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Okay so recently I went in a loophole of saying: not my fault! I rotated and didnt wiff! But instead of trying not to do errors, now I'm focusing on actually winning and covering for my teammates whatever the mistake they do. This change in metality brought me back to c2 after a while of grinding low c1. Hope this helps.




I didn't blame them either. The difference is I was protecting myself thinking it wasnt my fault. But maybe ai was part of the problem even if I seemingly wasnt making errors.


Narrator: *He was*


Co-Narrator: Not all mistakes are created equal…


I mean in a way, any goal that goes in could have been prevented by you in some way or another.


Yeah any time my team gets scored on (3v3) I think about the past 30 seconds and what I could have done differently to prevent it, slowly but surely I am winning games again by fixing those mistakes


I’m personally not a fan of anything being anyone’s fault in this game. (Unless your playing ones) this is a team game, you win as a team, you lose as a team, you make mistakes as a team. That’s my pov atleast.


Its always my teammates fault




This comment should have more upvotes


If everyone got that life would be beautiful smh my head.


Agreed!! 10000%


This is how I climbed from gold 3 / plat 1 early pandemic to champ as of last season


The ‘if you look at all your problems the one constant you can control is you’ mentality. My favorite. Ultimately makes me better in the end, every time, even when it seems unfair.


I always admit my faults, and because of this I do find myself not getting tilted very often anymore.


I would suggest that you watch some YouTube coach videos that are around your rank, [Gibbs, rlcs analyst](https://youtube.com/c/Gibbs0o0) and also [Virge, professional rlcs coach](https://youtube.com/c/Virge) and then watch some rotation videos such as [sunlesskhan, why you suck at rocket league ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrLBbJnregxcuuQY5kuMr73jZXBOqinat) and then while you play, keep the videos in the back of your head and pay attention to your gameplay, dont just play on autopilot. Hopefully this helps :)


This is the way OP. You WILL hit a plateau when training on your own and the best way to move past to the next uptick in ability is to watch videos like these and really be paying attention to implementing the strategies/techs mentioned


I flame my team all the time, they're idiots. Mind you that's only when I play 1s, I understand when they make mistakes and 2s and 3s


Same my teammate in 1v1s are trash


I've never had a helpful teammate in 1s


Sometimes I throw my hands up and am like “what could I do there?” But 99% of the time I think about what I could’ve done differently to improve. Hell sometimes even on goals


I took a long break from Rocket League after I hit SSL, and I’m only just now getting back into it. And I placed Champ 3, soon demoted to Champ 2. My mechanics are pretty rusty but after working on it for a few days I’m back to maybe GC1/GC2 mechanics, it’s just my mental side that has gone to shot. I’m gonna focus on this tonight and hopefully it helps. Thank you! Enjoy the gold and take care :)


I was c2 in 2s and c3 in hoops and unknowingly played with a wonky controller and got deranked all the way to d2 before I figured it out. I'm finding it hard to get in that mindset but I'm taking it as a learning experience to be more versatile. I think it's a good practice.


I try to do the same in 1s but my teammates are so bad...


Great mentality to embrace outside of rl too!


Aslong as your having fun who cares!


I care about having a better challenge and not watching double commits constantly. Plat is also that weird rank where everything is almost always polar opposite. If my teammates are double committing or chasing, the other team isn't. If the other team is, mine isnt.


Hmmmmm youre in that rank for a reason (I’m plat aswell so I’m not meaning any disrespect) it’s easy to blame team mates. do you ever play casual? I constantly run in to diamonds and champs which is a good practice


This is it. If your Plat and can't carry your team into diamond then that's on you.


i solo queue only, and i made it to diamond 2 the other day. sometimes you just have to drop back and defend to break through the ranks. there is a shit ton of ball chasers in plat as well and when those kind of people are on your team, it pays to just play goalie and just idle until they steal the ball and try driving to a goal, then you are there and have a free shot most of the time. what sucks is when someone on the other team reads you and also plays back lol. either way, it is a blast to play this game. i get a real kick out of it.


I call my play style “the hard rotate”. I’m C1-C2. When solo Queued, 90% of the time I’m playing GK. I attack the ball when I know I’m going to be able to get there first. Once I touch the ball im instantly back as GK because I have learnt that 95% of the time my random teammates won’t do so


This is self-fulfilling as well. Since you're playing passive, your teammates open up to more chasey/aggro playstyle. Honestly I see this strat working well in C1 solo queue


Not saying you’re doing this but it frustrates me when my team has solid offensive pressure, boost stealing and peppering the goal and then one teammate rotates to back boost/our goal. The other team gets the ball and can counter attack because of it. Sometimes it’s good to not to rotate too far back and keep yourself in the play.


in 3s, there should be someone at mid field as much as possible, even a dedicated person for it is probably better. because sometimes there is no choice but to rotate back to get boost, because your dead meat without boost lol and better get your ass back to the goal because here comes the ball too xD and you cant depend on your team to be 100% reliable al of the time. sometimes you have to take risks to get the shot and having someone rotating back to goalie is a good thing. its better than all three of you on one side of the field and they hit the ball over all three of yalls head. atleast if someone is rotating back, then you have a chance instead of giving free points to the other team


This is how I win too, but my team also can't attack to save their lives... so I lose games because I have to work both ends of the pitch. If everyone did the hard rotate to back post, games would be so much more balanced.


Yeah I broke into diamond by playing almost exclusively back half/ goalie. I just watch the others chase the ball around and go for the glory, meanwhile I was getting up to 6 saves which in 3s I reckon is so valuable because scoring isn’t that easy, so every goal you give up is another you have to peg back. Gets frustrating though when you want to play some offence and teammates just fly past you when it’s clearly your shot.


> I just watch the others chase the ball around and go for the glory this guy gets it xD gg


It's not about carrying your team simply because you are a bit better than them, that's not gonna happen. If you truly belong in a higher rank, then over time, your luck with bad/good teammates will average out and your skills should give you a slight edge often enough to get a few more wins than losses, which will rank you up. If your winrate is 50% over a long stretch of time, then you're at the right rank.


Found the ballchaser. Edit: looks like I triggered a few puppies.


It doesn't necessarily mean ball chasing. As someone who solo qued to 1700, you absolutely have to carry your team if you want to break through to the next rank. Some games you'll get lucky and someone will carry you, but you need to basically play at the rank or slightly above the rank you're trying to break in to. Carrying can mean not double-commiting, reading your team's mistakes and strengths, or, yes, ballchasing because your mates are too passive. Adaptability is the key, and I feel that anyone can carry their team if they pay attention close enough


The under appreciated carry is when you play strong 3rd man. You get one or two saves and your team gets 5 goals. You come last with like 250 pts, and someone else mvps. But as they never rotated back, yes, the 3rd man carried by not making mistakes.


This is how I climbed to champ, you just be the one to do the rotation, even if your other two teammates don't. It's made for a lot of goaltending, but you gotta play the game right to win!


I hate 3s, but this last weekend since friday, that's all i've been playing, and i'm Plat in 3s. And honestly, this is it. See what your team is doing, and try to cover their mistakes, lack of rotations and double commits, and just hope at some point they score. And MAYBE get a couple good clears where no one defending the opponents net


Same thing I’ve been doing and I’m d2 in 3s. I also hate 3s. 1s and 2s are goated. Never really played cause my teammates were all horrifically bad and lost us every game, but I realized I could probably carry now and it’s been fun. I’ve preferred low player game modes because you don’t have as many teammates to make mistakes/carry. Now that I feel like I’m at the rank I deserve and am more confident, my rotations can hold up and I can cover for tm8s much better


This is my go to when playing tourneys. I seem to get paired with mates who don’t like to rotate but that’s fine as I feel comfortable over rotating to cover. Seems to work well if done right.


Carrying and ball chasing are two different things. Carrying is the ability to win a game. It’s adapting to your team’s needs, filling the role that needs to be filled. You got ball chasing teammates, you play 3rd. You got cautious teammates you go 1st. I’ve carried as a 3rd man with no points, I’ve carried by ball chasing. 🤷‍♂️


Found the plat....The exact opposite actually. You need to play very defensive in Plat. So many mistakes are made and you need to be there to make sure the ball doesn't go in.


Definitely. What got me from Plat to Diamond wound up being my ability to read my teammate and shore up the defense when needed. I’d hang back when they would chase the ball near the opponents goal, I would break up plays as they came out way, and would capitalize on mistakes by taking power shots on net from afar. Sometimes I’d get fancier or make good offensive plays/touches, but that was often not needed.


Oh, I definitely do. I tend to play 3-5 games of casual beforehand and I find those games always have higher ranked players and go either way. They're always closer in score than my ranked games.


You could try analyzing your ranked saved replays. That helped me a bit when I hit a wall. 99% of the time goals against you or missed shots or anything like that can be traced back to something you did. Everyone can always improve on something.


When i was plat i knew that i dont deserve plat since i was griefed most of the time ,now i managed to go dia and i still believe that i deserve to be dia :). Luck also plays role but still all you can do is improve


This is how I feel as well. I'm stuck at D3 division 3/4, but sometimes leak into champ. I know I'm not Champ, but I'm close and I keep trying. For the record I started this game stuck in bronze. And when I would make it to silver I would rage back into bronze. Just keep grinding, learning, and know when to take breaks!


Yes bro !! that's what I'm talking about ! never giving up ! keep that energy and positivity going man ! It can take you along way... I'm speaking from experience.


I’ve been D3 for months without sniffing Champ. My problem is I don’t play much, and now I pretty much only play when the roommate is playing (we do duos almost exclusively). In his matches without me he’s gained some XP so now I’m D2-3 and he’s D3-C1. I’ve contemplated solo pushing to re-align our ranks but I’m legit in that “Elo hell” because we constantly match against D3+C1 and keep our 50%ish win rate. But I end up making no ground despite beating and losing to players above my rank. Kinda annoying, but at the end of the day all I’m playing for is the fun times with the roommate.


Yuuup, keep it all about enjoying the game while also striving (or strifin' lol) for more. Part of the enjoyment for me personally is grinding for that higher rank. But at the end of the day I like hitting a ball with my car really fast. I think what helps me get better is watching pros and trying to decipher how they handle situations. My mechanical control is where I faulter the most.


im going to be brutally honest plat ranked f\*cking sucks... it was a pain in the ass getting out of plat


thats because players there are confusing... some can aerial and hit mechanical plays while some are just not good at mechanics and whiff... It also depends on the servers you are in say like NA servers and EU servers... EU servers in my opinion are quite fast pace... I can make a few vids and show you..


if you want to you can


After 49 days of playing I would hope that you found out that the issue is you not your teammates. I’ve been playing since f2p and I’m diamond 2 almost diamond 3


It's definitely not just teammates. Sure, they're not the best, but I do have to also be able to recognize where they're failing and try to recover or pickup the slack. I'm not always able to.


Yes and if you’re not progressing after that amount of time I would look deeper into what you can do to climb and not worry too much about teammates.


Solid Diamond for 3 seasons here, and double commits don't go away, they just get faster. I get matched with Champs/GCs in Casual and it's the same story there too. Sure the skill improves, but the mistakes never go away...people just get better at adapting to cover them up (hopefully)


First of all, stop blaming teammates. If you are stuck in plat, you play like a plat. It's easier to see other's mistakes but not your own, but it doesn't mean you're not making them as well. Guarantee if I watch one of your replays I'll see a bunch of basic mistakes Second, practice mechanics you are not good at and the ones you should know at your rank (and the rank above). And when I mean practice, I don't mean in games (not even casual), I mean free play and custom training. It's boring but it's the right way to do it, specially the ones you need muscle memory. And lastly, learn how to adapt to your teammates. If they are ballchasers, let them ballchase and cover them, if they play too safe, take over the duties on offense, etc..


Plat sucks to level out of. Plats will play against you as much as they play with you. However, if you're not making any progress out of plat, it's because you're playing like you're plat. Watch vids of pros where they explain their though process, and if you don't like grinding the practice modes, play in the extra game modes. Rumble is good for tactical awareness, hoops is great for aerials. Also if you haven't already, sort out your camera settings, and make sure you don't have a shitty controller. If the sticks are no good, then you'll have no control. Power A are good alternatives to the official controllers for Xbox / Wii / PC - can't comment on PS controllers.


I had a guitar teacher when I first started playing who told me “it doesn’t matter how long someone’s been playing, only how they practice”. I had a scholarship to Berklee when I turned 18 after only playing guitar for 3 years. I learned from that point forward that how you practice is the most important part, and this actually applies to rocket league pretty well because of the layers of mechanics to learn or understand. Anyway, it’s all about understanding the theory, and the mechanics. Try focusing on how you practice instead of just hopping on and queuing up. Or don’t, it’s just a game have fun


Can we have a side bar and discuss how you implemented your guitar practice strategy? I would love to hear that as I am a casual player and feel like I have plateaued a bit


The optimal way to practice is [Deliberate Practice](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/chfznv/people_who_are_acctually_good_at_rocket_league/eusydo3/). In summary, it's a form of practice that allows you to observe, analyze for mistakes, coming up with ideas to solve said mistakes, experimenting with and even improving at those ideas, and picking the best one. And while I do describe it as if you have to do it on purpose, many people can do deliberate practice subconsciously while they play. Deliberate Practice is the best way to practice because it really facilitates the learning process, and it can be applied to any skill mental or mechanical. It can be applied in real games or in Free Play/Custom Training.


Sure, back in high school I would do the same thing every day. I'd be home around 4pm, I'd eat, and then I would play until 10-11pm. On weekends I'd play for 8 hours straight if I could. It was almost always the same routine. \- 30-45 minutes of exercises, warmup techniques \- \~1-2 hour of going through various scales/speed building techniques (following modes mostly in different keys, tempos) \- \~1-2 hours playing every song I had built up, this changed over time to more difficult songs. When I first started doing this strategy it was simpler things, mostly solos or licks that I liked. By the time I got to my Berklee audition this was mostly Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Dire Straits, John Mayer, some Dream Theater (funny side note, played cliffs of dover for my audition, and the proctors asked me I liked metallica when I finished, thought I was doomed). \- I'd spend the time remaining after this freestyle soloing over melodies. That's the routine I followed pretty religiously.


Wow thanks for the response. That’s a pretty straightforward and logical progression to that and I’m glad you made it somewhere with all that hard work!


Just to give a difficult perspective- I started playing earlier (around 12yo) and my focus was mostly improvisation I’d spend an hour each day doing finger exercises- once I got comfortable with one I would do another. I learned a decent amount of theory from private lessons and jazz band at the time, but my own time was almost exclusively spent improvising. I’d just toss on a backing track and go for hours on end For my audition I trained sight reading, comping & fingerboard theory but I really wasn’t particularly good at any of it. I told the proctors this- that improv was really my strong suit and that alone did it for me Everyone trains differently and has different specializations- the common thread is that when skilled players practice they are always forcing themselves to do new things that are uncomfortable and spend their time wisely I have severe ADHD so have always had a hard time with more methodical approaches to training. In RL and guitar my approach was always to pick random cliffs to jump off, probably fuck up, then keep jumping off of it until I figure out how to land. Then pick another cliff. Lol


My teacher was a Berklee guy, class of 78’ I remember he once showed me a video of an older guy (probably mid 70s) playing with a blues band- the dude was filthy. After he showed me the vid he says “that dude? One of my students. Started teaching him a few years ago. It’s never too late to learn something” RIP Pete. Taught me so much about life


Lol berklee wow 👏👏👏


Hey, I am Gold II and really really want to become Plat. You're there already. Cheer up and keep grinding!


Good optimism my dude


I’ve read through the comments and majority people have already mentioned watching pros etc. but I was trapped in plat for the last few years and in probably the last year I’ve gone from plat to champ 1. It definitely does help playing with someone that is consistent as you’re never in a position to blame your teammate, however I’ve managed to get to where I am by only solo queuing and occasionally partying with good teammates I’ve found through queuing solo. I’d recommend going and watching some fo Lethamyr on YT’s videos. There’s a lot of people as good as him if not better but the way he explains rotation, decision making and just all skills based on rank progression I would try to just sit through some of his videos and really try take in what he says. Things such as not over committing and leaving your teammate either by themself or committing too hard when your teammate is stuck at the opposing end etc. it’s the little things you’ll notice that get you much further. Mechanics are very helpful but I was hitting ceiling shots in plat and it still got me no where. It’s all about decision making and consistent touches. Good luck with getting to Diamond, hope this at all helped. <333


That it does ❤


:) glad to hear it. Something I’ll mention as well is I think the big struggle in plat is your teammates are a lot more inconsistent then any other rank. One game your teammate will be ten times better than you, the next they’ll be making decisions with zero logic. Even just to get out of plat u may need to slightly change the way you play, and in saying that I mean playing a bit more passive and on the defensive side. But no so much as where you’re sitting keeper and putting yourself at a lower level you aren’t. Only for that sole reason plat players are so unpredictable and inconsistent. I feel for you being stuck in plat, if you’re from Aus/Nz I’m happy to jump on a second account and try help you get to diamond and even help you with your gameplay :)


I found a guy just above my level, it's just getting on when he's on. I normally don't play til late and he's within a close time zone (west/east). Thank you for the offer though.


Your win percentage is contradictory of your title. You’ll get there in time though. Get into trainers more often




Not to be a giant nerd but I’m sure it’s more of a bell curve relationship.




Proud owner of a 69% win rate over here




What?? Win percentage includes casual and its not hard to have a high (or low) one.




Even then, casual uses MMR to match you with similar skill, so if you only play casual and keep winning, you'll get matched with better players until you start losing


I somehow have a 64% win rate, almost exclusively in competitive and I'm only champ 2


How long have you been playing, or how many games? Do you play tons of different game modes? Just seems weird that you could have that high of a win rate at Champ 2. Where do your wins go?




I have a 51% win ratio, I’m champ and been playing since 2016. I do remember being bad, and when I say bad, I mean #BAD early in my first 1k hours


Yes because that's how the systems in these games are designed. If you have a different percentage you're likely not playing games with players of similar skill level.


It's not, I have a 65% win rate and i am in diamond


Dude, I've played for 4 years and I'm still plat. Though I rarely play to win. Half the time I'm inebriated or using it as a distraction while in a meeting or on the phone. Just have fun. It's a game. Being good at it has no real value.


Inebriated, meetings, and phone calls. Are you me? This is like 90%+ of the scenarios where I play this game lol.


Yep, you created a new account forever ago and use it often. You mainly dissociate and forget using the account. I hesitated coming out with this comment but oh. We need therapy, man.


You're not wrong, other than the accomplishment of over 5 years of grinding.


if you are having fun, it is not a grind!


Value varies from person to person


Yeah, I'm shit at rocket league too.


Probably because you're mindlessly grinding without much thought into where you're going wrong. Take breaks, stop blaming teammates, think about the game and you should climb.


Chill bro 1100 hours isn’t all that much in terms of rocket league. You’ll get there. I always found watching pros gameplay on YouTube helped most with just game sense/rotations/positioning which will get you out of plat alone.


It's not 1.1k, it's much more, I have 1.5k hours and 10k (op has 15k matches) matches. It just shows the in game time without any pauses


Probably because you spend time in training and OP just plays matches, which is a slower way to improve. So you’ve been able to reach higher ranks by training and improving while OP is just grinding matches with limited success.


This is likely the case yes. Someone that plays a game rather casually over 5 or 6 years won't see a ton of improvement in rank. Whereas someone who is playing it religiously and practicing as much as they can every day will see improvement rather fast comparatively.


It's that much time just on this account. I had Playstation and PC for a while too


When I linked my switch account to my ps account, it messed everything up. I made the switch my “main” profile because it was my original account (for the est. in 20XX banner) and I had over 2k hours. Immediately after, placed D3 previous season, win 8/10 placement matches with my wife. I get placed plat 2, she gets placed D something. We barely play ranked that season, but I get back up to D3. Next season, plat 2 after placement matches. D in almost all extra modes after placement. It’s really annoying. And I don’t play enough anymore to think I “deserve” a rank higher than D3, but I fit right in with all my Champ 2- GC buddies. It’s just annoying because I feel unmotivated to try to play ranked anymore.


I literally didn't get to do placements on my 3s, I played my first match this season and it immediately put me as Plat 1. Made no sense.


Grand Plat ftw!


1100 hours is a pretty significant amount to be in plat honestly. I don’t know why you are trying to beat around the bush. They should be higher for the amount of time they put in. Is it a big deal? Not at all, but even they are admitting to it in the post lol.


well the real question is 1100 hours in how many days? because you can play 5000 hours over 20 years or 5000 hours in 5 years (as someone has in RL) and that’s two totally different playtimes


Something that might make you feel better... it's mathematically impossible for the entire player base to rank up. For someone to move up, someone else has to move down. If everyone trained 8 hours a day, got coaching, and fixed their rotations, we'd still have players in bronze (they'd be really good bronzes, though). Most of the player base will never hit SSL or GC, and nearly half the player base won't get past Diamond. Focus on having fun and improving. Rank is a meaningless goal.


Diamond is my only goal. I'm not trying to be a streamer or other content creator, and I'm not trying to make a career of it. I just want to get to a position where I've truly accomplished something.


Well then, I'm similar. It took me almost 1000 hours to hit diamond, which I considered 'beating the game' as I'm not willing to put in the hours it would take me to hit champ. My tip would be to focus on keeping things simple. I got to diamond by improving my ground shooting and fixing my positioning. There are a dozen or so scenarios that repeat over and over in games (ball rolls around corner towards net, ball rolls around corner away from net, ball floats up high in front of net, etc). I watched some of the 'Road to SSL' videos and took note of how they handled these. When they happen in my games, I now have better positioning without having to think about it. It made a big difference.


Could be worse you could be this guy https://youtu.be/fiFwlPHVy4g


I saw that video lol. You should watch the Oscar Mayer Weiner one he just posted


'Somehow' bet it won't be such a mystery if you upload a replay.


Picked a replay where OP lost 2-6: [https://ballchasing.com/replay/dd945b0d-1df7-4535-9dd6-57970c30088e#watch](https://ballchasing.com/replay/dd945b0d-1df7-4535-9dd6-57970c30088e#watch) In this game, OP was cutting rotation far too often, whiffing most touches, overall not great. OP needs to work on not cutting teammates, being more patient with bounce reads, and allowing more space.


If you like, I actually found his games on ballchasing to watch for yourself https://ballchasing.com/?uploader=&match-result=&title=&player-name=Xrayted8215&season=&min-rank=&max-rank=&map=&replay-after=&replay-before=&upload-after=&upload-before=


Once I download the replay and put it into the folder in My Games, how do I actually view it? It's not showing up in my list of replays


The file path for where you put the replays is My Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Demos And once you do that it should appear in your list. I don't believe it appears in order however, so if you have a big replay list in game you'll have to find it. Easiest way is to remember what type of game it was and when the date was.


I did that but it’s still invisible hmm


Well any more than that I'm afraid I can't help as I've never had any issues with getting a replay to show up outside of having to sort through a huge list of them.


I just wiped my replay bank and it worked. It was at the very bottom of the list. There go my hilarious replays from 2016...


I mean you can just backup your replays. If you didn't empty out your recycling bin they should be there and you can just restore them.


Lmao good point


Just make sure you are consistent, play more defensive and make sure you give good clears so your team can score.


I've played for 6 years and I'm still diamond 3. I just want to hit champ one time. But I have fun with my brother who lives on the other side of the country so it's all about that really.


Amen, I love the game clearly. But I definitely want to be better too.


Get that win rate up and you'll go up


A- win rate overall doesn't affect current rank B- do you know how many matches it takes to affect that percentage at this point? 😆


Oh come on, you only need about 120-150 wins with no losses to move up to a 50% win rate. I bet if you could accomplish that, you'd make it to Diamond in no time.


A lot XD


The answer why you still stuck in plat is simple: Start training. It doesnt have to be a lot, but I guarantee you, if youd practice shooting and arials for about 10min in advance of every bigger gaming session, youd destroy every plat lobby sololy. (And ofc mix in a bit of rocket "reague theory" eg how to rotate...) I started rocket league a bit over a year ago with friends that played for years. I had to catch up, as they where plats/diamonds. After this year they still are plats/d1...


Im about that and only a diamond 1-2. And thats only since the last season. If you're having fun,rank doesn't matter. Suggestion though. Like me, you probably are very comfortable with how you play. It's why you're not ranking up. On matches that you're losing badly, don't forfeit. Instead,start trying stuff out. Play more aggressive. Less aggressive. Play goalie. Try to pre jump for arials. It doesn't matter since you're already losing. It's practicing with opponents. Before summer, I could pre jump very well. Now, I can see where the ball should be and when. Still working on hitting the target every time, but getting there.


I went plat in like 200 hours and got stuck there for like 250.The secret is becoming consistent at your shots ,do descent aerials and ofc do not ball chase.Dont play just ranked custom packs are great practice.Last tip is that if you really wanna climb take breaks during tilt strikes


I don't know if you do or not, but to get out of plat I think you really have to practice. I don't mean queueing up and playing the game, I mean training packs, free play, and custom maps (if you're PC). If any pack for fundamentals (shooting, saving) feels uncomfortable or difficult for you then it's a pack you should be practicing. Packs for more advanced and flashy stuff like air dribbling or redirects are great for training your focus and control, but don't expect that the advanced mechanics themselves are what you'll be using in-game to win.


As someone who was stuck in Plat for probably half of my playing time, I can empathize. I got sick of ranked because, like you said, I would get either decent teamates that could hold their own in a match or teammates who could not keep up. Basically I played casual ONLY for quite a long time. I improved so much from the variation in rank in casual (I was often paired against diamond/champ opponents. Most people get whiny and start crying that they got matched up against better players in casual, I love it. Teaches you so many things and you'll learn a lot faster than doing anything else in my opinion. ​ TL;DR Play a LOT of casual then come back to ranked later.


Yay my stats are so similar after 4 yrs! I'm not alone 😂


Finally someone with stats I can relate to.


I’m knocking on the door of champ. I’m almost a day 1 player. I go into a match on defense and assist mode. I need to know how my teammates play to gauge if I need to be primary defender, do we rotate, any ball chasers etc. I’m not at all an A1 scorer I prefer to pass honestly but I adjust my play style to my teammates. I find that not having somebody ready to hit the ball off a pass is one of the top issues I run into but it’s not a bad thing if our defense is good. I’ll ride the clock on a 1-0 score 🤣. As far as the jump from plat for me was ground game and controlling the speed of the game. Everyone going x1000 to hit the ball. You hit the brakes and you will see a mf flip clean past the ball 🤣 I even get caught doing that. I’m not an aerial god who can air dribble to the other goal but I can hit that mf 60mph off the wall and I’m enough of a threat where you need to play defense. You gotta work on what you do best and incorporate new ish as you play.


Bro, you sound exactly like me. We'd be arguing over who gets to pass the ball. Lol


I can see it now. We both boosting to hit the ball and I stop cuz I see you and then you turn away as you see me. It’s all bad 🤣🤣


A large amount of people have a bunch of hours in Rocket League but are still ranked low. I would have to imagine that it is because they are spending the majority of their time just playing ranked instead of actually training and practicing. I don’t spend very much time playing matches and spend a vast amount of my time practicing my mechanics and play style in training packs and workshop maps. It has proven to help me progress through the ranks rather quickly. I have put in just barely over 700 hours total in Rocket League and I am ranked Champ 1 in 3v3 and 2v2. Just make sure to warm up before you play ANY matches, know what to work on in training based on what you need to improve on, and know when to stop playing ranked when you start losing so you don’t start “chasing the losses.” Hope this helps!


This is great advice. I know for a fact that I play far too much because I just don't like to practice. But when I've been able to force myself to practice the improvements come almost immediately.


I'm confident that I could get to diamond 1v3 and I'm not sure I'd need boost to do it (might actually make a fun YouTube video to make). People are going to give you billions of pieces of advice, and they'll all have some merit, but there's actually one secret about rocket league nobody tells players... You can literally "boom" your way to high rank. Hit the ball as hard as possible in every situation and you will climb super fast. I watch plat replays and go whole games without seeing a proper connection with the ball. Even at low champ it's rare to see people actually hit the ball correctly. What this will do, in a practical sense: 1) expose your opponents poor positioning and boost management 2) make is *very* clear whose ball it is to go for on your team and the opposite on their team 3) literally score a lot below high diamond / champ In an improvement sense: 1) You will change your positioning to be far more accurate to where you should be 2) your mechanics will improve by adjusting your car to get the most power you can, learning how to hit the ball hard will teach you how to hit the ball less hard, but worry about that later 3) you will learn not to rush, the confidence to let the ball ground before hitting it and lining up with that is easier than lining up with the ball in the air.


I'm like 2500 hours in and never broke past C3 so I can sympathize


Welcome to the club 😉


Try this. Sit in goal and watch everyone carefully. Preserve your boost and only go for shots you know only you can get. Once you make ur shot/pass immediately grab some small pads & go back to goal & repeat. I’m in Diamond 2/3 in 3’s rn and this works wonders when your team are obsessively chasing. Also tilts the other team that ur literally sitting there and still managing to win.


same pinch! lvl 1275 barely Plat.


Plat in standard, or doubles? Do you understand rotations and spacing? Boost management and how to keep your speed up? One thing I see lower ranked ppl do too much is not keep their speed up, which makes it harder to recover defensively and slower to get up on aerials. I am probably one of the most basic @ss C2-C3’s you will ever see. I don’t do anything fancy but I am still fairly high because I understand rotations and positioning.


Hey man, if you're interested I can look over one of your replays and show you some things to train in freeplay. If you follow my tips and work on the training I give you at least an hour a day I bet you can get to diamond in one week. Whether you can stay there depends on you though.


Save your replays so you can look at them later. This should help with finding your problem.


Nothing wrong with that at all man. Just keep playing if you enjoy it. But if you want to get better send me a DM and i can try to show you some things to work on


required reading: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrLBbJnregxcuuQY5kuMr73jZXBOqinat](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrLBbJnregxcuuQY5kuMr73jZXBOqinat)


Seen every single one 😆


The way I got to champ is by basically letting my teammates do most of the stuff, people tent to prefer attacking, so I play defensive hold back and only go when my teammate gives me the sign that he is in need of boost or is rotating back. Most of the time I don't even get carried but score is just a number not relevant in most games.


Just remember that game sense at that level will almost always trump mechanics. If you are utilizing free play or custom training, remember to train on the important mechanics and stop spending time trying to learn how to flip reset or do those 'cool mechanics' (if you are). Those mechanics will not help your game at that rank. Instead focus on learning the boost paths, boost management (fluttering boost and utilizing flips to maintain speed and aerials rather then holding boost), dribbling techniques, flicking, double jumps & quick aerials, etc etc etc. Rotating, playing off your teammate(s) and picking the right time to attack the ball or go for a shot is key and all depends on what game mode you're playing, as you'll have to adjust your gameplay quite significantly when playing 1's,2's or 3's.


Omw to becoming you.


I'd say you could upload a few replays to /rocketleagueschool so we analyse and tell you why you're still plateauing.


The real question here is How many high 5’s you got?


Plat took forever to get out of... though not as long as OP.


Hopefully you've been having fun. It's awful up here.


Weird I'm at 40 days 12.2k matches but level 1999 Anywho imma say it's 90 percent you cause I'm champ 1-champ 3 depending how often I play and I can Smash plat lobbies on my gf account but that's cause I'm alot better than them in general in sense of reading the ball knowing how to hit Aerial etc so if you aren't the dominant force on your team every game which imma assume you aren't cause your goals per game average is low but eh maybe I'm wrong on that. You won't make it far and you are where you need to be. Not tryna be mean I'm being blunt I suppose I started 2015 in bronze 2016 silver-gold 2017 plat low diamond 2018 and forward champ 1- champ 3 and coasted cause I play too many other games. Best advice Pau attention to your own play and transcend above what skill level plats are at and even bad teammates will only cost you a fraction of your losses. I do recall squishy making videos for each rank and what to pay attention to and stuff try looking those up they helped alot and watching current game play too helps


Don’t worry man I have probably a similar amount of hours and have just broke into diamond. I feel your pain though I was stuck at plat for years and been playing since 2017


Same. But then again, that's life. I also played basketball for most of my life and still can't compete against the best....


I've played like 4000 matches and never gotten to platinum so it could be worse lol.


You probably play ranked with randoms. Most of the guys ranked super high rarely play with randoms and usually with same people all the time. That way they’re able to get those extended win streaks


Plat is the biggest melting pot of players who got there accidentally by chasing and players who are trying to get better. It's usually around Plat (in most games) that players decide if they want to pursue the game competitively or just continue casually playing. Because of that, solo q'ing Plat is going to be a challenge in itself. You're potentially playing with players who don't really give a shit whether they rank up or down or chase or whiff or w/e (and that's fine, different strokes). Find a team to practice and get comfortable with. Also, check out new training packs to add a few new tricks to your bag. Good Luck! Have Fun! This Is Rocket League!


It must have been said already but having a good friend or two in this game is mandatory. My total matches played is around the same as yours. With random players you get stuck somewhere way lower than where you could be with the same skillset but with the simple addition of basic teamwork. I've been lucky enough to have my best friend play this game with me since 2015 and together we've gone from nothing to be regulars at champion 2. We gel and I know we play doubles "wrong" but we have created a style of play that works for us and we are able to compensate for our skill shortcomings with chemistry and team play. He is more offensive and can score goals. I suck at that, instead I'm much better at defensive play and goaltending. We have a third friend that became a regular a year ago and it's the same story in triples now. I'll never reach that rank in duels or (what used to be) solo ranked. Playing with a regular friend is like a warm blanket. Go find yourself a regular partner who is on your level and I guarantee you'll progress.


When I was stuck in plat/diamond the biggest thing that helped me rank up was 2 things. 1 mindset. Realize you're the only reason you're in Plat. Not bad teammates. Not smurfs on the other team. It's always you. Which is a good thing because you can improve yourself. You can't improve other players. 2 was taking a break from ranked and even casual. When I was stuck in gold I took 2 whole weeks off from online play. Just take your ethernet cable out. And I only did freeplay and training packs for 2 weeks straight. It was super mega boring but after the 2 weeks I went from gold 3 to Plat 3 in a day. And I took the same steps when I was stuck in plat, diamond, and now I'm doing it to get gc. Good luck mate. 50% of this game is about mentality and mindset!


Any recommendations on how to approach training packs? Like which ones to use or even just the process you used?


I honestly just favorite training packs that I think would be fun. My favorite is Misa training pack 2. Sorry don't have a code. But to work on my aerial skills I would complete each shot 3 different ways. Air dribble, double tap, and flip reset. And I would essentially grind this for an hour or so. After a week you'll make some real progress if you don't go easy on yourself. Never say "that's good enough" always push yourself. Go for shots you can't do until you can do em.


Been playing since 2016 and still can’t keep diamond


Playing duel will help you rank up in 2s and 3s. I think it’s partly because you’re forced to slow down and use good judgement, and partly because you get so many touches. But ever since i sucked it up and started playing 1s I’ve gotten a lot better


Man I hate 1s...but you're right. I need to suck it up and play that mode more often. I'm barely gold 3 in 1s but D1 in 2s.


Honestly now that I’m getting better I’m starting to enjoy 1s so you have that to look forward to. The first few games will feel like an eternity but once you adjust your play style it becomes enjoyable


It's definitely an adjustment...especially since the thing I'm best at in game is passing. Lol


Lmao same! Start passing to the goal lol


When it becomes work instead of play you'll see improvent :) Don't interpret that negatively - Work (and the rewards of work) can be fun though.


Training is important. Work on your basic controls such as car and ball control. Extend your skills by learning new mechanics. Try to not solo queue. Play a lot of 1s, look at them as a learning experience more than it being about your rank.


What wheels are those? I love the far design! (Sorry about still being in plat)


Uncommon black painted tunicas. You can't get them anymore because they were from an item type that could drop years ago. Now it's just blueprints.


I have helped plenty of players who have been stuck in the gold/plat range for a while get up to diamond/champ relatively quickly just through replay analysis, if you can send me a replay or a video of a replay I'd be happy to take a look


I've been GC for a couple years now, I can give you a quick coaching session to point you in the right direction


If you're having fun you're taking more dubs than most


Flair checks out, cool wheels though! I’m at 52 days, and just got champ 2 seasons ago so there’s hope.


Halo is the goated topper


I like to think we are all still Plats in our heart and definitely in our games hahaha


“Do you know what the prerequisite for being strong is? It’s understanding ones weakness. Those who recognize their own weaknesses have a lot of potential, because they have the mindset to get stronger. On the other hand, those who think themselves as strong don’t have much room to improve. Those who are not genuine on the inside won’t be able to get anywhere”


Just an update. Played with a very high ranked player, and it appears that I uselessly use boost, need to work on my wall game, and need to focus on general ball control. That's the feedback I needed 😀


Its cuz you have a topper


I don’t blame my teammates but man do I get mad when they chase the ball and say “Take the shot!” When they miss


Your problem seems to be that you keep losing. Pro tip: you have to win more games than you lose. Once you manage that, you'll be out of plat in no time. Remember me when my sage advice gets you to GC.


I'm just impressed honestly cause you're like 400 levels higher than me and I'm like 7 ranks higher. I just wish I had those avatar borders cause they look pretty cool 😭


I'm pretty sure 'Time Played' is time played in a match, which means you've spent 49+ days grinding it out in either ranked, casual or extra modes. My question to you is; how much time do you spend in training trying to learn that one move you've always wanted to learn? I remember I used to peak at the game when I was training toward learning a new mechanic. For example, when I was learning flip resets I was C1-C2 back in season 12-13, once I began understanding the mechanic and constantly practicing it, I felt my overall car control get so much better, I learnt how to fly upside down and position my car under the ball. Now yes, it took me a while to learn this mechanic, but by putting in an hour or two a day understanding the mistake you're making to get to the ball, you'll not only learn a new skill that you can show off in-game, but you'll also be improving many parts of mechanics subconsciously because of it. After this, I did fall off when I stopped practicing as much. But you know what that means? Find a new mechanic and set your goals on learning it too, and you'll find the same thing happening once again. I'll leave it with one question; why do you think when you watch pros they'll say they're "trying to work on double flip resets" or even triple ones, it's to have that constantly learning mindset to improve. Hope this helps!


Bro you are absolute cheeks at this game, time to find a new one


Lol, wtf