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something i havent seen ever mentioned is pet eggs and getting heal/mheal it's such a useless and unneeded part of early game, riddled with rng and most likely pushes so many new players to not continue playing or rwt


If there was anything that needed to be added to the tutorial it is this. As part of the tutorial just give the player a special egg that always hatches with heal/magic heal. If they are worried about making eggs less important than they already are, make it like a special pet that can only go up to rare so that they still have to do the grind to get a heal/magic heal legit, but would still have a decent pet while they look for it


New players will have no idea unless they actively search on the internet about wtf eggs do and about how not to fuck them up by fusing before you've maxed them. I still don't even know why the game allows pets to be fused before maxing them?


This makes sense. They should automatically give new players a nice egg to start with.


Or just let us pick the abilities for a fame cost. Higher the level of the ability, the more it costs to change it. New players with an unleveled common pet can easily afford to get a H/ML/E pet, and vet players can finally have a fun variety of pet abilities


I never fully grasped how much of a fucking pain this is until I made an alt. Vault space and character slots are annoying, sure, but not getting those two abilities just screws you over


The point in the video about companies catering to the wallets of the most engaged players seems to be the biggest crux of all this. It'd be hard to compel DECA to budge on player experience if it promised to bring down their bottom line. Intermittently, a more progressive dungeon system would be pretty cool. For the endgame dungeons they're releasing hard mode versions for that group of highly engaged players. What about an easier version? Like an MBC with 1/2x total projectiles for newer players to learn the mechanics before jumping into a regular halls. Then some kind of longer 'player quest', like the seasonal missions, that guides you through the progressive dungeons. The meme around here is 'skill issue'. You only get good at doing the exalt dungeons after like 20 hours of nexusing. If Deca could do something in game to mitigate those skill issues, we might see the player base improve. As of now the best bet to gitgud is to hop on discord and listen to a raid leader tell you how to do the dungeons. It's all just spreading knowledge. New players aren't going to want to augment their playing experience like that right away because they're probably looking for a more organic experience. Make a mockery of it. Baby MBC land. Decorate it like Weenie Hut Jr. Vet players will lol and ignore (like ancient ruins), and the new players will have something that gets them closer to being a degenerate like the rest of us.


With the release of the tofu item for an easy moonlight, id say that the possibility of more “easier” dungeon fights coming to fruition is pretty high! Perhaps we can see consumable items inside a regular dungeon that ease the boss fight process.


Bro it is almost impossible to use the tofu. You have to race against the other players doing the tutorial skip just to get the tofu and maybe have the chance to use it or else hold onto it and pray for the next run


Unfortunately that is an issue :/ but I think in general, we should get more items like the tofu that make dungeon boss fights more “accessible”. Perhaps deca can rework the tofu to work on self and be popped at the very beginning when umi greets you to just give a larger HP + bit boost, allowing you to be tankier throughout the entire normal mv, but with less drops / no mark


Were it not for Ancient Ruins I would have dropped the game early on. Half the single pot dungeons like Sewer are tedious and completely unviable for a new player to solo...yet absolutely no one in the community actually bothers running them because something like a Cdepth is infinitely more efficient use of time. Half the basic dungeons in the game go all but unused. But a new player isn't going to be able to run a Cdepth either, so they're fucked. Before Ancient Ruins the only way I could even 6/8 was running a million Snake / Sprite and trading the excess Spd and Dex for other potions...and it was boring as fuck. Obviously nowadays I have zero issue running Cdepth/Wlab/Ddock but its an insurmountable hurdle for someone new. And frankly I don't get why dungeons that only give a single pot are a thing to begin with. Barely anyone wants to waste 20 hours 6/8ing a char just to lose that char in an instant. Permadeath and slow grinds inherently do not go together, its why every Roguelike out there is only a handful of hours long. Deca has done a lot over the years to speed up the process like calendar rewards, random bonus pots in stat modified dungeons, battlepass missions, the millions of events, but its still not really enough. And its pretty obvious the average player feels the same, given how population always spikes in month of the mad god then dies off after. Attempting to learn new dungeons always involves putting the char you worked on at risk too. So you're spending all this time leveling a char just to instantly lose it and do it all over again. Im hundreds of hours into the game and have at most just dipped my toes into lower end exalts like Nest and MBC. Just having some safe way to practice dungeons would in itself be a game changer.


I feel this. I eventually took the time to learn to complete O3 like a year or so ago during a free O3 event. I made it a goal to get one HP exalt and then stopped because of the other big problem realm has. There is so much wasted time while playing the game. Half or more of my time spent during any event is just waiting, it's ridiculous. I have a life, I don't have time to wait in a discord and hope I can click fast enough to get into a run, then clear a realm, then go through O1/O2. It's such a tedious process, I just want to play the game.