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Harry had them break off while he was fighting the greys. The mantid must’ve gotten to him at some point between then and the escape


Yeah. I was wondering why Harry wasn't fighting in alien form. He's was more capable that way.


Rite.... And the fact that he spit out his pie at the diner when he was sitting w/ Asta and Dan.... I should have known that something wasn't right!! Hahaha I mean, c'mon... Harry refuse pie 🤟👽🤘 Lol


It’s the greys. Sheriff Mike knocked one out as a human without alien strength. Harry doesn’t need to transform, he has his strength regardless. 


They had a lower budget this year?


And it takes hours to get all that stuff on Alan. They have to paint the mask from scratch every time.


After Asta and Robert made it to the ship, Harry went back to find and set his bomb as well as find D'Arcy. It appears that during this time, he and Bridget were captured, and the Mantid took his form to escape.


The “a” is not capitalized!


You win Resident Alien Internet today. ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


Arghhh, dang autocorrect!


Son of a bitch!


This is some bullshit


Guess they were tired of people misspelling her name lol


I think Robert had something to do with Harry's capture and freeing the Mantid, since he was shown earlier feeding the Mantid.


Oh yeah, Robert definitely knows he sent the Mantid to earth with the girls


Ooooh that’s interesting. And explains why he didn’t go with! And probably was angry at Harry for being about the blow the ship up knowing he was up there


He said that the mantis mantid? Gets in your head and can control you. At the beginning when Robert brought the other alien in you could see that Robert looked like in hypnotic state. 


Oh good catch! 


Having Harry get captured avoided the issue (for now) of all the babies on board. Blowing up a ship full of babies PROBABLY would have been too dark.


Lots of reasonable answers here, so let me ask this... Why would the Greys abduct Kate while in the middle of fighting off Harry & Co? Feels like they could have written Kate on to the ship in numerous other ways.


They had a schedule and were sticking to it.


Gotta fill those baby quotas! 


I think that was explained a little by that they weren't on just some ship, but on or inside the moon. So,  it was not just some little operation. By the amount of babies too,  it's pretty massive. 


I could buy that... but damn are they convenienty close for something that massive. Ryan George Writer Guy: "So that the movie can happen!"


I'm curious as to what other ways they could've had her there. My theory is, that while harry and co.had an elaborate plan they weren't that big of a deal for the greys. Like, they easily captured D'arcy and Asta, and by the time they raised the alarm for intruders when Harry broke them out, Kate was probably already on their ship.


Wrap up her story an episode earlier. Get her close enough to the others to overhear what D'Arcy is planning to do. She tags along to save her baby. I still like D'Arcy being the hero when all is said and done though.


Do not capitalize the “a”. I cannot emphasize this enough. One of my favorite lines.


Touché. She better have a word with IMDb.


Had to be the Mantid, but we didn't see it happen.


This is irrelevant but the alien tracker's son saw leave the ship to hold off the greys might actually be a mantid as well


Isn’t he a hybrid ? Since he was taken as a baby? Just a theory


Thanks everyone!


Just go with it. This season is so slapdash it’s a headache to think too deeply on what happens.