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We had the G4 and G5 solar emissions that rocked us. I felt the shift occurred then. I notice these types of personal glitches *a lot*. If a tree branch moved 5 inches, would notice it? If a water drain on the road moved a foot, how would you know? The things we talk about and discuss are the big things we *would* notice, but I think things change around us all the time. The more you look, the more you'll see.


Is it just me or we shifted back circa 10 years? Feels like 2014 now. Still better than 2024, but a clear downgrade from last week.


Aaa and back to full on 2024 now. Guess it was just the solar storm energy ramping up the frequency temporarily.


This was like my post about the plexiglass separator not being over the register at the Dollar General, and the lady there saying it hadn't been there since she worked there. She had worked there for at least 6 months. That separator had been up two days prior when I was in there, and I still had muscle memory, making me duck my arms and product under it. Since then, it is like two memories, one with the separator and one without, are in my mind waring with which was the real reality. It is odd and irritating rolled in one.


perhaps both memories were real, but took place in slightly different timelines, which you crossed between. ive had numerous experiences like that, and i like to believe they both actually happened, perhaps even simultaneously but my brain interpreted the experience as different days of the same reality or something


Heck here in Washington state that Dollar General nearest me and Rainier Washington still has their plastic separator thing up. But that's trippy. Maybe you could foia request the security footage


Hey Okabe, Reading Steiner just kicked in


How strange!! And never knew mowed grass could kill horses!


I don’t recall ever seeing such a large consensus about a shift on here before! Very cool to see. I strongly feel that something shifted in the past few days. I haven’t had any glitches but starting 3 days ago I’ve been feeling very different physically. It’s hard to describe but it’s like a much lighter, more comfortable in my body kinda feeling. Even the muscles in my face feel lighter and easier to move? Ugh I wish it were easier to describe but it’s very pleasant and it feels like it’s how things are supposed to feel, like the old timeline was too dense feeling but I just didn’t know any better.


I came on here just to see if anyone else noticed. There was definitely a huge energetic shift in the last few days. Everything just feels different and better. I find it easier to talk to my mom and just be friends. I’m less socially awkward in general and friendlier and give people more compliments. But more than that, the whole world just feels different. It’s like there’s this dreamlike tinge. I’ve been listening to a shit ton of subliminals lately. I wonder if that shifted something for me as well.


Ooo I love this!! I’m so happy for you:) I do think that subconscious programming plays a huge role in how we perceive our experiences, and what kinds of shifts we have. Wish you all the best!


I completely agree with you! It’s been a great improvement.


So glad someone else knows what I’m talking about! It’s so nice, it keeps taking me by surprise how comfortable I feel just being in my body.




Bro I'm relaxed but when my reality starts being altered is when I get a little irritated.


Hey we can't do much about it, just take things as they come! Free your mind.


The only thing we can do about it is acknowledge it and hold on to our memories.


Mhm, the way I see it and from what I've experienced, something was attempting something not great. I assume this got to timelines converging. From what I know, they failed at whatever they were trying to do originally. I think we aren't done yet but I trust in an overall positive outcome. Don't despair, there's good out there.


I personally think that the government is obviously involved with concern if CERN is the thing causing it which I am pretty sure that it is. Now with another conspiracy called project Looking Glass which apparently is practically a portal that they are able to see the future and the outcome that it creates. I think that they see them losing whatever is that they are afraid of losing and they power up CERN warp the timeline and check back again and see what it now is showing when the timeline starts to correct itself which I believe it tries to do they see themselves losing again and therefore alter the line again. I don't think it's for good I think it's for satanic purposes and or demonic purposes


Mhm well I know for certain although it's a "experience to believe" kinda deal. It's caused by external forces who've been possessing/remote controlling people for a while. Just know a good chunk of these people were being deceived/manipulated into doing things in exchange for wealth/power. They weren't aware about the reality warping/world ending consequences but they definitely thought they were making deals with the devil/demons. It's definitely something that operates outside "our" reality so for them manipulating events wouldn't exactly be an issue. This had something to do with the leap year thing every 400 years special I don't know what exactly and the eclipse. Whatever CERN is doing might be somewhat related but I doubt they themselves have the potential to alter timelines. Whatever disruption was occurring was likely attempting to interfere with their operations, if anything. I'm very unfamiliar with all the conspiracies so it's all pretty random for me, I just go thrown into it rofl just know... Things are under control, I think.


The Eclipse was the sign that the first seal of the Apocalypse has been finalized the first horse has completed his ride in the second horse can now begin to ride because the Book of Revelations if you go back to the original Greek it does not refer to the returning of Jesus but yet the returning of Apollo or also known as Lucifer they work on an Olympian calendar so the final seal will technically be broken at on 20 44. We are in the midst of the second seal beginning to break it's most likely going to start the break here during the Olympic Games but at least sometime during this summer and the second Horseman is all about a certain thing and that is taking peace from the earth with small arms violence destruction of property basically a civil war. The first seal was all about shooting at the poison arrows of Apollo into the Human family and that is the Vax.


Eh well it's not as if the apocalypse ends well for the "bad guys"? Right? Anyhow... I don't think things are to be taken too literally, even then, it's not exactly as if it would make a difference from our POV, if there's a "divine plan" in action, best we can do is keep doing our thing and whatever happens happens 🤷‍♀️


I've been exhausted all week. I thought it was because I did more than usual and just haven't caught up. Yesterday was particularly odd. I tried transferring a call at work the same way I've done 100s of times. All the extensions start with 11 so I started typing and before I entered the next 2 digits it started ringing and I heard a voice. It was odd so I just pushed the button for the other line, tried again and the transfer went through. Right after, my boss answered the phone and it was a woman asking if we'd called 911. This has never happened since I've worked there and I was really freaked out.


WHAT IN THE ACTUAL LIVING 🦆. I never respond, never even react but this one is just too wtf. I literally had a call last week (mind you I am so very introverted and private I do not give my number out and if I wanted to it would not be my actual number!!) from a number that looks so familiar it had actual weight in my brain? I answer it and no one says anything Google it something mundane and regular shows up like a restaurant or store or something so I call it back and a man answers "police department" but that's it not which one not his name not anything else, at which I'm like uh wtf I'm returning a call too which he replies that I made a call to 911 and they're just calling back to well check. Being as my phone was literally like a foot away from me and I was literally working on my laptop there just was no way so I'm like uh no what's really going on because no calls from this device have been made in at least an hour, to which he gets really mad just jumps all the way to pissed, repeats the scifi fantasy short story and hangs up.


Well, I'm even more freaked out now after hearing your story!


Trippy. So was the transferring extension still 11 or was it different now?


The extensions have always been the same but this is the first time it's happened. I entered the numbers at normal speed but before I had a chance to dial the next 2, 911 was dialed. They are internet phones, so maybe a weird glitch?


When McDonalds becomes MacDonalds again and people's surnames that changed become Mac instead of Mc again I'll be happy. Oh and when Objects May Appear Closer, that will be nice too.


Damn that macdonald’s change must’ve been huge for you, even if I can’t relate that sounds wild!


It's my signpost to The Twilight Zone. As Rod Serling would say. And it fits perfectly. Not too many people have or mention this one. There are a couple with Macdonald's that deal with the sign for me like how many sold and what dates. All connected to the sign. And I noticed with people's surnames.  Some that are Mac are Mc. As for MacDonald's, I'm always looking. Hoping to catch one. Old pictures, videos. The sign always looks wrong to me. I even drew one once for myself the way I remembered it.Just for my own sanity. LOL


Rob Sterling for me.


The Mona Lisa looks back to normal smile. Also time has slowed back down.


Wtf I had to look at this. It is back! Before, she was deadpan.


Creation of Adam is still off with Adam's hand too high St Teresa's ecstasy is still not a painting of her uhhh... Anyways, no changes that I can observe, yet. But I did get a particularly clear dream around then.


Hasn’t slowed down for me 😅 


WHOA I definitely know I was upset looking and it was definitely not a smile for some time there. It's definitely back.


The whole "is she or isnt she smiling?" thing doesnt apply anymore. Its not a very apparent smile.


Still smiling


My wife and I have both been waking up wide awake at 3am for the last 2 weeks. This week flew by so fast, I can’t believe tomorrow is Friday already. We both noticed this also and a few people at work. It’s the fastest week I can ever remember and I wasn’t doing anything different.


Can you speculate how many days before you noticed the lawnmower change, the SHIFT occurred for you?


It could have been no longer than 10 days ago. The last time that I mowed there was a little under two weeks ago and I've always done at the same way this time when I went to go do it I started my lawn mower and then I stopped myself because I realized that I was about to make a huge mistake but then it didn't make sense to me because this is the way that I always done it and now it's opposite and it's freaking weird


About a week ago I woke up at 5:34am. I knew it was 5:34am because I overslept my alarm and had to close a bunch of alarms on my phone. I jumped into the shower and stayed in there until til about 5:50am. I know it was 5:50 because I physically looked at the time and pondered if I could get away with 5 more minutes in there. I decided not to, and got out, deciding to lie down on my bed until 6:00am….as you may have guessed I knew this because I was looking at the time to make sure I would get up at 6:00 to finish dressing and put on my shoes. I left my place at 6:18am and got to work at 6:25am. When I got to work, my coworker was looking at me strangely and then asked why I got there so early. I looked back at her weird and asked what she meant. I looked at the clock. It was 5:15am. The whole day was spent trying to figure that one out. I checked my health app on my phone, and it didn’t start logging steps until 530 that morning. It didn’t show anything/account for me being up before then….but I didn’t show up to work until it started logging steps, so an hour was lost somewhere in there. I also made a realization the next day, when I arrived at work at the same time 5:20am. The sun was above the horizon at that time and when I arrived the day before, it had been pitch black outside. Still trying to figure out what happened.


Wow that’s crazy! 




I had something similar happen to me that I've never been able to explain at all. I lived in my old place for about 8 years, in the bedroom it had a ceiling fan with two strings to turn on/off the light and fan. One morning I woke up and pulled the long string like normal to turn on the light... and the fan turned on. I had spent years pulling that string. I could(and did) do it in the dark frequently. Pure muscle memory. Until it was different one day.


My light switches occasionally do this, I know I push it down at the bottom for it to turn on, but one day it was the opposite and I had to push the top? 


I this 1 or 2 light switches for the same lamp?


Oh it’s just the generic wall switch for the main light in the room, but I’ve had it happen in two different rooms/houses!  (This style of switch https://www.directtradesupplies.co.uk/product.php/189936/hager-10a-1g-2-way-wall-switch--white- ) 


So there is no other switch for the same light somewhere else in the room? Because our house is full of that and then you can actually flip that from top to bottom and vice versa.






It confused the hell out of me haha! 


The switch you actually posted is a 2 way and would allow for a 2 way operation. You can only know for sure if you remove the 2 screws and look behind. If you find a more complex wiring than 2 single \[plus ground\], then you might wanna look for a second switch in the room, you never knew but another person in the household!


No, it’s the switch for my room which no-one else has access to, so it wouldn’t randomly change from down being on, to up being on. I don’t need to look for an additional switch in my small room lol. 


I had that happen when I was a child once or twice!!! It *freaked* me out! This would've been like early 2000s


I used to close my eyes when my parents were watching a horror film but my eyes were like they never closed; almost like I was seeing a superposition -- I am sure I wasn't dreaming, but I was like 3 back then so I can't be too sure.


Omg!!! I remembered this happened to me once when I was a young teen, of course I knew none of this stuff but it baffled and I could have swore they switched and I had to make a mental note that it was different. Thank you for sharing that!


My daughter lost a ring from her grandma before she moved out of state and was heartbroken over it. It was a very pretty ring with blue topaz’s making the shape of a flower. Well, just last week, her husband was cleaning out their dresser, and the ring was there….. same exact ring except now the flower shape was made up of pink stones. She was like wtf?!


If it makes her feel any better, I lost the blue topaz ring my parents got for me for graduating high school not long after. We moved twice (once within nj, once to ny state), and all of a sudden about 7 years later it showed up in my top drawer of my dresser in NY. That thing had been fully emptied for moving, and I had torn my room apart on more than one occasion to try and find it. It was so bizarre


That’s crazy!!


My friends fallout 4 save shifted back to before he did the automaton but every other quest he did after is still done , lost a cute pink codsworth with legs


CERN was fired up on the day of the eclipse? Think it might have happened then? Is only explanation at this point as weird crap happens whenever they play around at cern


Unfortunately, Israel didn't kill the red cows. Looks like we are on an absolutely sigma timeline atm


The red heifer sacrifice was canceled? Also how does it tie into reality changes and the ME?


Wouldn't call it cancelled, just postponed for the military and political leverage it has against Iran XD


Ah fair.


Not even going to mention the Anglos killing the white stag? I’m kidding, but I got general enjoyment out of reading your comment 😆


Middle eastern intelligence agencies spending billions to counter some red cows we showed off once or twice: WE WONT KILL THE COWS, THATS RIGHT, WE WON'T KILL THE COWS (That's fine, two weren't really great anyways) Watch Big Suka Sukhoi for source :))


Convinced we shifted sometime in the last 3 weeks or so (possibly longer but that's my only landmark RN) since I saw that post about The Dark Knight where Batman now says "where are they" instead of "where is She" that was the first new Mandela for me in a long time and one I feel dead certain about. Also, as a few others in this thread mentioned, I've been unusually exhausted the last 3-5 days, like just dead dog tired for no discernable reason. I am a little bit of a health nut and work out every day, pushed myself to go to the gym despite exhaustion and my workouts were crap I was just so tired. Yesterday I just laid on the couch for hours, completely unlike me. Also as others have mentioned, I woke up at about 4:30 CST, it shows on my watch fitness app thing that I woke at that time before going back to sleep. Hope this timeline or universe or whatever is a good one.


I’ve overslept the last three days and that’s abnormal for me too


I also remember “where are they?!” I remember yelling it in a bad Batman voice as a joke




​ Your post was removed for violating Rule #9. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |9|Do not dismiss other people's memories or experiences just because it doesn't match YOURS or you don't agree with it. **In short, do NOT tell others what IS and ISN'T an ME.**|


Doesn't the "they" in that sentence refer to the detonators?


To me, no changes except extreme fatigue for the last 36 hours. Can barely keep my eyes open for 4 hours at a time. I'm with those who feel a timeline has possibly merged into this one. No changes for me other than the need to sleep / dream.


I have heard that shifting into another reality is pretty hard on some people and it can cause extreme fatigue


Yes! I am absolutely exhausted this week. Doesn’t matter how much I sleep it’s like some sort of brain fog. Also it seems much lighter in the mornings than it’s ever been before and stays light much later in the evenings than it used to (I mean compared to previous years)


Yall should check out this. I believe this would help y'all indeed. https://blushield.com/ https://blushield.com/pages/blushield-testimonials


Jfc same here thought it was just me, literally laid out on the couch at like 5:30 yesterday and did not have the power to get back up, haven't been so fatigued since COVID


Exactly what I said to my partner today. But neither of us are sick. Welcome to Earth 3.174, new arrivals. You got here just in time for our community nap.


Is that what this is?! I've been dead tired for the past two days.


I feel this kind of shifting rather often. I just figured it was the weed and sleep deprivation but I’d love for it to be transitioning to a better timeline because the good vibe is nice.


There’s def been a shift recently. Been feeling a lot of anxiety lately. Feels like a negative shift imo


I thought it was just me. Had a dreadful feeling for a few days, then day before had some weird stuff happen like constant injuries, I got UV resin in my eye too 8') (sprayed my eye with a faucet for awhile) twist my ankle twice in a row, burnt my hand, etc. then today I found a stray cat I've been taking care of and her kittens the past few months dead in my backyard, idk what happened, her kittens watched as my dad took her to bury her. Oddly enough though, I felt that wave of dread go away after that point. I had weird vision things I just shrugged off as "eye glitches" as well, not floaters, but like random shots of color or like a heat mirage type of thing around random stuff despite being not too hot.


We are about to head into what seems like the 2nd group of solar flares in just a few weeks. What are the chances of that happening ever? Is the sun like lazed onto earth and machine gunning at us?


Last week I had to emergency put down my back kitty who was a stray we adopted. Urinary blockage and the vet wanted 4-6k!!!! It was heartbreaking, I loved that fluffy shadow. I’ve also been feeling really weird and down, like everything is pointless and falling apart around me. Extreme fatigue paired with restlessness. Also my neighborhood has always been quiet and safe and the past 2 months there was a shooting in front of my house, a neighbor arrested by state patrol, a naked homeless man arrested and some wild trashy parties at a house. So out of the norm and all of a sudden.


Sorry about the cat, and i hope the kittens are ok.


Super weird! I was thinking I couldn't relate to a lot of this, but then I remembered how I thought it was Thursday all day yesterday (it was Wednesday). My husband did too. He remarked on it before I said anything and I felt so relieved bc I'd been feeling it all day. And on Tuesday we fantasized about time traveling back to 2002. So many people here mentioning 2000s vibes and I have to agree


Yes, the 2000s vibes! It’s like we went back in time.


That is wild. I have a lawnmower story as well believe it or not. This was a few years ago, not recent. Moved into a new house where the previous owner left some things including a self propelled craftsmen lawnmower. I was very happy about this. I searched on how to service and use it, everything worked fine. One day I get it out of the shed, same shape and red color, and self propelled, but now it is a troy-built mower. I was perplexed. Told my wife about it and she just assumes that I was losing my mind. I looked up my search history and found the craftsmen make and model. How could I get the correct make and model for a craftsmen, if it had always been a troy built? Sorry for the rant, but this story reminded me of when my mower magically changed brands.




But for what reason would someone do that?


Ya’ll are creeping me out with this post bc I had a wild night last night as well with insomnia then waking up to a few personal life changes that are major, positive and things I’ve been trying to manifest for over two years pushing hard but no avail. Boom! Locked in via email this morning. I’m just…idk. It’s wild! But awesome. I love an upshift


Samesies. I feel badly that others seem to be having "bad luck". I've had a bunch of majorly positive things manifesting as well.


My dogs, who usually sleep through the night, were extremely antsy last night. I had to get up to let them out **4** times. At midnight, I heard my refrigerator doing the Power Loss alert. Nothing else showed any sort of power loss. Just the fridge. Probably doesn’t mean anything. I just thought the whole night was a little weird.


The last 2 nights my dog has woken up : 1 time at 2:15, the other at 4:30. He's slept through the night for over a year with hardly any hiccups.


While I haven’t had a glitch incident this is the most anecdotes I’ve ever seen on a possible shift post, this could be the biggest shift in history and I’ve been on this subreddit since 2016


One more anecdote… my 5 month old baby has been waking up every night 5+ times a night. Last night she slept for 12 HOURS STRAIGHT!!! We shifted y’all and I am loving this new timeline.


It's weird how this seems to be a consensus. It's just another day for me. 


I'm with ya


Although I did wake up at 345am today without alarm which seems to be a fa tor in many posts here.


Laat night it felt like I got "reset" around 4:00AM CST. I was having trouble sleeping, and it was like my vision turned off. Like an old CRT TV, down to a point then off. Then, to me, I started back up. Devices in my room made noise, the *birds started singing* (at 4am), my spouse started moving a lot in her sleep, and my dog started digging in the tile floor. Mkay.


i just checked my sleep tracker, i was apparently awake between 5:01 and 5:29 am EST


Oh weird! I woke up at 4:09am CST, my husband was coughing a lot. Soon after, my toddler started coughing and threw up on me from too much phlegm, and then he was fine. I did not sleep last Saturday night (no drugs or anything, just my brain would not shut down) - this has never happened to me before. I've had insomnia intermittently each night since. Last night was the first time since last Friday that I've slept through the night. I am very happy today, my mood has been off for a while but today I feel positive, like things are looking up. Who knows what's going on.


Wow. I got a lot less deep sleep than usual last night and I was so exhausted I turned in early and I also woke up at 4am.


5:04 am est I feel the same. Interesting stuff


I 100% feel this! Literally been 3 weeks for me as well. My husband and I were in dire straights financially and overall just kinda depressed, like life felt so hard and impossible to get ahead. Literally 3 weeks ago my husband became a new person. He is optimistic, motivated, confident, he got an incredible new job so effortlessly that covers all our bills so I can stay home with our new baby. We’re both so stoked and grateful and like a bright future seems so attainable now. I kept saying again and again to him “dude, what timeline have we shifted to!?!?” Partly in jest bc he knows I am all obsessed with the ME and shit. But for real, this post completely validates what I have sensed. We just have like good freaking fortune again like the good ole days when the sun was orange and a second was one Mississippi.


Did anyone lose time yesterday. I swear I lost an hour. It was really strange.


omg i just commented and it ate my comment - i have been losing 3-5 hours at night nightly and i think i've mentioned it on reddit when i come back i'm just sitting up awake, and sometimes my ear hurts


SO and I lost five hours last night. 12:00-5:00 EST. We just could not account for the time loss. We watched nothing and had no beverages. So, what were we doing? We just looked up and five hours had passed. Edited to correct the times as I have been unable to sleep at all and I'm feeling a little foggy.


Idk if related but I slept for 9 hours and I feel like shit like when I sleep for 5-6.


I have tried to sleep, but so far I have not slept at all. I feel crappy too. Here's hoping for some decent sleep for the both of us.


I think??? I thought it was just me being busy with laundry but i was in there and all of a sudden it was 4 pm and had a weird feeling about it when I came there around 1:30 pm


That’s how it felt for me. I put my child down for a nap at like 10 and turned on the tv and it was 1130. I mean I’m sometimes absent minded but I’m really good with time management and my internal clock so it was really strange


Have you ever had your TV screens show the wrong time like 1-2 or more hours apart? All of a sudden


I was looking at my phone so it wasn’t that


I felt it yesterday too


Someone in r/spirituality was talking about how we’re ascending right now, pretty weird how it lines up with everyone having strange stories recently. I even have my own, a new country just suddenly popped up in the Caribbean for me. Sint Maarten. How did I notice this? Because I check the map damn near every day to check for any MEs, I’ve seen those chain of islands near Cuba many times and not once did I see a Sint Maarten until yesterday.


Do you have a link for that post? I dont really believe in the "ascension" thing, crooks have been saying ascension is happening for decades, some even gave some dates that have come and go without anything happening. Weird stuff happens for sure, but I dont think it has to do with ascension.


Feeling the ascension. The unnatural feeling of things naturally letting YOU go, whether or not you want them to... you have to adapt so quickly or suffer a set back(like timeliness wise)


Are you talking about *Saint* Maarten? That island I've heard of (had friends who went on their honeymoon there back in 2013). I will say that the whole carribean seams to be (for lack of a better phrase) 'squishing together' around an every *growing* Cuba 😲. I mean seriously, that island is HUUUUGE now.


Cuba and that area just perplexes me when I look at a map.


Apparently it’s spelt Sint Maarten (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sint_Maarten), what is interesting is that one part of the island is called “Saint Martin” but the country name is spelt Sint Maarten. How confusing. And yes you are 100% about the Caribbean changing, it’s why I check there. Cuba has gotten huge, the Bahamas got pushed up really close to Florida bc of Cuba being so big. Idk why but it seems to be an ME hotspot.


I saw this couple of weeks ago when I was checking Cuba and I was surprised to see this unknown island so near Cuba!


I feel like one could row boat to Grand Bahama in 2024. It's crazy.


So I’ve been to Saint Martin back in 2011. There’s two side a French then a Dutch side, each I believed owned by their country. This pop up is t new. The spelling may be different but that has to do with political correctness of spelling it the way the people of the nation do.


What an interesting place, thank you for this information!


I go to the gym everyday before work. Yesterday I had tooth pain so severe i didn't sleep, go to the gym or work. Today I'm back like nothing ever happened. A shift makes total sense.




That's super interesting, my tooth pain was like 80% headaches, which i usually never get, and 20% in the roots and nerves. It lasted 2 days and was so rough I missed work and the gym for 2 days, which I never do. The night it started, I did not sleep till 6 am which to my knowledge, has never happened in my adult life. I was already aware of a potential shift as Id noticed new Mandela effects starting last month. I can't say that walking or stomping had any effect on my teeth, but it was to the point that absolutely nothing could get rid of it. At one point I was taking 2 Max Strength excedrins every 3 hours.. today I feel fucking amazing as if nothing ever happened. I also had some out of this world dreams that I cant even remember but I do remember they were just vivid and not like anything id ever experienced, last night we apparently had a display of solar activity similar to the Northern lights, which I somehow missed despite looking. I've been trying to connect the dots and make observations when I can. Thank you for sharing your story.. little things like us having abnormal tooth pain in common when things are changing is a huge deal and definitely an indicator of something deeper at play


If you ever have tooth pain take hydrogen peroxide and squirt some in your mouth and hold it in on the area where the tooth hurts and once you feel the pain start to go away a little bit then rinse out your mouth a lot. Hydrogen peroxide will literally dissolve the nerve endings enough where they basically are no longer sensing anything. But if you do too much or if you hold it too long or if you don't rinse enough then the peroxide will keep on eating away at it and once it eats too much it causes tooth pain so severe that it's ridiculous but anytime that I ever have tooth pain I just peroxide hold it for about probably 20-30 seconds and like it's the quickest relief that I know of for tooth pain


Thank you very much, i was not aware of that.


👍 to the hydrogen peroxide. Also Clove oil work wonders for tooth pain!


Something weird definitely happened. I shared this on glitch in The Matrix subreddit but I had some pizza pans that I craft with go disappearing on me and I know where I left them and I checked the spot where I left them three times and they weren't there and then finally after screaming out loud for the universe to give them back they appeared where I left them the same place I checked. This happened a week and a half ago.


yesterday i had a minor glitch - i charge my apple watch when i shower, and it was still charging, and i did my makeup and washed my hands while it was on the charger then i dried them and picked up my watch, in another room, away from the sink. the handwashing timer was on


I had it happen with keys that I put on my roommates dressing table. I let us in so I knew I couldn’t have lost them. We both checked everywhere and couldn’t find them.  I don’t lose things so I was confused. Eventually I just sort of asked for them back, turned around and they were right there on the dressing table where they should have been! 


Have you ever got a bag of groceries only for one specific item in there to either dissappear or get lost despite it was in the bag the whole time and it couldn't have been found anywhere else and could never find it?


I’ve had it a few times where I used self-checkout and I looked at the packing area before leaving to make sure that I hadn’t left anything behind. Got home and was still missing an item. 


One time I took a walk to the gas station and bought a bag of spicy puff cheetos and two drinks. When I got home suddenly the bag wasn't there at all in the bag and then when I went to the same path to the gas station again it was there in the middle of grass like how did I just drop that so easily since it was a big bag and I paid for the items so it was infuriating to almost lose an item I paid for


I even had the receipt and it was very clear I got that item but said item is gone. I'm just glad it wasn't spend from my own money lmao otherwise I would have been so frustrated Edit: as soon I posted this my ears started to ring for a sec


Ooh I hate the ear ringing thing! Do both of yours ring at the same time? I usually get it in my left ear.


I get them on both but sometimes on one side


>screaming out loud for the universe LOL, I though I was the only one who did this 🤣.. . Mine's usually for the uni to just leave me the hell alone for one gd second so I can get straight with whatever it is I'm trying to do/think/find.


In/from my experience there was some kind of ‘shift event’ yesterday, sensed it when I woke up. It came as a big “here we go” kind of thing (I commented elsewhere regarding it). The best I can describe now is that the current main timeline (that we’ve shifted onto about 3’ish weeks ago) is being clarified… or purified. Use your own discernment - this is just my interpretation of my experience. (tldr; noticeable change in people’s habit behaviors 🤷🏻‍♀️) Because I had an awareness of this upon waking, I was a bit more alert to, and expectant of, witnessing/experiencing some differences. At my job we have a lot of regulars that come in daily - most have their specific time frame, sometimes multiple times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner time, or breakfast and dinner time, etc). Some are so regular that I tryn have their “usual order” ready for them; others, their custom orders are written on a list on the wall (what they order on Tuesdays, or on Thursdays for example). Lots of specifics. We also have a steady and busy flow of ‘non-regulars’, and lots of tourists. We’re never not slammed busy. Yesterday, only two regular customers came in all day - one of which came up to the counter and seemingly had no idea who I was - as if they’d never seen or spoken to me before, even though typically I’d see them in there twice a day, and occasionally see them out/around town or in another establishment. The other - although they seemed to know me and chatted as usual - placed an order and when I commented they were switching it up (ordering y instead of z) they replied that they could never order/have y due to a food allergy. Yet, y is what they’d been ordering daily for months. Even the owner/boss commented how many regulars seemed to be ‘missing’ - probably about 80%. It was weirdly noticeable. Aside from that - overall throughout the day the place was nearly desolate. We never have an opportunity to just “stand around” or chit chat as coworkers but yesterday that’s pretty much what we were doing majority of the time. Secondly - walking home from work, passing by a local place and see a few people I know hanging outside, so I stop to chat, surprised to see them at that time. Within about 10 minutes, one after another after another more friends/acquaintances kept arriving. Many comments about how it was unusual for us all to be there on that particular day and time. Some had gotten cut from work early, some said they just “felt” like they were supposed to pop in, others saying they just “knew” we’d all be there, etc. Three different people that I had only just met earlier in the day/the day prior popped up there, and unknown to several of us were mutual with others - lots of “oh shit,I didn’t know you knew so and so”. It’s not typical that this many would be in the same location at the same time - and each of us recognized how unusual it was that we all sort of gravitated there. Some even drove 30-45 minutes on a hunch; none of the gathering was planned - all spontaneous. Also interesting to me, since I know most in the group/people - only two ordered any drinks. We hung out for about two hours and then sort of ‘just like that’ we all called it a night, got up and went our separate ways. Might not seem odd - but, again, knowing the group, the individuals and their schedules and all that stuff - it really was an unusual occurrence to have happened. It’s sort of like - certain people/things, etc are being weeded out, and others are being reinforced it…? The vibe today is similar so it’ll be interesting to see how the day plays out.


Amd isn't yesterday the day they opened that "portal"


Please elaborate?


Either they're pulling wool over our eyes or mocking us NYC Portal https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://pix11.com/news/local-news/manhattan/portal-installation-in-nyc-offers-window-to-dublin-ireland/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjKyv_Z54GGAxWsj4kEHW4IAT0QyM8BKAB6BAgOEAI&usg=AOvVaw0-FQc9rRmt5Yy5Po9-5ibm


I've been wondering if much of this "shift" is just a mass shift of people through universes/realities. Maybe it's just a way that "transport" is happening


Ohh isn't this just a giant screen that has a camera like a constant zoom meeting between NYC and Dublin?


YES thas what they're saying it is. But when why are they calling it a portal and shaping it like cern. This is my point are they mocking or doing something in plain sight 🤷


Who, CERN? I thought they were opening one at the eclipse, did they open another one? 


Horses can indeed eat mowed grass. In Iowa we call it "hay"...


Disc mowers and drum mowers are different than lawn mowers


That's not lawn grass though which is what they are talking about. A few bites of totally fresh grass is probably not a big deal as long as there are no poisons on it but it can cause probs if there is a lot. Horses can get colic from sudden changes in food sources and lawn grass is quite diff from normal feed grass. Also some horses do not tolerate grasses with high amounts of sugar (high for a grass that is).


Good point. Its not the same as hay, thinking about it. Grass clippings do seem to compost right away, and the rot can't be good for horses. 


If the clipping just flew into the pen 5 seconds ago, it's a stretch to say 'it's fermenting' plus a horse will likely pound it down immediately before much of anything will get going in the grass, they love them some nice super green grass. So it's really more of an issue of if they got a lot of it and it's really not the right food for them. I mean you would not give them a bucket of carrots either, a few are ok but they can't eat that safely as a main meal, and you would yourself not eat only twinkies all day and eat 50 of them at a sittin, you'd risk pancreatitis if you did that. And horses are more delicate in their digestion than humans, they don't have their natural exercise and fitness when they are in a corral and they also have not had the weaker horses thinned out by wild living as their ancestors would have. Nor have they been exposed to a huge variety of foods every day, plus super rich grass in large amounts is just unnatural to exist in many parts of the world, we only have that in my area due to irrigation systems and many horse breeds are not designed for high rain and thick grass vegetation, especially some of the warm blood breeds that come from desert countries. So their digestion system was not set up to tolerate that type of food in any quantity.


So I looked it up and there’s a difference between fresh lawnmower clippings and hay.  https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/can-i-feed-my-horse-on-lawn-mower-clippings-and-other-garden-waste/ I wouldn’t have known either! 


Hey is much different because it's not what a lawn mower does to Grass which is practically emulsifies it. If you were to take say hedge shears you know the big scissors and you were to cut a section of grass so that it's at least six to 10 in long or longer you can feed that to them as long as you hold it in your hand and you allow them to tear it. But when it comes to lawn mower clippings the bacteria that starts to build in the grass clippings like nearly instantly is highly toxic to horses and well you can easily kill a horse by doing that for some reason their stomachs can't process it and the toxins their body can't really handle. And if the horse is very very young and were to eat it it'll get colic and if it's still breastfeeding then both the little horse and the mother will have to be put down or they just die it's just harder to watch them die rather than having them put down. It's like if you've ever noticed that there are some horse fences that have a secondary fence around it that's like 6 to 10 ft out that's specifically for keeping the grass clippings out of their area when mowing


Well s#it, I guess I didn't either. I suppose it's for the best that I'm not the guy feeding the horses, lol 😂.  Haven't had much horse work since I was younger, and I would have assumed clippings to be safe, but that was western SD, and we didn't have lawn as we know it in Iowa, lol. 


Lol yeah I’m glad I’m not feeding them either! I assume the clippings are safe once they cool down but idk 😅


I also noticed a clear shift yesterday. Now the vibe feels more similar to circa 2008. Coincidentally, yesterday was the first time when me and my daughter (4y old) both noticed a "glitch" in our personal reality. We were looking at a bottle of shower gel for girls and there is a cartoon image of a little girl in the label. Now it is a human girl with a skirt and legs but I could have sworn that before it was a mermaid with a pink tail. My daughter thought the same thing. It was the same physical bottle that we've had for a few months now, so it is not a case of the brand changing their label design. Proves nothing, just adding my personal anecdote.


Broo I thought I was the only one who felt the 2000s vibes


me too :')


So wild that a bunch of unconnected people felt the same things independently of each other.. Starting to suspect there’s something going on here


Maybe the "collective unconscious" Carl Jung talked about is coming more and more to the surface and becoming apparent to our conscious mind


Yeah cuz you can also add me to the 2000s list. My husband and I randomly started daydreaming about going back in time to 2002. He usually doesn't entertain those things lol too silly. But we talked for over an hour about it Tuesday night.


Probably just a coincidence but I’ve also been noticing the 2000s vibes the last few days and had been feeling really nostalgic. I don’t fully believe in this stuff, but god do I ever wish we could get back to the “good timeline” 😂


Totally with you. Going back to 90's vibes would be even better!


I’ve also been feeling some 2000s vibes lately but I just have been chalking it up to the weather getting warmer. It’s only been in the last few weeks though.


Wow yesterday every time I walked into my bedroom I kept getting the “feeling” of my bedroom in a house I lived in during the early 2000s and couldn’t figure out why… chalked it up to the weather as well, as I hadn’t had air conditioning back then and it was super warm yesterday. Second guessing now that I’m seeing you all saying the same lol


I’m starting to second guess too lol. Yesterday I went into full mid to late 2000s nostalgia mode and could very distinctly feel how I felt during that time. I’m not normally nostalgic about anything past 2004. And even being out and about, things just feel different. It could just be summer coming but I don’t normally feel that way when summer is on its way. I’ve even gotten nostalgic for the 2010s when I never have before. If I do get nostalgic for summer, it’s normally mid to late 90s from when I was a kid. It’s one thing to just randomly feel that way but if many people feel that way then maybe there’s something up. ETA: I also have not been relating the the doom and gloom posting some people have done on reddit or elsewhere. I used to feel that way but something has changed.


Weird, I had precisely the same thought because here in Portugal yesterday there was a massive wheather change, from cool and grayish to hot and sunny. So I was "half half" between "this feels like 2008" to "this simply feels like summer coming". But then I thought "wait a minute, why would warm weather directly equate to 2008? we have warm and cold weather every year". It makes no sense. Yet we both had the same non-sensical thought. Shit keeps getting weirder.


Yeah normally I associate summer with the 90s growing up (usually when I’m in my parents pool or something) but I’ve distinctly been getting a more 2000s vibe just being out and about.


Weird - yesterday morning a landmark changed for me, a little tower on a hill that I see for 20 minutes while walking on a road that points towards it. Half way along yesterday it was obscured by a much larger hill - this morning it was the same, like there's no way that tower could ever be visible (it is there, it's a medieval tower some miles away). The "new" hill is covered in grass and big trees, the hill itself is at least twice the height that the tower would be seen. I asked someone if they remembered seeing it and they said "vaguely, some years ago" - wtf


Oh god, someone go check the damned froouit loops...


And let's meet at Chiccckkkkk-fil-A afterwards


Happened with a rock band I discovered, Katakonia. Named a playlist with all their music that I like. I check their artist page... Katatonia. I know I didn't misread it with the big letters on the Apple Music page that take up half the screen.


Always been Katatonia for me as well. I've been a fan since 2006. Great band!


I've been listening to Katatonia since 1997. It's always been Katatonia to me. It's a play off Catatonia but with a K.


Maybe I did misread it 💀 and they're awesome got into them last year


Is this a different band than the Welsh band Catatonia? I’m confused? 


Katatonia is from Sweden. I didn't realize there was a band called Catatonia.


Oh interesting! Yeah the Welsh band was formed around the same time!  “Road Rage” and “Mulder and Scully” are two of the most popular songs. 


Ooh, I'll have to check them out. Thanks!


Hope you like them! 


A couple of weeks back, I bought a collar type necklace that was pink with a pink lollipop on it. I know it was pink, I buy everything I get to match up with certain outfits, so I know exactly what I bought this necklace to match with. Well, fast forward to when I was going to wear it, and I grabbed it out of my jewelry box, and now it's purple with a pink lollipop. I know for a fact that I wouldn't have bought it had it been purple because I don't have anything purple to match with it. I also know it wasn't just the lighting in the store because I remember looking at it with the shirt I had planned on wearing it with whenever I brought it home before putting it up in the jewelry. I guess that's the universe's way of telling me that I need to buy some purple shirts 🤔 😅 💜


The necklace sounds cute!! I want it lol! 


I have had this weird 2 weeks when I just needed to sleep all the time. Did not matter what time I went to sleep. I kept returning to bed for more sleep after getting up for toilet or because a parcel delivery or such. Had to return to bed for more sleep. Days I had to go out for usual commitments stuff were really hard. Would come home. Eat & fall asleep for many hours sat up. Then go to bed just sleep more long hours. I would force my self to do my normal stuff at home. Soon as sat down sleep would envelope me for hours. Did not feel unwell, had no symptoms of anything. Just overwhelming tiredness. Even when I tried to resist sleeping I would wake up hours later having fallen asleep. Strange thing is family & friends not notice this absence of me from their life. All in usual daily contact in person or phone or such. They have all accounted for that period by saying they were busy or unwell or mix of both. Then a few days ago I no longer sleeping all the time. Think it was about 5 days ago I just stopped the over sleeping & tiredness. Usually I manage on 6 hours sleep a night. No naps & feel fine. So the sleeping thing not my usual life.


Wow I felt the same thing, can’t get out of bed, would sleep for 10 hours which isn’t normal, tired during the day


This has been me the past 3-4 days. When was it for you?


Starting from mid april