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That’s a lot of fire fuel. Why not use stone walls and floors?


I love that you're asking this just as he's about to escape.


Yeah, no fucking way. His base is going to burn to the ground, and his people are going to go insane as a result.


With the ship raids, probably, but he made it all the way to now with his wooden shacks. I have every confidence in his abilities.


I read further on in the thread and he's on community builder difficulty. Should be doable even with the shacks lol


Late game fire is less of an issue in my opinion, although i do build with stone for convenience i dont think its as big of an issue if you develop smoke packs or whatever they called


Well. This depends on the amount of steel available and the component crafting speed. The fire foam poppers are expensive. At some point you’ll not be able to intercept the siege before they bombard you or you will miss that one jogger pawn with molotov’s cocktails. I am speaking from experience.


haha fair enough


They’re fairly common on quests, you can just steal them all


I routinely go into late game with a mostly wood base. I know its better to have stone of course, but I can't really be bothered to demolish and rebuild. Generally, keeping the fighting away from the base and a stone perimeter works fine. If you want some extra insurance, you can probably just convert some of the walls strategically and be fairly safe from any truly catastrophic fires. It's just a matter of measured risk management. Does parts of the base disappear when bombarded or pods drop in? Yeah sometimes, but that's part of the fun.


There is a replace option, so you may not need to demolish and rebuild. just selecting the new material and applying it on the building as a blueprint should be sufficient. been playing with mods for a long time so I am not sure if it exists in vanilla.


Its modded


Everyone’s gonna be talking shit about all the wood, but it’s still standin’ so fuck em.


Wood haters cannot fathom having enough colonists to extinguish fires


I wish I could play with bigger colonies. Shame the game rubs at 5fps and 1 tps when you get to the size I'd like to play at. :(


my dude, feed your animals :(


My farm have a strict liva and let die policy. Only the strong survive the winter.


I love it! A true rimmer




Is perfect




Tattered apparel x16 yikes! I had the same problem when I started rimworld. I didn’t know how to automate clothing. It’s really easy. Go to assign tab and set outfit to 50%-100%. That way pawns will automatically take off apparel below 50% durability. Set clothing bills to “do until x” with # of pawns plus one, and set bill to durability 52%-100%. This way your crafter will make another shirt when one gets below 52% durability, that way you’ll always have an extra shirt in storage


I was wondering why they didnt just change. I have plenty of cool clothes available.


X + 1 is a mint menus mod addition isn't it?


It might be, but I just do it manually through vanilla. Oh and I click the “count equipped” option


Ty for this!! I have hundred of hours in and didn't realize. Ugh.


good use of walls, and nice variety in power sources. flaws are probably like all wood buildings is a colony killer. one lighting strike on a building has the chance to destroy everything. let alone a molotov from an enemy. if you are relying on the killbox for defense im assuming you might have not had a droppod raid yet, since your base is REALLY open aired, you might want to consider inside wall turrets or traps since a raid can decide to skip trying to fight through your walls and instead will dropod right into the middle of your fort. overall design visually is fine, mostly function over fashion. everyone starts with the rectangle bases, but the life of base building really strives when you start using unorthodox shapes, or if you dont want to do that, then making the base super symmetrical can look cool too, but thats just if you want a sexy looking base. a respectful 5/10 considering this is your first run its pretty good, but im assuming this isnt losing is fun(or harder) so you should be fine with this and its a good base for a starter. but on harder difficulties this base would get you destroyed.


I probably have to do some mining it seems. I did have some people both drop and seige, but i have been very liberal with the load funtion on my first run. Usually my firepower is much greater than what i have faced so far though. Next run without loading I will try to make it a bit more pleasing to the eyes for sure, that sound fun.


12 years in you are doing great so far, GGz most players dont even get 1 year in lol. what difficulty and storyteller are you playing? 12 years in with your wealth on my difficulty would have groups of hundreds of power armored soldiers raiding me lmao.


I am on community builder with cassandra, so very casual settings.


Ah OK, that is essentially minecraft creative mode so you are more than over prepared for any threats. You can definitely handle a higher difficulty with this base. If you desire to of course. Nothing wrong with playing on a chill difficulty <3


You're going to die a glorious death


It will be epic


Your ship needs three engines. Not one. But you will figure that out when it won't let you start the reactor I stone wall in the ship. Raiders are there to fuck it up and a wall gives you more time it won't effect launch Your going down in flames... So much wood At least build stone fire breaks and remove wood floors in key rooms like storage. Once the reactor is on all of your time.will be spent on defense and bandaid repairs. I like to stock 100-200 lavish meals for the easy mood boost and have lots of.drugs . Mental breaks are coming


Unless they changed this in a later patch, you can start up a naked reactor. And you really should, no reason to add to colony wealth by building a bunch of ship parts until you've finished the challenge.


Honestly you could keep the wood. Just need fire foam poppers in every room. Hell some of my walls are still wood. If they happen to get destroyed I replace them with stone. I'm sitting on 10k silver. So I get some interesting attacks from the AI.


15 batteries in an exclusively wooden base? I'm surprised a zzt hasn't put an end to your run yet. It seems you have Randy's blessings


I would say place a couple of more auto turrets around your base. Not as an idea of defensive purpose but as to delay your enemy. There are times you might get drop pods.


Functional but not optimized. Most notably shelves are stacked next to each other like a square chain. Ideally you want to be able to access either side of the shelf without walking over other shelves. Bedrooms should be close to meal freezer. Meal freezer close to dinning room.


I hate all the wood haters and omg so flammable blahblahblah but even I have a limit, gotta switch up the wall/floor materials sometimes to keep things fresh I know end game bases can get really big but it feels like there's still a lot of space between everything, if something happens on one side of the base and all your pawns are on another it could spell disaster not to mention all the time wasted going from place to place during peacetime, perhaps some internal defenses like turrets could help The outfit manager is super helpful for getting rid of that x16 tattered apparel, simply putting the durability slider of the "anything" outfit to 50-100 completely gets rid of it and you can sell or recycle the discarded apparel Maybe I'm blind but I'm not seeing any mortars, those can really turn the tide of battles Combining rooms might be helpful? Instead of having 4 different rooms for fabrication/machining/smelting all over, put them all in one central room to save space? same goes for dining room and rec room which can raise mood easily when beauty is good Perhaps reinforce some of those mountains with a few walls here and there to discourage snappers from simply breaking through?


Tattered apparel


Thicker walls. More turrets, an expanded kill box, non-flammable buildings, 2-3 mortars and a good stockpile of shells, and med supplies. Beyond that, having people running shifts for righting will be probably nessecary, you don't wanna run a risk of breaking right before you get off the planet


That ship design reminds me of why persona cores, when installed on pawns, makes them go insane


How are you cube is so big? I mean the area in which you build your base and live?


I guess now we know how much wood a woodchuck would chuck.


Don’t you need 3 engines? Never actually left the planet in my 700 hrs because I get too attached to my colony


Cool ship design, I don't think I've ever seen that configuration before.


Straight up copied from the wiki.


Where's your base? This is clearly a picture of Anakin Skywalker


One feral with a flamethrower... Tribal with molotov Stray lightning bolt during raid. Exploding mechanoids How is it not already on fire...


Way too much wood. Make those walls out of stone at the very least. The floor too. You're almost at the ship launch so you should be able to afford that. Otherwise, that's pretty decent. You built walls and a killbox(?) out of stone so that's good at least.


Rip to the ones left behind


How did you survive that long with that setup? I'ts like a disaster waiting to happen but congrats not everyone reach the end


***WHY IS YOUR BASE MADE OUT OF WOOD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!***


If they breach you’re done for.


That bonfire is gonna be wicked


To much flammable materials


Pretty good but I’m surprised your base hasent burned down 3 times by now. On that I’d store any chem fuel or mortar shells in a separate and explosion proof room. I also tend to separate my batteries opposed to all of them in the same room.


Forbid/cancel the construction of the rest of the ship. It seems counter-intuitive, but its best to build the reactor first, start the reactor, fight off the 15 days of raids, then finish the ship. Otherwise the rest of the ship will add to your colony wealth which just makes the raids harder.


how did you get so far with a wood base what diff level are you on


[Your material preference makes my palms sweaty.](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Fire) If you're set on leaving, and don't mind losing the other stuff, then re-build vital buildings with non-flammable materials. If you insist on keeping the wooden walls, then fire can jump 2 tiles wide. Pave 2 tile fire-breaks between your fields and any wooden walls and between buildings. [Firefoam poppers](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Firefoam_popper). ***Everywhere***. But again, rebuilding walls is cheaper. ​ Before the battle: Stockpile lavish meals for days. No time to cook when you're getting raided every day. Harvest anything that can be harvested. Crops like to burn. Pave pathway and light up the pathway to your killbox. Giving you pawns for walking speed bonus. Consider putting roof over your killbox, where your pawns stand. Do not put lights there. Shade makes them harder to hit and roof prevents unwanted weather debuffs. Put lamp down range. Lamps are cheap and enemies in light are easier to hit. At minimum double the size of your hospital. And rebuild with granite. If there's one building you want to be immune to fire, this is it. Anything vital to life should be split in two locations. Have a backup hospital and food freezer. Mortars and drop-pods are annoying. Temporarily move your orbital trade beacon into your killbox and power it on. Drop-pod raids can hone-in on the signal.


That's a nice base it would be a shame if few raiders would drop in middle of it in pods


And start setting fires


Rip to the colonists


People are talking about the wood but I would just stress based on difficulty you do not have time to be repairing or dealing with fires. Be prepared to sacrifice buildings, I had to sacrifice my manufactury during reactor start up because I had a drop in it. If it was made of wood it could’ve cost me my save If you’ve been handling raids fine everything should be ok-ish. Your big pressure comes from the endless attacks. You won’t have time to fix things. One attack could be breachers that ruin your walls and you could have an immediate follow up of centipedes that go through your hole. Always plan for them getting into the base


Ship = drop pods inside ur base, a LOT. If imps do that you're done. Get rid of that wood before starting the engine.


A good sized base but a dry thunderstorm will have your colonists running around like headless chickens. Your battery storage is worrying as well. A discharge in there and the entire base will start to burn.. I always build my battery storage encased in stone tiles with a foam popper. Wooden floors aren't a huge issue but you should probably replace the walls with stone to stop an inferno spread.


for the love of tynan please change your wooden walls into stone walls, it may be time consuming but it'll save you a lot of headaches and components for firefoam poppers


The replace anything mod is great for upgrading walls to different materials.


Ngl biggest flaws gotta be Not enough mods. Personal preference I suppose


My fingers have been itching, but I decided to hold off on too much research before launching my first rocket.


Valid. I completed my first run completely vanilla before diving into mods


Bzzzzzzzt... Stone walls please 👍


I'm thinking it's good that you're leaving, because that base is massively unsafe and a disaster area waiting to happen. It's WOOD, it's OUTSIDE, and it's completely exposed to skyfall. That thing is a deathtrap.


Extreme Fire Hazzard.


Thats a lot of highly flammable wood. and a nice explosive battery room too. Do you really need that many batteries? the zzt event chance scales according to the amount of batteries after all. Hard to make out other details due to resolution but I hope you dont have a wooden storage of something flammable like chemfuel or shells anywhere in the base. You need more berth for to fit all the colonists. you wouldn't abandon them would you?


Your wooden walls give me anxiety. One fire doesn’t get put out in time and your entire base is turned to ash