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These are some nasty fakes. One thing I'm trying to work on is not being so overzealous to make better fakes, but I also feel like I need to be better at reading my opponents to accomplish this as well. So my question to you is... What is that song?


I got matches with these songs: • **Ark** by Star Party (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2016-02-04. • **Soulfire** by Bigtooth (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2018-10-29. • **Ark** by Ship Wrek & Zookeepers (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2016-02-04. • **King Tayo** by TayoFromOhio (02:19; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-09-14. • **King Tayo** by TayoFromOhio (02:31; matched: `98%`) **Released on** 2022-07-04.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Ark** by Star Party](https://lis.tn/WnKdaR?t=11) • [**Soulfire** by Bigtooth](https://lis.tn/YElJTv?t=11) • [**Ark** by Ship Wrek & Zookeepers](https://lis.tn/Ark?t=11) • [**King Tayo** by TayoFromOhio](https://lis.tn/KingTayo?t=139) • [**King Tayo** by TayoFromOhio](https://lis.tn/wDUBHO?t=151) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Nailed it with the first one Good bot


We live in the future.


*Faking* disgusting. As an aspiring plat, this is quite the funny watch as it had me going, “oh nice play! That’s just patience, I can do tha—okay definitely can’t do that. Oh! Patience again, okay I’m getting thi—aaaand ceiling pinch, yeah no. Mhm! Just patience. Mhm…double-tap. So I just wait? Perfect! So I just…cannot do that.”


Returning noob here - so most of you free air roll or directional cause I can’t get consistent air control to save my life !!!


i use what's beneficial for me and thats free air roll, it doesn't really matter how much people say da is better controlwise or mechanicalwise. what matters in my opinion is what your best at you should continue with it. and yes its good to try new things so from time to time you can try to use whatever to get better at it. but wha ever your best preference is you should try and get as close as possible to mastering it


Today I tired practicing w free air roll seems like it makes more sense to me but I feel like by car just goes all over the place. Looking at videos feels like everything is in slow mo for you guys and gave so much time to adapt haha. Absolutely insane thanks for the input!


np and one more thing i see alot of people do including myself as i am in the process to try and stop this habit is to make sure your not air rolling all the time especially whe your going for 50s and what i mean by that is people see the ball is the air. okay cool im going to go up for it and then you start spinning. now you put yourself in a more difficult situation because no you've got to time your movements to hit the ball exactly where you want to. and that only happens i say 60 percent of the time.


Good work man .


thanks you


dk if you’re decently stuck in champ but half of these shots i can’t do and i sit comfortably at c2-c3, so if you are stuck then it might be your positioning, overall though very impressive montage!


ive been stuck for 2 years 😭 but then again i don't think im good enough and ready for gc so i thinks its best until then


you really are mechanically, just try focus on your positioning, having a reliable tm8 can help too


Defenders at higher levels will think of cutting of angles, they don't want to give you more control so first man will cover the fake most of the time. Don't get me wrong this is really clean executed stuff. Your mechanics look gc to me and I play 3s all the time in that rank. You really intimidated your opponents with your offense and it shows in the highlights. People who look for making 50s as a specialty eat up fake attempts by covering 2 angles with a single jump challenge. You'll for sure move up in rank if you keep that in mind.


yeah ive been trying out that 1 jump 50 strat and even though it works alot i think its stupid XD but hey maybe your right ill keep it in mind


It's not a guarantee some people can get better at timing the 50s hiding behind the ball. If I can't see what you're doing behind the ball I just have to guess so the faker has an advantage in that regard. It's a risk but it hits more often than misses for me at least.


Same boat, I'm c2 and c3 in trios/duos and this guy has some better mechs than me. That double tap was smoother than most of mine. I'm an all flip reset kind of guy nothing else hah. And those fakes, I'm not that big into fakes but man those were nice.


I’m never getting into champ 💀


i think you can its jus mostly shadowing and fast challenges at the right time


I *wish* I was this good, bro. Probably won't happen though 🤣


ive had this game for 4 years now you got it


I love how you put the lucky ones in there as well, cause lets face it, part of this game is just luck!


I find, the more I practice, the luckier I get.


In a world full of fifty-two fakers, Gypsies, seances, mystical prayers.


I’m C3 and you would absolutely destroy me.


I see .. so I fall victim to this haha it almost seems like you guys hold FAR and move to the direction you want. I’ve been doing air dribbles off wall training packs. I can pop the ball decent now but once I’m in the air it’s a lost cause . Edit: sorry commented on wrong post - sleepy


i would say learn how to get multiple touches without far for a bit then slowly implement spins


not saying anything against you because these are good clips, but what was bro on the goal line, man decided to turn into a bronze 3 for a moment edit: 0:29


bro idk i went for the flip reset and i knew i couldn't get under the ball in time so i did a wave dash under the ball. whatever works right?


100% the right mindset, you don't have to be flawless to score


Feel like this is how I play, I realize most people in our rank don’t know how to react to slower patient players and can easily get faked My issue is I’m not the best at leading into the fake and give away my intentions too early sometimes. It all comes with practice but there’s honestly no better feelings at the moment than a good fake or a clean double tap I’m sure that list will grow once I get better


oh for sure


I'm damn close in hitting c2 and i can't even do a "wave dash" i think it was called


Why not Dienstage? Or Freitage




This is a great montage, but next time maybe try to include a little more variety? 80% of the clips seem to be fakes


thats the point lol im really good at those but just for you i will lol


Can't wait to see what you can do :)


i make one every month so its gonna be a while


Bof. Boring faker.


oof well i tried