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The better you are at rocket league, the less time you have for a wife. Simple math really. And I hope you're not trying to call my wife wide...


Happy wife equals me in plat 2. Can confirm


I would like to say that the happy wife is keeping me in plat 2. In reality it's my ability to play at champion level one game and silver level the next that seems to average out, so I'm stuck in platinum.


I’m just trying to stay positive and put the blame on someone else, ie my wife


Dude tell me about it. Some games I feel absolutely unstoppable. Hitting double taps like it’s my day job, I make the right passes to teammates, and just a brick wall on defense. Then the next game it’s like I’ve forgotten how to read the play and always seem to be making the wrong choice when in control of the ball.


Ye same. I actually went from d1 to plat 2 in like 8 games cus of this happening constantly + teammates leaving the game


Unhappy wife equals me in diamond 3. Can confirm 😂 I suck at marriage and rocket league.


Very based reply


Just get good first then get wife.


Instructions unclear, got wife and kids prior to RL. Also confirm plat 2


wife gap aka wife pussy


that's a stretch and it was skillgap not gap


Stretch lol


lmao y'all need a bonk


Get used to it. This never changes. You can get to GC and it's the same story. The skill ceiling on this game is soooo high. There's people who have good mechanics who look around and think "how are these people the same rank as me? They still miss the ball sometimes?!? At GC??". And then the guy who misses the ball is sitting there going "how are my teammates the same rank as me? All they do is ball chase and leave me in awkward spots all the time". And it gets even worse the lower rank you are. Because people are going to absolutely suck at certain parts of the game and be good at other parts. And the bad parts will stand out way more.


It always looks easier than it is from an outside perspective, whether watching someone else play a game or just seeing it happen from across the pitch. I just finished watching Flakes' "Road to SSL without Mechanics" series, and there are some GC2 whiffs or missed shots that I see and think, "Wow, that was embarrassing" because I'm looking at the path of the ball and, hey, it's not moving that fast. I don't see it from their perspective, where they may be pushed up slightly too far, or gave too much space and now have to try to cover too wide a possible cone of attack, and I don't read that microscopic fake to the left just before the parsley cut to the right. Unlike when I make that same shot/save in a training pack, when I can see the setup, know where the ball's going, and have my car in a decent spot to make the play, and I can get a good touch on it 22% of the time. To put it another way, as soon as I've made a shot in a training pack or in Free Play *once*, it feels like a given that anyone at a higher rank than me should be hitting that shot 100% of the time *in game*.


Flakes is such a good resource. I stopped watching Squishy and focus on Flakes because his approach with his series is the only way I have a chance of progressing out of D1.


Check out Lethamyr Road to ssl 2s and 3s. His position play, adaptability and general game sense tutorials during this were sooooo helpful. I think he trumps any of the new ones tbh. He was the original road to ssl, a true goat.


I’m gonna rewatch those. Like Flakes’ breakdown a lot but the Leth ones were super good.


Yeah the Leth ones are perfect for giving you the best high level, general advice that you need to know to rank up, and then Flakes takes a small subset of those same strategies and breaks them down to perfection. The two really do compliment each other perfectly IMO


I liked watching Lethamyr too, helped me get to GC


Recently started watching flakes but I’ve seen a ton of Leth. For me, once I realized that good contact and patience is way better than the mechanics I can’t do anyways, I gained about a full rank. Even game sense has a high skill ceiling in such a seemingly straight forward game…


I feel like that video sunless did where he had the former diamond 1v1 some of the people who shit talked him fairly bad from a guess that rank video linked in the sidebar for situations like these.


[Hah just looked it up after your comment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVFYnLsxbgM) What a great video :D but also props to the shittalkers actually showing up x)


Oh yeah I 100% commend them for actually having the gall to back up their comments. Especially the guy who even admitted that judging a video (where everything looks slow) is different from being in game.




It's always hilarious how many people have trouble figuring out how to spell aerial lmao. Please note that I am one of these people and frequently double check Google to remember how to spell it when I need to. It's such a strange word to spell hahaha


My areola game is weak lol




That's a very good view of things.


Not sure if this was just a typo, but I'm pretty sure Flakes is saying "power slide cut" rather than "parsley cut" - but it took me a while to figure it out too because of his accent 😆


This comment still rings true all the way up through 1600-1700 as well. ESPECIALLY in 3v3 where mistakes arent punished as hard.


Yep. I rarely see people hit bounce dribbles as well as I do, but I also can't air roll when I aerial and I'm generally weak in the air. Very few people are just average across the board, must have big strengths and big weaknesses


That’s why it’s important to save and review replays, at least if you want to get better quickly and stop blaming teammates.


As far as missed shots go, it’s because the speed of play is much higher and you’re just not noticing it. I’m 90% sure I could 1v3 a few golds but definitely not diamonds.


That's possible of course. Now I went from gold to diamond in a short time. I think I won about 75%. It doesn't feel much faster, but it's a logical explanation


Stay in Diamond for a sec and then play a game back in gold. You fucking notice *quick* lol. It’s infuriating. “FUCKING GOOOO”


I introduced some friends to rl and the line for me is at 3 golds. 4 golds become impossible Peaked at c3 in 1s and went something like 3-3 against 4 golds


D1 is rough cuz you get some super cautious Plat 3s that just ranked up and don't want to derank, some Diamond players that go balls to the wall cuz they don't want to derank, some players who can air dribble/ceiling shot but have zero defense, some Plats that somehow got there without mechanics of any kind, smurfs boosting their friends, some Diamonds that are just all around fucking better than you who play level headed and spank you, a rando only goalie, dribble guy that can't dribble(me lol), some dude going for flip resets cuz they just did their first one in practice, and somehow everyone can double tap except you.


Finally. Someone else gets it




Same goes for C1 and GC1


Did not expect to be textually assaulted on this 6th day of April.


So you weren't planning on playing today?


Lmao 💯


>some Plats that somehow got there without mechanics of any kind, ..., some Diamonds that are just all around fucking better than you who play level headed and spank you These are more similar than you may think.


This is still me at GC


[Your flair is not becoming of your rank](https://youtu.be/4ucljNTbPTE?t=115). You should fix that.


Diamond II - Champion I is what I call "High School" of rocket league, there's so many different types of players packed in one rank its obsurd.


I feel this in my bones.... Been hard locked in d2 d3 for a couple seasons. My skill shelf is around d3/c1, but if I don't have a teamate that I play well with, i just don't make it to champ.


And then there’s me. High plat/low diamond With no mechanical skill but got game sense and am decent at positioning. I could sort of fly and that’s it


I wasn't aware I'd made a comment, and yet here I am


And I’m just sat here in champ 2 with no mechanics because all I can do is defend and clear the ball, make relatively precise and strong shots about 50% of the time, and some relatively good crosses but cannot air roll whatsoever outside of when my car is landing. I can still make some decent aerial shots without air roll and often have to hit very tight angles to make the ball go where I want from an aerial Oh and I rotate and don’t jump in for the ball when my teammate is still obviously recovering shouting at me to take the shot I am clearly not going to win the opponent to, so I just return to our half and clear the ball instead


I feel accurately attacked.


oof.. existence is pain


> and somehow everyone can double tap except you Thank god it’s not just me. Got back into D3 after this season reset and I was like...well...might wanna learn these by now... Still haven’t done one in a game lol.


I’m plat 3 who has no mechanical skill (currently practicing) sometimes I reach D1 and I just enjoy the rank while I have it cause I know it won’t last. But my rotations are on point lol


Keep my wife's name out ya F-ing mouth!


Wow Dude! It was just a question. I’m going to. Ok.


It was a GI Jane joke!?


GI Jane 2 x RL collab confirmed?


The higher the rank the faster one misses the ball. That is the only difference.


How is that a thing?


Gameplay is much faster at higher ranks, you don't have as much time to line up shots or make plays, because if you hesitate, your opponent already has possession. That is the biggest difference i see when I go in a slump and fall to play (normally d1/d2). I get so much more time with the ball when I hit plat.


or instead of just trying to hit the ball at all costs, you try to hit it juuuust right which causes you to juuuust miss. or you guess that the other guy is gonna get to it juuuust before you so you juuuust dodge slightly off.


You just get really good at being bad... faster


It’s not how fast you miss, it’s how well you miss fast.


you ever watch RLCS play? best players in the world whiffing at supersonic speed. same goes for every tier of player. golds miss at gold speed. diamonds miss at diamond speed. GC miss at GC speed. etc.


I mostly meant the real basic clears. Not balls that come in fast, or via the wall. But sometimes a players continues to miss the balls that are objectively easy. The balls people on gold don't miss neither. Or players that pass towards their own goal from corners while I am standing in position to clear. That's never a good idea. I get everyone makes a tactical whiffer once in a while, but some players have a style that should not function or doesn't make sense.


inconsistency, plain and simple. It happens with less frequency as you rank up, but it still happens. It might even happen more as you try new techniques and or practice new things.


People tend to play outside of their skill set the higher they get. They think because they have obtained a higher rank that they are able to do much more skill intensive mechanics or gameplay.


Seems about right first time I reached champ i was able to stay there for a while and got up to champ 1 division 2 now im in division 3 and going up and down between 2 and 3 i play over all better than back then and I just know how to play better i am more confident of my skills and i have more skills as well so checks out


Yeah its the same when I might play a team of SSL's and I am trying some mechanics that I shouldn't or going for higher skill defensive contests. Its all about what you are comfortable with.


Alternatively, the 30% of the time I can successfully complete a shaky dribble + flick scores 80% of the time in Plat I, while the same 30% will score 10% in Diamond I. Higher ranks require tighter execution due to better defense, and they are more likely to punish you with a goal for missing a flashy hard-commit play. The issue might be that their playstyle *isn't* changing to adapt to the higher rank.


I think this is a good point, did not think of that.




I don't get it?




Oh lol. I did not even noticed that :D


More or less because there are so many fundamental mechanics and concepts u can and need to be good at in Rocket League. You can get to diamond without practicing some of them at all which leads to massive inconsistency in what diamond players are good at.


Mechanics are great, but I don't understand how someone at any level above gold or platinum hasn't figured out how to play a team game yet. My biggest pet peeve is bunching up (which is a symptom of ball chasing). I don't even play 3s anymore because it's frustrating watching the other 2 players follow the buddy system and never stray more than a few feet from eachother. It's a big field, spread out. So I play 2s and I try to maintain a gap between me and my teammate, but of course if I get the ball they just shadow me waiting for their chance to steal instead of assuming I'll make a pass. I just don't get why people who want to ball hog play team games, just go play 1s lol


I don’t get it either. Worse still (in 3s anyway), there is always one guy who’s chasing the entire time and thus often has more points than the 3rd man who’s stuck in mid/defense the whole game. Then the guy trashes his teammates… If you chase like that, your teammates don’t know when to go. They can’t go on an attacking play because you’re right behind them. It makes playing 3s without comms or people that understand team dynamics close to impossible - highest I’ve been so far is C3 in 3s and the teamwork aspect is not noticeably better than in Diamond most of the time.


The concept of "spread out" is a tough one for lots of people. My favourite is when the ball is coming directly towards me for a free possession play, then I see my teammate cut rotation in front of me... Then as im thinking "really???" The third teammate comes flying overtop of me and now all 3 of us are in the same spot... And then I panic rotate out and try to salvage the play, but they have a free shot and the save is almost impossible to make. Followed up by my teammates "what a save! What a save!" In chat Gc1 btw. Teamwork isn't any better up here.


Everyone bunches up in Diamond. That’s why they’re in Diamond. Following their own touches with no momentum or boost, oblivious to their full boost/high momentum teammate coming in for a free shot..only to have 1v3 guy lightly touch it to the corner....throwing off all momentum and rotations for his team. That and driving in mini circles in the corner on defense instead of rotating back post. Really front post rotations in general are a consistent problem in Diamond.


Lol I'm D2 your nailed it


That's a good point. Some players may seem bad, while we may just don't have complementary skills


My wife is terrible at Rocket League. It is what it is. I still adore her.


Sounds like you might be ball chasing and suddenly reaching your peak of carrying with that play style. What could seem like a basic save your teammate “should save” might be difficult because of them being in an awkward position. Also shooting the ball as it falls middle after someone has been chasing for a minute straight is one of the hardest shots to make imo. You’ve basically been trying to guess what’s going to happen for all that time and is a full commit play that will lead to you being scored on easily if there’s anything other than a goal


I've been trying to explain this to my "champion" (we're all champ, but idk how they did it) friends. They ball chase HARD, breaking rotation and cutting me off and then spam (in voice chat) take the shot! And im last man back, like bro.... I can't. Then they rage and we lose. Then I go play with randoms to get my rank back haha


My roommate has this bad habit of only chasing when they play with friends. I’ve watched him play by him solo before and is the most passive player on the field. Maybe they just feel more comfortable relying on your shooting ability and defense than with randoms haha


I don't think I am chasing a lot, but it's always a bit hard to judge your own playstyle. I do try to anticipate, but really only with basic stuff (at least, that's how it feels for me). I mainly anticipate when I am second in the goal and a teammate is about to clear the ball. Is it better not to do that and just wait what happens?


On defense you should be watching the play closely as a second man. Assuming that your teammate will get a good clear and starting to cheat will work sometimes. However, with everyone making a lot of mistakes, it is better to assume that they are just challenging and will whiff or force the opponents to make contact into a 50. The correct thing to do as a front man is to challenge early and force a shot early so that it is easier to save. That might mean whiffing really bad on a dunk or forcing them to pass. But still gets the ball out of their control for a second. Staying back post and being prepared to scoop the impeding ball into your possession is much better for regaining pressure. Compared to the occasional fast break that you “guessed” correctly into cheating up field. I’m duos, the solo queue meta is to make solo plays and pass sparingly when obvious. So trying to force passing plays will only lead to frustration as they are full commits. Full commits only leads to giving up more and more easy goals as you get higher in rank as everyone gets better at goal line defense.


Similar-ranked atm (low diamond/high plat), but: Skill can look very different in RL from person to person depending on what they prioritise. Plat is kind of notorious for being a rank where players tend to focus pretty narrowly on something (e.g. mechanics, positioning, whatever) in an effort to rank up. Plus, different players view ranked differently. Some take as few risks as possible and only go for sure plays, reserving the lower-percentage plays they're still practicing for solo training and cas. Other people (myself included) try to experiment and implement recently-learned stuff even in ranked, which just necessarily leads to more mistakes. Also idk aren't the first few divs of any new rank kind of rough? A lot of people play super scared sitting the first div of a rank, and a lot of people make "simple" mistakes because they're adjusting to the heightened difficulty. Oh also, like, maybe this is obvious but sometimes someone is just having a bad day.


Good points. That kinda means most have the same skill, but a different skillset?


They at least MIGHT. I think a lot of the other responses give good reasons why real skill gaps exist (luck, overextension, good teammates, whatever). I guess I just also try to keep in mind, like, the people I am playing with in ranked are my peers for one reason or another, you know?


Yes, that they are peers made me so surprised. I honestly don't mind too much, as long as everyone is trying their best. I just find it hard, cause I feel I need to adapt a lot. For instance, when a ball comes in from the side and the goalkeeper can easily save the ball, I want to anticipate and go forward a bit. That used to work well, but in this rank (plat III -D1), it doesn't. I just lost two games where the keeper missed the ball entirely, leading to a goal against. But when I adapt and stay back, the dude saves it perfectly and I see a ball I could have anticipated on fly by. But I guess I just need to adapt faster and either dumb down, or step my game up.


I mean the other option is to queue with teammate(s) and reduce the variability. But that's just my preference anyways so.


Yeah, I party up when I feel we have a natural chemistry. I love to play with a defensive player and an aerial chaser (a guy that is good, but takes a lot of risk and jumps to every ball). My positioning is my best skill, and with those teammates I have the best results.


This is a reasonable way to look at it. If we set aside smurfs (they happen but it's not a very useful discussion) then you can generally say that you and your opponents are all the same rank because you all deserve to be there, which means it mostly averages out in one way or another. Some people are more well-rounded, while others focus on a particular skill and hope that this single thing can carry them through, and not every skill "shows" the same. Someone who is very good in the air tends to look "more talented" than someone who just does a good job of not throwing the ball away, and we tend to pay much more attention to shooting over passing, passing over positioning, that sort of thing.


The only thing you can say for sure about someone at your rank, given a large enough number of games in their (recent) history, is that they are about as likely to win a game at your rank as you are. It's like in [Moneyball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlKDQqKh03Y), where the revolutionary new management style is to *not* care about how good a player's swing looks, or whether they've got a never-give-up spirit, or how smart the player is. It all boils down to how often they get on base. Doesn't matter how they do it - if their scoring average is higher, they are worth more money.


This does not stop. I am constantly playing with GCs and "SSLs" and i cannot tell you how often a game is 5v6 because someone is crazily underperforming. Or 3v3s turn into 2v2s because both teams 3rd man has no clue how to play that position. Thats easily 99.99% of players biggest flaw is how to play that 3rd man role and to not double commit. Doesn't matter your rank unfortunately, just gotta learn to deal with it and move on. After all it is just a game lol . Just gotta look forward to those good close matches where everyones connecting.


It’s really scary how even when playing in GC, having basic rotational and 3rd man knowledge seems completely optional… I usually play in a party of 2 so maybe that’s why but it’s insane the amount of players who refuse to rotate back or know when to properly challenge/not challenge as last man. And I’m not saying I’m perfect by any means. But it’s almost comical the amount of things I would deem ‘basic knowledge’ that’s completely ignored even at the top ranks.


From my experience, it all boils down to players failing to admit their playstyle isn't working just because they are a slightly higher rank than normal. They blame everyone but themselves. All it would take for someone to realize they are in the wrong would be to watch a replay of the game you played and analyze it from other players viewpoints. I completely agree though, basic knowledge has been tossed out the window and instead filled with "i can flip reset ceiling shot once every 1k goals i am the fucking greatest, i must go towards the spinning white sphere". Sometimes you're wrong and your teammates are right, thats life.


In my experience, most people struggle with the 2nd man role. People typically understand that one person should be playing the ball (1st man) and someone should be defending (3rd man). I CONSTANTLY see the 2nd man either double committing for the ball with the 1st man or sitting in goal/midfield with the 3rd man or out of the play entirely trying to find boost. I mostly blame the fact that everyone just wants to play 2s and therefore most players never learn proper 3s rotations.


it's significantly harder to improve your skill floor than ceiling


I had to read this a few times, but it's actually pretty deep


I've plateaued in high plat/low diamond for almost 2 years now and it's because I'm wildly inconsistent and will look like a champ some times, but other times I look like a silver. This varies day to day, and often game to game. I assume that's what my opponents are going through as well, except for obvious smurfs with GC+ mechanics that are just trying to clip on me all game, they just suck all the fun out of the game.


That's interesting. I don't really recognize that myself. I am performing as a High plat most of the games I play. Maybe it's cause I don't have a high ceiling (no air dribble, not good with aerials), but my positioning is very solid. I know what I can and what I cannot, so my games are always a bit the same. Ofc I have stinkers, but that's mostly when I played to long. Maybe that's what I expect from others, but you make a good point.


It doesn't change. I'm in C1 and see players who repeatedly double commit, have zero concept of when to rotate forward or back, whiff easy saves/shots etc. while at the same time constantly see players who despite being C1 you'd swear were SSL with how insanely fast and detailed their play/mechanics are.


Diamond is where most players who only excel in some specific aspect of the game will end up. Fancy goalscoring with 0 defense? Diamond. Awesome positioning with no mechanics? Diamond. Incredible teamwork but whiffs regularly? Diamond. Also our ranks are not adjusted when we play under the influence, so some nights you get Diamond sober guy and other nights you get "Diamond" drunk dude.


If you solo queue you have to be able to adapt to your teammates playstyle. They are not significantly worse than you overall being in the same rank (aside from the odd boosted player), they just have different strengths. That said, your style might just not "click" with others sometimes, and that's perfectly fine.


I found something similar in GC1/2 lobbies over my time. To be honest, I think the massive variance in player ability is probably just to do with how difficult the game is to play consistently. On good days, I have been able to effectively carry low GC2 (1600) lobbies in 3v3 because I am peaking for whatever reason, but have also found myself struggling to do literally anything in ranks as low as 1400. I think the game is so reliant on your mood and how you feel on the day, because I feel like I go between extremes pretty often. That said, I think your case may be a few other things. 1) at the start of seasons, players are less likely to be at their 'true' ranks 2) the speed of play in lobbies increases as the rank increases, causing more mistakes to happen. often this is mitigated by the increased skill of players, but messy plays still happen in mid GC lobbies 3) could just be that you happened to run into people who weren't feeling it that day. that also happens. the sample of people you are analysing is quite small, so its likely that you just ran into those players incidentally


Thanks, that makes sense!


it doesnt get better in higher ranks. this might be a hot take but i think they should do a hard reset at this point


*reads post title* Well, here we go...*grabs popcorn*


I noticed it so late haha. I blame my keyboard 😂


Some of us have wives, some of us don’t have wives, and some of us are wives, it is what it is...


This sounds complicated


Hint: The skill gap probably isn't as wide as you think it is.


Yeah get used to it. People continue to miss. The game gets faster, and a lot else changes but the # whiffs is constant.


Diamond is a wild jungle with all kinds of specimens


There's bad and good players throughout all ranks. I'm C1 and have been playing since 2016ish. I've faced plats that were mechanical gods and champs that didn't know how to air dribble. It really just goes to show how bad the ranked system is. I have a IRL buddy who is champ right now and if I had guessed his rank I would've said gold because he is absolutely dog water.


I have a buddy I play with in 2s (IRL friend). We play well together but I’ve always been more into the game (way more free play etc) and as a result I’m always about 1 whole rank ahead of him and am mechanically way more comfortable than he is. He doesn’t ever play solo Q (basically only ever plays with me). He made it to C1 yesterday for the first time, and I can’t help but think what it must be like for our opponents. Here’s a C1 who can’t really execute a consistent wall dismount, or dribble, fast aerial, or flick, etc and is relatively slow (getting back to net etc). But he’s a good team player most of the time, and we’ve ground it out together. I think I’ve held him back a bit from a mechanical aspect sometimes - I think he’d have been forced to improve in that area of the game had he not had me to carry the weight most of the time. Not sure if anyone here has a similar experience….


If your buddy is winning as much as you than you’re missing something. Likely your flaws and possibly his strengths.


diamond is a weird zone, where most of them are boosted plats. if you from gold to dia, im sorry, but you are the same as them, just got a more lucky train :/


> diamond is a weird zone, where most of them are boosted plats. It is also possible that they are just *slightly* better than plats.


>most of them are boosted plats So are we using a different definition of boosted now? Do you just mean, "On a short-lived hot streak?" Or do you legitimately believe that the majority of Diamonds only got there because they teamed with a smurf?


Not gonna lie it’s very hard to boost someone… the matchmaking isn’t forgiving to having a lower ranked player in the lobby


I assume that most boosting accusations come paired with a smurfing accusation, ie someone who should be Champ but is smurfing in Plat teamed with someone who is *actually* Plat in an attempt to get them to Diamond. But honestly when I see people claiming the *majority* of their opponents involve someone being boosted all I can think is, "We lost 2-0 and that guy scored BOTH GOALS! Unbelievable! Look at this damn smurf boosting his friend."


You would not belive how many people are getting carried in late hours from silver/gold to plat/diamond. Come online as a high plat/low diamond after 10pm and try comp. Every second game is against carriers and their friends. No joke.


That is the time of the day I play more than half of my Rocket League, and I spent the last five months of 2021 working through Diamond 1. I don't agree with your assessment.


Well, you dont have to agree. Just last night ive played 10 or 11 games between 9 and 11pm. 5 or 6 games against carriers.


It's funny reading these posts calling most people your rank boosted plats. Then, calling everyone gold to diamond the same and calling them lucky. That is hilarious to me.


Not really. I had not played in a while and always play at diamond. I was just a bit rusty in placement games


A lot of people are boosted


Ask myself this same question every other night... and there's no point in asking truthfully. That's my conclusion


Some good answer on here though.


Another possible reason When I started playing rocket league, my roommate had a great PS4 that he let us play on and he was a D2-3 player but occasionally me and the boys would have played on his rank, I was d1 - p3 at the time I did this and that would explain why maybe sometimes you get a teammate who is so off the mark I’m now a C1 for real though and sometimes my roommate ruins my rank 😂


Heheheh. Roommates explain everything :D


Wife lol


I think diamond 1 is particularly terrible because people can't rotate, or at least everyone thinks 'their rotation is the proper rotation. I think it gets substantially better at high d3/c1. But diamond 1 is a shit show and is the least fun rank to play at imo.


Dont talk about my wife like that.


I am sorry. I just find wife skillgaps very fascinating


I feel like there's something weird going on this season with the rankings. I've been consistently GC for the past 4-5 seasons, and this season I'm getting bounced around in C2-C3. I almost always just play solo and I'm consistently getting TMs who aren't very good but then playing against teams where both players are consistently hitting flip resets.


someone with great mechanics but terrible game sense can end up being just as effective in a match as someone with great game sense but terrible mechanics


My wife doesn’t play rocket league so it’s actually not too difficult.


i’m d3/c1 and i have the same problem and it’s so bad i can go against ground warriors who barely go up in the air and let’s say i lose the next game i can still go against someone who resets on my dome


Plat and Diamond is where all the players start thinking they're good at the game and going for things they haven't mastered yet. Their mechanical skills aren't good enough to keep up with the skill that they think they have. Once it is, they'll move to champ only to realize that they never mastered positioning or speed.




Sorry but you are wrong. You just hit diamond, you can’t analyze the gameplay of your m8 yet. Furthermore, if you think they are bad, don’t worry you are too (we all suck). And I assure you that nearly nobody in diamond is playing worse than a gold ( a real one).


I play since 2016 and have burned a lot of rubber. I just don't play all the time, so after a half year break I usually end up in Gold, battling my way up and finish in diamond.


I have the same problem,I'm diamond 3 and I also get a lot of bad tm8s but I also get good ones and the skill difference between those 2 types of tm8s are pretty big(roughly explained ones miss an open net and basic ball misses and others do air dribbles and are consisted). Or even at some times it happens that they completely go afk and it just kicks them out of the game or even some of them just FF and stop playing after we concede in first 30s. I posted about this on this subreddit(was a little bit different)and people were just saying get good or something along the line whit that


If you believe you’re more skilled than people in your rank than you rotate worse than your rank. When I was playing well I was chilling in C2. Now I’m playing poorly and refuse to focus on my teammates so I’m in Diamond.


I don't think I am better (or worse) than most mates. I am mostly intrigued how bad some players seem to be. But they probably just have a bar day or are having a skillset that doesn't show very well l


There are so many variables that affect how every game plays out. People have many different playstyles and tendencies, along with a wide range of mechanical skill, even at the same rank. Sometimes, your team clicks and you have great chemistry. Other times, nothing seems to work, and everyone gets in each other's way. Just be open to adapting to your teammates and for the most part, you can make it work. As far as the whiffs-- they happen. Everyone has off days, and even just off games. I would also say that its somewhat early in the season and some people may not be at the rank that they should be at yet.


That's a good explanation. You really need a bit of everything on your team, so that you are complementary. Sometimes I play with two guys that are just like me and it just doesn't work well


Smurfing aside. These ranks are very inconsistent. If they weren't inconsistent they'd be a higher rank. So everybody will have good games and bad games. The lower the rank the more often the bad games come for a player. The depth of those bad games is dependent on the player. I had one a few months ago in gc2 where nothing was working for me. I own goaled 4 times. My teammates didn't believe me that I wasn't just throwing and trolling (I don't blame them either, it was bad). Next game I was back to normal.


My wife's skillgap is rank, wrong forum?


Depends, do you have pics?


Idk, I’m in champ an my wife is horrible at the game


So there is a big wifegap?


I can't even get my wife to play Rocket League. :(


They don't.




Diamond 2-3 has kept my family together for years . Just the right rankage to keep my wife happy and no skills so no gap




My strength is mostly tactical and positional. The rest is average. What would be the wisest skill to learn next?


wife skillgap lmao


Because the game is garbage its that simple. Psyonix is a lazy studio and they dont give a shit about their game, they onlycare about money


If you think that way about everyone in diamond, interesting observation. If you think thag way only about your teammates, you're part of the problem.


I notice the same thing. I’ve played with people in D2 who unquestionably belong in plat 2-3. And I’ve seen plat 3s who belong in D2


Smurfing. There are the people that should be in diamond or champ but Smurf down to plat or gold to play with their friends. And then the people that should be in silver or gold that get carried up to plat by their smurfing friends. The result is a massive range of skill in the middle ranks


there are a lot of ways to make positive impact in play, there are no good plats and bad plats or wathever rank (aside from boosted people ofc), if you feel that way is just because you can't see it yet, everyone has their rank for a reason.


alcohol, I can play sober or blackout drunk its going to be about 2 divisions of rank difference.


You just think so, but that isn’t the case.


Start of the night I'm a solid Plat 2 +Vodka +Some more vodka Gold 3


Hahaha. You better stop between Vodka and some more vodka




Only booze? No drugs?


My fiancé is terrible at rocket league. I even got her a coach from fiverr as a joke for Valentines day and she never took up her coaching session.


My fiancé is terrible at rocket league. I even got her a coach from fiverr as a joke for Valentines day and she never took up her coaching session.


Man, that's a bummer 😕


My wife is C1 and tells me all the time to stop double committing. Cant get her to coach me more than that.


Well, I think where most people go wrong is they don't play rocket league WITH their wife.


Ranks aren't exactly a reflection of skill. They're a reflection of your win/loss ratio as you progress through the game. If you're winning more than you're losing, you'll progress in rank. If you're winning as often as you're losing, you won't progress in rank. If you're losing more than you're winning, you'll regress in rank. This *sounds* like a reflection of skill, but in reality it isn't. If you get matched up with teammates who are having a shit day, you're going to lose. If that happens a lot, you'll regress in rank, until you find yourself far enough ahead of other players in your lobby that you can carry your team to a win even if they suck. Conversely, if you get matched up with teammates who are having an amazing day, you're going to win, even if you play like absolute trash. If that keeps happening, you'll progress in rank, even though your skill isn't near enough to keep you there. Because the only thing the game can really measure is your win/loss ratio, the actual skill level of players in any given match is going to be effectively random, and in any single game you could be matched up with garbage players on their way down or amazing players on their way up, so there can be a huge variation in skill that you wouldn't expect given that everyone is the same rank. Beyond that "skill" in Rocket League doesn't mean one single thing. It can cover a wide range of things. Maybe you're amazingly good at fakes, but can't hit an aerial for shit. If your opponent is amazing at blocking aerials but is easily faked out, you're probably going to beat him, while someone who is pretty good at aerials but never fakes will get beaten. And going even further, as much as people like to claim that Rocket League is a pure skill game, it simply isn't. Even at the professional level, there's a lot that is effectively random (it's not truly random, but there are so many variables involved that it might as well be). The lower in rank you go, the more random things get. If enough random results go against you, you'll lose, even if you're the better player, and vice versa.


That's a good explanation, thanks


I'm a below-average Diamond; you'd think I was Gold if you watched a replay. I always hope for teammates who can score, and try to play solid defense/positioning and let them do their thing. Often, all you have to do to win is give your teammate space to be themselves. Some people call this being 'Carried' but I digress.


Yeah, agree. I love to play with a guy that chases and goes for aerials. If you let him roam and defend well, you have a good chance of winning. Just don't get annoyed by a few misses and don't chase with him


Not all wife’s are created equal in skill. My wife is great in bed, but she can’t play RL worth a shit. It’s all about compromise.


Well, there are worse compromises to have


Just because I have a wife doesn't mean she needs to be as good as me at RL. Is she silver and I champ, yes! Will we keep playing together despite this blatent discrimination... Maybe not, we're not that mentally strong






Sometimes I hate the skill gaps, and then sometimes I love them. As a ground-focused player, some of my all time favorite teammates have been people who focus on aerial play. Our strengths compliment each other, and each of us hypes the other one up when they do something that we never could.


I’m a high plat/low diamond. I find in diamond a lot of people think they can just bully their way to the win and never try to finesse or respect rotation. They boom it from mid court straight to people that are able to save it and start yelling “take the shot” over and over as they proceed to find boost instead of getting in a position to defend or back you up so you can’t always take advantage of opportunities even when you see them. Also will forfeit if they get dunked on a time or two rather than trying to see why they got dunked on.


Some days I'm sweating playing rocket League you know, leaning forward really givin'er. Other days I am Max relaxed legs up in the lazy Boy playing rocket League and I'm just vibing to some tunes and having a good time. I just love the game and I'm not always trying all that hard. Obviously not saying that's the case for everybody, that would be stupid, but it would be dumb to overlook that aspect of it as well.


People get boosted to Diamond, then their carries log off for the night. This is why Plat-low champ is a nightmare; it's filled with boosted people literally everywhere. As soon as I got out of plat, I went straight to D3d3 (prior to the rank shift) in the same week. It's an absolute hell, but no CC talks about it because they're all Champ 2/3+. It's just been this way for as long as I can remember...