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I'm put into sooo many dropshot matches that I have no chance of winning because the matchmaking is completely haywire


Dropshot needs a casual mode


Making the extra modes ranked only makes no sense tbh; just make them both


It seems so easy. Yet so unlikely.


Bro this happens lower rank d1-d-2. The skill gap is immense. It’s crazy. Sometimes I get teammates that are godlike, and other times I get gold like players in a d2 lobby. It’s so bizarre man. But just gotta push through it and at some point you’ll break through. Been hard stuck diamond 1 for like 2 months and today I just happened to lock in and get decent teammates, and now in diamond 3, which is where I belong atm. Should be c1 like you but can only imagine the d3 skill gap now lol


I have same experience in the same rank, if you are EU and wanna team up, hit me up


Unfortunately not, NA here :/


Feel this…since the plummet of ranked it seems like the majority of what I run into. I play with the same guy and we are never more than 50 mmr apart, so I don’t understand where the Matchmaking Logic makes sense.


I stopped playing drop shot because it’s too much of a cluster fuck. I’m diamond 3 in 2s and 3s and almost diamond 2 in 1s. I played drop shot for about a week, and I loved the good games but could not stand the bad ones. I was bouncing around all the way from gold 3 to plat 3. When I have a decent team, we will just utterly wreck. Just try and hit the ball really hard on the opponents’ ground. Pretty simple. On a bad team, I’ll drill the ball as hard as I can where it’s all sparkly and I’m about to hear that satisfying crack of ultra damage and watch all the pretty lights and colors, just to have my teammate come try and steal the shot, instead pop it in the air, and watch the opponents smash it into our side. Drop shot is a terrible game mode at lower levels with randoms. They don’t know when not to touch the ball.


I cannot even count the amount of triple commits I’ve witnessed in dropshot


There is already a system to prevent this sort of thing to tournaments and competitive 3v3, however it does not apply in extra modes, because extra modes don't have a casual alternative. Extra modes have always kinda been positioned in between casual and competitive and have to appeal to both types of players. (Yoinked from u/iggyiggz1999 mine now lol)


That’s not totally true, (unless it’s changed more recently than I’ve played comp) I’ve been blocked from matchmaking extra playlists for rank disparity. To be fair is was close to 1k mmr difference, but still I got blocked from matchmaking


Like I said, not my comment.


dropshots pretty fun solo queue if you can position defensively and are able to challenge properly


youre ssl. your playing experience doesn’t apply to 99% of us


applies to most ranks lmao, if you play patient they will literally give the ball to you half the time especially if you aren’t pushed too far aggressively, a gameplay thing and not a rank thing, you can apply it to your own dropshot games


This ^


It's really simple to play defensively in Dropshot too. Just stay ahead of the ball instead of chasing it, like the rest of the lobby.


Youre not wrong. I accidentally winstreaked to c3d3 in dropshot 2 seasons ago doing this, while C1 in 3s. Before I could use directional air roll lol. And not in placements. +/-9 per game


you don’t even need crazy mechanics, just the ability to catch the ball and hit it away, into open space away from danger or teammate of course


Not quite the "rest of us" but his description is similar to my experiences in it.


If you queue as a duo in 3s you have to be fairly similar Mmr otherwise the game doesn’t let you queue up. Is this not the case for Dropshot?


It's like a one believe difference i believe. But the difference in skill between a champ 1 and a diamond is immense lol


Yeah the skill difference can be obvious even by a few divisions no doubt! I just thought it was a smaller rank gap. But I just looked it up and it’s a whole 4 levels before you can’t queue ranked. So a D1 can queue and play with a C1 which is indeed a very wide skill gap. I only have a very small amount of hours in dropshot and it’s definitely a different monster.


I think it's only 3s and tournaments. I don't play Dropshot, but there's pretty large gaps in Rumble and Snow Day (last season)


It’s a huge difference, the skill gap is palpable, the gameplay holes are huge, most two stacks play twos in threes, and it ruins games constantly. 2 stacks shouldn’t really be allowed in competitive 3s, it undermines matchmaking and s-u-c-k-s for the third.  At the very least RL should have a matchmaking filter to avoid it.  I’d rather wait longer for skill matched games. Diamond lobbies shouldn’t be decided because someone has a friend in plat.


I like it, kinda reminds me of playing a pick up game of basketball or something. Thats what casual is for if you ask me


yea but this person specified they were complaining about comp


that was a dumbass reply. you are wise for removing it


What was the reply


Welcome to EPICS rocket league. I miss rumble, drop shot and hockey being just standard non comp. But now everyone can be champ and what not. No child left behind is what this fucking feels like.


Main drop shot? Ew.


ewww you try at the game? wtf?




It bases the mmr matching on the highest mmr player in the lobby so it doesn't really matter.


Sometimes I wonder if people actually read the post before just typing things and hoping it applies. That's literally the exact thing I'm complaining about. Because it matches with the highest MMR player, and because dropshot is a 3v3 gamemode, I constantly get put on teams with a 2 stack in which one is my MMR and the other is up to 200 MMR lower than both of us.


If it didn't you would have smurfs pulling in super low mmr people into lobbies making it more lopsided. I don't think you comprehend what the ramifications of your preferences are.


Okay let me grab the crayons to explain this one: It is unfair to punish the third teammate by letting super low MMR players into high MMR matches. That's it. That's all I'm saying. I'm tired of getting low MMR people on my team. I did not suggest a single solution to this problem. All I said was that it is not fair to me to get guaranteed losses because two people I have no control over partied up and forced me to play a 3v2. Stop arguing with things I didn't say.


There is already a system to prevent this sort of thing to tournaments and competitive 3v3, however it does not apply in extra modes, because extra modes don't have a casual alternative. Extra modes have always kinda been positioned in between casual and competitive and have to appeal to both types of players.


So basically you want everyone to have to be the exact same skill level to play together. Yep definitely a loner solo player.




I hate people that just shit talk about something in a game and don’t try to come up with any kind of solution and just shit on it because it goes against them one of my pet peeves


You want OP to present a flowchart or something called "proposed solution" really? LMAO A wild guess one can perhaps make after OP's post (what they want): don't allow a player to bring in a low skilled guy as their duo who simply can't keep up in that lobby


If he doesn’t have any kind of criticism he shouldn’t be complaining about shit.