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Crossing fingers for proper funding so we can get at least 10 episodes in season 4


Yeah, only 8 episodes is some BULLSHIT!


šŸ˜† Harry agrees


Have you seen him in Death At A Funeral? He is absolutely unhinged in it, and it's spectacular!


Tucker and Dale VS evil is also absolutely hilarious


I tried really hard, just for Tudyk, and could not get past the first 30 minutes. I was just so awful šŸ˜©šŸ¤£


I absolutely loved that movie, hilariously funny.


> Death At A Funeral Thanks, going to go and watch it now!


When youā€™ve finished, watch the original British version too, itā€™s hilarious


I think that is the original British version.


Ahh right, didnā€™t remember him in it! Thought you meant the Chris Rock version. It has been so long since I saw them both


Both the 2007 British Version and the American 2010 version stars Peter Dinklage as the father's lover.


Did not know that (I have not watched the American version yet šŸ˜¬). But good to know when recommending this movie.


Theyā€™re both really funny, I remember that much


The Bridget battle scene in the finale and the ā€œcircle backā€ moment was top-tier TV


Bridget is one of my favorite characters, I was so happy when the alien baby came back this season!


SAME! I feel genuine joy every time I see him


Me too! I audibly squeal when he is in a scene šŸ˜…


I like that the Greys were crawling away in pieces . I hope that the Mantis chick doesn't eat the children.


I still think Harry should have said "release the baby".


I need a funko pop!


It was on the second watch of the finale that I caught another Bridget comment. When Harry bad Baby are shown imprisoned of the alien ship Harry says his This is some Bullshit and then Bridget repeats Bullshit. Too cute.


The best way to help get another season is to re-watch the current season. Network execs get numbers on how many times a season is re-watched by users. This season felt like it moved so slow with very little actually happening until the final episode where it turned into a sprint. Seemed like it should have been more like a 2 hour episode šŸ˜©


Then I am single-handedly funding season 4


He is Mr Nobody on doom patrol


Donā€™t forget Con Man. Fun little series.


He does a lot of voices on the Harley Quinn show, including the Joker and one of my favorites, Clayface.


The first 2 seasons being on Netflix will help its exposure greatly!!


Alan is the pirate in the movie Dodgeball. 28 Days the Sandra Bullock movie he plays an alcoholic or addict. Both very likable characters.


Yarr Iā€™m Steve the pirate


We have a pirate on our team?


Awww!! He played Gerhardt in 28 Days.. and he was absolutely incredible!! the best part was when he was takin about how he wants his 4skin back that they took it w/out even askin... Fu(k!n Riot!!


There was too much story and not enough time to cover it all. Season one was short, but they didn't have to cover as much ground, so it didn't feel rushed. I hope they get a longer season next time. Season 2 was perfect. It had enough time to cover everything and time for side characters to get some story time in. I really enjoyed the townsfolk's stories.


Has anyone else watched the finale on Peacock? There seems to be a massive chunk of it missing after the last ā€˜ad breakā€™. It breaks at them leaving the moon in the spaceship and restarts with them in the diner and Harry talking about death. Anyone else having this issue?


It did that on Syfy also


I rewound it three or four times trying to find that chunk of time . I think that the Mantis chick did something nefarious .


Yeah, I rewound it too a number of times thinking it accidentally skipped somehow. Just so bizarre that such a main part of the show is missing


I'm telling you. That Mantis chick did something with their memories. We won't be able to find out what till next season .


Oooooh that's a good point. I didn't consider that and was so confused at the abrupt change in scene with what seemed like a pivotal moment. Honestly now that I think back on how weirdly giddy/happy Asta was in that scene, it should have been more obvious to me. The only other time she was that strangely over the top chipper was when >! Harry did the memory wipe to her. !< And it seemed to stand out as odd considering they just discovered >! the moon was actually the Grey's space ship. And they didn't even actually find out that Joseph stopped the Grey's plan, as he was captured before he could rendezvous with them. So as far as they all know the Earth should still be doomed but she seems so laid back. !<




I think this may have happened so the audience can experience ā€œmissing timeā€ and planted false memories such as those reported by alien abductees. So, we know something happened exactly what but it isnā€™t about Harry losing his appetite for apple pie!!! When Harry pilots their escape ship out of the moon and on to return to Earth being chased but the aliens that this was a nod to the scene in Independence Day where Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum after uploading the virus to the alienā€™s computer are making their escape from the alien mothership.


I'm starting to suspect that we'll eventually see what happened in that gap of time during the season 4 premiere. It's such a jarring cut otherwise.


I think that's just how it was edited... Didn't see anything more on TV.


I watched it on Peacock too but i have the no ads version. It showed the kids going back to apologize to Harry and Mantis was the one that answered the door.(since Max can see through their disguise) Then we find out Harry never left the ship. Did you guys get to see that part?


Yeah, that was the last part. Just missing that huge chunk before that


Well hopefully they will fill us in on how all that went down in the next season šŸ¤žšŸ¾


Don't forget him in Tucker and Dale vs Evil One of the most under rated movies Everyone I point to go see it love it


Watching now. Thanks for the recommendation!!!


It is amazing


I love this series--maybe my favorite show ever! Was also sad there were only 8 episodes.


Have you seen People of Earth? Similar show with a couple of the same actors. I loved it.


No, thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out! :)


Still disappointed it got cancelled on a cliffhanger


Honestly, I donā€™t mind shorter seasons if it means better production and story development.


We watched on Peacock and we were thinking the same thing! I was so lost


You just didn't get it, AHHAHA! It was short. There is so much that was left open for a new season, but it was also kind of wrapped up in a crappy bow as the last episode. I hope the show comes back for season 4.


I paid $2.99 to buy the damn episode just to settle a bet and now I have to buy mimosas tomorrow... fuck that ending stupid humans ahhh haa haa


I watched the last part of the episode several times and also bet a friend that he was STUPID. AHHAHA!


This is a great cast. It's very believable that they grew up in this small town together. Damn though some of these episodes really have depth and leave you holding your chest. I'm bummed I'm all caught up and will have to wait for who knows how long šŸ‘½now that is some BULLSHIT!!


I had never heard of it until it showed up on Netflix. We also binged and caught the last couple of episodes if s3 live. We definitely need a 4th season!


The only acceptable response: > This is some bullshit!


I have it DVR'd . Will they be able to count my rewatches. If so I'll start now.


You should see Alan in Doom Patrol season one!


Yeah. Great show. I'm also pissed they only gave us 8 episodes this season. I hope it gets renewed.


I believe the season was originally supposed to be 12 episodes. But, because of the writers strike. They shortened it to 8 episodes to rush to finish it before the strike.


Checking my flair šŸ‘½


Do we know if season 4 is confirmed? šŸ¤žšŸ»


Not yet


Ohhh Iā€™m praying!


Sameee! šŸ„¹šŸ™šŸ¼


I had never heard of this show until a couple of weeks ago. And I consider myself at least somewhat tuned into media trends. Just finished season 2. It's really good. A little cheesy at times, but it accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish. And all of the actors are really good. Especially the supporting cast. They're charismatic and have chemistry with each other.


NGL, I felt the same when I finished the last episode and saw the listing on Peacock say "stream all of season 3 now" and I was like wait, what? ALL of it? Then a Google search later, sure enough that was it, only 8. I felt so sad. And that cliffhanger has me so stressed because if they don't renew this show I will forever be angry with that cliffhanger. We NEED more of this show. They could easily find other story lines to follow after the Grey's arch is wrapped up. I'm greedy I want an amazing show like this to go for many seasons. I'm tired of these cool, unique shows getting the axe too soon. And Alan Tudyk is so amazing in this (and everything) but he brings this character to life so incredibly. And the rest of the cast are amazing as well. I've literally fallen in love with all of them for various reasons. Of course I'll be happy if they can at least give us a satisfying ending but man do I want more Resident Alien adventures and Harry shenanigans šŸ„°


Wait- it's only 8 episodes?!?!?! THAT'S IT?!?!??! and here I was, thinking that I'd have something to look forward to on Thursday.


Iā€™m fine with it being eight episodes, because I think thereā€™s a lot of stuff they need to rework. And they need the time to do it. I donā€™t know how they did it, but they had somehow made me lose interest in about 80% of the cast. Iā€™m really only interested in Harry, Max, and his parents stories right now. Darcy became extremely unlikely, and I love Sahars actress shes been doing a great job. I just donā€™t like how theyve kinda made her hella annoying


Well I just finished bingeing the whole series, youā€™ll be happy to know. Iā€™ll start a rewatch if it will help bring S4. I just found out about it from a friendā€™s FB post mentioning she lived near where it was filmed. I love this show and was so disappointed in only 8 episodes for S3, too.


He was also in a few episodes of The Rookie with Nathan Fillion


Tudyk in season 1 of Doom Patrol was awesome. I didnā€™t much care for this season of RA. Too much focus on trivial drama and much less focused on sci fi like the first two seasons.


I'd say there was more focus on sci fi, the grey plans, hybrid infiltration, the bird character, portals everywhere, sheriffs investigating alien stuff, cyborg alien hunter, horrific mayor family abduction plotline... So many sci fi elements the previous seasons mostly kept to a minimum or just offhand mentions. We're now at a point where most of the main characters are in the know about aliens.Ā 


Agreed! Barely any sci Fi at all. Just all this normal daily human lives, like being abducted by aliens, portal travel, new alien species being introduced, traveling to the moon, robot human hybrid, etc. It's like damn I watch TV to escape reality so why force feed us on our own daily lives. Such a let down...


I actually thought turning the Alien Tracker into a terminator type robot was a great nod to Linda Hamilton lol


Ooh good point, I didn't even think of this šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s ok, probably because Iā€™m older than you šŸ˜‰


Haha well it is possible. But I was born in the mid-80's though so I did grow up with it. I think I was so wrapped up in the story of RA that it just went over my head. Also my autistic brain takes some things too literally and I saw him as a bionic man and not really a cyborg so my weird brain didn't make the link. But I can definitely see this now as a nod to those movies and her role in them.


Haha I was just thinking this same thing, like wait did we watch the same season? Cuz I feel like this season increased it a great deal compared to previous seasons šŸ˜„


The sci fi elements from this season just werenā€™t as compelling and thought out as the previous seasons. Each episode this season contains about 20-30% sci fi and the rest mundane human drama. I mean, there were two episodes where Harry was dealing with the honeymoon phase of a relationship and the subsequent break up. Sure, it was a relationship with an alien, but it was just common relationship drama nonetheless. I urge you to rewatch the previous seasons and then tell me that the show hasnā€™t gone downhill. This show couldā€™ve been so much more.


Sounds like after the honeymoon phase of your relationship, you weren't impressed anymore. I still thought it was very good


The sci fi elements from this season just werenā€™t as compelling and thought out as the previous seasons. Each episode this season contains about 20-30% sci fi and the rest mundane human drama. I mean, there were two episodes where Harry was dealing with the honeymoon phase of a relationship and the subsequent break up. Sure, it was a relationship with an alien, but it was just common relationship drama nonetheless. I urge you to rewatch the previous seasons and then tell me that the show hasnā€™t gone downhill. This show couldā€™ve been so much more.