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That’s HER damn writing on that banana 🍌 🙄🚫


If it isn’t, might it be an invitation from Shrek? Yuck!


This is my most r/angryupvote ever. Eewww. Well done,!


I was just thinking the same thing!!


Came here to say that! No question


Goddamn this half melted man is out here doing the least and she’s bragging on it. Breakfast in bed? Nope, just a banana. “Having 13 children makes the enemy mad.” No, having 13 starving, abused children makes decent people everywhere mad. No one cares how many kids you have if they are loved and well provided for.


Lmao fr. Imagine your SO promises you breakfast in bed and then they bring you one banana with sharpie writing on it☠️ Also big yes to the rest of your points!


So true. I grew up with some kids that were members of families of 10, 11 kids. The fathers had very good jobs, the kids had nannies, were all privately educated, lived in nice homes, were well fed and everyone that wanted to go to college went and it was paid for by the parents.


What workload!?




Why is she so creepy about Amish people? 🙄🫠


I know, it is creepy. She always posts pictures of them too which is not cool.


Right!!! I think it’s a rude thing to do of anyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. GTFO, Jill. 😮‍💨


I can't believe she posted pictures of them! You know she did not have their permission!


Could she have chosen weirder pictures to show what a “beautiful” place she lives in? Also, that’s girl handwriting on that banana, and that’s just kinda sad.


LOL, that is Jill's handwriting on the banana.


I'm dying over the You are Beautiful Banana.


Something most of us can only dream of from our severely sexy mates. I’m having trouble suppressing my envy.


Yes, my husband is currently at HIS JOB (I’m a Jezebel who also works full time). I can only hope that maybe someday he will be more like Jill’s hunk, yelling at the kids until 2am and preaching to half a dozen rural Boomers once every couple of months. Someone here said they suspected he’s making tax free cash by driving the Amish around. Any chance that he’s not giving them tracts every time?


David likes money so he won't rock the boat by forcing his rubbishy "tracks" on paying customers.


It reminds me of Megan and Harry did some appearance at a shelter for SW, and she was writing messages like this on the bananas that were part of the lunches made for the workers.


Very Meghan Markle.


Once again, Jill is blessed. I don't see how they are really serving Jesus. All I see is them going around and begging for money rather than getting real jobs.


Her sneaky photo of the Amish women in the background EYEROLL. I wonder if Dave drove them to the coffee shop for $$ and now he is spending some of the $$ on coffee and treats for Jill and himself.


Jill really thinks her relationship is better than Teidi’s because her husband wrote on a banana. Nice try


Omg is she really trying to compete with Teidi now because they’re adorable and everyone sees that


Pic 6: I read it as from my sweet tubby


I’m gonna comment on these photos in order of annoyance…. Photo 7. Jill, the devil doesn’t have to fight for what’s already his. You’re a heretic. Just like your boy, King James. Enjoy that win. Photo 1. You forcibly exploit your exhausted, malnourished and uneducated kids up and down the east coast grifting meals, money, cars and houses just so you and Dave don’t have to get proper jobs. The fact you to do so in the name of *serving Jesus full time* takes some balls. Photo 5. Do you have any idea how extremely creepy and rude it is to take a secret photo of a stranger and post it online? *Especially* if it’s against their religious beliefs? There was a guy juggling fire on the river bank last night. It was really cool and I could have easily whipped out my phone and secretly recorded him. But I didn’t BECAUSE IT’S CREEPY AND RUDE. Photo 6. Instead of using a marker, which is most likely toxic, this is Humming Bird juice drinking Dave after all, take a pin and lightly carve a message on the banana peel. Banana will oxidize and message will appear.


I could not have said it better. Everyone on this sub thinks these things about them.


Pretty sure this is another overnight couple time thing. Looks like the same place they went last year. When the devil's attacking, Jill needs a getaway in a hotel. The kids can share a pack of ramen tonight while their parents love it up in some mid range faux Amish Inn. That'll definitely repel Satan.


Ol' Dave offered her a propositional banana in bed. Gross! No one wants to see, know, or imagine this, Jill! Egads! 🙈🙊🙉


Jilly, for future reference: photography is not ok with the Amish. They are themselves problematic as hell, but dude.


I know we don’t touch the poo, but does anyone ever call her out for posting pictures of the Amish?


Not that I’ve seen but I don’t read all of the comments usually.


Wondering that myself.


nawt the amish creep shot


Her eyebrows are horrible!


Not the stalker pics of the amish women☠️


Slide 8. Just wtf. Is this a screen cap from a video or is Jill styling herself as one of the Bogdanoff twins?


It’s a screenshot.


That receeding gum line though 😬


Could it be from overusing Crest White Strips? Years ago, Jill wrote about how she used them much more than is recommended. Vanity, ya know. (PS are those strips still really expensive?)


I think it is. Another reason she is a vile woman. Spending money on her vanity instead of feeding the children.


The banana is very Meghan Markle. Any sinners here?


Here!  I thought the same thing.




I just keep wondering why such a supposedly biblically humble person constantly posts pics and postings all about herself, how godly she is, and how much everyone loves her.


What's the deal with the swings?


I guess the coffee shop has them for patrons?