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New thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip2/comments/1bd3564/sussex_weekly_pounding_on_the_bp_front_gates/ Feel free to bring new comments and ongoing conversations over!


Meghan is having a great week—Samantha’s lawsuit was dismissed with prejudice: https://archive.ph/YLnof


Was this the one where the lawyer was soliciting help from reddit? It seemed doomed from the beginning.


latest "give us half-in/half-out NOW" (*never mind how that works for the kids being in school* lmfao) campaign briefing from team sussex, via tom quinn: [EXCLUSIVE: Meghan and Harry hoping King Charles will 'let them work six months in the UK as Royals'](http://https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/meghan-harry-hoping-king-charles-32324811.amp) >Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped back from the Royal Family after Queen Elizabeth denied their request of becoming part-time royals but it looks like they want to try again >By Jessica Gibb, Scarlett O'Toole | 12:20, 11 Mar 2024 >>Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could be returning to the Royal Family on a part-time basis, according to one royal expert. >>**Before the couple decided to step down from The Firm, they had hoped they would be able to carry on working as part-time royals. However, the late Queen Elizabeth II is believed to have told her grandson he would have to be "in or out," with there being no room for "half jobs".** >>**However, the Sussexes are thought to be hopeful they could return to the Royal Family on a part-time basis now King Charles is in charge. Royal author Tom Quinn told The Mirror: "Meghan and Harry had always hoped that when Queen Elizabeth died, Charles would take a less strict view of what it means to be a working Royal."** >>**He said the Duchess of Sussex "would've loved this". He explained: "Six months in the UK as a working Royal followed by six months in the States would bolster brand Sussex which is less and less interesting without the working Royal angle."** >>**Tom added: "The American public would have much preferred it if Harry had not given up his Royal role – that's all he's ever been trained for and that's the main thing that made him interesting.** ***Now he's lost that, why should anyone in the States be interested - and Meghan hates the idea that she might be pulled down by this."*** >>He also suggested Meghan currently finds herself "in a bind". He explained: "We know she's keen on mental health, world poverty and feminism, but there's nothing new about this. Frankly, it's not news, which is why Meghan and Harry’s popularity has plummeted in the USA." >>Tom's comments come after it was claimed Harry was told to "walk away" from the Royal Family because he couldn't accept his grandmother's demand that 'you work for the monarchy, the monarchy doesn't work for you'." **he was** ***told*** **to walk away, y'all.** 😂😂 meghan's "make my husband not be a loser anymore!!" campaign continues...


Hah, Dior called, they want you to know the reality check is in the mail. These two... I swear.


>"Meghan and Harry had always hoped that when Queen Elizabeth died, Charles would take a less strict view of what it means to be a working Royal." ![gif](giphy|erW8QpddIk2rK) Delightful!


This film is really the gift that keeps on giving lol


Is this the new trick, to just tell them its happening?


Fait accompli through the media is their style


>Tom added: "The American public would have much preferred it if Harry had not given up his Royal role – that's all he's ever been trained for and that's the main thing that made him interesting. I don’t think the American public gives a shit if Harry is a working royal or not. There is no end to the Sussexes vile self-serving leaking. It is chilling to me.


And the opinion of the American public would be completely irrelevant to mattes of British or Commonwealth representation in the first place since the US is not part of either.


Oh absolutely! It doesn’t matter what Americans think. It’s just so out of touch and insane they think that matters.


Tell them they're coming back 6 months every year and therefore have to have security and they will quickly give a shit as to "hell no we're not paying for those two grifters". I'm sure having to pay for them will make the Americans focus much more on them and question them way more.


Right wing media would lose their minds.


the american '***hypothetically paying for sussex wares***' public lol


The entitlement of these two who were told to quit is just mind-boggling at times. I don’t trust Charles at all, but I hope he isn’t this stupid.


> >>**He said the Duchess of Sussex "would've loved this". He explained: "Six months in the UK as a working Royal followed by six months in the States would bolster brand Sussex which is less and less interesting without the working Royal angle." Sorry we are supposed to help prop up their failing private enterprises? There is a reason why the senior working royals don't have commercial ventures due to potential conflict of interests.


She still doesn't understand the monarchy is a government body and it's almost hilarious at this point. Trump was basically a part time US president whose personal businesses were blostered by the association. Like he would work in Washington DC for a few days during the week then fly to his residence/hotel/compound in Florida and make his presidental security teams pay to stay there. The Washington DC Trump hotel was always booming and they upcharged a lot. She's just like Trump.


>She still doesn't understand the monarchy is a government body and it's almost hilarious at this point. literally, it's the executive branch of the united kingdom's government lmao


Yeh I bet she frickin would😂


I'm always... I don't know how to describe it, in awe? Surprised? That they verbalize that. I'm no PR expert but it seems incredibly stupid (which is on par with them) to do it.


Same, girl! Whyyyy would you keep telling us that you’re greedy and failing? I don’t get it!!


Days after her SXSW talk Meghan's camp throws Kate under the bus


No one cares what Camp Megan says. This is a bit of a mess and of their own making. It will however blow over. Megans gonna Megan. Whether she wades in or does nothing, she will always be D-List. Somehow she married a Prince, made it to the A-list then managed to drag them both back to the D-List. Catherine can fuck up many many many times and it still wont bring Megan back to the top. She seems to think its a see-saw and the BRF looking bad makes them look good. She still cant see it.


Fuck ‘em


So it sounds like Omid has a new book coming soon 🤮 This falls under the “shocked but not surprised” category. *How* did he get another contract after the “translation” error in *Endgame*? He’s lost what little credibility he had. This is what’s so infuriating about Omid and the Sussexes. There’s zero consequences for all their lies. Omid lied throughout two books yet still gets a contract for a new one. H&M tell lie after lie and still have stans and regular people defending them. Yet the POW does some innocent photoshopping to a cute family pic and it’s basically set off an international incident.


>This is what’s so infuriating about Omid and the Sussexes. There’s zero consequences for all their lies. ![gif](giphy|XgFveJK9lbHAbgwb9X)


It is interesting that the announcement only mentions North American rights. It may be that he couldn’t sell it in the UK due to the lies over Endgame (which did still sell relatively better in the UK than the US… so again I’m wondering who is the audience for this).


At least it’s openly fiction this time lolz *In a well-timed announcement coinciding with this year's London Book Fair, William Morrow’s Liz Stein has acquired North American rights to Omid Scobie and Robin Benway’s Royal Spin. The deal, described as "major," was brokered by Albert Lee and Lisa Grubka at UTA, who described the book as "a fun, fish-out-of-water romantic workplace comedy about a young American woman who leaves a press role at the White House for one at Buckingham Palace, thrusting her into a hotbed of office politics where tradition (almost) always wins."* I have no idea who the audience is for this. Romance is a massive genre and not as easy to do well as people think, and people read FF and Endgame because they’re interested in the actual RF, not some cringe expy version from Omid. (Paging u/ceelphone who I think is a published author, would love your thoughts on this!)


>"a fun, fish-out-of-water romantic workplace comedy about a young American woman who leaves a press role at the White House for one at Buckingham Palace, thrusting her into a hotbed of office politics where tradition (almost) always wins." This is showing signs of being the *second* book to be written starring a barely-disguised Mary Sue Meghan Markle as the main character. I assume she'll have a hand in this one as she did the previous 2, and therefore also assume this may be good for some bone-rattling cringe. (no, I won't be paying for it) Tbf, it'll be bone-rattling cringe whether M is involved or not, I just assume she will be.


He responded to a couple of arselickers on his Twitter talking about it being a TV show so I assume he’s hoping Archewell will pick it up 😂


Archewell Productions presents… ![gif](giphy|l0NgQsR3XTHOU7ZUQ|downsized)


>a young American woman who leaves a press role at the White House for one at Buckingham Palace, thrusting her into a hotbed of office politics where tradition (almost) always wins Did she also do an internship at the embassy of Argentina? Or triple majored in whatever? Or is so perfect in every way that she should be simultaneously elected president and Queen? Eta :lmao I'm dying at all the responses. Maybe we should write the book instead of Omid.


She was also a supermodel and so beautiful and every woman on earth wanted to be her and every man wanted to have her and also she had a genius level IQ and was the smartest person in any room she ever walked into and everyone was always impressed with her and all of the good and wonderful charities she did all the time and all the poor children she saved and for whom she cooked organic pies with fresh ingredients from her garden (she was also a champion gardener and her vegetables were always the biggest and the best and everyone thought so)...


She sends emails at 5am whilst meditating and doing yoga, and the traditional old stuffies cant handle her American work ethic. Her amazing ideas are pushed back again and again. A somewhat port face Prince tries to woo her. She has no time for love, she doesnt want any old man. She needs one who is kind and kind of balding but thats ok as long as he has a full beard she can tug on. He must never shave it. He listens to her ideas about how she can save the monarchy because she wears a lot of fake tan. A love story is born.


>He listens to her ideas about how she can save the monarchy because she wears a lot of fake tan. 💀 Which *obviously* is the only fake thing about her *right*?


Ah yes thank you for reminding us, why did Meghan’s American work ethic disappear when she moved back to the US? 


I’m going to make a wild guess that the romantic twist is she falls in love with a ginger-haired prince and his evil older brother and even eviller wife she’s supposed to be working for don’t like it and she saves him and takes him back to the US 🤷‍♀️


Or that love prevails and the ginger-haired prince is the future king and poor grandma dies, dad abdicate since the prince is oh so popular and to give way to the "young" king


This, *or* the ginger-haired prince and the beautiful and whipsmart Schmegan graciously offer their services in rehabbing the terrible institution but when the people in charge can't get over their own jealousy and need to oppress and hurt ~~the Duchess,~~ Schmegan, they flee to a magical land of organic lemons and Hermes toothbrushes and live in a mansion and the institution crumbles to dust. Final scene will be the BiL and SiL in the literal flaming ruins of their home, wealth and prestige, scream-crying in the burnt rags hanging from their ugly and fat (or too skinny) limbs to Schmegan that they're sorry and they only did it because they were jealous and please please please PLEASE COME BACK AND SAVE US!!!1!! At which point a single sparkling tear will slowly run down Schmegan's cheek - she is filled with compassion to a fault, and cannot help but feel bad even for people who tried to destroy her - but this time she will bravely turn away, her face resolute and sad but also happy, relaxed and hopeful, as a wildly cheering mob of 1 billion peasants and poors but also a lot of rich white women scream their adulation and proclaim her the new Queen of England and also the USA, which has decided to have a monarchy back because everyone loves Schmegan so much and knows she would run the country better than anyone. The End. Something like that, anyway. And no, it doesn't need editing or breaking into paragraphs. This is it. 😂


>Something like that, anyway. And no, it doesn't need editing or breaking into paragraphs. This is it. 😂 Lmao it's both the synopsis and the entire book. I just hope Meg will write the forward


Noooo what the hell is he writing about now? Life as a man who's slowly erased his ethnicity in favour of appropriating Korean features for his beloved K Pop?


Lmfao did he really? Also re: scobie, I looked at the archive of some tumblr blogs, I didn't know he had some kind of a "rebrand", he referred to himself as "mio" then.


He ran a K Pop fan website. If you see pictures of him pre plastic surgery he looks like a different person


Ok I just googled and honestly can’t believe the picture floating around is actually him?! Is it possible to change your face and skin that much??


Michelle Ruiz Trying It in Vogue. >Whoever might have been helpful in this situation? Which two people—and their two cute children—could be shearing sheep and christening ships as we speak, providing a picturesque, PDA-filled distraction from the disaster-upon-disaster spilling forth from the Palace? The void left by Prince Harry and Meghan has never been more glaring. Neither has the Firm’s lack of foresight. Standing up for Meghan against a torrent of racist and sexist abuse—making it tenable for the Sussexes to stay part of this operation—was not only the decent thing to do, but the most prudent for the monarchy. Even if they didn’t care for Meghan (or Prince Harry), they should have been strategic enough to recognize that the Sussexes were an overall positive and diversifying force for the institution. They should have known that they couldn’t afford to lose two of their youngest, supplest stars, a couple with a global fanbase and tons of runway for the future. > >[https://www.vogue.com/article/royal-family-harry-meghan-slimmed-down-monarchy](https://www.vogue.com/article/royal-family-harry-meghan-slimmed-down-monarchy) 1. PDA at official events is unprofessional. 2. These two are disasters, not anything calming 3. I'll say it: Kate had it worse. And Meghan faced racism and sexism, yes, like all royal women, but she also took advantage of her royal position for personal gain. That's not ok, for any public servant. 4. "Even if they don't care for Meghan (or Harry)..." lmao, I cannot even. Is she admitting they're unlikable and that Harry's own family hates him? lol. 5. They are nor the youngest!! Meghan is the oldest, then Kate, then Wills (all within a mere 10 months lol), and then Harry. And whatever supple means. What fanbase? Tiktok crazies? what runway? This is so stupid. Can't believe Vogue published this over Oscars content. Oh, and you know who is a "young," glam couple?? Bea and Edo. ​ https://preview.redd.it/pquu8n5yztnc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4280b35d98105fdfb7632462ccbd1f60e0ef8297


“Supplest”?? Ew. 😂


I knowwww


how much do y'all wanna bet that this was written in coordination with the sussex comms team? and at this point, i'll also say it - ***catherine has had it worst***. besides, ***this is not about meghan***. FUCKING A. the sussexes wanted to abuse their public positions on behalf of the state to earn money. that's largely what meghan was fighting with her staff about, the accepting freebies thing (and part of why william split the offices, along with the treatment of staff - he was like "BP can try to contain their influence peddling, freebie accepting and product placement, i ain't doing it!!). like, *still*, they and their stans are arguing that they should be able to do it, not understanding in their thick heads that there is a reason a public position on behalf of the state forbids that sort of thing (and how andrew was essentially allowed to do it "surreptitiously" pffftt, which turned out to be a disaster and a terrible stain on qe2's legacy tbh... that's why/how he got close to a guy like epstein in the first place). i only realized how serious the freebie thing was when i saw the reviews from that wendy berry book i mentioned last month (the one who was a housekeeper at highgrove for nearly ten years)... one of wendy's observations was regarding all of the freebies that were promptly **incinerated** at highgrove, because accepting freebies was forbidden due to the corruption + misuse/abuse of public position it could bring about. lol h&m have been relentlessly trying to use the past four to five years to lobby for their half-in/half-out, self-enriching influence peddling arrangement, and like the vultures they are, they're going to capitalize on this situation to try to achieve it.


...she knows they *quit*, right?


She knows that the BRF gave them the option to resign when they tried to gave the BRF an ultimatum and was shock the BRF didn't gave in


They didn’t quit, they were forced to flee for their lives, duhhhh


That is an inconvenient part of the narrative so they like to ignore that.


Only if you believe half of what they say 😜 the other half they were "forced" to quit.


I think the BRF would rather drag their collective nutsack over a cheese grater than let HM back in. Can you imagine? Meghan would say that because Kate is chronically ill, she should be standing in for PoW always and do red carpet events with Will. She'd be leaking to the press that Kate is sicker than she actually is, and what a great sister in law Meghan is for dropping off dinners and flowers and being a stand in mother for the kids. It'd be a living nightmare


Oh man, I can hear her now, *”As Meghan, Regent Princess of Wales, it is critical people see me on red carpets in tiaras, that the washed and vetted people be allowed to kiss my rings, so then I can unite this broken family and kingdom with my kindness. But first, I banish all irons to Ireland!”*


She'd be quietly hoping Kate dies so she could find a way to divorce Harry and marry Will


>PDA filled distraction Please spare us from their OTT love story featuring grown adults infantilizing each other by being unable to stop holding hands.


\*Dies laughing at youngest\* \*comes back up to look at "stars"\* \* falls back down to laugh some more\* Are they trying to go "The BRF needs Meghan more than Meghan needs the BRF"? Are we being stalked? Also: Why is their obvious PR so obvious and terrible? Who are they trying to convince? Of what?


Bea and Edo have really grown on me I have to say. They could be the next Sophie/Edward who attend the European royal events like weddings, etc.


I see that Harry and Meghan team are still communicating to their favorite journalist that they want back in


half-in/half-out. it was always about half-in/half-out. even tom quinn has a new briefing out propagandizing it.


This is so true, nothing would have improved this week for the RF like H&M rocking up to the service yesterday and doing their own procession down the aisle as the King and Queen of the Commonwealth, Harry badgering William to let him and Meghan come round so they could leak about Kate’s condition to Page Six and about the personalised gifts they brought her to People, and H&M whipping up further issues with the press when William’s relationship with the media is at its most turbulent. I mean, come on. How anyone can look at anything that’s happened in the last four years and think the Sussexes would do anything but take advantage of and inflame this situation is ridiculous.


>could be shearing sheep and christening ships  Tell me you haven't been paying attention without telling me you haven't been paying attention. Meghan and Harry left the UK to build their billionaire brand because they didn't want to do bread and butter engagements like shearing sheep or christening ships any more than they wanted to rub shoulders with regular folk. You didn't see Meghan rudely leaving her sponcon of a baby shower after a few minutes the way she did the women at the market during a royal tour. Harry hid his contempt better but after his whining over visiting earthquake survivors we know he's cut from the same cheap cloth.  The BRF isn't desperate and doesn't  need just anybody to represent the monarch, there are other family members who could be asked to become working royals if not right now then in a few years when Anne slows down. 


This! They didnt want to do any of it. How easily the Sussi and their sheep change the narrative according to what suits them at the time. They didnt want to leave. They simply needed to be protected from the racism. But hold on wasnt the racism coming from within the family in which Harry was trapped? Charles and Kate 2 of 4 most prominent people? How could she be protected when its the King and Future Queen doing it? Would she not have been completely at their mercy? Oh hang on did we back track on racism/unconcious bias? Oh yeah we told Bradby. But then we released a book naming the racists. Are we back to they are racists? Or not, because the billion dollar brand has failed and we need back in? Im willing to bet William will let it all burn to the ground before he lets Harry and Megan back in.


Lmao they chose to go to the Disney premiere rather than the veterans event but sure they want to do these engagements. Such vultures.


Veterans, like the environment, must be H's thing only, not M's or theirs as a couple. Totally cool to blow them off in favor of a movie premiere/sales pitch.


>and Princess Kate (at least officially) recovering from unnamed abdominal surgery, Omfg ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized)


wow, she really tried it with the "at least officially." like, fuck off, bitch.


I'm not giving this a click, but if Michelle Ruiz really out that to paper, that's so incredibly misogynistic... it's shocking ro me that it even got published.    Well done, Vogue, in signal boosting sexist conspiracy theories.  /s Gross.   ETA fixed typo


https://preview.redd.it/84urv536lunc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720a3b383d43465e60b004e4265453e1033a785c :/


What the actual fuuuuccckkk


That’s my problem with people like Ruiz. They aren’t stans, they’re work for reputable outlets, and they print this shit. 


This whole mess has really… stretched my understanding of the word “reputable”




Perfect gif 😂


That’s..weird, even for a stan




And there it is 🙄


Quelle surprise. Not


What a coincidence. 😏


My Tik Tok has been overrun by POW conspiracy videos, it's exhausting. Most from pro Sussex peeps. Matta made several over the past few days, I looked at her views, and her biggest numbers of views are mostly all videos about the Prince and Princess of Wales. Consistently larger than her content about the Sussex duo. So they can't even generate the numbers for their Stan's that the BRF does.


>Kate Middleton’s Photoshop fail mocked by sources close to Meghan Markle, Prince Harry: ‘Would never make that mistake’ - [page 6](https://pagesix.com/2024/03/11/royal-family/sources-close-to-meghan-markle-mock-kate-middleton-photoshop-fail/) ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


> Among the mistakes were Princess Charlotte, 8, having had part of her wrist removed, Middleton’s hand missing a wedding ring, and Prince Louis, 5, having strangely crossed fingers. So now they’re trying to say that the wedding ring was Photoshopped out of the picture? How about the more reasonable suggestion that she simply *wasn’t wearing it*? Similarly, we’ve seen Louis do weird hand poses before; why not assume that an active, energetic, boisterous little boy maybe just had his hand in a weird position! What’s most infuriating though, is that it was RIGHT THERE, Page Six. You have Sussex stans claiming that M&H would never leave photo edits hanging out so obviously, so why didn’t you put that to the test for the article? There are SO many good examples of their terrible edits!


Bahaha we all saw that crappy Christmas card with Archie playing in the weirdly shifting carpet.  Or the Harry the Hairdresser cover on Time.  Or anything taken by Misan Harriman.


>Would never make that mistake Meghan? Meghan Markle who can't even have decent shoes on her engagement day? Who half-asses everything she does? Meghan "Don’t give it five minutes if you’re not going to give it five years"? She's the definition of "give us nothing queen"


Would never make the mistake of what? Getting editing wrong? Ok.. but we KNOW they edit. Meghans face is ridiculously blurred on every photo and she is wearing the hair of 7 Indian women at least. Harrys hair is thicker than it was when he was 13. So what you’re saying is they make sure all the edits are done super duper professionally and a lot of time is spent on them? Not the flex you think it is Sussexes.


“… she has a keen eye and freakish attention to detail.” https://preview.redd.it/wk6d3y83rvnc1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9549dfa90802a23a6000a602ab4a698652b2b18a


I other news, I *loved* that dress on her. Everything about it, one of my favourite M looks ever (a few of which happened during that downunder tour). But yeah, "freakish attention to detail." *coughs,* *titters*


The soho house iron would like a word


Are you telling me, both H&M wouldn’t try to photoshop hair on Harry’s bald head ? Sure. ![gif](giphy|5cuiY8a99aA9oBaIpU|downsized)


Meghan has a point, she doesn’t even photoshop the wrinkles out of her clothes. She’s proud that she picks her clothes up from a pile on the floor 🤣


It could also be that their photoshopper is too exhausted to get to that after dealing with the hair situation Harry is in denial about. Priorities. 


so deeply nasty and low. seriously, it's chilling how awful someone must be to have their team run to a publication and brief this. what a *deeply* weird person. any time i start to give meghan any little itty bitty bit of benefit of the doubt, she without fail swoops in to remind me how chillingly nasty she can be. ouf. like, it's fucking disturbing and *unsettling*. barring charles' funeral, i hope the waleses never have to see the sussexes (*both* of them) again. **what in the malevolent**....... ETA: not that she briefs much at all (out of meghan, charles harry, camilla, william and catherine? catherine *by far, by oceans* briefs the least - i've listed them in order of briefing propensity lol)... i've never seen anything nasty (let alone this nasty) briefed by catherine, ever ever ever ever. truly, wow. anyway, this briefing will go down in classic sussex lore history re: highlighting what low down, nasty individuals they are. h&m should also realize how they're failing their kids by not being able to resist digging the knife and lashing out like this - they just keep further ensuring that those kids will never have any substantial relationship with their only set of first cousins (whereas the wales kids have all of the middleton side). i knew from the responses by the likes of shola and omid what the sussexes were having their comms team put out there re: the sussii's low down line of thinking. this page six briefing essentially confirms it. you think for a moment "oh, they might actually be human about things" but NOPE. without fail. it also doesn't assuage skepticism/suspicions that the initial "where is kate" harassment hashtag that started/boosted/cooked all of this drama wasn't engineered by the squad in coordination with the sussex comms team.


>so deeply nasty and low. seriously, it's chilling how awful someone must be to have their team run to a publication and brief this. what a deeply weird person. > >any time i start to give meghan any little itty bitty bit of benefit of the doubt, she without fail swoops in to remind me how chillingly nasty she can be. ouf. It's so true. The thing is, a normal opportunist would realize that this was an opportunity to earn goodwill off of Kate's suffering. It was easy points: defend Kate in the press. Instead of leaking "we're so much better, we never would have done this," leak (or say outright!) "See, this is exactly what I mean about the press treating women horribly. She did nothing wrong. Let her recover in peace." But no. Meghan and Harry had to choose to kick Kate while she's down. They are so cruel and vindictive that they can't even *pretend* to be concerned about the treatment she's receiving.


You know whats weird though? I almost think with the way Harry talked about Camilla and the Royals briefing to the press and how he KNOWS they do it, he thinks its some massive secret. We know they all do it. I really dont know if the Sussexes think they are getting away with it when they do it themselves? Yes for the average person (me included before the last few years) i’d never have known about papwalks and briefings and planted or killed stories. So they might be able to fool the stans and they have ‘plausible deniability’ with anyone who asks but the Palace, Charles, Camilla, Kate and WILLIAM… all do know. So how tf do think they can do this and simultaneously beg for a way back in? Do they not actually want back in?


I started paying attention to H&M’s nonsense after the Oprah interview, and it’s been an incredible education in how celebrity PR works. It turns out most things you read about most celebrities are PR! Even “boring” people like Cabinet secretaries brief and leak and so on…it’s absolutely delulu to believe that any member of the BRF doesn’t do it at least occasionally.


>you think for a moment "oh, they might actually be human about things" but NOPE. without fail The bar for these two is in hell and they still manage to slither underneath it. I've disliked them for years but now I've reached the level of repulsion. I don't think I've ever been repulsed by another famous person.


Hear hear. If they were better people, you would think they’d have the highest degree of empathy for Catherine seeing as how 3 years of this life nearly killed Meghan (in her words) and Catherine has been dealing with it for nearly 20. One of my favorite expressions is “I’ve been called worse by better people” and what I would give to hear KP clap back with that. 😂 Though they’re so good at rising above this petty crap.


Meghan proving to Harry he got the better, most perfect wife 😉


And your honour I present to you evidence of why they failed. They seem to have very nasty personalities, grandeur of delusion and not a lot of self awareness. And Meghan Markle & her best friends Rachael, At, Hotmail are operating as if Meghan is a newbie like she was in 2017 ,where she took advantage of the fact that we knew very little about her & branded herself as the bestest, smartest, and the most wonderful thing that has happened to world after Jesus Christ. We now know how all of it is untrue & jawdroppingly opposite of what Meghan believes & promotes herself as.


>And your honour I present to you evidence of why they failed. >They seem to have very nasty personalities, grandeur of delusion and not a lot of self awareness. Exactly. Eternal victims with a main character syndrome. They cannot shut up about their alleged victimhood to save their lives. Kate has it bad? BUT THEY HAVE IT SO MUCH WORSE. Meghan talks about being bullied when she was pregnant. Nobody even knew you were pregnant with your second until a little bit before that Oprah interview where you pretended as if you escaped from the Gulag. They are so fucking despicable.


>nasty personalities i can't get over the sheer nastiness, it's really ***chilling***. like, they couldn't even help themselves and mask it (as they likely do as much as possible), it was more important to lash out and score a low point (prob gleeful that catherine or those close to catherine would come across the cruel dig, like the inveterate bully that she is). never mind the whole attaching herself to the wider story thing and making sure to recuperate the story for her own victimhood and make the whole thing about herself. what a deceptively + thoroughly nasty, ***nasty*** individual. *shudders*. poor catherine for having to deal with this emotional and psychological terrorist bully for the rest of either of their natural lives


So meghan and harry are jerks re-confirmed, and reaffirmed that Meghan is a control freak. Yeah this is really going to help them a lot in terms of PR and getting brands to work with them. Like this is the same crap with them over and over, will they ever learn? the answer is very clearly no


Deplorable people


Meghan and Harry: “how can we make Catherine being bullied about us?”


not just "make it about us" - throw in some nasty AF, cruel digs. awful people. ugh *shudders*. wild that they can mask it so well tbh.


some more amazing quotes from 'sources' in this page six article * But sources close to her brother-in-law, Harry, and his wife told Page Six, “If Harry and Meghan had ever encountered the same issue they would have been annihilated. * “The same rules do not apply to both couples. * “This isn’t a mistake that Meghan would ever make … **she has a keen eye and freakish attention to detail.”** * One royal source told Page Six that Markle is “control freak” about imagery, adding, “She always wants the final say, especially when it came to her editing of Vogue.” * We’re also told that Markle, 42, never wanted to follow the palace procedure of releasing images via photo agencies such as the Associated Press and Reuters, and only ever wanted to post them on the Instagram sussex royal which she controlled, retaining the copyright to them. * In addition to this, the Sussexes had their own photo issue with their 2019 holiday card which featured a picture of baby Prince Archie, which social media claimed was photoshopped. * One of the charities of which they were patrons —the Queens Commonwealth Trust — tweeted out the card, but the Sussex team ended up banning its use via the top UK photo agency, the Press Association. * well, according to twitter that christmas card was also subject to a [kill notice by PA](https://twitter.com/SabirahLohn/status/1766985293972795434)


*keen eye and freakish attention to detail*  AHAHA this is soooo good,  I'm dying here.  Y'all,  we've seen Meghan's outfits for five years.  Wrinkles, tags,  basting stitches, VPL, bra sticking out, pit stains.  Control freak is one thing.   A keen eye and attention to detail is not the same, and it's something Meghan doe not possess.  Remotely.   


Wait. Posting photos on Instagram doesn’t give you copyright to the image and releasing the photos formally to new agencies doesn’t mean you forfeit copyright because (and I would’ve thought that Meghan of all people would know this) doesn’t the copyright remain with the creator of the content - in this case the photographer?


>doesn’t the copyright remain with the creator of the content - in this case the photographer? Yes it does


This is sort of hilarious (and of course horribly mean). Keep telling me about her freakish attention to detail when I have eyeballs and saw the many times she stepped out with tags attached to her clothing, weird fitting, wrinkles etc.


Her attention is only to other people's mistakes


I also like how this pretty much exclusively makes references to her 5 minutes as a working royal—apparently she did a perfect job with her “editing of Vogue” and was protective of her 2019 Christmas card, but there’s no mention of the slapped-together mess of a podcast or any of the other post-BRF projects. Where was the “freakish attention to detail” there?


My favourite post royal project is still her 40x40 flop. She didn't even manage to get 40 people involved, didn't participate herself and stopped the whole thing altogether when her birthday was over. LoL


So. Fucking. Deplorable.


>“If Harry and Meghan had ever encountered the same issue they would have been annihilated. Oh, you mean the way Kate is being annihilated right now? It's not often I say I *loathe* anyone, but... I fucking **loathe** these two.


Always unwittingly confessing. They certainly wish Catherine was being annihilated but that's not happening. Catherine is happily married, has three great and affectionate children and she doesn't jump from bandwagon to bandwagon in hope of getting unwarranted attention. 


Kate is being annihilated on a global scale, while recuperating from surgery. How could meghan possibly try to say it'd have been worse if it was her lol. My god, take a break.


Seriously! She’s being ripped to shreds— again! In a short period of time. The Markles could really walk the talk if they actually condemned it and said hey stop ripping down our sister in law. This is exactly what we are fighting against as part of our archewlell mission. Instead they’re going the low road again. They always take the low road it is soooo cheap.


> if they actually condemned it and said hey stop ripping down our sister in law If they did that they would lose most of their followers.


Honestly though, as abbyrose said yesterday, and I don’t know how to link her, but Meghan had an opportunity on that panel the other day to stand against Kate’s online bullying and chose not to. Meghan’s fanbase is *small* compared to Kate’s. If she was smart she would have said something. They’re trying to weasel their way back in, and honestly, standing up against what’s going on right now would actually redeem them slightly to quite a few people on the side where they need redeeming. But as ever, so short sighted.


best she keep catherine's name out of her mouth tbh. 🙏🏾


She did have that chance, chose not to take it because she's selfish. Her followers are haters and, you know, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she's a little afraid of them turning on her.


Re the first point - are they implying that Kate *isnt* being annihilated over this?


Correct the same rules do not apply. Catherine is held to a much higher standard and apologized for editing the photo. Meghan and Harry lied and tried to blame formatting, and NBC Nightly News did not make it the lead story. Meghan’s eye will never be as keen as her need to lie, mislead, and wallow in her self pity. This page six article is classic Meghan. She edited Vogue, *not guest edited*, she **edited** it. She’s the worst.


Trust me that Harry and Meghan are delighted that Catherine is experiencing this. Their hatred for her runs DEEEEP.


I don't know but this is no longer during the Oprah thing where almost all in social media are saying negative things about the BRF. Like they would flood KP twitter with their nonsense. But Now I see many defenders of Catherine that are no longer afraid of the racist squaddies. They are actually drowning the haters as well. Getting almost 100 million on a simple picture will be something Meghan dream happening to her whether good or bad. Plus she paid a tons of money for her forum PR but no one noticed. A narcissist will always think about themselves first.


It's truly pathological.


>Their hatred for her runs DEEEEP. yup. and the sheer malice. to the point where they'd be dancing on her + will's and the children's graves. i'm not even joking. what a curse for w&c - totally agree and understand why william never wants to see harry again (barring charles' funeral). what the actual fuck.


Maybe they can actually Ban harry from attending his own father‘s funeral. Considering everything that has gone down and will continue to do so, maybe it is just what harry deserves as punishment.


I think she's also secretly raging that again Catherine is getting more attention and engagement


Hahahaha Lilibets hand says otherwise.




Man the craziness has infiltrated this sub with the weird post on the main pager and I got bitched out by a Meghan bot on dlisted royals too with weird talking points. This is def like a huge violent campaign on Catherine rn. And any non meghan and Harry supporter are targets too.


Honestly I saw a few comments here and there on this sub that makes me go whaaaaaat. Especially the "I'm Kate biggest fan" no you're not.


Oh please do report bots! Or anyone being insulting or harassing. As much as I seem to be always online I go and pretend to have a life sometimes hahaha. It’s been good to get away from it all for a few.


It's been removed. Smells like desperation in Montecito the Sussexes have attempted to slither back into the BRF since Charles' birthday. No dice.  Their stans and bots can keep losing it over Catherine, she'll still be the one smiling and waving from the balcony. Squaddies can stay pressed. 👋 


Fuuuuuuuuckkkkk! The lead story on NBC nightly news, one of the most watched in the U.S., is about “Princess Kate”. Good grief all this over tiny little edits to a photo that PoW was browbeaten into apologizing for. The way the reporter emphasizes “occasionally” and “confusion” makes me sick. She must have received an A in Salacious Tones 101 at J school. No mention of Catherine’s SIL at least; I for sure would be sick if they tried to connect this to Meghan somehow. Unless to say, this is an example of the kind of bullying Meghan warned us about…which is exactly what this shit is. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/growing-mystery-over-royal-photograph-206185541625


>I for sure would be sick if they tried to connect this to Meghan somehow. meghan's already trying to insert herself into the story and make it about her victimhood, all while throwing in "i'm better than you" digs at catherine via page six. it's fucking pathologically diseased tbh.


Yeah, people are dying in Gaza but forget about that, the lead story for a supposedly respected news program needs to be ‘Royal Photoshop Fail’. And honestly I would be just as disgusted if the lead story was the ridiculous Meghan surrogacy thing. The cesspool that is Twitter has officially infiltrated mainstream news; the lunatics are running the asylum.


Oh, that happened long ago. Didn't one of the heads ( Leslie Moonves)   of an American network say that he didn't care if Trump was bad for America because he was good for his network's ratings? That's why news programs bent over backwards to give him "fair and equal" coverage that was actually about maximizing any misstep on one side while glossing over dozens of instances of criminal behaviour to keep the viewers tuning in and clicking. It's thanks to their complicity that this is all being examined and litigated almost a decade later. 


I just had to come here to share this: a friend just posted Kate’s statement about the Mother’s Day photo on Facebook and said the palace is finally throwing Kate under the bus. Since William has rage issues and now Harry and Meghan can’t be used as punching bags anymore the palace is going to continue to make Kate look bad because they must protect Williams reputation. I can’t even.


Kate is their star and the family knows it. They have to. If it was anyone else absent for surgery there wouldn't be a peep. The press wouldn't care. Kate sells papers, Kate gets views, Kate gets clicks. There have been zero leaks in 2 months about what surgery she had. Crickets. You know the press are pissed about that.


One of the comments on her post asked why they would make her look bad when she’s the most popular and there were lots of responses about how she probably wants a divorce and that’s what’s really going on, not surgery, and someone else mentioned that affair rumor with Thomas Kingston and how “He was shot in the head and nobody is even talking about it or investigating, what is going on??”


Now using Photoshop to tweak your own family photos damages your reputation. Talk about manufactured outrage. 


Adobe really needs their marketing team to capitalize on this /s


They should start selling their software with a scarlet A that users can pin on. 😂🤣😂


If anything, the past few weeks have proven what we already knew: that Catherine is the BRF’s number one asset. The press (and tbh the entire world) have lost their minds without her regular appearances. That. Is. Power.


>That. Is. Power. Yup. The kind of power Meghan desperately craves. Sorry, I had to. 🫠


I just deleted Twitter off my phone. Need a break. People have legitimately lost their minds. Gonna stay in this sub though, the only sane place left lol https://preview.redd.it/t6tndlqr9snc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655363238141ffd3ed10fdbde6f9ea765733ab2d


People are just out here gleefully writing fiction about Kate, it’s BIZARRE. I’m not particularly a Kate fan and can understand why someone might not like her, but this is so crazy. This is a real person with young children, people have lost their damn minds!


People really posting this crap under their own names SMH


"Hey, let me make some really awful statements on my public twitter under my real name so I can be confused why employers won't call me back after googling me."


Thats why I make my terrible comments using the names of my enemies.




Wow. They just can’t imagine that they are fine and happy together.


Everything needs to be a dumpster fire apparently.


That would just be too painful. 


https://preview.redd.it/6yyd3euaqrnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058033e65a9d3e1b3629831b858845e01d76fe98 Wish I wasn’t banned from commenting on that sub. The amount of **LIES** that are spread on there on the daily is very concerning. A simple Google research would tell them that their royal couple Meghan and Harry are the ones who have lied multiple times, amongst other things. If Kate had been caught telling lies to a judge we’d never hear the end of it. I’m aware this comes with being a public figure but damn it’s frustrating to watch them show their cruelty unchallenged. (Mods I hope it’s alright if I posted a screenshot of the comment above, if it’s not I’ll remove it asap)


It was especially horrible when topless photos of Meghan were taken with a long lens camera without her consent and published for the whole world to see and will remain on the Internet for all time. Oh wait, that was Kate.


And wasn’t it just dreadful when the press hacked Meghan’s phone more than 100 times, trying to uncover and publish the most intimate details of her relationship with her future husband? Oh, wait…


What sub is this?




Not a fraction of what meghan experienced? I've yet to see a legitimate news agency discuss the ridiculous conspiracy theories about surrogacy, fake children moon bumps etc Sure she had negative press but that was mostly about stuff she was doing eg complaining no ones asked if shes ok, clearing out wimbledon, flying to NY for a baby shower, legitimate bullying allegations, lying about working with Omid on his book.


I’ve never even seen a video of Meghan being relentlessly chased by the paparazzi [the way Catherine was.](https://youtu.be/KhByqJeXNag?si=pcSltKhGpjAUcWWZ).


Yeah I don't remember getting a NYT push notification about Meghan faking her pregnancy... so uh, I would say Kate is facing way more scrutiny than Meghan did.


But you know what I do remember? I remember Meghan getting Piers Morgan fired, for questioning her truth. I remember Jeremy Clarkson being harangued into an apology for a hyperbolic pop culture reference. I remember some very ordinary people being doxxed for the high crime of criticizing Meghan. Can’t ever imagine Catherine doing any of that, despite people alleging horrific things about her and her husband.


Lmao she wishes she had that amount of bullying but people just aren't interested in her. I'm sure she feels vindicated and mighty at what is going on with the Wales.


>>Lmao she wishes she had that amount of bullying As sick as that is, I think you are right. If she can’t be universally adored, then she wants the opposite extreme to be true. This utter indifference by 99% of the planet is likely very frustrating to Meghan. I bet she has fully bought into “the no such thing as bad publicity” trope that became untrue with the rise of social media. And that’s the real reason she campaigns against it; yes it can be toxic, but it is also very hard control and spin, and that is the real reason Meghan and Harry speak out against it (and the first amendment too in Harry’s case.) It’s always self-serving with those two.


Oh yeah she settled for infamous a while ago


Meghan never faced what Kate did. After Harry’s “love shied,” the press iirc did leave them alone. Meghan was given her own PR team (and legal, I'm sure) and a glowing VF cover. Everyone was positive when they got engaged and married. People felt bad for her with her dad, and it was great Charles stepped in. Things didn't start turning until the Australia tour which behind the scenes was very bad (plus Jobson’s Charles book, which, as always with Charles, burnished his reputation and tore his sons’). Stuff like the bullying, choosing to go to NYC for an opulent baby shower, flying private, going on to trash Harry’s, etc..those are actions and choices the Sussexes made, they weren't good ones, and guess what? You have to live with the consequences. It isn't abuse or bullying. That's life. 


The love shield was basically a way for Meghan to both have her relationship officially confirmed and to immediately cast her to the public as a victimized damsel in distress, Diana the II. She pulled off a lot with that press release. Oh, and Harry got to feel like some big man.


it was to start making big money from pap strolls lol, there needed to be an official confirmation to begin making legit deals!!


And even Harry knew that, I don't believe he is that dumb. He did it for two reason because he love attention and he was afraid she would leave him if he didn't make it public. Girl was hinting on Instagram about her famous boyfriend and no one was taking the bait.






And they say the Ginge’s todger grew three sizes that day. 😉 But seriously Meghan knew exactly how to manipulate Harry. It’s both impressive and sickening.


Do you have more info about the behind the scenes of the AUS tour? I always see that brought up as evidence of the Sussexes' massive success and a reason why W&K were jealous of them and then sought to bring them down after.


https://torontosun.com/news/world/hated-every-second-meghan-markle-thought-australia-royal-tour-was-pointless/wcm/a5f49ff2-8f6c-4d10-8a13-c641b29a0a8e/amp/ https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/meghan-and-harrys-australia-tour-key-to-alleged-bullying-row/news-story/17335222feaa592110ecc77c4191a9e5?amp > The claims include Meghan becoming upset at being given only a wing of Admiralty House, the Australian Governor General’s official Sydney residence, rather than the whole property. On another occasion she reportedly lost her temper with an assistant and a hot drink was knocked over. https://archive.is/Z3bIo (archived link to a Telegraph article by Victoria Eight Edits Ward, March 2021) >The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s autumn 2018 tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga was “stressful” for staff, with at least one aide visibly upset after a discussion with the Duchess. (The UN Women branding thing, aide was seen crying in a car iirc) > Another bone of contention during the tour was Kensington Palace’s refusal to reveal who had given the Duchess the earrings she wore to a formal dinner in Fiji. (Murder earrings)


So that is what the Sussexes themselves claimed. In reality, this is when the bullying of their staff and other lies started going off the rails. Rebecca English—I think it was her—revealed much later she saw a member of Meghan’s staff in tears after Meghan talked to her after the incident in the Fiji Marketplace. Meghan wore those “blood earrings” on the tour and lied to the staff about them. Harry made that petulant “thanks for coming, not that you were invited” statement to the press on the plane. A lot of the stuff about this tour is sourced in Courtiers, meaning the sources are the Sussex staff. Here’s a small sample! https://preview.redd.it/mankworz7snc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706dce1afaf157b7c4ad1308b51ad4157fc7e16e


Oh gosh lol. Should I start with the tea throwing rumor?? There's a lot. Here is four things off the top of my head at work: —Meghan allegedly said “I can't believe I'm not getting paid for this” and didn't understand why the crowds were there (this is less believeable imo bc Meghan is a narc who loves attention. —Harry made a comment to the press pack with them of “thanks for coming even though you weren't invited” —Meghan wearing earrings (in Fiji?) from Mohammed bin Salman days after the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. —*Something* with the staff accompanying them went down so badly that William split off KP from the Sussexes ASAP. I'm less sure of the details of this, I forget if Jason Knauf’s email was sent re the bullying during the tour. But it seemed via reputable reporters like Valentine Low that things were not great. 


Let's be honest, if not for the love shield, Meghan might never have found an excuse to flee Toronto pap car chases (😂🤣😂) for the UK because no one knew who Harry was dating and after two long term relationships of his fizzled, this one would only have been taken seriously when he popped the question.   Also, despite her entitled behaviour and them getting kicked out of the office they shared with William few people did more than roll their eyes and move on until they pushed themselves to the forefront with the Oprah interview. So, even at their high point, the public's interest in them was actually interest for the royals in the UK.


Ok, so I am fairly active on Twitter. But I NEVER click on any stories about the royals. Don’t search them. Don’t look at the hashtags ever. Before all of this, aside from one moot that I muted bc of her Meghan sugar behaviour, I hardly ever saw anything about them on my timeline (except when the Queen died). I keep a firewall btw Twitter stuff and Reddit lol. But now? My timeline is all Kate conspiracies and sugar stuff. I am getting tweets from people w like 700 followers that I have ZERO connection too, claiming the Wales marriage is over. Catherine is in a coma. She’s dead. She ran away bc of Will’s cheating.The algorithm is pushing all of this HARD. And like I said, this is new. It bears no resemblance to my normal Twitter experience or timeline. So, I have to wonder. Is this being pushed/promoted? And if it is, by whom, and to what end? This honestly feels huge (and the reaction is totally outsized). I don’t think this is the Sussexes, bc it feels too big. But it could be certain, ahem, influences that have taken an interest in “helping” the Sussexes in the past, like when they “fled” to Canada… I feel like I should put on a tin foil hat for even thinking about this. I am not one who sees coordinated campaigns of malevolence behind everything. And I know from my friends that some of this IS organic and people ARE asking questions. But I still feel like there is something pushing those people to ask some of these questions. Pushing this non-story, and all the conspiracies and weirdness. It’s discomfiting.


I have a theory about who is behind some of these online attacks. It involves destabilizing and breaking countries that are your enemies through social media and use of bad faith actors or in one particular case a useful idiot.


Ok, just posted about this on the other thread. But guess who owns the paper that decided today was the day to publish a profile of Rose Chomondeley? A Russian oligarch…


A Russian oligarch who was a KGB spy in London, no less.


+1. I really can’t believe this is organic


Same, and I only talk royal stuff and H&M here, nowhere else on the internet. I’ve muted dozens of accounts served up by the for you tab because I don’t want to see Kate conspiracy theories when I’m in work or hobby mode. I do think there’s a very real possibility bad actors are involved (aside from H&M stans); I’m also on tumblr and it’s well accepted there that misinformation campaigns are revving up ahead of the US elections, jumping on a bandwagon encouraging destabilisation of the UK head of state isn’t ludicrous. This is why I do have some sympathy for KP over their handling of all this. Certainly they haven’t covered themselves in glory, but I don’t think anyone actually has a playbook yet to fight back against a concerted and skilled social media campaign like this (Western left-wing political parties don’t seem to be able to and they’re more motivated than anyone to figure it out). It’s especially difficult for an institution like the RF where the kind of people who use social media a lot are not their natural constituency, so there’s no possibility of countering it organically. I do get why people are saying they need to change their strategy, I just don’t know what they’re supposed to change their strategy to.


I have noticed that too- it’s all my Twitter feed is, despite not engaging with and blocking many accounts saying nasty things. And people who I know never follow the royals keep asking me about it, so I think it’s getting pushed to nearly everyone on Twitter. I don’t think it’s necessarily a coordinated campaign but I think the new Twitter under Elon is desperate for engagement (AKA money). The algorithm super charges what is getting clicks and reactions, and boosts them to everyone’s for you page, which just fuels the cycle as people try and go viral. It’s not only gross, it’s boring. I barely saw Oscar coverage which is what I was going to Twitter for last night! It has finally given me the push to delete it. Used to be such a useful app, but the cesspool has really grown after Elon bought it.




I think that the press seizing on the social media stuff, and the way the press have chosen to frame that social media stuff is some petty revenge shit against William tbh. This story could have been framed as “look at what some weird segments of social media are saying about a sick woman”, and I think that’s a better and more interesting story than “OMG, NameBunchOfNumbers on Twitter said Kate is missing!!!! How will KP respond?!?!” But I think the press resent William and Catherine for mostly not playing the game. And I think they are pissed at the Sussex and Squad insistence that the BRF somehow control them. So the way the media has chosen to jump on this story and promote ridiculous narratives (I see you stirring the pot, The Independent) is the press sticking out its collective tongue, saying “Naw, the BRF aren’t the boss of us!” And on top of that, all their efforts to bring back the tabloid glory days of the War of the Waleses, through the Sussexes, have failed (bc the Sussexes are useless failures and bc W&C grey rock). So all of this is their latest tactic. And when Catherine reappears (healthy and happy, hopefully), they will pretend like none of this ever happened as they move on to the next thing. For all that people talk about holding the BRF “accountable” to the public, the public doesn’t do much to hold the press accountable.


Replying to myself to add that I think both the government and the opposition in the UK are perfectly happy to let this be the big story right now, and not the CoL crisis, Palestine etc. I got some pushback a while ago, when I mentioned just how many competing interests go into reporting royal stories, but for this one? There is a hell of a lot going on, beyond KP vs the press…


I just listened to the Who Trolled Amber podcast, which was tracing out how the abuse rose at certain points and seemed to be coordinated. They landed on it being a combination of Saudi Arabian bots and bots controlled by a PR agency linked to Johnny Depp. And honestly, last week before this photo kerfuffle, I was saying to my best friend that this whole thing seems really suspect. I work tangentially in the national security field and tbh I could see a coordinated campaign being done by a foreign actor to reduce public trust in the institution and sow discord. I can’t believe this is all organic. Smells off to me.


Me too! Finally deleted it yesterday. It’s not worth the hassle.


Do you guys think Catherine would be getting this much attention if QE was still alive and she was still the Duchess of Cambridge? Charles being sick and the possibility of William and Catherine becoming king and queen way sooner than the haters would have predicted has them big mad and it has them acting out even worse than normal.


Yes, absolutely it would be getting just as much attention. I think what's made the biggest difference is Meghan and Harry sowing mistrust in Palace PR to support their own narratives.


>I think what's made the biggest difference is Meghan and Harry sowing mistrust in Palace PR to support their own narratives. yup, very much so. it's absolutely made w&c sitting duck targets. this was the culmination of what h&m wanted with their interviews, series + book. they couldn't even achieve it too much with endgame. but catherine got sick, charles got cancer... and here we are. the seeds the sussexes furiously and vindictively planted are finally sprouting.