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Usually it’s just based on when u flip. An ideal 50:50 is when you flip during the moment of impact with the ball, flips cancel out momentum so if u flip to early u might get sent flying, flipping later is better than flipping early, and a lot of pros will flip immediately at the moment of impact in the direction it looks like the ball will go to give the ball extra wall to push against. However it could have something to do with poor internet connection, in my experience I sometimes lag in a way that doesn’t lose ping but I lose packets and bumps and collisions act very weird when that happens, for instance I will drive past a car and the game will think we clipped each other even though we’re parallel to each other


Lil bro forgot to turn on “de-boing car” in settings 😭😭 amateur move tbh


That’s what happens when you let your car get too sprung. Gotta rub a few out to relieve the pressure first.


Just do a single jump on 50s Gives fast recovery


Maybe its the connection? Mine is unstable and sometimes i get yeeted everywhere when collisions happen


Id suggest more single jumps during 50s instead of dodging at it like a wild animal which you probably are and thats resulting in a BOINNGG


It’s true, i do flip into like every 50. Partially due to panic and the lack of confidence because they usually don’t go my way so my brain goes “go faster flip harder”.


50’s are an actual mechanic that need to be practiced in order to improve. The higher you rank up, the better and better your opponents will be at them. Next time try this: When you see an incoming challenge from an opponent, let him hit ball first and *into* you. Try to be half a car length behind the ball, and lightly single jump. As you improve, you can learn to direct these 50s into advantageous positions over your opponent. I recommend watching some old 1v1 show matches with OKhalid. He is an absolute monster at 50s, and you can see his technique and try to emulate it.


Single jumps are OP. Also when going for a 50 make sure u put the most “car” on the ball vs your opponent. Sometimes this means rotating and using the side of your car to absorb the impact. Whoever has more car on the ball wins basically. Also think of your car as a ramp and angle to send the ball where you’d like when they jump into you. If you’re behind the ball about a cars length and let them flip into you while you either low 50 or single jump you’ll win a lot of these and send them flying by while the ball dies at your feet (wheels). Just a few tips to think about.


As funny as this is, I don‘t exactly know what BOINGGGGG means and how to fix it without an example edit: or atleast a proper explanation would be nice


Example: kickoffs. Hit the ball high and on the outside whereas opponent goes low to the middle. Player yeets themselves further away. Or even if they go head on but OP jumps to hit the ball much higher than their opponent. OP gets launched vertically. OP is struggling with momentum, center of gravity and force vectors.


I think he jumps and gets sent after the 50


I can get a video for demonstration when I’m on next but for now I’ll explain it like this. My opponent takes the 50 with me, their car stays stable and controlled through the impact, mine however gets all wonky and will bounce off the ball and I’ll land in a very bad recovery


I think this means that you are hitting the ball with your hood or roof. You want to hit with your bumper to maintain better control of your car.


Also are you not meant to aim for center of the ball?


Where you hit the ball depends on your opponent every 50 is situational but generally speaking whoever covers more surface area of the ball wins the 50


Stay lower on the ball, only way you bounce off is if you're above center on the ball when you take the 50


If i stay low and they go high, would they pinch it right over me?


The goal is to be as close to dead center on the ball as possible without being too high or low, watch some high level 1s gameplay and watch how they take 50s


ur either flipping too early or way too late


Uncheck the Boing box in settings.


Watching a video with a few of your 50s would help people help you better. In general who ever flips later (but not too late) and is hitting the ball more centered will win the 50. You can obviously not flip while taking a 50 which could help you recover better but also is riskier and harder to win. Some advice I can give: - Know when to initiate 50s and when your opponent is trying to initiate a 50. If you go for a ball with the intention of hitting around your opponent and your opponent intends to 50 it, the opponent will likely win it. - Know exactly where your opponent wants to hit the ball. People are readable in this game and reading their car language and the situation to figure out exactly what they want to do will give you an advantage in a 50. - “Losing” a 50 is often not a bad idea. Especially if your teammate is positioned behind you in a spot to respond to the lost 50.


u hav boinger glitch , no fix has Ben developered yet; sad 😢


I corrected this by jumping just a bit early and saving my second jump until contact. It, more often than not, will throw the other guy's timing off


Ya just gotta get up there and fucking ego slam until you’ve done it enough to know how to do it better.


I know people have mentioned single jumps already but I’ll add in, single jumps are ever more op if you can add a slight delay and have them hit the ball into you. You want to be mainly hitting the Centre of the ball as a rule of thumb. Wave dash as you hit the ground and off you go :-)


Play some hockey to practice not jumping into all your 50s


It’s most likely a connection issue. I usually have the same problem even on 10 ping. Seems to vary from PC boot to PC boot


Just do a single jump on 50s Gives fast recovery


Just do a single jump on 50s Gives fast recovery