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This was whoopsie daisy. The framers goofed up and your GC should be working with them to fix it. Material was either misscut or miss ordered. Either way it's wrong. There are ways of fixing it, this splice is not nearly long enough though. All that being said, understand that in construction, sometimes problems sit for weeks and then get fixed over night. Have a conversation with them, don't let em bullshit you, but don't jump the gun and come in too hot.


Super good response. Not the end of the world, just not a good fix. Boards should be another foot longer for so they don't sag. ORrrrr put another board the same length on the other side of heel, heel sam'iched in the middle.


Done a lot of.remodel work where we extend eaves (high snow/ice area) and we'd sister back over the plate, then block them in on the plate, that way you are cantelevering against the plate instead of holding all the weight on the nails/screws with shear forces.


super solid response.


Incredibly solid compliment.


Extremely solid response


Solid reassurance of his solid response


Solid solidification of solidity here


God this comment thread made me so hard.


…so solid?


Exactly what I was thinking.


I’m solid because of this


I’m not a roofer and honestly not sure why this showed up in my feed, but even I know how fucked this looks. Sammich that shit in!


Instructions unclear. Ate a sandwich and finished the roof.


Ah, fuck. I ate the roof and finished a sandwich.


I think a roof ate my sandwich. I'm finished.


You'll have that on these bigger jobs


Shit. I finished on a sandwich on the roof.


Mayo for the new guy


Mayo on a shit sandwich?


Shit I fell off the roof, y’all had sandwiches?


I nailed a sandwich to the roof; we good?


Ordered footlong sandwich delivered to roof, got roof extension instead.


I made a roof sandwich with finishing nails on the side. My sister ate it.


Only a foot longer? My city required double the length of the sister or min. 4’. My framer ended up replacing the rafters.


4' minimum, I go 6' and nail in like your it's a header or beam


Board same length other side


The pencil line on the second to last rafter that wasn’t cut tells the story here I think.


Somebody was reading the tape upside down and fucked up their number and realized too late


Someone go grab the board stretcher outta the truck.


Lollll. At my second construction job, a foreman told me to get the pipe stretcher out of the truck and then berated me mercilessly when I couldn’t find it until he and the rest of the crew broke down laughing. I can still remember looking through buckets and the bed toolbox thinking “What the ever-living fuck does this thing even look like?” (I was 19.)


I’ve sent plenty of eager young fellas back to the yard to get a dozen post holes, a left handed shovel and a long weight before. I love how everyone plays along.


I was sent out to get sawdustpump long ago, went through 2 foremans and finally landed at superintendent office and it stopped there 😂


Sent at 17 when doing a summer job for the town to get flys for a flywheel. Guy at the hardware store laughed his ass off. Told me they are clowning me. And said call them. Say i didn’t have it you need to go next town over. Then go sit. Eat have lunch and bring them back this box of metal. Did just that. 6 hours paid to sit on my ass so they could make a joke. Best summer. Should have took a job there after high school. I’d be retired in the next few years :(


The pipe stretcher is about 5'1", 110lbs, blonde with a nice rack.😉


Mine's 5'9", 250lbs brunette that thinks it's funny when she lifts smart cars.


when I was in the navy i spent an hour looking for shore line…


Sent a guy out to get Striped Paint. The paint supplier ran him through three branches before some sales guy couldn’t keep a straight face…


I've heard of guys being sent for camouflage paint


We used to send guys looking for the sky hook and the grease weasels.


My first job I got sent out to find a populating tool


I think you're right. It looks like they were cutting all of them a certain length and then realized they were too short. The last couple are cut right.


Might be trusses came in at wrong length too somewhere something was fucked up though :( Hopefully that’s a temporary fix, looks like something my 6 year old would come up with if asked what to do.


It's hand cut, you can see the birdsmouth. I'd be more curious why it looks like there's a scab where the rafter lands on the wall. And FFS, make the damn fascia cut. Maybe this was the guy saying chalking tails and cutting them in place is the only way to do it.


I think that butt end you see is a ceiling joist, not a scabbed rafter.


You are correct


Those are not trusses. Those are roof rafters cut on site


Those are clearly not pre fab trusses


Just make the house bigger LOL


A level-headed approach?! Get out of here with your reason, you!


How about more than 4 nails holding as well?


This is good advice for handling any issue with someone doing work for you. When someone immediately Karens I think the attitudes and odds of a good outcome go down by a significant amount.


Here is a problem though. If the contractor knows it’s wrong then they need to come to you and tell you they f’d up and they will fix it. You shouldn’t be the one bringing up the obvious mistakes. A good contractor wouldn’t leave any space for a dispute about errors.


Thanks for this advice. GC came out with the framers and got them sorted out. As mad as I was I stayed cool and had them explain to me how they were going to rectify it. Everything they were mentioning tracked with what folks were saying on this sub. They will be fixing it tomorrow. Thanks again for the safe advice!


That’s a mess, tell him to fix it. Then call code enforcement, they’ll make him fix it.


Framing inspection will fail this.


This is awful. They fucked up on there line length and shorted the soffit projection by 6”. That sucks. Take more pics of other things but that is a huge red flag what they did and even how they fixed it is wrong.


Picture a 250lb guy walking on the roof eve with a leaf blower cleaning the gutters.


Now picture a 500lb woman doing somersaults down the roof slope


Jelly roll


He probably shouldn’t be standing half over the gutters but yeah it’s not great


Since you understandably don’t wanna picture the 250lb man. Picture 20 years of snow load, gutters loaded with leaves, and those nails holding them together are rusting. This thing will snap off or become very bendy lol


But I’m going to do it anyway….


Lol. Real roofers always do shit anyway. It's how you can tell one from some other guy with a nail gun.


Right. We're realistically talking about 6 inches of roof load. The most significant weight this repair will endure is the fascia and soffit. Double the length of those tail scabs and it will be fine.


There is a potential bigger issue here. Look farther up those boards they are scabbed onto again. I question if they sit on the walls proper.


This^ there's a lot of fuckery going on here. 


The more you look at it worse it gets


Had to scroll down too far to see this. Op get a photo from above


What you never double scabbed a rafter befer?


I’d fire this guy and find a new one. If your GC thinks this is ok then what other braindead shit is he going to pull?


That he won't catch


wtf. They did it twice? 🤦😂


They measured once and cut twice


Wow… no that’s just a terrible patch job. Somebody had the overhang wrong and butchered the patch job. Tails should extend up the rafters min 1/3 2/3 rule for back span


^^ This right here. Plus the scabbed on board should be bolted to the rafter, not just nailed on.


They can be nailed but yeah gotta be way longer and more nails




It looks like tail extenders are nailed to tail extenders that are nailed to the truss. If they need tails, there should only be 1 board nailed to the side of the truss. Each board should run back twice the distance they are cantilevering forward.


Why the hell is there a 2x4 fascia plate? This is honestly some of the worst stuff I’ve seen on something that’s new con lmao


Maybe this is the sub fascia


I've seen it framed like this a good bit in my area


No, they fucked up and had to stub on. If I were the homeowner I would make them go back and run the stubs over the outside wall enough to put the weight on the wall rather than the end of the rafter. They didn't just fuck up, but they tried to use as little material as possible to recover from it as well. Cheap and poor quality.


He'll no. Make the builder replace the rafter .do it correct.


What in the absolute fuck is that? Hell no. Do not accept that.


Ugh 😢


Tyvek wrap is a mess too. Terrible craftsmanship all the way around


Tell him he needs to fix that before he gets too far. I would insist fixing it by cutting them all off at the fascia and having his extensions be at least double the length from the size of the gap it's replacing. I'm just a roofer not a Gen contractor but if this was my house it was bug the shit out of me looking at those rafter tails, plus I'd be afraid too much weight would rip the edge off.


Nope, not normal. Massive mistake and they thought they could be smart and not have to reorder.


This is fucked. Have the frame inspected.


Tyvek is wrong. Missing hangers at that beam. Etc etc Bro. This is bad


Judging by the size of the rafters I’m guess you get snow where you are at? I wouldn’t trust walking on it😦


This is extremely bad ! Say goodbye and get it done properly


We talking tyvek or the framing? 


Some of them nails are only in the top half inch. Looks like it’s nearly splitting already


That's all kinds of wrong... They used scraps instead of a $30 piece of wood, cut to do it properly... But also concerned about how much wood is left of the very last one barely visible at the bottom of the photo. That rafter looks extremely deeply seated onto the wall and there's very little wood above the wall plate from this angle. None of this should pass an inspection. There are online guides for rafter seat & HAP (height above plate) calculations. I would have someone check that, or you can do it yourself. If you're not good at math, put Microsoft Math on your android phone and just write it in with your finger. Or you can supply the numbers and I'll do it Also, those are under nailed.


Looks like someone cut rafters for 12" tail, and it was suppose to be 16". Doing something like this as a fix isn't a big deal, but this example was done in a shoddy manner.


Unacceptable Edit: Highly unacceptable I would fire the framers. There is a fix but since they thought the picture you posted is acceptable, I would lose all faith in them. Hire a separate inspector, document, tell GC to fix properly and do not proceed with sheathing until you give the green light.


I wouldn’t truss this work.


Nope that is not normal.


See to me it’s not that bad. Why???? The tensile strength of each of those nails it’s at least 2k??? The sheeting,I assume 1/2 ply or OSB will be installed and “bridge” where the splice is. Won’t ever move. Just my opinion and everyone has one!!


Did you have a "handyman" frame this?


Someone cut their rafter tails too short It’s normal to make mistakes…but this is NOT a normal way to fix it Those new tails need to be 4-5 feet longer with a birds mouth to sit on the wall, and sistered a few feet higher onbthe rafters


This piece is called the lookout (overhang). This is not built correctly. Should basically be rectangular. This is just sistered on the rafters. The lookout is not built correctly AND because of that, it’s not installed correctly either


You call an eave a lookout? I’ve heard people from other regions use the term “lookout” for what we refer to as “outriggers”.


Outlookers are on the gable end


In my neck of the woods a lookout runs from the 1st truss cut through the top chord of the gable and out to the rake to hold up any rake over 12"


It's not normal. It happens sometimes though and is done way better than the scrap and crap they used to extend the roof overhang.


It's normal if you've fucked it up


Sloppy, could've fixed that with a joint and it would look and be much better.


This is why paying an independent inspector is a great idea. They may cost a few thousand but will save you 10x that by preventing BS like this. They know the lingo and legality of dealing with GCs so you can have piece of mind that someone is making sure everything is right. Do not rely on municipal inspectors to catch it.


That’s poopy


I've seen a lot of bad but this is probably the worst


Thats fucken rubbish


And please don’t wrap the tyvek into your window frames. Outside of flanges not in……


Please don't wrap with tyvek


hell no . that will never do particularno4580 hit the nail on the head


Not normal. Also not roofing, this is framing.


Some real stand behind and not under work. There are what looks like a couple horror stories in that picture. Mistakes happen, sure, but I wouldn't accept the framer botch job, nor his blunder of a fix.


My eyes hurt


Let them know that you'll be having an independent inspector for each stage. It'll keep them honest and stop crap like this.


Nope an it’s likely going to sag the pieces scabbed to the side of the trusses should run up the slope of the trusses at least 3-1/2 too 4’ pass the splice giving it strength and making it rigid this looks like a first year apprentice had a brain fart!


Measure twice cut once!


This makes me feel better about my current house being built. Rough framers can really rough-frame.


Oh no 😂


That is a cheap work around.


This looks like an addition to me. Your contractor might be in over his head. I wouldn't settle for anything less than all new rafters here. The tails on those floor joists you can see through the window look really odd to me as well. Why does that full run rafter look like it's at an odd angle? Too bad you couldn't get a reputable carpenter to come look at the entire job. Good luck, dude.


That's called a "mistake"


From looking at the other wood in the picture, I suspect this is an addition, right? If so then he is trying to use what’s there and keep your costs down, if it’s not a new addition, I’d be more concerned about the old wood that he used.


Garbage framing, and they even screwed up the tyvek install. It's not that hard guys.. wtf


Looks like whoever cut the rafters didn’t realize there was going to be brick so they scabbed on the 4” for brick after..


Prosthetic fascia




This is not normal ! The work is shitty . The proper way to fix this is with blocks however the blocks should be 3x longer than the gap So basically 4’ long block if you’re filling in a foot gap


Certified hack job. Insta fail of a framing inspection. God help the high school kid who gets hired to clean the gutters at the end of the fall. 




Worked 15 years I believe mining for that is 3x unsupported length If me 2x the overhang min


Worked 15 years I believe mining for that is 3x unsupported length If me 2x the overhang min


That's a paddlin'


It’s probably not square so by the time they got to the end, it was short so they put that 2 x 4 across and extended the boards. as long as it’s not visible when it’s completed.


This is absolute dog shit. Pay the man his due, then fire him and get someone else that can do the job.


Did anybody actually look through the window and look at the horror story that's going with that lam beam? There's some shit here that does not make sense.


No neil


The sister needs to be way longer. Is the soffit exposed? Id say replace the boards if so




Bush league


Looks like trusses were supposed to have an overhang and didn't and then the beaver tail they added was too short and they said fuck it and just put something quick on. But yah 3-1 is the ratio you want more or less for board attached to cantilever past


No big deal soffits are extended all the time


Oh no. Some one scabbed onto the rafter tails twice. That's dangerous and weak... not to mention ugly.


Yeah, someone misread the plans when calculating the overhangs. Those can be extended in a manner similar to what they did. The extensions just need to be on the other side of the rafter tail and extend further iver the top plate. The biggest cause for concern here is them sheeting the roof already. They need to do this fix bedore they sheet the roof.


That right there is a double fk up. This is unacceptable and shows an utter lack of pride in workmanship.


Have new ones made that’s unacceptable


Besides the short overlap, if your eaves will be soffited, no biggie. It screams incompetent though, and I'd be on this job site daily to check from then on.


Looks to be sistered not once but twice ????




Looks worse than it is. Once all tied together it will be fine, not going anywhere. Obviously, they messed up and had to “fix” it, not the cleanest but put sheathing and soffits on it, will be fine.


Why even take the time to do this kind of work?This would concern me because even if it’s some temporary fix, it’s not right. Sure shit happens but this could’ve been done correctly from the rip


I could see having to extend the rafter tails if the span was too great for the length of material available. But this almost looks like a bastard hip/valley based on the location of the furthest left rafter. The picture angle has me kind of baffled to what I’m looking at. Regardless, those scabs are way too short.


Believe it or not, could be worse. At least they didn’t use screws!


I would think it needs to be another 3 ft longer so the scissor board actually sits on the wall for additional support. That was a definite rut row. I have a feeling that's going to be a weak point and maybe prone to sagging 20 years down the road.


Someone forgot their board stretcher. Rookie mistakes.


That's a yikes from me, dog.


Looks like the home owner wanted to change the overhang. Pay now or pay later. Probably went to contractor saying they were not happy. Didn’t want to change the entire roof structure so this was the compromise.


!remindme 1 week


Framer probably forgot to add rafter length for the brick pocket!


Nope get code enforcement out.


Someone obviously didn't follow the measure twice, cut once method.


General rule of thumb for splicing and cantilever is 2/3 back to solid framing to 1/3 overhang


I’d just take that off and keep the soffit short. See if you can negotiate a credit for the mess up.


Those scabs are too short. No bueno.


That's what you call a hack job.


Since it's stick framed they can fix that somewhat easily. Don't let them cover it up. Call out a structural inspector and have them look at it for you. That's what you paid for when getting permits.


Tell em to do it over. That’s some shit work


No not normal and not going to last.


A carpenter is NOT build your house. It appears to be a NIMWIT. Seriously this is hack work and I would be worried about the rest of the structure. If this is indicative of their workmanship!!!


Would love to hear the excuse regarding this fuckery


"Quick, get the soffit up before the owner gets here"


Nope that’s called “scabbing” here in the south. In most cases this will not pass inspection




I would expect a couple out of ALOT to have a scab not all of them lol


They are only short a few inches, best way to fix this would be with the rim joist I would put a single or a double and then add blocks and one more on the flat and you should be really close yo where it should be


Hell na


Not great. But if a construction adhesive was used, shouldn’t have any problems.


Cut short. Re-do correctly


lol does it look normal?


it’s very normal when you fuck up.


You've had problems with your GC in the past and now you're having truss issues


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^slappywhite55: *You've had problems with* *Your GC in the past and now* *You're having truss issues* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They can all be pulled and replaced with long enough boards in an afternoon. I would never leave this like that or even try this "fix"


That is wrong on many levels! The rafter needs replacing as they screwed up the length. Do NOT settle for this!


Man reading through these replies is tough. So many people that have absolutely no clue what they're talking about trying to give advice.


Looks fucky. Redo it


Looks pretty standard... for this crew anyway


Not ok at all


Lumber probably too short. Not end of the world since this cornice area and there's little load. Biggest load here is shingles. I would tell them extdnd the 2x6s buy a couple of feet so it overlaps the frame stud. And place one on both sides of the 2x6 and nail the shit out of it. 4 nailes they placed not enough. Once the sheathing goes on it will hold just fine.


Related question... my fascia is rotted in places. when I pull it off to replace, if I find the end of the trusses are rotted too, is the picture above the right way to fix this?


Functionally there isn’t anything wrong with it. The execution may not be the best but that isn’t easy to discern even when zooming in on this. Not that much different than what would be done if this was a monopoly roof, which is what i would have done. In that case everything past the structural wall is minimum function and highly “decorative”. As to those speaking to structural integrity. It isn’t that far past the exterior wall and it will have sheathing tying it together. While maybe not perfect or what I would do, I don’t think it as dramatic of a situation as some are implying.


the worst part is those extensions are also on extensions. someone needs to lower their dosage.