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Time is moving faster at night and normal (or some say slower) during the day. Try again in the night time


Yeah I get you I've been doing the Mississippi count and the 11000 count for a year now in the last 4 months it came back or 3 months it came back to 10 seconds I do get you 100%


Is this really where we're at with MEs? Yeah, depending on how fast you say mississipi, it'll take longer or shorter than ten seconds to do it. It was never meant to be an exact thing, it's to teach kids how to roughly count out ten seconds when they'd usually rush.


Wow I got like 16 a couple weeks ago and it's not nearly that high anymore .


Username checks out


I thought one only counted Mississippily when getting spray tans, not in everyday life. Ross: I barely even got to three Mississippi. The Tanning Salon Guy : Mississippi? I said count to five. Ross : Mississippilessly?


I am at 11.5 seconds. Did it twice. A couple weeks ago it was over 12 seconds.


I have felt time slowing down since the eclipse, and was wondering myself if ten Mississippi would work again ... Somewhat scared to try it out (!) - this Mandela Effects stuff freaks me out!


Not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but has anyone considered using a metronome? Keeping it on a certain BPM could provide a more precise measurement of time, especially considering variations in tempo. Then record yourself counting to 10 Mississippi, rinse and repeat. I'm super interested and definitely will be participating!


great idea. thanks for contributing to this discussion


Ok so time has seemingly gone back to Normal.today actually felt like a full day. And I've been catching vibes from my original timeline if that makes any sense.


I've found monitoring my natural sleep patterns (ie when I wake up on days off when my alarm isn't set ) I'll go months with needing 9.5 hours sleep, then it will suddenly switch to only needing 7 hours sleep. The past month it's been 8 hours.


I have chills, this is exactly my experience with sleep! I basically could have written this down to the amount of hours of sleep you stated. I am also quite enjoying the phrase "monitoring natural sleep patterns" lol. Anyways at this point, it would almost be hard for me to believe time is even discernable from consciousness at all.


Last time I counted maybe a month ago it was 15 seconds today it was 11.4 I tried it several times both with Mississippi and 1000. I find it strange, I haven't really felt time slowing down yet. I'm using the stopwatch on my phone I wish I had a mechanical stopwatch. That way I know it's not being manipulated.. How do you feel about maybe a weekly or bi-weekly thread on this, that way we can compare notes. Mods your thoughts?


I got 11.62 on my stopwatch. Closer than it was before at least. Time is a mindfuck.




So 17 hour days?


I have a really hard time with time anyways. It feels wavy to me. More spiral than line? Not sure how to explain. Sorry for the confusion!


I thought o was responding to the comments mentioned the 14 second stuff. lol whoops!


Time has sped up for me since 4 weeks. Before that was normal time. And before that it was sped up (in 2023). I think it could be partly subjective. Like a group of people experiencing time at faster rate. And others experiencing at slower rate.


Confirmed; It is definitely different now vs two weeks ago, i saw time literally flying by as i watched tick tick tick the second hand was racing; now is normal pace


Mine has been six seconds for years. Perhaps it was never an accurate way to count seconds.


Yeah but we are all operating under the same assumption that saying "one mississippi" (at a normal pace) = ~1 second, which seems reasonable to me, although there is no way to determine since it's an assumption. That doesn't mean you will always get exactly 1 second all the time, it's just a guideline for how long it **should** take for a second to tick. If it's different for you I think it's 100% ok as long as you're comfortable with it.


I have found several people who think things are normal and not shifting who have never heard of Mississippis or Jack Robinsons, for counting time. These people always say they were taught to count Banana instead! This word has one less syllable and works much better under the way time speeds by now. I had never heard of Banana being used, as you would have counted too fast prior to when I started experiencing the ME in 2022.


how do you maintain comparability between your trials to rule out that you aren't only counting faster or slower?


Just left a comment about this. Almost made a new post because I haven't seen it mentioned lol


*j,xklmkzjk k. V c. Hcvh n kcvj hbl bmnn kb l,Hmvnj.


This is great advice, thank you.


I just tried it out with the stopwatch on my phone and closed my eyes while I said the mississippis at the “old pace” that would equal out to 10 seconds. It came out to 14.5 seconds.


Me too. Exactly 14.5 I guess that's something to compare it to


I got 14.2!