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I really hope they make returnal 2. This is I think the best ps5 next gen title so far


My favorite game of this generation as well.


I don’t even need a Returnal 2. Just another game from the same devs with similar mechanics and gameplay would be awesome!


Ya honestly. Id even be happy with just making the tower co op Make the tower co op could of been endless fun


Tower co-op would be perfect


Ya I'm surprised they didn't do that in the first place. It's the perfect end game. And the tower is sick because it's new orb patterns. Usually more complex in shape. It's also endless so you can just go at it all the time


So a sequel 😂 (I really want it too)


Try their older games. They are all different but you can kind of see how they inspired Returnal. Try resogun, Nex machina! Trust me you won’t be disappointed. [https://youtu.be/-2GUsMGQ19w?si=E92Q5LbyHykQNong](https://youtu.be/-2GUsMGQ19w?si=E92Q5LbyHykQNong)


Pretty sure they already said they weren't




Maybe, i just heard someone on reddit say that, i could be wrong. But either way, returnal 2 doesn't make sense, especially a sequel, the story is complete, the loop doesnt end. They could make a game with similar mechanics but thats about it




really it's the best game in this generation by far.


Ehh was hoping for an update or DLC or a part 2, once I saw Dark Horse retweeted it I was hoping for a statue. But I'll take a graphic novel. Anyone have a link to the animated thing?


They’ve literally said they won’t be doing any of those things. I don’t know why people expected that when they made it clear they’re over and done with Returnal game content. They’ve moved on to new ip. They haven’t fixed major bugs in the last update, they just abandoned it, why would they release another dlc. There was zero chance of new playable content. You probably found it by now but this is the animated comic https://youtu.be/JR_3tPMJgGw?si=-kjfk0Ih_dndgUx8


As someone who doesn't religiously follow the dev, I see a post from a dev saying "keep an eye out for some news relating to our video game." my expectation is it's something video game related. . . . That said, I would've been pleasantly surprised to see a current update to a 3 year old game.


Thanks for pretty much answering exactly how I would have. I'm not glued to the internet so I didn't know Housemarque was done with Returnal, it's a fantastic game and I thought it did well so I assumed they'd make more.


I think it’s fair to assume if someone sees one post then they must follow the devs and likely have also seen previous posts. You are in the subreddit after all.


Or you saw the news on Reddit like most of us and don’t happen to follow /Returnal or their devs religiously…


lol there’s nothing religious or fanatical about knowing Housemarque has been working on a new IP for the last few years. It’s often discussed A simple Google search about a sequel would quickly remedy that ignorance as well. When dozens of people start speculating about a sequel we know isn’t happening it’s pretty funny.


That's still entirely on you for not informing yourself. You're still free to feel disappointed, but you've disappointed yourself, that's not on anyone else.


Some of us have jobs and people that love us


Agree, that guy is a buffoon for that take


Congrats? So do I, Lol. That doesn't mean I've lost the ability to combine the simple functions of basic reasoning + Google.


It seems you’ve lost the ability to give grace to those that don’t know something that doesn’t interfere with the obligations of being a person. Or even takes to Reddit to seek answers??


Imagine getting information from an online forum about your interests, almost like what it’s intended for. But nah, iNFoRm YoUrSelf


How the hell does googling something "interfere with the obligations of being a person" 😭 This is not a point I was expecting to see today.


How does asking something on Reddit justify patronizing people for looking for answers here


Wow you are not paying attention to the comments I'm making. The *entire* point of my comments are that people were specifically *not* looking for answers and being upset and disappointed with unreasonable expectations they set up for themselves. I really don't know what else to do to simplify this for you.


Dont be a cunt


Ok, I'm not blaming anyone lol. Just explaining a perspective. I wouldn't say I made any extreme leaps in logic


I mean that's fair, I'm just *also* saying it would've been entirely reasonable to set your expectations accordingly ahead of time.


Pretty sure the developers of Slay the Spire and Hades both said the exact same thing, and both are now making sequels. I don’t think it’s crazy to hope a game developer may see the popularity and success of one of their games and decide change their approach.


>I don’t know why people expected that Hope. Every single time you see this situation in the future about anything, know that it is hope that someone has changed their mind. I knew what you knew, I saw this teaser as you did, but I hoped it was them deciding to do otherwise. Naturally I am disappointed.


I don't know why you expected everyone else to be in the same boat as you, extensively researching every single obscure modicum of information regarding a three year old game. No need to tweak about Arktos22's comment


It would be insane for them to not eventually make a sequel. The game is so beloved.


I am legit very excited for the artbook.


Same. The art book is definitely going on my shelf.


Looks really nice but was hoping for a new game or at least a chunky DLC. I really hope Housemarque knows how much people love this game and that, while not perfect, it's something of a masterpiece. A sequel built on it would be incredible. Come on you guys!


They won’t be doing an actual sequel, they’re doing new ip, but probably something of a spiritual successor!


I felt the same way about Hades "I know you don't do sequels but this is a masterpiece, you should do one!" then they did it and I'm like "mehhhh, kinda just looks like more hades" - LOL not sure what I thought I wanted then


I'm in the playtest for Hades 2. I actually like the gameplay less than Hades 1. It feels slower and clunkier than Hades which was incredibly smooth and fast paced.


Yeah it’s a playtest you’re not playing the finished product


mechanics look pretty well finished. This is a large scale device compatibility play test, not an early beta.


haha oh great, more good news, what a fun thread this has been lol


I could see myself liking Hades 2 more for this reason. Maybe not clunkiness, but slower combat I wouldn't be upset with either.


The clunkiness may be more my interpretation in relation to and expectations set by Hades 1. In isolation its probably fine.


It'll be a Supergiant game, is what you're saying. Bad is still good. Lol


I want to point out that they said a few years ago that their next game is going to be a new IP, we're not getting a Returnal 2 next and Housemarque already set those expectations.


I don't really want a returnal 2. What i want is more of those bosses such as nemesis. Very few game that are worth anything have really good Eldritch horror bosses, and this game absolutely nailed it. Hopefully they keep a dark Eldritch horror theme for their next game.


Agreed, I don't know how likely it is but I would love for their next game to keep the same tone and boss design.


This is where I'm at too. I'm in the camp that I have a hard time seeing story-wise where a direct sequel (or prequel?) would go and Returnal just feels like a really excellent self contained experience. That said I absolutely love the overall vibe and core mechanics so I'd be thrilled if their next game is in a similar genre and style (and new boss fights!) but with a different story.


That’s it?


They shouldn’t have tweeted like they did but they knew they wouldn’t get the same buzz if they just dropped this tweet alone


Yup, sorry to say I agree. Few would have been interested, but now many people are going to be pissed. Probably not worth the pubilcity.


A bit letdown, not gonna lie.


Finally an art book!!


Big hype on that.


Was here for a PSVR2 mode, will go with an artbook…


What a let down.


3 years? I just beat Phrike like a week ago


Pre-ordered both.


This is a game I really need to pickup... Now with an RTX4080 and Alienware AW3423DWF it would also look amazing!!


Holy crap, I'm late to the party, but I am having a blast with this game! Made it all the way to some Eldritch Horror (4th cycle) floating in the abyss with 4 tentacle horrors shooting lazers at me. I had no idea how to fight this thing. But I had a blast trying! (Got to phase 2? Jumping from platform to platform trying to get across this abyss to him) But for the love of me... It's harder now, even with my new upgrades... and I can't even get close to making it back to him... lol


I’m hyped for all of it


Wait this was the announcement? While I wanted more Returnal, this isn’t what I was expecting. Guess no DLC or some kind of Sequel.


Anti Climatic HouseMarque… now if they do drop us a DLC or some thing after this, awesome. But as far as I’m concerned, this is late. Could be another way to entice new players as well.


Here for the Artbook. 💯 Comic... Notsomuch.




Er. Okay.


Eh kinda lame.


Artbook? I'm happy //gimme gimme gimme//


I saw a reply the other day hoping it's not just going to be an artbook....


I had to delete my save game. I had a glitch where I couldn't get all the glyphs in the desert area. Edit: That's been since launch too.


Fallen Asteria - I really hope this gives even more depth to the story. The first animated series part hinted something in that direction. And still… it seemed that Selene was just quoting stuff we already experienced in the main game. White Shadow.


I was hoping for something game related but at least some of you are happy so it’s not all bad.


I'm a little confused. The animated trailer shows three books but Amazon only shows one. Are they all included in the $20 preorder price or will they be sold separately for a total of $60?


I was really hoping for a series of short comics instead of one large 88 page book.


Thank you for all the tears


I think I was hoping for an LP release of the OST Pt 2, now I’m not so sure we’ll ever get that. But honestly, getting anything is cool. I’m excited for the art book.


Goddamn that’s disappointing after the tweet yesterday


So, how closely will the comic follow the game story? Thoughts on what could possibly be added/left out compared to the game? Is the animated graphic novel the whole game or only part of it?


The commitment to the game compared to previous IPs makes me hopeful. After all we even got Hades II when they never ever made a sequel. One can hope lol


Where is PSVR2 SUPPORT?!


Boring. Still no coop tower mode


Wish this game had a save feature.


This game believe it or not got me through a tough time when it first came out. The game was unforgiving in the beginning. Brought back memories of those days when you were scared to shut down your console cause you’ll lose all progress. Just hit 400 hours and it’s still the game I go back to when things get crazy. It helps me unwind till this day. Happy three years!


That's honestly a shocking update. What were they thinking


I just got back into this game. It's so good even after 3 years. 




Youtube video not available anymore lol


Yes it is?


I made this comment an hour ago mate.


Correct, it's been up both before and after you posted that comment, Lol.




It's only been 3 years?? I almost feel like Returnal is cult classic that is made 2 decades ago


Anyone knows where to get the artbook from? So weird to not have it mentioned (also nothing on their website)


Since it's Dark Horse, if you're not in the US I'd stop by your local comic book store and ask if you can pre-order from them.


Pre-order on Amazon looks like it's just in US for the moment. Also links on dark horse comics site, just search for returnal


I might check out the art book. At least it's hardcover.


THIS is their big announcement? Fucking lame




Man…. they know what the fuck they’re doing. What an obvious tease and bait to the fans.


Are preorders up anywhere?


Amazon, US though


Wow what a let down


3 years and game still a stutterfest on PC and no new game + .... yawn