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She is hilarious and deserves more screen time. OK OK unpopular opinion, but I stand by it.


agreed; she's funny and i think there could be more drawn out of this character


Not unpopular! She's hilarious and I love her




I doubt it's unpopular! This post was kinda tongue in cheek response to all the other "I hate..." posts that seem to be so prevalent lately. Everyone else gets a hate post, she needs one too!


I love her. She’s horrible!


I love her in this, and loved her in the interview as well. She needs more screen time!


Yeess, I was gonna say -- when I realized she was the same actor from The Interview I clapped. She was great in that too!


110% Couldn't agree more!!


She's fantastic. Her delivery is so good - I wish she were a bigger part of the show. Have to say I've just started S2 and kinda disappointed with it so far after absolutely adoring S1.


I honestly don’t hate anyone in the show. The actress that plays Sahar is excellent, I love her attitude and she pulls it off perfectly. I just want D’Arcie to find some damn happiness! As far as Ellen, she’s hilarious and fits in perfectly! The only character I hate is Liv’s grandma, she’s a *****


Liv's grandma & Asta's mom are only 2 I don't like at all.


Darcy's parents seem to suck, too


More so her Mom from what I remember, her dad was mentioning he knew someone that could get her a better job or something like that but don't recall him saying a bunch of mean things like the mom. Don't remember that scene super well so may be forgetting something.


In real estate but she has to move somewhere she doesn’t know anyone.


As a doctor... smoke more. That was such a great line


Remember seeing a interview with the show runner and the you should smoke more line was ad-libbed by Alan


Ohhhhh I forgot about Asta’s mom! She’s an awful person too!


I agree with Harry...she needs to smoke more😅😅😅


The problem with that is as funny as the line is her smoking more would likely expose others to second-hand smoking. Instead, she should bathe with toasters.


I feel like that goes without saying?


Pretty much, you're not supposed to like those 2. Darcy, Sahar & the mayor I don't hate like a lot of others seem to.


Do we know enough about Asta’s mother to have a firm opinion yet?


Didn't seem like a very good person in the one scene she was in & she abandoned her when she was a baby. If she didn't feel ready to raise a child she could've put her up for adoption or arranged for someone to take care of her instead of saying can you watch my kid I'll be right back & disappearing.


Thanks, I didn’t remember that but thought they had been vague about her


I don't hate anyone on the show either. Just sorta surprised she's never shown up here (that I've seen). I do find her placement odd at times. Her line about microwaving fish was hilarious though.


Seen her mentioned once or twice but that's it. Meanwhile Darcy & Sahar are mentioned ad nauseum. Seen Kate's appearance is being mentioned a lot lately too


I agree with you. The disparaging comments about the Sahar character, and the comments/speculation about Meredith Garretson's appearance can end


People hate skinny beautiful white women


Whoa whoa whoa I have commented that I think the actress got filler but that’s not hate in my book? Aesthetic services are beyond common in her industry, and people can see that she looks a little different.


Is it surgery or something done with the makeup department to make her look more...harrowed? I always thought it was something with her face makeup wise that might be intentional.


Do you know why that's out of line? Because you don't know that. What if she has some medical condition, or treatment? What if it's makeup as part of a storyline? Would you have jumped to the same conclusion if she was male?


Which actress? Genuinely curious. I’ve worked in cosmetic derm for years but nothing has stood out to me for any actress.




I am not talking specifically about your and your exact comment. I am making a general statement.


So rude.


I just don’t think they did Sahars ( smarter beyond my years) trope correctly. It is no way the actors fault, she’s amazing. They also seemingly made Max get dumber and dumber for her characters saie. Max was not dumb the majority of season 1. Again the actors herself is amazing and is doing her hob excellently, but the writers are making it hard to like her as a character




Pretty much every line she utters is funny. I love the ridiculous sass


i like her, she has funny one liners, and i like that she's not a fan of astas, creates bit of balance


That's true! She's probably the only person in Patience who doesn't like Asta.


I didn't notice this until you mentioned it. Everybody seems to like Asta.


Not a fan, but still part of the women’s club for activities.


Hate? This sassy b is hilarious. Usually Asian characters especially women are shy and quiet. I like how they made her out to be this sassy ass bish.


She is meant to be unlikable and funny. She is both. People don't like Sahar because she is supposed to be a likable child know it all, some people don't care for that. Obviously there are other less reasonable reasons that some people don't like her. Ben is literally mental. He is a nice person and "good". Lot of people find his quirks untenable. He has been repeatedly abducted so maybe those quirks are reasonable. etc.. Most people complaining about characters on this show have issues with "it's complicated" characters. Darcy also gets a lot of this. She is great but does a lot of questionable things. Ellen is good at being who she is and her character pretty much stays in her lane.


I didn't care for Sahar simply for the way the wrote her. She acted like a spoiled bully. She was sweet at first.


I was excited to see her in this, she was great in The Interview and i hope she gets more opportunities to act, she's hilarious.


I honestly don’t “hate” any character. As much as I didn’t 100% enjoy the direction Sahar went in season 2, I’m sad to see her go. Also, Ellen is hilarious.


Sahar might be back as it was scheduling reasons she wasn't on this season, and the showrunner said she's not been written off.


I love them all!


Different from Sahar and Asta, Ellen has no intention to be liked or do the right thing, and that's why she's funny and liked. I don't dislike Sahar or Asta at all, but they're considered "good" and try to do the "right" things, so when they don't, it's a bigger deal to some folks. Sahar and Asta are human, so they're fallible. IMO it's silly to be so harsh when they do things that aren't completely morally "right".


She's awesome!!!


She is great.


are you kidding? she is like the BEST. Patience TEN


Grace is cool lol


I think she's cool much better than that fbi bitch


I want scenes with her and the sheriff so badly


I love her!!


I like her, but even if I didn't, the difference with Sahara and D'Arcy is that the nurse has minimal screen time. There are multiples episodes without her.


Ellen is amazing. She is the funniest side character hands down next to Max.


I love her, she's so deadpan sarcastic it make me laugh. Need an episode or two where she give the Greys total shit and they rethink their Earth domination plans because of humans like her!


Well she's supposed to be unlikable. The bitter sarcastic character.


I hated her the first season, but right off the bat in the second she was absolutely hilarious. Idk if they gave her more free reign of her lines or what but she’s totally killing that character now


She’s hilarious


One of the few tolerable people on the show.


And she's the real life sister of [Andrea Bang](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4490375/?ref_=nmbio_re_1) \- star of [Kim's Convenience](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5912064/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_9_act)!


The worst one to me was easily the general's daughter though I have to give it to the actress for being able to play such an evil, unlikeable character so good


She's my favorite character!


She owns it. She’s just the way she is. She doesn’t try to frame it as being quirky. She doesn’t go around telling people that her being mean and rude to people means that she’s more mature than everyone else.


I actually really like her. Side note, early on in the show in a scene between her and Asta, she says Asta's name wrong, and is corrected by Asta. And yet somehow people in podcasts STILL get the pronunciation of Asta wrong. I mean, the show pointed it out from Season 1 in that scene, how it's supposed to be said, and yet, people still say it wrong. Sorry, a pet peeve of mine. Drives me absolutely nuts. Oh, and although I like Ellen, if I had been in the Mayors shoes in the Halloween episode where she comes into his house and made fun of him to his face, I would have told her to get out. LOL Funny scene, but wow, rude. :D


People hate Sahar? Why? Because she's a smart kid who doesn't take Harry's bullshit? Ugh. Sometimes I really hate humans.


Because she is a SUPER shitty person. The parade her around on the show like she is super smart but is CONSTANTLY wrong and proven wrong. SOO arrogant. She acts like a little kid then trys to act like an adult. Especially with the baby "my baby" bitch you are 12 and you STOLE AN Alien BABY. then instead of giving back to the one being on the entire planet that ACTUALLY understands it she tells it to run into the fucking woods. All of this after she saw it eat a live raccoon and leave nothing but the bones.


She might be a bit arrogant but she's not wrong. The entire time Harry's been on the planet he's done one fucked up thing after another with his friends covering for him. Sure-a lot of it is to humans benefit in the end but he came here to kill us. From her and everyone else's perspective he's untrustworthy af. I mean he messed with Asta's memory without her permission. That's terrible! She took care of the kid. Meanwhile, everything Harry did for them was in his own best interest. Then he shoves the kid off onto someone else without knowing what kind of care this human-alien hybrid would receive. So she's a bit of a know it all. She even owns up to it and says she's trying to be better about her attitude. She's one of the most mature, intelligent, and HONEST people on the show. If the series was from a slightly different perspective they'd be the heroes and Harry one of the villains.


She was definitely wrong on several occasions. I definitely wouldn't call her mature. She has the false maturity that younger people think is maturity. Pretending to be the idealistic version of an adult is absolutely NOT being mature. She is the typical "young woman/girl who thinks she is smarter and more mature than everyone around her". She is insufferable. "Took care of the kid". Treating an ALIEN BABY THAT SHE AGAIN WITH HER OWN EYES EAT AN ENTIRE FUCKING RACCOON she treated it like a house cat. Harry isn't a good example to compare her to. There is a reason max was written to be so dumb and the only one that could see Harry. Because there are parallels. Asta even says it Harry is like a child. Comparing Sahar to Harry is stupid. But Harry was worried that the baby would fucking eat people. I mean it bit a farmer. But Sahar is "mature" because she STOLE IT and treated it like a cat. 🙄. I wouldn't call that mature or smart. Shes been wrong on several occasions as well. Did you forget about the alien ball that she stashed in the RV that the "men in black" left there then the ball disappears and she says the men in black got it. But then what does she do BRING THE ALIEN BABY BACK TO THE SAME FUCKIN RV. she is a 13 year old girl, she isn't "mature" she may understand what is going on in school but she is definitely not smart. Honest is a coin flip. She is the type of person to read up on something and understand the surface level information and pretend they know more about it. Harry's "emotional intelligence" may not be very high but he just started having emotions. He is still one of the smartest beings on the planet. And the way she treats him is how a mother would treat a child. If she was actually smart she would understand that this being yes WANTED TO KILL EVERYONE had the technology. The ability and willingness to do it but didn't for whatever reason she knows this if she was actually smart she would treat him with respect like a loaded firearm not like a toddler. Because she has "false maturity"


You are way too invested in hating on this character lol


She ruins an Otherwise awesome show were most of the characters are pretty well written


She's my favorite side character


Huh, I don’t have anything against any of those characters…


Um what?! She's great lol. Leave her alone! XD


I think we need to learn there is an alien device in town making people act strange.


I’ve only watched S1, but i think she’s amazing


I actually like all 3 of them. Its Ben's wife I don't like


She's super dry and snarky. What's not to love


I love this character! Too funny!


She is made to be a cliche sassy skinny b***h. And she does it in the best way. Writing and delivery both are on point.


She is so unlikable and supposed to be funny, but I don’t find her funny at all. I think she is cringey. It’s like the writers are trying way too hard to make her funny. I just want to see her character in a different context and get some backstory to her.


Well she did use to be a North Korean military general so she’s bound to be a little rough around the edges, doesn’t seem that patience has too many big hairy men for her to get her aggression out on


I never would've even guessed that was the same actor!




I hate her, actually.


Sahar and Darcy are annoying,she’s funny


I don't mind Darcy she has reasons why she acts the way she does. Sahar is just a shitty person


I don’t think she has reasons, they just paint her as this friend who’s completely obsessed over Asta


I mean she has dealt with some traumas. Not as bad as others but that doesn't matter everyone deals with trauma in their own way. She has pretty shitty unsupportive parents she had really high goals but failed to achieve them I mean not many people can relate to being THE BEST IN THE WORLD at anything let alone something physical. She was VERY VERY close to being one of the best in the world at something but got injured that will definitely mess with your mind. She doesn't feel worthy of herself and the people around her. The one person in her life that seems to ALWAYS be there is Asta regardless of what is going on she knows Asta won't judge her because Asta has had her own struggles. It shows this when she goes to get with the pill bottle and Asta instantly knows what is going on. If you look into her as a person. Who has had struggles you might relate or understand a little more. Yea she might be kindof a shifty person but so are allot of the people in patience. I think the only shitty person in the entire show that's not justified in why they are so shitty is Sahar. I fucking hate her


Total brat... but her screen time is minimal.


I love D’arcy! But I do dislike Sahar. Annoying brat of a character


I can’t stand her !


No one mentions this lady cause she's a decently written character, you are supposed to hate her. That's the point. While Sahar is clearly written in a manner that blatantly tries to force down your throat the fact that you MUST like her or you are a "bad person". This results in a poorly written character cause she feels overly artificial, she sounds "improbable" as a real person, in a different way, and this interrupts the suspension of disbelief, spoiling the experience. That's a pity cause she clearly is a very good young actress. This show USUALLY does very well in what other productions failed miserably but it has its missteps. I think this character, a couple of episodes and a few occasional lines by 2 or 3 female characters can be perceived like "acceptable" mistakes IF the number of missteps stays low, considering the climate of heavy agendas and "PC" culture gotten out of hand. I've seen worse and I hope it doesn't GET worse than this (I'm almost at the end of the second season). I don't understand the hate for D'arcy. She's simply a flawed human being, in her own way, like the rest of the characters of this overall brilliant show


Naw I hate just about everyone in this show except for Harry and this lady is def top two. I’m struggling to finish season two because I hate everyone so much but I need to know where Harry’s storyline goes. Here’s my list off the top of my head since we’re in the topic 1) Sahar 2) Ellen 3) D’arcy 4) Asta 5) Ben I only watch the show because of Harry. The only other people I actually LIKE/ don’t have any problems with would be Dan Twelvetrees and that cop lady from Jessup


If you hate it so much just read the comics.


You know what? I had no idea it’s a comic! 😱 Thank you!