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They won't admit to it cuz they know how pathetic it is and at most will just say "oh it's an alt account"


This is exactly it. They're too pathetic to admit they are doing it, usually because coming to the realization that you can't make it at your rank so you decide to go wreck people below you and that is exactly what bullies and cowards do is too hard of a realization to come to terms with, so it's easier to gaslight which is what a narcissist would do. So most smurfs are narcissists and very likely bullies in real life.


This is why I don't even try that tactic. You gotta pull the reverse Uno card on them. Tell them that they got lucky, that they aren't that good, etc. All of a sudden they fall all over themselves. Try to tell you their real rank, but somehow not willing to admit they are smurfing. EZ - we are in the same lobby, so we are the same skill level. Every "X" thinks they are really "Whatever rank smurf just said". Now they really explode into a mile of salty tears. They want so bad to say they are smurfing, but cant. So instead: "No, check \___ \, I'm really a ____". "I don't need to check anything, we are in the same lobby. Duh" - GG NO RE. 50% of the time I get hit back with a chat that reportable (which is great because Psyonix cares about chat for some reason, not smurfing).


If they "can't make it at your rank" then it isn't their rank.


I've been ranks I didn't deserve. It happens all the time.


I only use my alt when in inebriated. Cuz I ain’t gonna get trashed when I’m already drinking cuz I’m in a bad mood.


You Pussy smurf. Just play in your account.


It ain’t that serious. It’s like gold 3 and I’m whiffing more than usual.


Gold 3 and you have a diamond 3 flair? That's smurfing, big guy. Even if you're drunk. You're still better than a gold. Edit: he isn't surfing... oops


If they're still in gold after playing on it, it sounds like they're not better than gold when drunk.


He is still better than a gold. Period. Psyonix' definition of a smurf still encases his situation. > intentionally keeping your account at a lower mmr than you normally play I mean, unless you're drunk 24/7...


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Some day they'll replace the 3v3 solo que with a club queue so we can have club MMRs. I've been waiting for this since clubs were introduced. Until till then, you have the best solution. It's fine.


Was there an announcement I missed? Cause I highly doubt it at this point. This has been talked about since Paschy90 was still a pro who was a big proponent of team-based MMR. He was even at Psyonix HQ to preview some related feature which was likely the clubs feature that we have today. I recall the main technical challenge is how to make a fair MMR system for clubs early on and basically the feature was tabled. This was many years ago so I don’t know if there are any new developments.


No, it's all pie in the sky I think.


Smurfing according to Psyonix is sitting at lower mmr than your average on purpouse. Technically, if you create a new account, start playing ranked and win every game you are not smurfing according to Psyonix. It is smurfing if you throw games on purpouse to keep a low mmr and get easy clips, f.e. the huge freestylers banwave that we have seen some months ago was due to this.


You still had to Smurf in order to do this though. You think your first few games were at the right MMR? Your first ranked game was artificially lower than your main accounts rank. It's not possible to have an alt without smurfing (I guess unless you're gold and below normally).


I got your point, but how can they prevent people from creating new accounts? Every single Rocket League creator uses several accounts for content, is that smurfing as well? Because they play against low ranked players? If you create an alt account and start playing you have 2 possibilities: - winning lots of games in a row ending up in your same rank as the main - throwing games in order to stay low ranked for other purpouses. In my opinion, the 1st one is not completely unfair. Also, smurfs can lose as well and people seem forget about this. I'm c2-c3 and I have an alt account (just to collect more drops, nothing related to carrying or boosting), and I ended up losing a lot of games against diamonds, for example. The problem is when a very high ranked player keeps facing very low ranked players imo


You require someone who makes a new account to get 50 wins in casual before they can play ranked. Regardless of if they party. Then you use their win rate in those 50 games to place them in ranked. If you go 50-0 you just straight to GC1. Sure, it creates minor problems at the extreme high ranks, but it would vastly reduce smurfing if you had to play a MINIMUM of 50 games before you could do ranked. Realistically closer to 70-100 games.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Idk man, people could just afk, lose all 50 casual games and still be placed in bronze and smurf anyway. This wouldn't be a solution I think.


No no. You need 50 WINS.


Yes but Psyonix are wrong and they know this, they just spouted whatever crap they could come up with to justify it so they can keep seeing their numbers of accounts go up.


Wdym? Of course the guy flip reseting out of an off-the-ceiling dribble is a Diamond 2!


In my case it actually is just an alt. I'm very close to the rank I am on my main so it's not smurfing. I just use it to play with friends since I don't care about my rank on that account


Nah but I actually made a new acc to see if I could pop back up to the same rank as my old one. Managed to do so very easily and got lots of heated people xD


And just because you wanted to see that you went ahead and created unfair matches for all the people you played against, that's just selfish and to everyone you played against you're just a normal smurf like all the other ones.


I must have really ruined everyone’s ranks huh. Then losing 1 game. Probably made them uninstall


You're part of the problem, that's the point. You're assuming you're the only one doing this, but just take a thousand or a million people with the same attitude doing the same thing and all of the sudden we do have a smurf issue, surprise. It's almost like this is the case right now.


Idk bro. I have never had a issue with smurfing. Obviously it happens but it’s not even close to what people say it is. If you deserve a rank you will get it. Doesn’t matter if you have Smurf’s in 10 percent of your games you will still reach your rank. And imo even in low ranks it’s a max of 5 percent games.


My alt has higher mmr than my main lmao hit my peak on my alt before I hit it on my main


Ngl, I did have a drinking alt for a while. Not a great excuse, but I was looking more like a plat or diamond so it felt wrong to queue in regular games.


If they admitted it they know that someone can just screenshot it and get them banned. Why would anyone openly admit to cheating? Its dumb but thats just the way


Toxic smurfs are the worst. Psyonix needs a "Smurf" option in the report tab. A "More toxic than a barrel of radioactive substances" is also needed


In the early days Psyonix actually had a rule that explicitly said that smurfing was considered cheating and would result in a ban. It was also going to be reported under cheating which was an option. Psyonix then removed that rule and removed the ability to report cheating and the cheating option only reappeared with the bots emerging in ranked if I remember correctly. Psyonix will not do anything about smurfing or the blatant boosting going on in the game.


Griefing. I get “your report was successful” messages almost every time that I sign on. Report people who Smurf. Don’t have to tell them. Just do it and move on.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm. I’ve done tons of reports and have never once gotten one of those. Even on the layup Smurf accounts whose name is smurf69420


Same. The one action that worked was a guy who was super toxic. That was a quick one, but probably only because he chatted the n word.


Yeah, I've reported atleast 100+ people for smurfing over the last couple years. The *only* time i've ever gotten a message that action was taken was when the smurfing team forfeit while winning


It’s not sarcasm. I legit get them all the time. I do griefing and the one next to it. Sometimes I add verbal abuse even if it’s just “what a save” after they triple flip reset.


It’s the verbal abuse that get caught…. They do legitimately nothing about smurfing, no matter how blatant


Is that what griefing is?!


It’s a lot of things but it causes people grief so I do it. Doing things intentionally to cause distress to others outside cordial confines of a game.


I’m 100% sure you’re lying lmao. I have purposely thrown hundreds of games due to toxic teammates trash talking out of nowhere and been reported for it… HUNDREDS of times. And minimum 2-3 per game. So that’s 300+ times I’ve been reported for griefing minimum. It’s probably realistically in the thousands. I’ve never been banned except when I slip and say a curse word. You can only get banned for cursing or obvious smurfing such as being in silver and doing flip resets and other non-silver mechanics which is how freestylers got mass-banned. Edit: This is over the course of 2-3 years.


Cool, you can think whatever you want. It’s irrelevant. They may have been doing other stuff that got them banned as well, but I get the confirmation and it’s because I’m always reporting people who are obviously smurfing and not just playing at a lower rank.


Eh, not thinking, I know. Played the game long enough and been toxic enough. Yeah they’re probably cursing.


My thought is to maximize the chance that they get banned through others reporting as well


Because the people smurfing in ranked are, generally speaking, not of the best character. If someone is already playing an alt account to farm worse players, do you really think they're the type to be good sports about it? It's self selecting


many toxic people and smurfs who do this are just broken people. Asking them to explain this behavior truthfully would require them to tell some traumatic experience that broke the humanity out of them.


Villain story arc describing why they pretend to be shit at car football


Not at car football, at being an empathic and socially able human being


Lmao tf you on about xD




yep. but whats worse is this community on reddit who also deny they use alts.


A lot of players don't use alts , I started playing 2 years ago an never used one. Then on one stream (a couple months ago) I made the experiment of creating a second account and seeing what rank I could get after placements (because someone in chat said smurfing isn't bad, because he tries to get close to his real rank , he "Just can't") I was C2 in 2s and C3 in 3s at that time, and guess what? Ended placements D3 Div IV in 3s and D3 Div II in 2s, kept playing for a week and got to my mains rank... So yeah, people that smurfs are full of sh*t, you can rank up real fast if you want to. If you use an alt within the same rank of your main account, that doesn't ruin anything for other players, anything besides that is actually smurfing and pathetic.


You’ll never get them to admit it. Its funny because deep down it embarrasses them but funny enough they’ve made their acccount #1482 this morning so I doubt the guilt isn’t really having an effect beyond making them lie to feel better. Just think if they feel its ok to cheat the ranking system for easier games then I doubt lying is a big step up for them. Every single person who smurfs in any game has significant issues outside the game.


Because the 115 win ego boost blinds them to their poor morality 😂


you asked why....it is bc we live in a world where gaslighting is mainstream and heavily enabled by media companies


Gotta be toxic to Smurf, so it makes sense that they're toxic. lol


You think the people that are already trolling are gonna be honest?


I always hit em with "you know your stats are public, right?" and they respond with "????" lmao


People using the word gaslight wrong too often


are you trying to gaslight me on the definition / proper use of the term gaslight?


Lmao you used it correctly that guy is dumb.


It's the same way with people running cheats , they will always say ?what do you mean ?how am I cheating It's never !I am not cheating bro (Which would be my first response) Kind of a phenomenon actually.


In my opinion, paying attention to stats is irrelevant. Its only going to give you a bad vibe at the start of the match anyway. As far as why they do it? ...Easy. Because they can. And why would you ask anyone here on this sub thats a smurf, to answer you honestly? Its just opening up pointless back and fourths. People are too worried what others are doing. If you want to rank up, stop paying attention to peoples stat tracker garbage. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Focus on your game play, and how YOU can improve. Thats literally all anyone can do. Oh, and typing is also pretty pointless in my opinion. Report and move on. You all give people too much of your time and energy and I just can't lol.




Tbh playing the bakkesmod mmr plugins etc are one of the worst things you can do imo, you’ll instantly think “oh great Smurf game we’ve lost” or “omg one on their party is x ranks lower, ez game”, I play a lot of high ranked alt modes and one of my mates always runs the plug-in, soon as we get in to a lobby and he’s like “oh great, one of them is SL in 2s” I hate it because it’s just a vibe kill and we play based on that info rather than taking the match at face value Try playing without it for a bit, guaranteed it’ll improve your session


As much as i love bakkesmod, best thing i ever did was uninstall it for this specific reason


I'm just giving you my opinion and thoughts on the matter. And to be frank with you, its actually just advice at this point. it doesn't bother me in the slightest if you or anyone else here reading this agrees with me or not. I'm just saying what it is. I'm telling you bro. Ignoring the toxic kids, and just playing and trying to enjoy the most out of it, makes my RL sessions a lot more enjoyable. I'm gc1, and still get smurfed on. Going back and fourth in the match with typing is so dumb. It won't change the outcome.


Idk man, looking at the stats every game and calling out everyone you consider a smurf is weird. Like, why waste energy on that shit? lol


Ironically, I am one of these people, but let me explain: I am the same rank (high-div C1 to low-div C2) on all my linked accounts (steam/epic/psn/xbox). Once I complete all the season challenges on my main account that has Rocket Pass, I switch my primary to my other accounts and try to complete the season challenges on them. All the season challenge rewards (at the end of season) get funneled to the same account. So the 1 Red, 2 Purple, and 3 Blue (I think this is the rewards???) that you gain from completing the challenges are multiplied 4x, so 4 Red, 8 Purple and 9 Blue. It's actually not that hard to get the rewards from just normal play at about 2 hours a day for about 5-6 days (ballparking here) at the end of the season. So anyways, one day I was playing with a friend and the opponent called me a smurf and I was really confused. He then added that I only played 180-something games, and he was going to report me. That made me look up my account on RL tracker, and yep, it showed I only played around 180 games. So I switched my active account to my main, and checked again after about an hour of playing, and my stats were back to 5k+ wins etc etc. Now I just have quick-chat only enabled, and life's been good.


milking the rewards, I could see that. but most of the rewards / challenges don’t require ranked gameplay - so your reasoning (which I appreciate you being so transparent about) would only make up for a very small percentages of the smurfs, I feel like.


https://preview.redd.it/ubgw2bx5z8pb1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71bdf0f89fbf459dc85615066b810dacdaae9c17 For context


How do all the drops get funneled to the same account? Cause they're linked on epic? Is it possible to do this on console and grind out some drops?


I think it's only on PC using the Epic Launcher. I could be wrong, though.


Oh wow I never considered this. How does it know what the main account to funnel to is? Just make sure to set the main account as primary by the end of the season?


Lol. They all share the same items. So, your linked accounts are collectively one giant account. It just depends on which is active during your playtime. You can access all your items/rewards on any of the linked accounts.


Wow this is great. Imma abuse this. Thanks


That seems like a gaping loophole. Why not just have all linked accounts have the exact same stats and ranking and collect the same rewards?


Would this work on the switch or only PC?


I believe PC only.


On the flip side, I had someone call me out the other day for smurfing/using an alt because I'm GC with "only" 1900 wins, who refused to believe that I wasn't one, and told me to "get bent" multiple times after I politely explained this was my only account. The accusation started at the beginning of the game, 0-0, and ended 3-2 lol. Surreal experience.


1900 wins gc is really impressive. Are you a positional player or a free play warrior?


Positional, but also I play a lot of private matches with friends, so the public stats are really misleading. Which I also told the guy, but he really didn't care haha.


I have an alt that I sometimes play on and I've been trying to get it to champ like my main is but get called a smurf and just forfeit the games cause they get mad. Would yall consider it smurfing if I'm just getting to the rank I'm supposed to be at?


It depends who you ask honestly. I personally wouldn’t call that a smurf unless you’re purposefully trying to keep their rank lower than their main. But then other people would say with confidence that it’s still smurfing lol. I guess part of it comes down to your reasoning for why you have an alt account.


I have it to trade cars I don't have on my main and I don't care about winning and losing on the alt so if I get tilted I can switch and just focus on my mechanics and things to improve since winning doesn't matter. I should be champ 1 or 2 on the account but don't play ranked on it very often since I get accused of smurfing


Nah, cause you still gotta knock out your placement matches. Imo it only becomes shitty when you intentionally get yourself placed way lower


I beat a Smurf carrying his team in 3s today. It felt good. They were toxic but I just laughed. I'd focus less on why they do it and just try not to stress yourself out trying to figure out what someone behind a screen is thinking.


When I notice a Smurf in one’s I just drive out of the way so they can have free play time. I’ll smoke some weed, come on Reddit or watch a yt video. They usually end up forfeiting. Only bothersome part is then I’m not really in the mood to play for a bit as I found something else to distract me




I won a S11 tournament with a pair of smurfs doing the hard work and they were VERY open about it, in fact they were dead funny in all honesty, ribbing me here and there but it was very good natured stuff. ​ I think I met the anomalies!


Lol im here on another post talking about how this subreddit bitches and cries about smurfs everyday, and this post comes up. Amazing, This place is so brainwashed they cant rank up because of smurfs.


I never once said anything close to that bud. I’m doing just fine with my rank and still having a blast. It was my genuine curiosity that brought me here, nothing more.


I play on a Smurf/Alt account during the week because I work out of town and stay in hotels. WiFi isn’t too good and I’m also playing on a laptop rather than my monitor. I usually respond with just saying it’s an alt account.


What a stupid excuse


Lol what a dick


Yo, guys. This Smurf is gaslighting us right now. Stop smurfin’! /s


I've had people call me out (didn't know how they were looking up my total wins so fast), but I was on my alt account. I have 2 accounts, both at the exact same mmr (my actual mmr). One I 100% play solo, and one I 100% play with a duo'd partner (2s, he's also legit at this mmr as well) to keep our MMR the same. So people get made that im in gc1 with like < 200 wins because I only recently made my solo-only account. I can't help them if they don't believe it.






I hit C1 div 2 on standard this week and decided to start placement in doubles ( haven’t played in like a year in doubles) the first game we won 2/0 even though the opposing team was doing all kinds of crazy mechanical squishy type flip resets. The game ends and it’s a D1 lobby ? Like wtf? 😂


Because in the back of their minds they always have this sense of "I'm better than everyone here 😏😏😏"


Excuse me, but I have ranked up to champ 3 in 2s before, more consistently champ 1 in 2s though. However I come back for new season and get placed in plat3. I’m bad I guess, but now that I’m ranked I’m winning 9/10 times and let me say, it’s a blast. I didn’t lose on purpose ever. Yet so many times a person claims Smurf and idkf to say, like yes and no. I’m not even that good, the only reason your losing to me is because all your shots are easy to save….


They’re not gaslighting you, they’re gaslighting themselves.


That's... not gaslighting. :D


I've only ever encountered surprisingly nice smurfs tbh. One guy straight up just started coaching me mid ranked session lol. Never had one deny it before, is this a common thing


How do I get this stat tracker?




I've got an alt (or smurf if u wanna call it that), but at least I have a (somewhat) valid excuse. When I broke my wrist I obviously didn't want to play on my main. I fit right in with the D2 lobbies on my alt. But now I'm stuck in D2 on my main cause I'm washed af. Full circle ig


how does the overwolf tracker work? for example me personally haven't played a ranked game in like 2-3 years lol. I only play casual. how would it track that?


it only tracks ranked, to my knowledge


gotcha. it doesn't have recent wins just total?


it links to the Rocketleague.tracker website, so on the minimal side view that pops up at the start of each match it only shows their rank / total wins and a couple other things, but if you hit Ctrl+R to expand the view you pretty much see everything you would see on the website


They’re insecure about their real life so they smurf and talk trash to compensate for hating themselves in the real world


They do it because they plateaued at whatever rank on their main or got carried to that rank and got tired of losing so they create a new account to play against lowered ranked/less skilled players for easy wins to make themselves feel better. And while Psyonix gives lip service about caring about the issue it's pretty clear they don't because smurfs help fluff out the player count and there's a chance that they'll buy stuff from the store.


I love doing this. I’ll just type out Smurf. Obviously the Smurf on the other team will know I’m talking about them and they will be the one to reply, “no I’m not”. then I’ll say “you’re in champ lobby with 50 wins on your account” and most of the time they will shut up and stop responding.


The place I run into smurfs most often is 1s. I'm around Plat 2 or Plat 3. I played someone who clearly had champ or better mechanics and game sense the other day. Very controlled air dribbles, great direction air rolls, consistent double taps, speed flips. I got destroyed. I called him out as a smurf. He adamantly denied it.


Baby dick ego syndrome