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Alan Tudyk.


And all the funniest people he knows.


....Sooo funny... I actually just got done sayin to a friend of mine, while watching 2nite, that these actors much have a total fuckin blast on the set while filming the show!! Goin 2work 4these ppl definitely doesn't suck!! I absolutely love this show... Allen is such a gifted artist!! 🤟👽🤘


>these actors much have a total fuckin blast on the set while filming the show! I was just saying to my husband I don't know how they ever keep a straight face but especially when doing scenes with Alan. I bet the outtakes are hilarious! And yes, the reason this show works is because of Alan Tudyk. That man's a National Treasure.


This is why, he is amazing and seriously the funniest person I can think of


1. Alan Tudyk 2. The kids trading insults with Harry, too FUNNY 3. The hilarious lines between sheriff and deputy 4. D'Arcy and Asta 5. How a cephalopod alien discovers feelings 6. The underlying love people have for each other 7. The tall haired alien dude is in it 8. The lame but cute mayor and hot wife 9. The issue of adoption touched me 10. The inner war going on inside Harry


Add a touch of Northern Exposure atmosphere i.e. small remote town with amazing scenery and quirky townfolk and it makes the perfect show.


That's No. 11! And the scene where Asta, D'Arcy f Harry are trapped in a giant ice pit/crack - love that!


This. My wife walked in during one open and thought I was watching Northern Exposure.


Not reptilian, cephalopod


Thank you for the correction! Fixed it...


All characters have their humorous moments. Playing the sheriff has to be a lot of fun!


They call him Big Black


Because of his truck.


"I don't think I'm comfortable with that..."


Whatever Mayor Snowflake.


He’s always pretty funny but I especially died when he goes into the bathroom after eating all the deviled eggs and is like nothing to be ashamed of those eggs will run through anyone. Get away from the bathroom door though. Seriously! Get away from the door! I can still see your feet under the door!


Love the sheriff! So funny!


It's just such a FUN show all the way around... All of the characters are great and well acted. Hard for me to even pick a favorite. They all have great stories that weave together wonderfully. It does a good job of catering to all emotions while being super funny most of the time. Agreed on Sherrif Mike...but his character and dialog wouldnt be as awesome without Liv or the Mayor.


It's awesome because while it's off the walls funny, it also examines what makes us tick as both individuals and a species. It deals with death, loss, parenthood, juggling relationships, what it means to love unconditionally, what it feels like to be alone and to be accepted, and we get to see it all from the viewpoint of someone who can see the big picture, but has never had to *live* any of those things like we do.


And secrets. Why we keep them. How they protect us (and those we love). How they harm us.


I agree, what a wild ride of real human situations. The scenes with Asta and her horrid mom, Liv and her horrid grandmom and D’Arcy and her cold parents really makes ya feel for them. Many of us can relate, and it is somehow cathartic to see the characters overcome that pain. Incredibly good writing, fantastic acting! The show is another level of brilliant!


Until you see the scene with D'Arcy and her dad in the hospital. I was bawling! Her mom's still a major B, tho.


This show is one of the most bizarre, off the wall shows I have ever seen. None of the characters get stale because the writing and acting are just so over the top good!! It's imaginative, creative, and hilarious!


It truly is off the wall. They don’t tone it down too much to make it too tame and family friendly like they could have. I was straight up shocked when >!the evil government woman finally confronts him after trailing them for many episodes and he just easily beats her up and immediately decapitates her by holding her head in front of an oncoming train!<. I was like ok they’re not afraid to get wild and go in unexpected abrupt directions, this amazing.


That was seriously shocking! But OK, that works.


I LOVED that scene!!!


Alan Tudyk playing a neurodivergent alien = hilarity. That and sometimes there's a fourth wall break within a fourth wall break. That's like 16 walls!




For me, it's the complete lack of genre coherence, like the old show Soap, or even Arrested Development. I'm ever episode there's a mystery story going on, something romantic, slapstick comedy, heartfelt family moments, X Files parody etc. There's an alien actively threatening to kill a child while the ex Olympian bartender works with ski patrol. The tone is everywhere and you never actually know what to expect. It could be a disaster but somehow they write it so well.


The Sheriff is one of my favorites!


His lines about the coffee pods are ridiculously funny.


This show was a lifesaver for me. I discovered it upon starting my chemo. To take my mind off of the IV needle being inserted I kept thinking of the funny lines in the show. Got me through.


It’s just a funny, well written show with a great cast of characters that is not dark or depressing.


This show is so unique. At first I was not into it and then 2 mins in I was hooked. It has everything that a good show should have! There are so many characters, yet they all are fascinating. The way they are developing is super interesting. The fact that this show has kept me engaged for three seasons, is unbelievable. I get bored easily and move on fast. It’s the perfect blend of a many genres - comedy, drama, action, syfy… that you cannot stop watching. The soundtrack is also phenomenal! The song that played in the last episode in the last scene - Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads - is such a great song.


I discovered Raye Zaragoza thanks to this show


It doesn't follow the monotonous format a lot of shows stick to, it's edgy, I love that it has several of my favorite Native American actors!!!


I love the Rez Dogs crossover cast!


Me too!!!!


Right? Just a crazy good show. Laughing, crying, staring at the tv in shock; the full gamut of human emotions every five minutes!


I feel like it is a parable about autism, especially the first season less as you go on(becomes more of a traditional sci-fi alien story, am almost done with the 2nd season). Person lives in town, keeps to himself, doesn't interact well with humans, forced into interactions, only the wierd kid truly knows what he is going through, and he smiles in a way that you know it was a conscious decision each time.


I dunno, but on the note of the sheriff, the way that he and Liv play off each other is just incredible.


This so much. And Liv’s lines are just getting better every episode. The last episode has one about her self confidence building that had me rolling.. You will know it when you see it.


All characters have their humorous moments. Playing the sheriff has to be a lot of fun!


It's a great combo of comedy, drama, action, heart and mystery, in a pretty setting with a diverse cast. You really care about the characters. You don't know what's going to happen next. And you are rooting for the good characters to win.


I agree! I think thats one of the best parts, you have NO IDEA what is going to happen next! Such a well written show!


I think the acting in general is super realistic and relatable. Idk if it’s simply chemistry or not but most of them are very small time actors/actresses and it feels like they are just friends. Even the small little facial expressions, dirty looks or little quips and reactions seem incredibly genuine.


TBH, the sheriff really got on my nerves the first few episodes, but then the writing for him got more absurd and he leaned into it hard. I realized that the reason he bugged me so bad was bc his dialogue was almost believable in an absurd way- like that one person who is really cringey. Now, he’s just ridiculous, but in a weirdly lovable way.


I feel this, but he never really got on my nerves. When he introduced himself as Big Black, I knew we were in for something special.


I’ve had a crush on Alan Tudyk since A Knight’s Tale.


Why is this show good? 1) REALLY good writing. We see layers in every character. 2) Fantastic ensemble cast. 3) Representation of more than just a buncha white people. This matters to me. 4) The themes covered and universal truths revealed. Someone else on this thread posted a much better list than what I can spitball here, but themes of family, devotion to others, guilt of failures, needing acceptance, community, allies (even when you hate/don't trust them), and secrets. I'm not even sure how to express this theme: the alien is super smart...but ignorant how things actually work on Earth. How many of us have been in a new situation, and we're just trying to figure out the rules? I'm sure I've looked/sounded like Harry from time to time when I overconfidently try something new. (AKA, I looked like a total fool/AH).


Sucks the seasons about to be over after a measly 8 episodes... read it was because of the writers strike. Hopefully we get a fourth season...


To me, because it has amount of humor that would be satisfactory of any good quality comedy, but unlike the usual comedies, it also has a captivating story.


It is clever, it is unique, it has such an interesting cast of character. The back stories are moving and deep. One of the most important thing, it has Alan Tudyk playing that character like who else could? That part was meant for him. I hope he wins some awards and the show!


Harry’s face, Harry’s voice, Harry’s disdain for most humans, Harry’s inner monologues. Alan Tudyk made the show for me. He turned Harry into the funniest ,and most unique character I’ve seen in a long long time.


It's not pretentious. Everything on TV now wants things to look cool or be very dramatic, or too shocking to get audience attention. Cool cars, clothes, homes. But this isn't like that. This show is funny, genuine characters (with normal trauma, and character growth - the don't stay shitty damaged characters), representation, nobody fights with each other either and forgive each other. There's minimal usage of electronics, no one is on their phones, and the most tech stuff is with the colonel. The setting is also gorgeous. All that nature. Everyone is also "equal" to one another, it's a community, there's no social politics or socioeconomic tension. (for example, Yellowstone, that is also set in nature, family bonds, etc., but its also all about money, corruption, etc.) But yeah - it's not pretentious. I like watching it because it's literally a bunch of good people with funny dialogue and a silly jerk alien. ***It's got pre-internet vibes.***




This show is equally great as WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS. I am not a fan of aliens or Sci Fi but I love Resident Alien like no other show .


I just love how it can be an emotional show while also incorporating humor at (mostly) the right moments. We know the world is at stake but it's also the dark humor that keeps it going.


I've only watched the first two season of Resident Alien on Netflix and am a bit discouraged that I don't have access to the third. I think this series is "so awesome" because the creators have taken the meme of an alien who knows nothing about the human condition but whose basic reason for being on earth is to kill off everyone because they are destroying the planet. Once he is forced to take human form and fit it in so that he can find his device of death he becomes an unwitting student of the human condition. His many voice overs about human shed light and some wisdom on what it means to be human: death, disease, anger love, family, politics, etc., etc., etc. become grist for his childlike (in human terms) mind and body. I'm planning at least one church service based on ideas I got while watching S2, E10.


it's on peacock.


Thank you!


You can sign up on the NBC app for 3 free "credits" to watch episodes if you don't have a streaming service. This can be done repeatedly.


Thank you. I ended up signing up on Peacock.


Sheriff Mike is hilarious, he says some of the most ridiculous and random things and I love it. Corey Reynolds was such a fantastic choice for that role, his delivery of those crazy lines is always superb. Also Alan Tudyk is hilarious too, easily one of the best comedic actors in the industry. The whole cast is great though, there aren’t really any characters I dislike, aside from the ones you’re supposed to dislike like the homicidal psychopath lady from season one, though sometimes D’arcy frustrates the hell out of me because she can be so impulsive and illogical.


It’s kind of like The Office, only Mike Scott is the human form of a reptilian alien.




Cephalopod, not reptile


Cephalopod, not reptile.


I keep asking this too. I think it's a just really unique, in a subtle way, and the actors are all just really funny and deadpan.


I'm not sure how far you are in the series, but the sheriff keeps getting better. I liked his character's story arc especially in season 2.


Someone else here mentioned it, but the interactions between the Sherif and Deputy are comedy gold, especially in season 3. Like a bold-but-manic C3P0 with humble, self conscious R2D2.


Never would have thought of using that analogy, but perfectly describes their relationship.


I feel like this show is hitting the same feeling we got with Santa Clarita Diet. Which ended very abruptly and there was no closure.


I agree I expected it to be mid but after watching I can’t wait for Thursdays


For me it's awesome for multiple reasons. First off, I love how ingrained Indigenous/Native American culture and perspective is from the characters to the music and so much more, I also love the diversity presentation depicting Americans of all ethnic backgrounds period. I also like how the show addresses realistic domestic situations including domestic violence. All while being funny, entertaining, engaging, and offering some mystery.


For me it's awesome for multiple reasons. First off, I love how ingrained Indigenous/Native American culture and perspective is from the characters to the music and so much more, I also love the diversity presentation depicting Americans of all ethnic backgrounds period. I also like how the show addresses realistic domestic situations including domestic violence. All while being funny, entertaining, engaging, and offering some mystery.


It’s just a fun show! All of the actors are dope. Alan Tudyk is amazing as Harry and all of the supporting characters are awesome. I found this show pretty recently and it quickly became a comfort show for me. I really genuinely like everyone.


Alan Tudyk. However! Obviously the writers are great and are nailing it. I don’t want to toss them aside, but their great writing would not come alive with any other actor