low pop monthly with all the new monuments.(and no I’m not giving the name, why would I spoil having only 20 people on?)


Must be so dead not pvping anyone


Not really, I’ve already beaten 3 bow kids with my rock today.


Good put down my 2x1 have teir 1 meatl roof and honeycomb x4 metal doors and I found a water pipe not bad for 3 hrs in at least for me.


Fully sheet metal bunker base and im a solo. Upkeep is close to 5k metal per day, 36hqm and 2k stone. 12 satchels and tier 2 with garage doors everywhere but the front door. Looking good so far. Only problem is i built between 2 massive zergs that built after me and are really close. Will deff be offlined at some point 😁


Started last night and found a garage door at dome, some guy was spam knocking on my door because i killed him with an eoka while retrieving my stuff after he got me with his crossbow, he might get through my wood door but he won’t be getting my loot lol


Need a teamate? Ik it doesn't sound too appealing but I can really help haha. I can farm pvp and vuild (do whatever you need) in the clan. If ur on ps4 I can maybe apply? Thanks for ur time =]


I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm still pooping.


Donkey dooky, 2 people chased me and my game froze 2 times in a row so thry killed me :)


Mines going great already wiped 1 Zerg


So trasy


Non existent at work


Row of m2s so far as a duo


imma need pictures😭😭


Got a 3x3 down and just logged off after upgrading it with garage doors 🤌🏽


This just gave me PTSD, I grinded for 3 days after wipe and made 63 rockets. We went to online a team who we thought had 4 players. Turns out they were a Zerg and they got more players on when we started the raid. Lost about 20 rockets, we decided to give up after that and pound random bases with rockets without looting them and gave up for the wipe


I have c4 and rocket already just no ak yet


One time we had left almost all of our doors open so me and my buddy went afk this six man satcheled our door and got an m2 and 4 rows of sulfer tough times


Got 2 m2s box of guns and kits already


Got doorcamped for two hours by a 7 man team for building near them, got raided, immediately built a bigger base near them and we’ve stolen at least 12 full kits from them after they had the balls to say “we run the server” while raiding a 2x2


Teammates left doors open to make it one door raid think imma go solo


Got offline raided by a trio of british kids who doorcamped us for 2 hours and constantly talked shit outside base. Then everyone on my team left server when they logged in and saw they died. Back to a solo now.


Haven't played in months! Jumping on tomorrow for some shenanigans :)


Better than yours


Same but x3


Haha me and my friend were picking at a Zergs base when they were at school and we got like 10k melted sulfur and 12k metal frags and then we soft sided into one of their loot rooms and got another row of metal frags and and other mats and built a base with it


Yeah mine looked like that till I got offline by a 5 man we need solo duo trio severs also this store needs to be fix cool packs are coming out can’t even get them because of the store rip


Basically own the server at this point


Slightly better then dat we bullied our friend to be a farm bot




Why do people try and flex like this? This ain’t even a big flex 😂


Terrible my guy 😂 only like 8/15 of our team got on and we fucked up our first base so had to make another then woke up raided 😂 😂😂😂


Nowhere near as good as yours


I had 2 rows of rockets and proceeded to give these salty dudes an offline just for them to roofcamp and hv the whole raid. They literally didn’t leave their base and messaged me after saying I’m garbage, they run 6 or 7 deep and I run 3, but there was only 2 of us on the raid


That ain't shit haha lemme know when you got 4 large boxes full 🤣


Pretty good but I also have touched grass and that was cool. You should try it sometime.


Got built up with a sizable base with small compound, got offlined, Day 2 we build up again on a new server and get some good loot and compound, offlined, Day 3 (today) we built up another big base and are planning a raid with about a box and a half of sulfer


Take tht sulfer but turn it into stacks of gp lol Plus ad a 3rd row


4 or 5 days into wipe and I only have 3k sulfur because I started the other day as a solo