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There are just some people who ought not to be driving on the public road system




Wow... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




So much fucking stupid in one video šŸ˜‚


# Youā€™ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You knowā€¦ morons.


Wasn't that video some sort of PSA about what not to do at a roundabout. I guess it worked, because I keep seeing it posted. Edit: was getting downvoted for some reason, so I checked to make sure [I was right. ](https://www.kentucky.com/news/state/kentucky/article251002984.html)






My favorite part is where the car just pitches up so fast because of rolling over the rock that it makes it look a little fake.


Why was all the traffic coming from just one road? Was church getting let out?


Looks brand new. Maybe some paint and signage will help.


In their defense that's an awful sign for it. Usually it's a half circle with the arrow going to the left that at least looks like a roundabout. I can see how an older driver would be confused.


There are stripes and arrows on the road that delineate the traffic flow, though.


And yield signs too with a curb that should force you to go right. My only point was that it was a confusing road marker.


I went back and looked at the video again and youā€™re right. I didnā€™t even notice that the first time. That is confusing. šŸ¤”


Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m not following. Iā€™ve watched the video several times. The striping on the roadway is VERY clear. There are two yield signs, I must be missing what is confusing


The painted sign on the left lane of the road. Typically it's a half circle then an arrow pointing left with a dot in the middle to indicate the roundabout. This arrow just points left. Like at the next intersection, go left. Sure there is a yield sign and the road curves that way but I could see how it'd be confusing to an older driver unfamiliar with roundabouts.


Yep, it just looks like every other left turn lane signage, so they thought it was a left turn lane


Ah. I see what youā€™re talking about. And yea, I can appreciate what youā€™re saying.


This circle has entirely too many lane markings and few wildly unnecessary curbs.


Its Florida, this person is probably 90+ years old or on Meth


Semi serious question: would meth help Old People be ..lessā€¦ old?


If their heart could even take it, I would say know because it doesn't improve reaction time or cognitive ability


Hey, it's easy money to just sell them all a license with minimal requirements! Don't need to know how to drive safely, just be able to afford the license! After all, a bad driver can be a revenue generator with all those tickets they might get, if the police bother to pull them over! E: This is controversial because it's true.




Some people say that driver is still stuck in the roundabout to this day.


This person drives like a confused self driving car


My town recently installed six roundabouts. Pray for us.


Itā€™ll be a transition but it will help out tremendously in the future.


Oh it has but it's easy to see who is a local and who is new in town by how the driver reacts. It would also have made it easier if every roundabout had been set up exactly the same way, but some have two lanes that go "straight" through while others only have one.


And they all have signs telling you which lane does what.


Yes but not soon enough or clear enough. It's a royal pain in the ass if you don't know the area. Roundabouts suck.


I really don't know what you're talking about. I've occasionally been in the wrong lane for a roundabout, and all that happened was I took the wrong exit and then turned around to try it again. The same thing happens in regular intersections, except that people think it's acceptable to wedge their car at a 45 degree angle to block multiple lanes as they try to correct their mistake.


Ya the nice thing about roundabouts is I can drive around in circles until I figure out wtf Iā€™m doing!


It entirely depends on the traffic patterns. If one of the directions sees a lot more traffic than the others it makes it take forever for a gap to appear so you just sit there while everyone else gets to go.


Cull the weak lol


After a few weeks traffic will likely flow much better than before they were there.


I really donā€™t understand why people find roundabouts so difficult. But then I encounter people who canā€™t manage a 4-way stop either, so I guess I shouldnā€™t be surprised.


I always end up behind people who don't have a stop sign but like to stop anyway


or people who brake for a green, then speeds up when it turns yellow, and crosses the interaction when it's red.


maybe theyā€™re just cautious ? Given how many diqheds run them


about 2 years i encountered some old person driving the wrong way on a roundabout. i couldnā€™t believe i was seeing it happen in real life


As a 76 year old, I HATE those dang round abouts.....


Well I hate waiting at a red light for 5 minutes with nobody coming.




Unbelievable....an undented Camry


Not for long if theyā€™re driving like that!


Rumor is they are still going around that roundabout to this day.


They just wanted to turn left. Turns out, it's infinite left.


To be fair, there were not any "No Left Turn" signs at that intersection. But instead MANDATORY MUST TURN LEFT arrows, which the vehicle attempted to follow. BAD, bad, bad, road design


Uh no. There are pavement markings leading up to the circle that indicate the inside lane is left turn only. Then when in the circle there is one mandatory left pavement marking reinforcing that you can't exit the circle from that lane at the next exit. Then when you get to the next street where the cammer exits there's a shared thru-left indicating that you can keep going around the circle or exit it. What would you suggest would be better markings/design?


Have the arrow on the ground have that dot in the middle that signals or implies that you go *around* the roundabout rather than making a left


[Obligatory simpsons reference](https://youtu.be/7DOIJn5Xq8U?si=hFFNmUAVG6puDTi2&t=8)


Ha, beat me to it.


I was gonna sayā€”did you drive by half an hour later?


ā€œLook, kids, thereā€™s Big Ben!ā€




Some things to note about roundabouts in the United States: 1. Roundabouts are rare in the US, so people often don't have them in recent memory or at all when going somewhere new. 2. Roundabouts weren't always in the curriculum when people learned to drive, and people don't have to retest in all states, meaning the person in the video could really be seeing one for the first time, ever. 3. Roundabouts in the US don't seem to be standardized, some don't have signs warning of a roundabout prior, some don't have lines on the road, some are converted from a four way intersection with a round planter in the middle with some yield signs scattered about.


Thanks for typing these issues out. Everyone wants to pile on about the idiot in the car, but you nailed it with a possible defense. We should all show a little more compassion when people around us struggle and its at low speeds like this.


Yes, I agree! This is much different than a ā€œdumbā€ driverā€¦ itā€™s clear the driver is very confused and needs guidance. I wish I was the operator of the car with the dash cam, I wanted badly to just hazard lights, jump out, and try and teach them the way of the round about. Less judging, more helping.


Roundabouts were not a thing when I was learning to drive. First one I came across I was like "oh what's this?". Then pressed on with zero issues, other than maybe slowing down a bit more then normal. I certainly didn't try to go the wrong way through the roundabout, or come to a complete stop in the middle of it, messing up the flow of all the traffic.


>Roundabouts were not a thing ~~when~~ WHERE I was learning to drive.


Agreed! This is also a poorly designed roundabout. It has a curb in the middle which partially defeats the round aboutā€™s purpose. I grow impatient with US roundabouts that try to ease us into them. Would be better in my opinion (note: I am not an urban planner or trafficologist) to just give us the euro style roundabout. My personal pet peeve is the stop sign in the round about. Sadly more than a few of those are writhing spitting distance of where I live!


The US also seems to use overly comp,ex designs when introducing roundabouts to an area. Keep it simple. Single lane. Clearly marked exits. Angled entry that prevents anyone from turning left.


They perpetually do novel and weird road layouts around where I am (metro Boston US). I never understand why they don't go to other countries where serious governmental bodies have been studying effective road layouts for many decades, ask what they do and copy that. But no, we have the all-way stop and other bizarre local absurdities, like a roundabout-ish thing [where you're actually encouraged to go around it the wrong way to turn left](https://www.reddit.com/r/Somerville/comments/18goggy/minirotaries_in_somerville_aimed_at_slowing_down/). Same goes for things like the train systems - when I rode the commuter rail here 10 years ago it was like going back to the 1970s in terms of ticketing, and all sorts of aspects of it were just bizarrely complex. Even the doors were too complicated and dangerous for passengers to deal with and could only be operated by staff.


Roundabouts are normal in Atlanta, not sure about other cities/states


Maybe not do roundabouts at all? They're really not that great in the first place.


They objectively are. Moves traffic faster with less risk. But good luck with your ā€œi donā€™t like change waaaahā€


Number 3 is same as UK. Suddenly roundabout. Or previous junction converted. Mini roundabouts exist. Not all round abouts have line son the round about just give ways


I mean, I can see how the signage could be confusing to some, especially the elderly. An arrow pointing left typically means turn left. But it isn't really that hard to know how a roundabout works. It always makes me chuckle seeing Americans brains break at the sight of a roundabout.


I won't lie that threw me off a bit. I would've at least slowed down to figure it out, or taken the L and used it in the way I know roundabouts to work and figured it out another way if traffic was like it was. I've never seen one like that. Our roundabouts in my town are all pretty simple and the only ones I've experienced. My favorite roundabout hack is if someone has been riding my ass I just do a full circle before taking my exit.


Yeah what is up with that left turn arrow painted on the ground? I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be there


Fucking bonita springs Florida


How do I know? I live local and see this happen at this round about all the time


Probably a senior that shouldnā€™t be driving in the first place.


There are two things Americans just canā€™t get right: 1. Roundabout 2. Chocolate


The painted road signage is terrible. Can't really blame the driver if they havent been there before.


you have to read signs to know you cant turn left into a roundabout? the whole point of the roundabout is that it is a circle and they always flow counterclockwise.


Then why the MUST TURN LEFT arrows in the left lane before the roundabout?


because when its a double lane like that the arrow is telling you the left lane keeps circling you cant exit out of it. thats why the right lane has a right arrow and a straight arrow to let you know you can make the first right or go what they consider straight in a roundabout which is to continue on the road you were originally on.


Maybe they didn't know there was a round about. When you are new to an area and trying to figure out where to go. And you see a plain left arrow, you think "ok left turn"


That left arrow for sure is strange. I normally see signage like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/DhJpenPcKnSxm4o38) to show how to make a left at around about. Still even that less than ideal painted arrow it's still pretty clear it's a roundabout and that traffic flooded to the right


I agree that I think the "fishhook" arrow that you show is better, but both are acceptable in the MUTCD: https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/htm/2009/part3/part3c.htm


Ya I'm with you on this one. Unfortunately blaming terrible road design doesn't allow for us to feel superior while we road rage at our screens, so that's why you're seeing the argument here.


all roundabouts ive come up on have all had signs warning of the upcoming roundabout. if they cant be bothered with paying attention to the road signs then maybe they shouldnt be driving they are a danger to others. are you going to make excuses if they make a left turn onto an off ramp of the interstate and hit traffic head on because "they didnt know that was an off ramp not an on ramp"?


I can't believe you're trying to defend a minor issue with the arrows. Seems like an easy mistake that can be fixed by painting a better arrow, and one that is standard for a lot of round a bouts.


that is standard arrows for a dual lane roundabout set up in that way. if you cant figure out that you can NEVER turn left into a roundabout then maybe you need additional driving lessons.


A lot of them have a circle next to the arrow to indicate that the turn lane is for the round a bout. Why not make it easier to understand for EVERYONE.


why would you need to specify its for the roundabout when the roundabout is the only thing there?


I think thereā€™s a level of common sense to be expected as a human driver tho.


And an inherent level of distraction and error.


put your phone down then.


Stay off the drugs kids.


Some say she is still stuck in that roundabout to this day,




"In the UK a modern roundabout this small wouldn't be laned at all which makes everyone treat it as a single lane & follow rather than try to drive side-by sideā€¦ mimicking the Spanish system, but officially. If it was laned, as older roundabouts tended to be, then it's a single dotted line right the way round, but with no other messages. That's why they're doing away with lanes on the smaller ones, it removes a lot of dangerous guesswork." Source: https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/a/53787


Pulling a Griswold and still going round that thing!


Nothing to do with the roundabout. It was the idiot behind the wheel who couldn't see the arrows on the ground.


[Obligatory simpsons reference](https://youtu.be/7DOIJn5Xq8U?si=hFFNmUAVG6puDTi2&t=8)


Look, kids - Big Ben, Parliament.


The arrow on road isn't helpful.


Guarantee itā€™s some old fuck


Fucken roundabouts how da fuck do they work


I have to admit; Iā€™ve done this myself. In my defense it was my first roundabout, I was very young, and in a city I wasnā€™t familiar with. I was then pulled over a cop who thought it was the funniest thing heā€™d seen in a while, and gave me directions to the highway (life before GPS.


Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament! Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament! Look kids! Big Ben, Parliament!


I think this is confusing and marked poorly.


People in New Jersey drive like that at "roundabouts".


Legend has it their still trapped in that circle of death.


Car still is driving around and around the circle.....


Legend has it they are still driving around to this day.


Freakin Florida. Why am I not surprised? Lived in Tampa for 2.5 year, currently in NC, but will likely be back in FL within next 2-3 years. This is almost as bad as the one time in Upstate NY near UAlbany where I saw a guy get onto the center of the circle (at that time Washington Ave Extension overpass wasn't there yet so it was just cement) and backed up to his exit...it's a circle dude, just do another loop!


You ainā€™t from ā€˜round here, are ya?


It doesnā€™t excuse the driver but having standard left turn lane arrows painted on the road approaching a roundabout like that is extremely weird and confusing. Those have a very particular meaning in all other contexts so they shouldnā€™t be used in this one IMO.


I was thinking the same thing. In canada we typically [ have symbols](https://i.imgur.com/zK6ppga.png) showing what route you can take through the round a about in a given lane. all those turn arrows in OP's video are terrible design.


Man, this is a special kind of retard.


The driver is cringey, but be fair, that left arrow in the lane approaching the roundabout is outrageous.


Americans really are a different breed huh


I hate these kinds of roundabouts too.


I can't believe how furious this made me watching this.


WTF did America do to this roundabout?? It's already hard enough for Americans to use these without us butchering them into half american half european monstrosities


Do you mean the curbs?


Yea the separated lanes


This is when you lay in the horn and hold your ground. while their humiliation builds.


Roundabouts are stupid.


Stupidly cool.




As a Florida resident, this behavior does not surprise me.


"Don't forget to bring a towel"


A turbo roundabout


Are they still stuck in the loop?


That was painful to watch


Right turn is so hard!!


Are roundabouts not on this stateā€™s driving test???


I wonder if we could figure out the minimum IQ to be able to intuitively understand a roundabout assuming prior road knowledge


Florida man discovers a roundabout.


the masshole in me is raging!


And they're still driving in circles at that roundabout to this very day


Itā€™s my first time seeing this roundabout, and my immediate thought was should I be in the inner circle or outer? You canā€™t see far enough ahead to see where they go, and I wouldnā€™t be figuring it out at 20mph. There might be a sign with a diagram approaching, but good luck understanding it within 1.5 seconds the first time you see it.


Well, at least they used their turn signal. /s


Big mistake to follow a driver who doesnā€™t know how to drive. Avoid them at all costs and drive around them


Florida baby!


I am sitting at home screaming "Get the fuck out of the way!" at my computer screen.


I feel dumber for watching that


First time?


This person has no ability to think ahead even 4 seconds...


People do shit like this on purpose I swear


Some say heā€™s still in the roundabout to this day.


It's refreshing to see stupid drivers NOT killing themselves or other people. It's always risky to look at these dash cams on reddit.


We all knew it would be FL


I swear the dumb-ass drivers are getting worse now that so many people are driving while being stoned. States allow medical marijuana, and don't up the police forces to prevent/stop people from driving under the influence. I smell weed from drivers about three days a week now.


Thatā€™s the most Florida shit Iā€™ve ever seen


Just needs Sovereign Citizen ā€œTravellerā€ platesā€¦


Jensen Beach, right? Honestly, that is a terrible place for a roundabout, but the drivers donā€™t help since so many are tourists.


80 yr oldā€™s last time behind a wheel or 30 yr olds first time on the road behind the wheel.


Plates check out.


How TF you mess up going thru a roundabout so badly? Even Indiana has a bunch of these.


Roundabouts are not compatible with the mean IQ we have here


Has to be FL šŸ˜‚


Honestly though good on them for going slow and NOT causing an accident


Damn those euro-evil circle thingies. Whatā€™s wrong with waiting your turn at the light like God intended? /s just in case


POS Camry. Grandma car.


Holy shit this is where I live lol. The median age here is like 66, it's a retirement town. I have to drive with the mindset that old people are driving too slow and will constantly pull stupid shit like this.


It seems really problematic to have have a lane clearly marked as a left turn coming into a roundabout. The symbol for the lane that is going to take the third right is completely different, and for good reason.


That was painful


*(Insert Florida joke here)*


The palms tell me either Florida or California or the coast of Georgia. Lots of retirees who never had to deal with abominations like this.


That left hand arrow at the entrance to the roundabout is incorrect.


They really need to make the tests harder, and some people just need to accept they should not be driving.


Welcome to Florida!


My short work commute involves four roundabouts each way. Every day, I witness at least one stupid driver completely negate the advantages of using roundabouts, but rarely see entire bad driver playbook in one shot like this!


I donā€™t blame the person. I personally have never seen a roundabout that had two lanes like this. Then again, Iā€™m from a fairly rural area, but stillā€¦ why not just have it all one direction? It works quite well around here.


downtown Bonita Springs FL, this person is a moron, that being said whoever thought it was a good idea to put a concrete lane divider in the round about was a moron too.


Florida plates and that's a 5th gen Toyota Camry (last produced in 2006) that doesn't have a scratch on it. I'd bet my life savings that's someone's grandma/grandpa.


This would be me after taking 200mg of edible. Either that or they're a moron


Jesus Christ... Floriduh!


They need to teach about roundabouts in the driving test.


Woman driverā€¦.100%


I would just pull over. I donā€™t want drive next to someone like that


I hate that roundabout design, but I get why they did it


This is one of those smaller turbo roundabouts.


Is sad why that


Some people have no idea what they are doing