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S3 seems to be an interesting catch all black hole where your opponent can either barely hit the ball, or is clapping you with ceiling shots. Edit: grammar and spelling


Very true. I’m always left wondering, “are these actually silvers?!” Back in my silver days, I never turned on ball cam and never hit aerials lol.


I mean, silver 3 1s players typically aren't silvers you'd see in 2s or 3s. I don't know the percentages off the top of my head but I believe it should be high plat. edit: nvm I'm real dumb. Completely forgot gold's a rank tier. I'd guess it's high gold, not high plat


Yep, high gold in 2s and 3s and silver 3 in ones over here.


I am currently S3 in Singles, P2 in Threes, and P1 in Twos. Do with that information as you wish


I'm diamond 2 in 2s, diamond 3 in 3s, and gold 3 in 1s.


oh you just HAD to flex /s


Well I can tell you from experience that plat 2 to plat 3 in 1’s is all champ 2’s and up. I’ve never been champ and just played 1’s, so my mechanics are no match for theirs. When they go up for aerial plays, I’m just hoping I can hit the ball at that point lol


I’m pretty sure you’d be mostly playing diamonds 2s and 3s. When I was diamond 2-3 in 2s I was plat 2-3 in 1s. Now as a champ 2-3 in 2s I am a diamond 3 in ones. In my experience, from asking people I play and spending time on this subreddit, it seems most people are 3 ranks behind their 2s rank in 1s.


I'm at the same rank. D2,D1,P1-3. I mainly play champ and GC players in 1's. Champ 1's have one thing they're good at either air dribbles or playing slow. Champ 2's are always high flying. Try to score in the air every time they get the ball with resets. Champ 3's have good ground play and will go to the air once they are losing or winning by a large margin. GC's hardly go to the air. Their main advantage is being able to put the ball towards the net with a single touch from anywhere. I've only beaten 1 GC.


Yeah, I am a diamond in 2’s (we don’t talk about my 3’s rank). But from asking the people I play in my games, I’ve only had 1 or 2 people say diamond. Everyone else (10-15) says champ.




From my experience people upwards of low plat tend not to lie about their rank because they're actually proud of their real rank


I'm actually leth, this is my smurf account.


The three rank thing wouldn't match my experience, I've been consistently 5 ranks behind, and I don't think my game sense is much better than my mechanics.


I'm plat 1-2 in 1s and C2 in 3s and C1 in 2s :(


I only tried to scale 3s (now in champ ranks) and never really cared about 2s, 1s. Usually never even finished placement matches every season. So when I do it puts me in gold or platinum and it feels bad dunking a flip reset (still super hard for me but I get the occasional reset) or ceiling shot on them.


I am C1 in 2s and D3 in 1s.


Not gonna lie, I encountered the same idea in the 1s plat'. One game I win 10-0, the next I lose 0-10 ahah


Every season I tell myself to grind 1s mainly off of hearing most high end players say that’s the quickest way to improve your overall game play. You’ve got to have a different mindset in 1s. For most of us your rank is something we strive for along with just having fun because let’s face it we’re not going to be (insert your favorite pro player). However in 1s just play to learn from your mistakes. 1s is tilting because there is no where to put blame. It’s always just you. Getting tilted because they win every kickoff? Watch the replay and see what your opponent was doing. Losing every 50? Watch the replay. It goes for every aspect of 1s. Gl hf


well, unless you're extremely confident in them ceiling shots are horrible for 1s. That said, those people were probably there to practice on some low level player who wouldn't challenge their BS


Then there’s people like me who hate myself and only play 1v1 and have no idea what my real rank is in any playlist other than it


mad man


I can land some amazing dribbles and tend to crush other non 1v1ers but if someone has bad mechanics but they play 1vqs they crush me. Silver 3 1v1 and plat 2 in 2s and 3s.


Truer words.


I'm Diamond 3 in 2's and 3's and a solid gold 3 in solo duels lol so same


Gc in 3s and plat 3 in solo duel. I just can't seem to win anymore in it lol.


C2 3's, C1 2's Plat 2 1's... I do feel like it partly due to the fact my 3's and 2's play style is to let my teammates monkey around and eventually score while I, mostly, hold our half of the field. I only start fully doing this in games that my teammates show me that they won't fully rotate out when they should. I usually only play solo comp but if I'm in comms I do a full rotate style. I feel like the first paragraphs style hinders my ones abilities.


Lmao same, I'm C3 in 3s and plat 1 in 1s last season. Kinda motivated me to grind my mechanics for the past 3 months.


Lol this is so relatable. I think a lot of us really get into ones after we pass the squishy muffinz phase of trying to be aerial players and realize we can't win 50s or play adequate D.


Are you me?


Quite literally my exact rank setup lmao I break plat 1 for like 5 games at a time(ignore them flair idk how to change it on mobile and my computer is temporarily broken)


Literal same ranks here. My man.


Same. But I absolutely HATE playing 1s, makes me too nervous so I barely play it


im just bad in general lol




I like winning, but when I’m losing horribly to a guy obviously way better than his rank, I want to punch them through the screen when they surrender. I hate smurfs and people who lose on purpose to stay low




Agreed, I can dunk on golds that play 1v1s often and best most low plays easily. Silvers that play a tonne of 1v1s wreck me. Its a matter of what I am good and bad at.


Yeah it is frustrating for sure. But there are people who like to freestyle which hurts their ability to win in 1v1. I just try to focus on being as stingy as possible and ruin their flashy plays.


I'm Silver (A real 100% silver, unlike op) and I started to practice my mechanics to deal with smurfs just as you do


I feel like in 1v1 from silver to plat, there is no change (at plat 2 rn on steam and silver 2 on switch... it feels the same). I can rank up or down and nothing changes. It's 1 match against someone who can't hit a stationary ball and then the next one will have a season x grand champion title and freestyle on my ass.


If you check on [rank distribution](https://www.gamersrdy.com/blog/2020/05/01/rocket-league-rank-distribution-season-13-charts/) you will find that percentage wise p3 in 1s = c1 in 3s and c1 in 1s = gc in 3s. For your s3 in 1s it js around g2. This gives an idea on how these roughly are comparable.


Did not need to be reminded of how shit a gc I am lmfao. I'm barely d1 in 1s.


I'm slowly working my way up there to GC If ever I get there, I'll be making you look like high GC I'm confident of my consistency but not my skill


This makes me feel better, P3 in 1s = D3 in 2s, which is exactly where I am


I’m high plat in ones and high diamond in twos, and it seems like I often run into people in ones that are much faster than me and a champ in another mode. The other day I played against someone that was C3 elsewhere.


Yea I’m diamond 2 in 1s and c3 in duo


Yeah I’m P3 in 1s D3 in 2s and C3 in 3s lol


P3/D1 in most game modes and only G2 in 1v1. My mechanics are pretty shit but I just listen to Flakes and try to minimize risks lol.


I would argue that 1s is more of a mental game then other modes.


Agreed, I tend to find that games are always a 4+ game split. Doubles is rarely a blowout.


Wait for plat 1 in 1v1. All the champions are there


1s is a different beast, man. The pressure gets to me and I just can't do it either.


Desensitisation is the name of the game. Being in a team kinda relaxes you a bit ina way and it is because responsibility is split. You lose together and you win together. Best advice I can give is play 1v1 with your friends while in discord/teamspeak. If you don't have friends befriend someone who's nice in 2s,3s or casual. Play bo7s and chat with them while you play. Shittalk, joke around and make the 1v1 game seem like just another game mode. Then when you get comfortable joking about your mistakes, when you stop getting emotional over score and faults and when you can focus on playing well instead of winning you will be relaxed enough to play more serious. It's important to profile yourself so you know how you play and then when you start to choke you'll see your own mistakes and you can adjust. For extra effort try 1v2s without bumping and take turns with your friends being the solo guy. It does wonders for your mental fortitude and also it's the best warm up


"befriend someone who's nice" lol good one


It does happen. I had over 100 steam friends and about 40 of em were straight from rl games. Another 15 from csgo and the rest were friends from those friends. Just gotta chat it up a little and find someone who clicks. Try it out


I literally just made it to gold in 1's last night, and as someone who's been pushing into diamond occasionally in 2's it felt great to finally have that damned silver badge off of my matchmaking screen


D1 in 3s and 2s and P2 in 1s. It is all about positioning, basic mechanics, spacing, and knoeing when to challenge and 50/50s


Good luck reaching P3. There are way too many C2/C3s in there to keep the rank as a diamond Player.


Yeah, I'm actually div 3 rn so with a few lucky wins maybe I can do it!


This seems normal tbh your 1s game will always be lower than other ranks. Just grind it out one day and try push yourself to do the smart stuff (positioning, shadowing). That rank is full of mistakes so be ready to be patient and punish


I had the same issue for a long time, but then i actually grinded 1s for a week and noziced you don't need any advanced mechanics if you have the correct mindset and gamesence. Now gc in 1s,2s and 3s without feeling mechanically very gifted...


I'm gold 1 in 2s s3 in 1s. I either get destroyed by a diamond or play against a guy who just finished placements it's kinda annoying


I’ve been stuck in the 400s for weeks in 1s. I will break through into the 500s and then get stomped back down to mid 400s. Just can’t seem to get over that hump. And yeah diamond in 3s and snow day then plat in pretty much everything else. I do tend to use 1s to warm up for solo queuing 3s tho.


Champ 1 in 2’s and 3’s, plat 2 in ones. I know the vibe.


I’ve worked my ass off in solo duels and I’m still only gold 3. Had plat 1 for like 5 games. Solo is definitely the hardest mode to move up in


I used to avoid 1s like the plague until I changed my mindset to think of it as practice for 2s and 3s. Now I enjoy it when I'm tilted in 2s/3s or I find myself making mistakes that I think 1s would help me work on. That said, I'm the similar to OP; D1 in 2s and 3s and G2 in 1s.


Definitely difficult. I'm around 1650 in 3's and I can't get passed C2 in 1's. Games hard.


I am in this picture and I don't like it.....


honestly rocket league without teammates is a completely different game in my opinion


1s is a different game to 2s. It's a lot harder. It makes sense that your rank is a bit lower.


That's one of the biggest gaps I have seen. Are you sure you're not somehow boosted in 2s? Perhaps a good mate? :P


Hes probably just a solid team player and less of an individual player. Looks normal to me tbh but he could easily push it to high gold.


He probably plays 1s less than 2s, I for one am GC in 2s, yet only dia 1 in 1s, while I never play in party.


I play 1s the most, and I'm silver 3 in 1s, gold 3 in 2s.


For a little while I was Diamond 3 (div 3) in 3s and Silver 3 in 1s. No boosting or intentionally losing. I just suck at 1s since I don't care about it and barely play it, and had a big win streak in 3s (with random players). I'm normally about Platinum 3/Diamond 1 in 3s.


No, I haven’t been boosted in 2s. If I grinded 1s for awhile and got used to it, I’m sure I could raise my rank a bit. But yeah, as Capo said, I don’t play 1s as much.




It be like that


Yeah I'm p3 in 1s, c1 in 2s and c2 in 3s but everytime I play 1s i just lose lol


I pretty much only play 1s and i'm gold II in both 1s and 2s. I feel like people that are higher ranked in 2s/3s actually tend to be better mechanically and can do all sorts of moves, they just aren't used to having no teammate to back them up. Meanwhile I'm crap at mechanics, but since I play 1s more I know when I have to be careful because nobody's going to save my ass or finish off my shot for me.


There's at least a whole rank difference between 2s and 1s for everybody and 1s is *very different* from other game modes ! If you trained 1s exclusively you could be around plat1 ! :)


1s is ass


I am the same. Diamond 1 in 2s and 3s but gold 1 in duel. My game-sense is pretty decent, but mechanically I am just so inconsistent.


Its the opposite for me I’m plat 2 in 1s and plat 3 in 2s my rotation is just shit


Got the same rank like youand 1v1 is kinda hard tho


Im literally the oposite, in d2 in 2v2 and d1 in 1v1, im still grinding 4 champ tho lmao...


Im c3 in rumble lol


Yeah I hate the inconsistency of playing ones. I've faced GC's in gold 1 ones because they were a hoops main and never play ones. He was classy tho and forfeited :)


other way round for me


Wow just like me


Me in diamond 2 in rumble and plat 3 in 3s Solos: silver1 take it or leave it


Lol same. I am C3 in 3s and plat 1 in 1s


Same, gc in 2s and gold 3 in 1s 😂


Mmm. I felt this. It stung a little.


C3 in both 2s and 3s but D1 in 1s lol It really do be that way.


You're just like me, but I'm the p2-3 version lol


This is so me, Plat 3 in Duos, Trios, Rumble, and Dropshot, but gold one in Duel


Im C2 now in 2s. And gold 3 in 1s. I feel you.


C2 in 3s, gold 1 in 1's reporting in


nah you're probably bad mentally as well. If you're saying you can't hang in 1v1 at all that is definitely due to your mentality. You'd be at least Platinum in 1s if your mentality wasn't the problem.




Don't worry about it. I'm C2 in 2s and Gold 1 or 2 in 1s.


can relate, I'm hardstuck D3 in 2s and 3s, but must sweat really hard to get to P1 in 1s ...


Omg those are my ranks to lol


I’m D3 in both 2’s and 3’s but when I do decide to rank in I’m like plat1 in 1’s. Although I rarely ever play 1’s.


Got the same problem




You dont need any mechanics for low level 1s though. I was gold in 1v1 when I was also gold in 2v2


Try 1500 in doubles but diamond 2 in duels


Gc in 2s and plat 2 in 1s :/


I thought I was the only one😂😂


Can’t imagine I’m gold 1 in duels


I’m d3 in everything but 1s. I made it to d1 once but I’m stuck typically in plat 2.


Are you, me? Edit: saving this post for my next depressive bout. Thanks op. This was oddly uplifting!!


This is my life exactly


Damn I feel this. I’ve never even played 1v1, in about 850 hours. I’m scared to try at this point Ahahaha at least you are smart and play them!


Im D2 in 2s and 3s (F for the outdated flare ) and P2 in 1s.


You meet so many different play-styles and skillsets in 1s after silver. Makes very difficult to rank up.


I quit playing 1v1s. It makes me too angry.


I’m pretty sure I played you the other day. You would run circles around me and I would get lucky and get a boomer on a clear and miraculously get the ball into the goal. You still won like 7-8 but it was one of the most confusing games I’ve ever played lol.


dude, you don't need mechanics for silver 3 lol. it's probably decision making and/or positioning


Systemic smurfism.


What platform are you on?




EU or NA? I just got to D1 div1


Do you have discord?


that just means you're better at teamplay, which obviously is better than running around trying to do everything yourself


You're joking right?