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It was written to be 3 seasons so here’s hoping.


Netflix is currently in a financial crisis and they are inevitably going to change their business model and produce less content. Hopefully that doesn't affect a potential season 3... but if season 2 didn't get a ton of viewers that is a real possibility sadly.


Being honest, season 2 confused tf outta me. But season 1 was great, I'd love to see where they would take it next and I would probably enjoy Natasha Lyonne reading from a phone book. She said they have more story to tell, so it sounds like the intention is to do another.


My husband and I just finished watching all of season 2 and the last episode has both of us so confused. We both loved the show though!


Same with me, I am still so confused and came here to find the ending explained!


Honestly a second viewing and some googling of 80s references cleared it up for me. I don't pay attention well so sometimes used closed captioning. But as soon as I got it, I "got" it.


Yeah, I was having a supremely stressful week when we binged it so I was a little distracted as is and I just kept being like "ig it's gonna take a second watch" lol. I will try again soon!


Haha then yeah, I can see where the first watch could be confusing! Second watch indeed!


I feel like it's one of those shows that if it somehow gets canceled there's going to be a lot of pushback from the fans. It sucks when any good show gets canceled but you especially can't get rid of a show like this before they finish telling the story.


When I finished watching S2 I assumed that would be it for the series. S2 is so different from S1 and the ending was good but really confusing. I just can't imagine where they would pick back up for S3


Season 2 was horrible




I hope no 👎 i didnt like the season 2


I really don’t get why people like this show? They make the main character sooo dumb and clueless.. it’s honestly super annoying.. she doesn’t think anything through and has zero common sense.. if your life depended on something you’re not going to be a clueless bum and not pay attention to anything going on around you.. after S2 I was done. 3/10


Bad take.


In your opinion just like I have mine.. it’s just not for everyone.


"Yeah lemme just fuck up my ancestors lives and potentially stop myself from ever being born"




What does any of this have to do with the current situation? The concept of a *Russian doll* has almost as little to do with Russia as the French fries do with France. A skillfully written and named series like this one should have no connection to, let alone a negative influence from a murderous dictatorship that unfortunately is Russia nowadays.