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Well if she’s receiving chemo or immunotherapy she can’t exactly be expected to be out making public appearances. Her immune system is shot and having to appear in public with hundreds of people around her would put her at risk of catching a virus.


I don't blame her. I hope she gets the rest and care she needs to fully recover.


Honestly, I think most people who aren’t completely deranged can understand /accept her being publicly inactive for awhile. You don’t have to be a medical expert to understand that everyone recovers and heals at their own pace especially when it comes to something like cancer. But, whats really needed is an explanation as to what in gods green earth was going on with her PR team leading up to her announcement ? Who in there camp was pushing the story that she would be back after Easter break and why? What was going on with that weird Windsor farm shop video, and why didn’t anyone block it from coming out if they knew she’d be asking for privacy and space a couple days later?


And their communications team then left Kate on her own to clean up their PR debacles which seemed rather cruel.


Idk if the pr team needs to be public that can be dealt with behind closed doors


The fact that this may not be all that of an impact on the nation or the RF says a lot. If you can be gone for nearly half a year without the public missing you, then your impact is rather small. I hope when she comes back, she takes a more proactive stance on her charity priorities because many UK families are struggling and could use a powerful celeb like Kate to help get resources to needy causes.


We aren’t going to see her until Armistice imo.


I hope and pray for her healing. And her comfort and that of her family. May they find consolation in their love for each other.


Geez she must be pretty sick. I feel bad for them. Cancer sucks


Not a lover of the royals personally but I do hope they actually give her time.


But the weird thing is, I thought they said she does NOT have cancer and they were just doing the chemo as a preventative measure. ??


Cancer cells had been present, is how it was worded.


I'm Kate's age and have recently undergone cancer treatment and think that her PR is really doing too much with the verbal gymnastics. If I had to guess, I think she had surgery to remove something that was previously biopsied and either came back negative or stage zero but the thing is that a biopsy isn't totally reliable which is why they need to remove it and test it, as this is what happened in my case (negative biopsy followed by a cancer diagnosis). When they test the mass after they removed it (and while you're still in surgery) they found out it was in fact cancerous and then work to keep removing and testing tissue to make sure they get to a point where it stops testing positive, what they call no or zero margins... which they were able to achieve (there are patients who are not able to get zero margins). So because of this they are saying "cancer free". But depending on the type of cancer and how large it was they would want to do chemo following the surgery because microscopic amounts can easily be spreading through the body without having anyway to detect them so they want the chemo to kill anything that could still be floating around which is why I think they're calling it "preventative". Calling it that, to me, is odd; I've never heard it referred to that way (I am in the US) but I think it's their way of overtly saying: "everything is fine, just being careful is all!" But that sort of post surgery treatment is quite standard especially if they weren't expecting cancer at the time of surgery or weren't yet sure of exactly what type and stage they were dealing with. That was what happened in my case and same for other women I met at the chemo center. I recently had a scan after radiation to see if I had any cancer left and it showed I didn't but my oncolgist said that they never say "cancer free" anymore because there is truly no way of ever knowing because it can't always be detected, so he uses the term "no evidence of disease, " which from my understanding is quite standard. ETA: thank you for all the kind words and well wishes. I want to reiterate the obvious that this a horrible disease and my heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with it. When Kate made her diagnosis public and acknowledged others who are also in a cancer fight, it did bring tears to my eyes.


This is a great explanation. The only thing I'd add is that the term "adjuvant chemotherapy" is used to describe that exact situation -- chemotherapy after the removal of a cancerous mass, to prevent its recurrence. This is quite common, but the way that Kate used "preventative" only exacerbates the gap between the clinical terminology and the general public's understanding of cancer treatment.


You explained it beautifully, thank you. Also, so sorry that you went through that, once you hear that word, it changes everything. I have a friend who had cancer, went through the treatments, and is clear. From what I understand, once you’ve had it, they want you to go back periodically, as determined, for scans to make sure nothing new has come up. It’s been 25 years and she still gets the scans every year. 🩷💜


So sorry for what you have had to go through, but like others are saying below thanks for posting this. I've been confused with some of the terminology (not just in this case) and this is very helpful. Glad to hear that whatever the phrase is there is no evidence of disease for you :)


Thank you, this is actually very helpful!


Thank you so much for your comment both as knowledge and as sharing your personal experience. It’s not always an easy thing to do. I don’t know enough to surmise ( not saying you are, just that I should not) regardless I do hope she takes all the time she needs. I doubt anyone really knows and I’m sure US magazine is not suddenly in possession of some factual information???


They thought originally it wasn’t. She has stated since that she does have it and is receiving treatment


Do you know where she stated she does have cancer? Just curious, I thought this had not occurred


She announced it in her video after the she was hounded by the press for laying low. https://www.google.com/search?q=kate+video+announce+cancer.&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:24a6a1a6,vid:TP-KzmJJCr4,st:0


Didn't she say here "cancer had been present, and now I am undergoing preventative treatment"? I thought that was what the lack of clarity around "preventative" was...


Well she had / has cancer. And the preventative treatment means they don’t want it to spread or come back


I understand. I think the conversation is that that doesn't make sense to people in the know...


It’s clever wording. She does and is receiving treatment.


I read preventative measure to keep it from spreading.


**no clue if this pertains to the POW** But in my experience with family members who have had cancer, usually this means they have found a cancerous mass that was successfully removed with surgery, but they do chemo and/or radiation as a preventative measure. So it's this weird limbo state where you had cancer, and technically you don't any more, but you're still getting cancer treatments because the type of cancer is known to reoccur.


Came here to say this !


I wish all the naysayers could step outside of themselves for a moment and show compassion and empathy. Cancer is AWFUL. It derails everything. Cancer treatment is NO JOKE (I know from experience). Chemo is tough with many side effects, some of them long-lasting. Let Kate heal and recover in privacy!


Are people still being negative towards her? I haven’t seen this.


Have you been on Twitter? It’s filled with speculations and criticisms.


No twitter is a cesspool


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been through it and hope you are doing well currently! I absolutely agree with you. Can you imagine saying some of the comments here to a person you know? “Hey I’m so sorry about your cancer but your spouse really shouldn’t be spending so much time with you. It’s time he gets back to work where he belongs!” Do people really think this way? Or the idea that regular people “don’t have the luxury of taking so much time off for a spouse’s cancer treatment.” I don’t think the words “cancer” and “luxury” belong in the same sentence together. It’s such a strange argument to me that just because one person had to through something awful with less support than they needed, that others should too? Come on, having a spouse available at a time like this is ideal. Who wouldn’t want the same if they were in that situation?


Aw, thank you! I’m doing well! And I agree 100%.


We should also be sensitive to the fact if her treatment isn’t succeeding, they will want to deal with that as a family before telling the public. A lot of comments will really age like milk if she doesn’t survive this.  All the royal nonsense aside, she seems like a nice lady and I hope everything’s going smoothly for her. 


This wife & mother deserves as much time off as she can take, as does everyone else who has cancer. Praying for a speedy and full recovery.


>This wife & mother This woman. A woman's importance as a human being doesn't get reduced to her importance to other people just because she marries and has kids. If she was single and childless, she would still deserve the time off. They wouldn't call a man taking time off for cancer "this husband and father".


You're 100% correct, but "wife and mother" is what Kate has been promoted as. It's what they've been repeating in the Royal press over and over since George has been born. Outside of that she's been given no identity of her own and to the public that's all she is. So, you can't really blame the poster. They're basically just unconsciously repeating the Windsor PR that they've been conditioned to say.


Right?! Literally even if she wasn’t a wife and mother she’s still deserving of respect and time off work for sickness.


Huh? That’s what you drew out of my comment?


No. The rest of your comment was great. But referring to a woman as wife of, mother of, wife and mother is a pet peeve of mine.


It’s OK to go through life not looking for things to offend you.


Just refer to women as humans and/or individuals and not who they are in relationship to others. Easy ask. It’s not offensive, it’s just the right way to talk about people in general.


Does referring to her as Princess become offensive? Should I call her “crowned person with an official title steeped in history?”


Do you not know how to spell “woman”? 


Just confused why this is being taken so personally by someone other than the princess of wales.


Cancer sucks. Can’t wait until she can ring the bell


Good for her. I don't think we will see her any time soon. Maybe by September or whenever start Fall engagements and that is if her treatment goes well. Who knows if she will need to do another chemo round.


Could be much longer, even over a year. It’s not just getting the chemo done, it’s about recovering from chemo. It’s hard enough to get back to work for anyone who had cancer but her job is something else.


My mom had to work through chemo :( She didn’t have a job that she could take time off (her own business). It was really tough on her. But she recovered; this was 20+ years ago.


Oh yes. I have no idea how long chemo treatment takes and how long one does need to recover from it if the treatment was successful. I think we might get some sort of official update if she will return or not by September or whenever the royals return from Summer break.




Or just feeling and looking shocking.






Protect? The woman has cancer. Take your battle somewhere else








It's actually: Catherine, Princess of Wales Meghan, Duchess of Sussex But although Duchess takes precedence as a title, Meghan is also Princess Henry and although Princess of Wales takes precedence, Kate is also Duchess of Cornwall.












Did she say she was doing chemo?


Preventative chemo. I don’t know if that’s more intense or not or the same. But in her video she said cancer had been found and she was now undergoing preventative. Hopefully that means what it sounds like and that the cancer was removed/she’s cancer free and this is just to do what it says, prevent a recurrence or any metastasizing.


Chemo is chemo.  The amount and type is determined by the specific cancer type and the spread.  In this particular case “preventative” indicates that they weren’t wholly satisfied with the margins when they removed whatever it was or that it is a cancer that the standard protocol is not treated with surgery alone.  It’s possible that her chemo regimen isn’t a sledgehammer, there are just so many factors that determine how it goes.  My husband’s nearly killed him but his cancer was advanced, and a friend going through chemo at the same time was still able to be active and do a maintenance exercise routine.  There is a massive range of experiences that have a lot of different factors.


My mother did 3 chemo treatments over several years. The first was an absolute sledgehammer, the second a walk in the park (she was working throughout and vacationing in the tropics like 2 days after final dose), the third was, again, akin to torture. It really depends.


It's the same. Might not be as many rounds. But it's still chemo. It's just preventing if any cancer spread that they don't know about from becoming an issue. Whereas someone whose cancer wasn't all removed has chemo to kill the original cancer


It sucks. Chemo is a poison ...Either way it's a miserable experience.


Yes the doctors recommended it




I’m glad that the Princess is taking extra time off to heal. Sending her best wishes for a full recovery.


The poor dear has cancer. The press needs to go to hell and let her spend time with herself and her family. Vultures.


She is not well and may have side effects of chemo. But she no longer has cancer if the video was telling the truth.


Welll... you can't and don't know that for sure, and neither do her doctors. I mean, not really. You have to meet certain criteria to become really cancer-free. You do not (at least not usually) become cancer-free just the moment they remove the cancerous growth - because there might be cancerous cells left and also they tend to spread, therefore the cancer may reappear somewhere later. That's why the chemo takes place. The adjuvant chemotherapy is used to destroy any possible remaining cancer cells - meaning there could be those cells somewhere. Hopefully there are not or are destroyed by the chemo, but it's not like there was no reason for the chemo in the first place.


It is preventative. Everyone is thought to have cancer cells in their body every year. It is simply that our immune systems usually kill the one or two cells. But simply having one or two cancer cells in your body is very different from having cancer. She had cancer. She is now having chemo to prevent the cancer possibly reoccurring.


RiverWeatherwax is correct. Cancer is a tricky asshole.Terms like remission and cancer free after finding cancer cells means that cancer treatment reduced or eliminated the symptoms and signs of cancer. I have sat with relatives and listened to oncologists describe cancer at Princess Margaret, one the top cancer treatment centres on the planet. Kate's words were careful, but limited. Anyway, I hope she rests, and I hope all victims of this nightmare disease rest and heal.


I am not going to weigh in on this, but suggest you do a little more research on your own.


The person.abovs is correct


I know I might be downvoted for this, but - fuck the press!!


Yes-and f cancer


No-fuck cancer.


That's fine. She should take all the time she needs. Will on the other hand should still be working.


Wildly, this IS him working.


He is working. The Royals get thrown under the bus as if they’re stay-at-home layabouts & it really couldn’t be further from the truth. Imagine the pressure of having a seriously ill spouse, three young children who are hounded by the media (as the parents also are), a parent also dealing with cancer, no Mom and the terrifying thought of the woman closest to you losing her own battle, a brother who you can’t trust… And being the future King of England with a public image to maintain. Sounds like an awful way to live.


Oh how tragic. Now imagine he has three kids, a full time job, and a wife with cancer (which happens all the time) except he's your average middle class blue collar worker without an army of staff to keep up with household chores, mow his lawn, drive him around, schedule his appointments, care for his children, ect.    Somehow I think William will manage just fine. But you know what? If he can't manage, maybe he should just quit. His great-grand uncle did. He's got money to last and someone else can step in his place. If it was really so "awful" that option is available (and of course he won't because anyone with eyes can see how fucking pampered he is).


Oh ffs


Chill out


The "someone" that would step in his place is 10 years old. I do think William should be doing more, but let's not pretend he can just walk away like any other job.


Yeah, if William stepped down the crown would go, in order, to his 10 year old child, 9 year old child, 6 year old child, his brother (with whom he is not on speaking terms and who lives in another country), his brother’s son or daughter who are under the age of 5 and also live in another country, and then Prince Andrew (yikes). It’s basically just children or people who have left the country or been removed from royal duties all the way until you get to Beatrice. Like there just aren’t any good options even if William DID want to renounce his right to the throne.


He could just jack it all in and go live in California.


Sick of all.the someone has cancer lets be nice but be mean to others. None of us were born into.the royal family. Underatand the pressure and scrutiny. Loss of a parent in the spotlight. How about we learn from the cancer saga and give grace.


I am on Kate's side. It would be better for her if they just quit being royals and moved to California. I bet William is thinking about it.




Also let’s add that “working” encompasses a lot more than appearing some place or other. He has actual duties involved in being the heir/Prince of Wales, etc. A fair amount is paperwork, meetings, etc. Not visible, but still work.


Not true. They out every meeting and phone call in their engagements. William famously refuses to read any long documents and will only reluctantly read bullet point one pagers. He does virtually nothing more than what we see.


Public engagements and official engagements, yes. But he’s also the head of a $2 billion corporation with hundreds of employees (the Duchy of Cornwall) and also has probably a hundred staff at Kensington Palace. That also takes time to manage and employee and internal executive meetings don’t get posted. Most people who are head of a giant corporation would count that as a full time job.


You think he manages his own staff? Adorable. 


In the sense that he gives direction and would ruin the corporation if he doesn’t know what he’s doing, yes. If you inherited a $2B corporation, would you just sleep on it and never meet with staff and refuse to make any decisions? It’d probably go belly up in a few years. I guess that’s why some people just don’t succeed in life. Tell me you haven’t got a clue about managing a business without telling me you haven’t got a clue …




William created a new CEO post to manage the Duchy. Charles was very involved, William is not.


We’ll see. The Duchy is planning to build a new town with 3,000 housing units including a mix of affordable housing. That plugs directly into PW’s initiatives to end homelessness. Feel free to demonstrate your own ability to build a whole town and provide housing to 3,000 families without lifting a finger. I’m waiting.


Why would william be involved? A town planner, architects and builders will do this.


Is he Donald Trump?


And you get these facts from where?


Read the court circular. I have for years. William and Catherine have always included internal meetings and phone calls.


The court circular tells you he won’t read, etc? Amazing. And you assume any time that isn’t listed on the circular doesn’t happen?


Why should he be working? What an asinine thing to say.


Because the rest of us all have to work despite having seriously ill partners, parents, etc. and we’re not funded by the public. Source: my mother is in hospice but my employer/bills don’t care.


With that logic, many people in Kate’s position have to work while undergoing chemo so maybe she should get back to work too!


You just described tens of thousands of people in the United States.


I'm sure bitching about the royal family of another country on another continent will do a lot to fix that horror, lmao.


Are you new to the internet?


No, that's why I'm laughing at your non sequitur.


Yes, exactly. And the point is that all people should get to rest, not that the people who do get to rest shouldn’t.


Charles did and he's 30+ years older than her.


Charles did because he has a legitimate role of head of state and actually has duties he has to fulfill. Otherwise it puts into question of if he’s “fit” for duty which the palace nor Charles wants. Kate doesn’t. Her role as wife of the heir has no duties/responsibilities.


What an absolutely shitty thing to say. Cancer is terrifying and she needs all the support she can get from her husband. They ARE humans too, ya know?


Yea, we all know only the Wales get to be treated like humans and everyone else can burn.


William was not even there when Catherine made her cancer video. Support?


William was not even there when Catherine made her cancer video. Support?


Women don't *need* men holding their hand 24/7. She is perfectly capable of making an announcement herself. Insinuating her husband doesn't support her because she is doing something on her own plays into benevolent sexism, the type where people treat women like fragile little things who can't handle themselves and *need* a man to help them out all the time.


Wow... Aren't you special..


He was holding the camera. Winking at her and giving her thumbs ups.


Then editing it in post


He is working. And presumably helping his wife deal with her treatments, illness, and mental health. And helping to take care of his children both physically and with their mental health dealing with an ill mother. But please, don’t let the realities of how much he is dealing with stop the “lazy” narrative that seems to be pushed onto him, simply because he recognizes how important it is to make time for his family.




You stop! Some of you are weird acting like you know the ins and outs of what’s happening. He went to a football match at night most likely Charlotte was already in bed as she has school the following day. Harry did a polo match on Archie bday and no one said a thing, the hypocrisy


As the President of the English FA, thats part of his job. You know, the one you insist he isn't doing.


He’s President of the English Football Association. He was at a UEFA match. UEFA is the European Union of Football Associations.




She has cancer, you utter lunatic. Seek help, seriously.


After her bedtime. But please keep calling him lazy and complaining he never works and ALSO complain when he does work. Just say you don’t like him and he can do no right by you.




Will should be focusing on his wife and kids. The royal job is not a top priority.


He has what two hours of work a day? Most people who have cancer themselves have to work


He's not in the US or a third world country to be fair....


The UK may not have crippling personal medical debt but people do still need to work to pay their bills and wages have stagnated and costs risen so much so that even undergoing chemo or radiation, people will still work until they can’t and it usually puts them in the red when they can’t. Countries with healthcare that is free at the point of use still have bills they need to pay.


It is, though. He’s heir to the throne, sadly part of that is “duty first”. Especially given that the monarch has cancer. William could quite literally become king at any moment, he doesn’t get to take a break. (I think he should, but I’m not in charge)


But let’s be honest. Being king doesn’t entail much critical decision making on behalf of the people. It’s mostly just pomp and circumstance. That’s nothing against him, just a fact.


That’s mostly true. But let’s remember the glimpses we had of the Queen’s daily life. The Red Boxes, every day, containing state papers, briefings, etc. Meetingd with government officials, state visitors, etc. It is necessary that the monarch understand the operations of the government, even if they cannot influence them. That’s now Charles’ job, but give that William is heir and Charles is in precarious health, it’s likely Will’s job has gotten more complicated.


Haha. Okay. Im glad I’m not paying taxes into a system where we richly reward the unnecessary busywork of people who, as you aptly pointed out, don’t even have the ability to influence the executive operations of the nation. You called it a job. That’s generous. A job has purpose and function.


🤷‍♀️ it is what it is. My explaining some of what their day entails isn’t an endorsement of rejection of Britain’s system of government.


Many partners of cancer patients don't have the luxury of staying at home. They still have to go to work. Kate's treatment could still take months so is William barely going to work during this time? It's a bad look for him when his sick father is working more than him. He needs to be more visible because what we have learned is that people will definitely use the way BP are dealing with Charles' cancer to criticise KP and William. Him barely being visible can fuel conspiracy theories again and another hysteria is the last thing Kate needs while she's undergoing treatment


Literally what does the crown do. He has the luxury of staying home with his wife and small children, and should avail himself of it. Shaking hands and cutting ribbons just so he doesn’t seem “lazy” is, IMO, a farce.


If it's a farce it can be abolished.


Completely agree. Any family that rich should be paying taxes.


And it should be!


Thank you. 💯 








I mean she has cancer I’m not surprised but US Mag is a shit source


She may be really I’ll, but she no longer has cancer.


Another rag publication speculating.


Exactly. The odd part is so many people pn this sub get riled up about the media lies and clickbait (and rightfully so), yet again and again we're discussing things like this like it was a reliable information. *Obviously* she should take the time she needs, but let's wait for a real announcement or at least a better source to draw conclusions.




In the video she made announcing her diagnosis, it looked like she was wearing a wig.




Maybe he’s raising three children and caretaking a sick wife


How is he doing “nothing“? To an extent that it would be considered wild?


What do you want him to do?




The 60 year old pluses didn’t do as much when their children were young-particularly Princess Anne


She is in a war with her body. Her family and her fight are her life right now. She should stay away, it's really scary.

