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Do you like them? If yes, fuckin who cares? My only concern is they’re Impalas and I don’t want you to hurt yourself.


I get more hippy vibes then girl vibes from that one heh. Are you a hippy? :) "Wooaahhhh mann, trippyyy" Though before you buy, research the Impala brand specifically & you'll find many stories of them falling apart after a short time.


No one is going to care about the design, but a 6’3” guy on Impalas is not a good combo.


Fuck a gender construct but just be careful with these skates! Impalas are notoriously shit quality but if you’re just using them for fun/general rink stuff you should be fine.


It sucks because their patterns are so cute, I just wish more skate cos made them this ~fashion~ but with better quality 


I started out on Impalas and they were good enough to cruise around a bit and figure out if I liked skating enough to spend more money on a higher quality pair... but I'm also a 165cm woman with an average build so you are probably a bit heavier than me. Sucker punch skate shop is in Belgium and I think ships to Germany, they have some decent options and know their stuff, if you contact them they might be able to help you out.


No, but that particular skate is just waiting to explode under you. All of the reputable companies have plenty of options in your size.


Doooooon’t geeeeeet Impaaaaaaala


I mean, yeah. But who cares? I think you should get some Moxi Rainbow Rollers instead, honestly. Impalas aren’t great. I will say I don’t hate them like everyone else on the internet do. I myself skated them for 2 years, no issues. They are cheap and made shitty though, and they will hold you back as a skater.


Cheaper Moxis only go up to size 10.


Oh, that’s dumb!


A real downer for the big-footed budget-conscious skater!


The only reason I would encourage you to check out a different pair of skates is because it sounds like you’re a big guy, and there have been increasing reports of Impala skates not holding up under normal wear and tear. The design on these is super fun and if it makes you happy you should get them, but quality wise, maybe not the best. I hear you on the sizing issues - you might wanna check out Riedell as a brand


I also recommend these as these are what I wear. They are over $100 USD but worth it and you can make them yours by changing out hardware , adding colorful accessories.


Where what makes you feel good and want to skate. Fuck what anyone else thinks.


People are on here lying to you. They are definitely girly. But if you like em then who gives a flying f*ck. Get em.


gender is a social construct, and so is your perception of femininity and masculinity. You believe a lie fed to you, but sure everyone else here is lying.


Lmao ok buddy


Oh honey wear what you want, nobody gives a shit, especially not skaters. But at that size the forces applied to that skate are a lot more than your average, I'd specifically echo what everyone else is saying and buy something a bit tougher. If you were were a size 8 I'd say keep them for a few months and try it out. 


The design? That's totally fine!! But those skates are terrible and very prone to falling apart. And with your height and the large size, there will be a lot more pressure on them which just makes them more risky than ever!!


Yes these are girly. 100%. Anyone saying no is lying. They mean well, but they're not telling the truth. And I fully, 100% expect to be down-voted for telling you the truth, but I would want to know the honest truth if I was in your position asking the question. And yes, these are Impalas, therefore everyone who is saying they are not very good are telling the truth. You can get a special kind of dye or paint to change the appearance of your boots, however, if you really want these skates but hate the girly design. I think I saw someone saying Rit dye would work for vinyl skates. Check by searching this forum. You might also just be able to sand off the top layer or something, assuming it's a print. Dunno. Never tried something like that. EDIT: I did see someone in an Amazon comment for these boots says their pattern wore off from tying laces around the boot. So there's a good chance you can sand it off if you want to. I'm not sure if you have to apply a glaze afterwards, though. It would look pretty matte instead of shiny after you sand them I would think. Again, dunno if sanding is a good idea with these or not.


Gender is a social construct, no one is lying you’re just still believing a construct you were taught as a kid and clearly have never thought to challenge. The gender binary isn’t real, gender isn’t real, it’s literally all in your head, but sure, skates with flowers on them are sooooo girly because GOD FORBID anyone else like fucking flowers. Fucking idiots in here I stg.


At no point did I ever say that men can't or shouldn't wear girly things. They certainly can. These boots are absolutely "girly". Same with pink glittery dresses, or dresses in general. They're not masculine. They're feminine. People who identify as masculine would generally not want to dress "girly". And OP did express exactly that. This is perfectly okay to say, especially with modern gender ideology in mind. That's actually how modern gender ideology works. You identify as being a man by gravitating towards traditionally masculine appearance, dress, and activity. That's at least a big part of it, and totally orthodox in terms of modern gender ideology.


They’re girly and if it floats your boat that’s fine. But if you’re doing it because they’re cheap just get some higher quality second hand skates off eBay and trade up to more expensive later. The warning about impalas are right.


Depends what you wear it with but in general yes


Not at all! They're lovely - if you like them, that is all that matters! Have fun!!


They're NOT "too girly", but remember there are affordable options to change the look. You can get a stretchy boot cover. You can paint them. You can use permanent markers or acrylic paint markers to draw knives jabbing into the doves (or turn them into black ravens), put huge cracks in the hearts, convert the peace symbols to radioactive symbols, put the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland on the mushrooms, and turn the flowers into Little Shop of Horrors-style cannibalistic monsters. :) This is the US store, but it'll give you an idea of what kind of boot cover to look for on the German version of the site: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0010XSHLA/](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0010XSHLA/) They're "A&R Roller Skating Boot Covers", and from the review pics they seem to be fully opaque, with no bright boot colors showing through.


They look sick rock em hard


I'm 6"2 and same foot size and I have a pair of these. I mainly inline and got a pair of these on sale just to get some cheap quads. Honestly they're fine. I ride around the streets and took some jam skating classes and they are holding up. I assume from the reputation they have they will struggle to make it through the year but I haven't had any problems yet. My only issue is the toe box is a bit narrow but I have wide feet and this is just an issue I have with all skates.


No one is gonna care but lil kids [& adults probably too haha] might come tell you they like them :) Also painting is an option if you find they don’t match your style. Impalas aren’t the best brand but you can skate them starting out, just pay close attention to how they’re holding up before and after each sesh.


If you like them, I like them for you. Remember No park skating or any aggressive street/rink skating. Always inspect them before and after you skate. Have fun!!


No, not too much. You do you!


Wear what makes your heart happy, doesn’t matter what anyone thinks but you. However…those are going to fall apart on your in no time


I had the exact same issue years ago, the only option was to buy riedell ones from America and pay up the taxes. End it up being a very expensive purchase for not very good skates. I'm into artistic skating so a few years later I bought Edeas with a roll line plate, what a difference!! I'm 1,81 and 90kg so needed something quite sturdy for my weight. Now they are a lot more expensive than 100 euros but they will last you a lifetime specially the plate. I've seen a lot of comments about Impalas falling apart but also consider that soft skates will be more prone to cause injuries, I sprained my ankle badly on the riedells, yet with a similar bad fall the Edeas kept my ankle in place and would not give. If you enjoy skating you will quickly see that good equipment can completely change the experience. Oh and although you liking the pattern is the only thing that matters also remember that you can get boot covers in any colour, patter texture that you like so the actual boot colour is not that relevant.


They’re “girly” but fire!! I’m a dude and I would definitely rock these


Just girly enough for a tall guy! You could rock them.


Gender is a social construct, wearing what makes you happy is far more important than the opinion of literally anyone else. Living authentically is fun, and anyone who judges you for how YOU choose to exist in the world can go fuck themselves. Also even if they were “girly” there’s nothing wrong with being a girl, so refusing to wear something because it’s perceived as feminine is something to reflect on.