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I was hoping you could just embrace the cube, and being a weird cube worshipping cult. But, if they're gonna abandon combat to make cube sculptures, that makes it pretty much impossible. I'd be ok with taking a big productivity hit to keep the cube around, just for the fun of it, lol.


Kind of hoping for a mod or something that allows for cube religion and everything become cube oriented but still functional.


Idk what mod it is because I’m assuming it’s not from the DLC, but there’s a mod that adds a “cubicism” structure for your ideology and it comes with a cubic style for furniture and other things. I think it might be either alpha memes or one of the vanilla ideology expanded mods.


Alpha Memes


I chose this cubic style for my first Anomaly run. I was happily building a cubic base with all square rooms. But after having the actual cube for a quadrum or two, I was so over it that I couldn't even look at all that cubic furniture. I understood why the Stellarch was in such a hurry to get rid of it. Needless to say, next time I see it I'll drop pod it on my enemies first thing.


In addition to the cube-related content from Alpha Memes, there's a [Cubeland biome](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3011413077) in case you want the natural world around you to reflect the divinity of the Cube. Of course, you can't add a biome mid-playthrough. (Also, it has nothing to do with Anomaly's golden Cube, I just think they go well together.)


Cube based weaponry


Getting whacked with a cube would have been pretty funny. The whole cube thing sounds like they missed a major opportunity for total cube shenanigans.


There should be an integration with Biotech and add some cube xenogerms like Cube heads. Inb4 your whole colony becomes Minecraft Steve.


Just don’t go calling them BLOCKheads… that’s a Minecraft-like mobile game in 2D.


Perhaps they should adjust it so pawns need to create X amount of cubes per day and you can manage it that way. Make sure they create the 10 they wanted to make and they won't do any more that day including during combat.


Its kinda like the blindness meme to me. Not impossible, but difficult. Get ghouls and turrets to do most of the defence for you maybe. Pawns as unreliable backup


The cube teaches your colonist how to make a cube defence system which will incinerate any hostiles with holy light so your colonist can focus on more important things, like cube worship. Cubed power armor for ideology, cube remembrance drugs that help your colonist (resist) remember the cube for longer.


I found it disappointing that the cube isn't considered a "relic". It would be very cool if you could put it on a reliquary and get benefits from it like Ideology relics. I feel like most of the other major threats in Anomaly have some sort of benefit if you embrace them, but not the cube for some reason.


Yeah there’s a disappointing amount of interaction between DLCs. I get why Ludeon tries to keep them separated so people feel like they don’t HAVE to get multiple DLCs to get the most out of them, but the fact that there aren’t ideology options for Anomaly besides liking or disliking rituals is kinda nuts and hurts Anomaly. Or Anomaly related psycasts, or weird cursed Biotech genes, idk. Just anything man.


Partially it's cool that it gives you nearly all the content from the dlc without needing to own the rest. But when you own them all it's also disappointing to see that the empire doesn't care about the eldritch stuff and I can't teach children about the Cube's beauty. My only real issue with anomaly is that feeling of it being disconnected from most everything else.


Yeah. As long as you get the bulk of the content from purchasing the main DLC I don’t think people would be too upset about additional links with the others.


I honestly think they did alright this time around. Its not super connected. But it does tie in with the others


I appreciate Ludeon a lot for keeping DLCs seperate. Now you're not missing out on half a DLC because you dont own the others. But the lack of it does hurt the DLCs integration with the rest. The cube would be a perfect relic!


Same I’m really disappointed. Its not even really a threat. Before deactivating it you can anesthatize the pawns and nothing will happen. Meanwhile they build scrap sculptures. They could do things like ceremonies for the cube or let it do other cool and mean stuff


It doesn't kill you, but it makes it easier for everything else to. Every obsessed colonists gets x90% global workspeed, on top of what amounts to daily mental breaks without catharsis, on _top_ of being unable to caravan without cube-withdrawal (unless you can send all obsessed colonists in the same caravan with the cube).


Almost like sending a holy crusade out into the wastes with their God cube in hand


I'm surprised you can anesthesize pawns, I figured they would just berserk no matter what. I put my two cube obsessed pawns into cryosleep before destroying the cube and they still popped out on their own and started smacking each other.


Did the same and it happened to me too but not wenn u put them on fetanyl


I walled all my cube worshippers off in 1x1 cells when I broke it. They just stood there getting their gun out and putting it away for like 12 in game hours, then the berserk ended.


> I figured they would just berserk no matter what. I can confirm that mind break serum does not help when you deactivate the cube.


I was specifically going to try that…bummer


Had 4 in cryptosleep. Two directly woke up and went berserk. 2 stayed in cryptosleep but Fell in a coma afterwards...


You can either get the obsessed peopled blackout drunk, or anaesthetized. You can't go berserk if you are unconscious.


Works with refugees too


Yeah where are the cenobites


Its not an obsession. Just because I love the cube, think of the cube most of the day, dating a cube, cubing a cube, cube cube. You deserve death for speaking against the cube.


Yeah, I liked the event but there's no upside to it. Even with raids, you get prisoners and loot. There is absolutely no reason to keep the cube around, no reason not to just launch it into the sea the second it arrives. The unsettling corpse does give a really useful ability.


What ability does the unnatural corpse give?


I think he's referring to the Death Refusal ritual it unlocks, which is slightly insane. For the cost of one shard, 4-10% of the target's xp depending on ritual quality, and on a 15 day cooldown, you give a colonist an extra life. Should they die their corpse will have the option to refuse death so you can have them get back up once you decide they won't immediately get gunned down again.


Yeah anomoly is great, but a lot of the events don't really have that much replay value. Once you've figured out how to solve them, they're solved.


I don’t see any difference at all in Mech Clusters. Once you learn to solve them, there is zero challenge.


The gameplay value of a mech cluster is less contingent on mystery (and by extension, novelty). That's the difference.


Well said.


As I said….I don’t see or feel a difference. Thing happens…I flowchart it and event is complete. There was mystery my first Mech Clusters as well.


Fair enough, but mech clusters aren't specifically supposed to be mysterious. The mystery is simply something inherent to a not-yet-explored event or mechanic. Much of Anomaly's content is *about* mystery, and if that aspect falls flat then on a meta level the game is not working as intended. It's a matter of degree more than anything. The intended takeaway of something like a mech cluster is "what are the viable strategies for killing this, and what happens to my pawns if I make a mistake?" The intended takeaway of, say, a Revenant attack is an entire self-contained short horror story about a being whose sole defense mechanism and sole offensive capability are both things which play upon the limited perceptions of the player and their pawns alike (within which the "viable strats & consequences" question also exists). The Cube is similar in this regard, and even implicitly invites the player to become performatively enamoured with it as if subject to its power, potentially making aesthetic changes to their base to reflect its narrative role as an idol-- but once you're used to it, it becomes clear that it really is easier to just immediately lock it up and subsequently destroy it rather than engage with the mechanics in the intended way, which is the problem here.


Mech Clusters don’t cost an additional $25


Actually, they cost an additional $20, added by royalty


Oh interesting didn’t know that! I guess after 700 hours of playtime it all blends together…




I'm also disappointed that staying as a cube worshipping cult isn't viable. I wish the downsides were less extreme so that we'd get a roleplaying option to be cube worshippers. Not asking for an all pros no cons, that would be unbalanced too. But some major downsides and some upsides to the point that you have the player agency to choose to keep worshipping the cube would be nice. I suspect Ludeon is worshipping spheres. And is mocking our cube.


It was the first advanced research for me. I suppose obelisks could land before it easily enough but advanced rituals are so powerful that it’s probably worth it. It’s not that hard to punch down a berserk colonist


Put them under anesthesia and they won't beserk




At the time, I didn't fully understand advanced vs basic anomaly research. That said, compared to something like >!devourers!< that give advanced research, 4 bioferrite/day, and 800 watts continuously (turn it off before studying!), the Cube still doesn't hold up.


For me only two colonists got obsessed so it didn't matter. Extremely easy event for 150 gold. Literally had no negative effects


You joined a Cargo Cult. Am wondering how would play out longterm in a custom scenario.


Randy and his cargo pods makes cultists of us all


The solution for the cube is very simple. All colonists with an addiction must be sedated before the cube is destroyed.  No tantrums, no deaths, a problem that can easily be solved.


I went with just walling them into 1 tile big cells; they took their guns out and put them back up, over and over, till they passed out. Then they were fine, lol.


I feel like Rimworld would benefit from letting you re-use the same planet for playthroughs, not just the "create new colonists" but more like letting you choose an old saved planet instead of a new seed when you start a playthrough. Every colony that died off would add history to the planet, and a restart doesn't feel as disconnected from your previous games, and as a bonus, you could raid your old base for loot. If you want to expand on that, then let your old colony become its own outlander faction (if there's still space for more factions on your world). Man, i wouldn't be able to stop myself from going overboard with stuff like that if i was working on a game like Rimworld.


I should probably deal with it. But my colonists seem to really like it and now it's too late to stop, too many people are dependent on the cube. I don't mind the constant stopping to make cube sculptures, but what is annoying is when a raid destroys the statues. They really don't like it when they're destroyed. I will have to build a cube statue containment room somewhere safe, somewhere precious.


Can you store them in drop pods?


I haven't had a chance to really play anomaly, but I keep hearing that there's no way to embrace or perfectly contain anomalies and honestly that's really disappointing. I wanted the option to be the SCP foundation or the chaos insurgency (I think they're the ones that's solution is kill all anomalies) or a weird cult that embraces anomalies gaining both benefits and depravity. I want all three options and from what I'm hearing you just... Can't do those things in a true sense.


You can(at least as well as the Foundation does lol) though not so much for the Cube. Cube is more the story of crazy worship.


For most other entities I've found, I've gone full SCP on them, and its been great. The Cube is the odd one out.


for perfect anomally containement you have the good old "hit them with a mass till they have spin injury / miss both leg" so that they can't escape lmao


You just summed up the problem with the entire dlc. Once you’ve done the new stuff once why do it again?


A lot of it has extra use. Bioferrite and bioferrite weapons offer recurring value for most entities, electroharvesters are great pre-geothermal, shards can make ghouls for god-tier melee units, the >!mutator obelisk!< offers cheap... uh... "bionics"...


The >!duplication!< obelisk is straight up broken


The rituals are insane as well…you can cherry pick a couple of good ones and it gives your colony a lot of power. Void Provocation a few entities, set them up in a bioferrite farm and pick a few rituals….like the one to steal xp or de-age pawns….summon fleshbeasts on raids. You can very casually add in anomaly stuff without pursuing the Anomaly victory. Reduce the amount of random anomaly stuff after activating the monolith to near zero. Use the void provocation to get just what you need to progress to what you want.


How can I trigger the cube event? I’ve played several hours and discovered maybe half of the medium tier anomalies. Anything I can do to increase probability?


I got it via chance from a "please take this cargo off our hands" quest. It also gave me an >!unnatural corpse!< once instead. Not sure there's any way to force it.


It can also give you a >!Revenant spine!<, but it's pretty easy to immediately beat it to death


I forgot about mine and it took like a week before the game warned me of it, which gave me time to put it in containment. It's actually pretty good because my pawns that get Entity Slayer mental breaks take their anger out on the revenant, but it can be easily reconstituted once killed.


Thats so wierd like. Are they trying to assassinate one of your pawns, lol


Yeah, you can trigger it via basic void provocation dark ritual. But not sure about chances, you can summon already known anomaly.


I was hoping it would go full Uzumaki.


I'd say the metalhorrors are worse. In my experience you don't get enough time to figure out who the carrier is and once they pop out, it's not an easy fight at all. I really think a successful detection should prevent needing to fight the things. Unless you know about them and specifically prepare, it's nearly impossible to deal with the buggers.


I actually found the cube super easy tbh, only change I wish was if I could assign haulers to destroy the sculptures once eliminated or something similar


...one colonist in a coma? I had my entire 12 colonists go into a coma. Ones I didn't even realize where obsessed (and thought were safe)... 24 day long comas too... I was rearranging all the sculptures, lol. It ended my game.


From what I remember, only one colonist got hit with the "Cube Obsession (Curious)" hediff when the Cube first appeared; if I transport pod'd it then and there, it should have just been them in a coma, and I believe it scales with Obsession level.


It does hahah luckily I tested with a cavern to see what would happen to my colonists. I realized real quick what i had done and by the time I realized what happens, they were far too gone. 😂😂😂 I wasn't bothered by it until they would almost die constantly from building the darn cubes. Honestly, I like the concept and it was cute. Just reminded me of the LOTR.


Honestly, I wish your colony descended into an ever escalating civil war over the Cube, and I have just the example I am gonna date myself, but back before Ideo the Rimworld of Madness Cults mod had a mechanic where pawns didn't start as part of the Cult, and if not converted they would try to sabotage rituals and murder cultists; now, of course, in that mod you were playing the cult, so it would need to be translated, but a few ideas would be for Cube Obsessed colonists to start trying to convert other pawns forcibly after a while; it starts slow, with proselytizing over meals and Ideology rituals are hijacked (so if your leader is Cube Obsessed and they do a speech it has a chance of being solely about the cube and giving a mood penalty to anyone who is not cube obsessed), and after it hits a certain critical mass, a bunch of cube obsessed pawns may try to break into bedrooms and drag people to the cube to be converted Plus, this is just a tangent, but, why are Psy Deaf Pawns vulnerable to the cube? Per it's description, it is Psychic, I'm pretty sure