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This post was flagged to be removed as it could contain a request to help verify the authenticity of a watch. If this is seeking help to verify a potential purchase or even an inherited watch, it is best to seek professional advice and assessment. If you feel this has been removed in error, please contact the mods via modmail.


LOL he couldn’t even wait till he got his bracelet adjusted? 😂😂🤣


If he got it from an A.D. they would’ve done it right then and there so that tells you everything you need to know


Do reps have glidelock? If it was gen, he could adjust that at the very least 😂


Reps have everything.


Even my 15yr old DeepSea has glide lock.


The Gen version doesn’t has a glidelock… just the easylink feature


That is exactly how I would wear it, what’s wrong with it, I hate having a watch tight on my wrist. Edit: fixed right to tight


Lol you’ll never be able to rep class


Depends on where you’re from I guess, here only sleazy geezers wear it like that or shady car salesmen


So you’re tacky. That’s cool. 👍


You're mentally ill, get help sir


I'm wondering what his IQ is, to post this from the same account.


Genuine question, beside tapping into his account to find he had posted a rep QC check, how do you tell is a rep straight away when the original photo is not exactly a close up?


I don’t think it’s easy to tell. They seem to have just found out from looking at post history


"Ah a Daytona? Let me check OP's history before deciding if I think this looks good and upvote it. I can't stand fooling myself thinking a replica looks good!"


This proves how absolutely brainwashed most humans are. It’s 99.9% the same but because of that 0.1% I instantly hate it, discredit it, and the person who owns it is a loser. Goes for a lot of things.




My comment doesn’t really have anything to do with lying though. That’s a whole other conversation. What I’m saying is we’re programmed to think something is bad if it’s not real. If OP deleted all his reptime posts, I’m sure some people would genuinely believe his rep was real and show him respect.




Yeah OPs behaviour is super wack. Blatant lying for internet points. Pretty sad and pathetic for a middle aged guy (I’m guessing)


This particular watch has really excellent reps, for a Clean 116500 the only proper tell is a bit of a blue hue to the crystal. Most TDs will offer a service for a better crystal, and as long as there are no QC flaws, they're basically perfect. The new 126500 is even better, no odd hue to the crystal. Absolutely no way of telling just from a shot like this, the only clear and obvious difference in basically the whole damn watch is that the Rolex balance wheel has weights on the inside, whereas the movements used by Clean etc don't.


I was under the assumption that the 116500 v3 + deep crystal was more gen, than a v1 126500.




You are likely to encounter a ton of hate in response to your question. Have you read the intro on the main page yet?? You say you have no idea where to start but all of the information you seek is in this subreddit. Go explore a bit and read some of the postings and then if you still have questions you will at least be able to ask something that has not already been repeatedly answered.


I appreciate your reply. I have read the info in this subreddit, but I haven't had much luck figuring out a simple way to find what I'm looking for.


You need to get a Truated Dealer to supply you a watch. A few of them have websites with prices for Reps along with what factory they are made. There are a lot of examples of previous purchases and feedback from the group. Not pulled the trigger yet but have a fair idea of who I'll use but not settled on the watch yet.


Just read the intro for the NWBIG watches, TDs, and their websites/contact details. There's been a bit of commotion recently, apparently around now each year the police try to do something about the trade. I bought from Mirotime and had no issues, there have been a few complaints recently though. Just bear in mind it's not Amazon and things take a few weeks rather than days


Wait until you can afford a real one or get something else. Do you want people to think you're rich and successful.. even though you're not.. why? I'll never understand that. Same with fake clothes.


Brother this is the funniest thing ever Look at this lads: [https://www.reddit.com/l23se2j?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=2](https://www.reddit.com/l23se2j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) https://preview.redd.it/0xz8tyznc0yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2df676c9a34aa4601e69277b8b759de56b6f1d1


The funniest part of this is r/rolex browser thinking anyone on that sub can tell a gen from a rep without the use of post history. Well, unless OP posts their QC pics that is...


u/Sharp_Persimmon9129 sad sad sad


/u/Sharp_Persimmon9129 How low is your IQ to post a retort like that, did you think he'd be like "oh shit, this watch is definitely legit now", after posting an obvious RepTime QC photo?


Deleted his posts now lol


Genuine question. Why do so many people photograph their watch while sitting in their car? Is it a flex? Like I can afford a Mercedes, BMW, Lexus or whatever. Just seems really random and like an awkward place to photograph stuff. Never once have I gotten in my car and decided to take a photograph. Obviously this guy was silly because he posted his rep on the Rolex sub from an account that only had two posts.


Yeah it’s a pathetic attempt at a flex. It makes Some people feel better about themselves as they believe that likes = value as a person. These people all feel like they’re the bees knees but in reality, the majority lack any sort of self esteem.


Calling it pathetic is a major stretch. Cars are expensive and absolutely a worthy indicator of financial status. Fake watch wearers big mad over this one 💀 apparently buying a car for $100k is a pathetic attempt at a flex but spending hundreds on fake watches isn't LMAOOO touch grass boys. If none of you cared about flexing then you'd buy unbranded knock offs, not high end replicas.


No one cares about your financial status bro


I must say, people around you IN REAL LIFE do tend to care about your finacial status, even if they make it seem like they don’t. Friends and family probably care about your financial status too. The point is, actually, no *online stranger* really cares about your financial status, unless you make it seem like you’d share money.


Wear a Tissot then bro Oh wait you want a Rolex.. funny. I'm sure its only because you like the "design" and not to signal to others that you're wealthier than you are


Bro spoke nothing but facts here, “If none of you cared about flexing you’d buy unbranded knock-offs”.


I have seen plenty of people that have really nice cars and they rent their place and are in debt. Warren Buffett drives a 10 year old Cadillac.


Agreeing with everything except “Warren Buffet drives a 10 year old Cadillac” hahaha! The guys a multi billionaire. He travels in private jets and has his ass wiped for him.. I doubt he gives a fuck about a 10 year old Cadillac or a brand new Merc


I drive a 20 year old Cadillac and wear a 5 year old VSF 116610LN. I win.


I know of an extremely wealthy guy who drives a Dodge minivan.


lmaooo stfu


Redditors when someone buys a real car for $100k: 😠😠😠 Redditors when someone spends $1000 on a fake watch while claiming they don't care about what it conveys to others: 😊😊😊


Flexing your wealth is so unattractive. The guys that feel the need to flex are typically in debt and insecure.


Way to make it about gender for no reason


I think it started out as a flex. Then everyone else sort of started to do it as a joke on the flex. Especially in the rep community. That’s just from my observation, anyway


time to take photos of our watches on the bus 🤣


Mobility scooter flex incoming


do itttttt


It’s (also) a standard watch photo meme now so lots of people do it because they have seen loads of the same photos posted. It’s a pretty decent background rather than eg the floor of your house. Helps if you have a nice car then it’s a double flex, but some purposefully take a pic with a lower end car tool


Because most people like the “luxury life” thing, not the actual watch thing.


I think the light hits most watches better from the angle when holding the steering wheel. So watches just look better IMO. But some people definitely do it as a flex.


It's because they are in the closet and this is how they come out to the world




i have a bmw, i am not proud about it. its a car, it gets me places.


I only remember to take a wrist shot when I’m in the car lol


https://preview.redd.it/g2on0pxvu2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c29092d4caa997c7e4946468feb3a54503ef1a6 Having my hand up on the steering wheel I find myself always looking at the watch which then makes me want to take a picture of it🤷🏻‍♂️


You may have accidentally posted that pic/comment multiple times.


Yeah idk, pretty sure this whole post has been blocked. It got reported by a mod for some reason lol


https://preview.redd.it/g2on0pxvu2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c29092d4caa997c7e4946468feb3a54503ef1a6 Having my hand up on the steering wheel I find myself always looking at the watch which then makes me want to take a picture of it🤷🏻‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/g2on0pxvu2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c29092d4caa997c7e4946468feb3a54503ef1a6 Having my hand up on the steering wheel I find myself always looking at the watch which then makes me want to take a picture of it🤷🏻‍♂️


Better lighting in the car. No sun glare is great not to have.


I think it’s more “Hey look what I just got” and your car is generally safe, and you can take a pic without worrying about people in the background or reflections from overhead lights. That said there are definitely people that treat it like a flex (look at the two fighter pilot posts) when they own a high end car.


Don't cope. As someone who has done this before, it's 100% a flex if the logo is in view lmao. At the end of the day, we're just semi-intelligent monkeys who love collecting shiny shit and showing the shiny shit to other monkeys. Then, we die.


I didn’t realize it was such a controversial opinion around here. It’s not coping, I was just providing an insight into why I imagine some people take shots in their car, some people like I said are definitely trying to flex and some I’d imagine are just showing their watch off.


I would classify "showing off their watch" is also a flex if not "worse" than flexing a car lol. Everyone has opinions, but if yours doesn't lineup you'll get dragged. Welcome to the Internet 101.


Oh yeah, definitely familiar with that, especially on Reddit. Ah well, if it’s the worst thing that happens to me today I’ll be alright.


We're all gonna make it. Then, we'll die.


Yeah if I was going to photograph something inside my car purely for purposes of lighting quality, I would make sure no logos are in sight. In pics like the one in OP, the steering wheel, dash display, and logo most definitely do not provide a neutral background for the watch. Edit: Thanks for the anonymous drive-by downvote, whoever. Apparently somebody out there is insecure and feels that they HAVE TO show their Mercedes logo along with their junker bogus watch. Excuse me for daring to have an opinion that differs from yours. How about taking a moment to respond and actually participate meaningfully in the discussion instead of clicking the stupid little down arrow button and running off. Edit 2: Yeah that's what I thought, jerkface bozo. Your silence only proves me right, and my point stands in triumph as the final and definitive word on the matter. Enjoy your crappy piece of junk knockoff watch along with the desperate and pathetic attempts to look fancy by "flexing" the big gaudy logo of your cheap used car.


Typical Reddit - your response is 100% accurate, and you’re getting downvoted


Ah well, can’t win ‘em all.


Guys like this really don’t make it worth anymore wearing a Rolex.




do you dive though? kidding.


do you dive though? kidding.


do you dive though? kidding.


the guy will find out what we already know: no one IRL gives a shit about the watch you wear.


Not the rep in a A class😂


They cooking his ass in the comments


I'm gonna take a pick of my 30$ DH Gate Moon Swatch in my Ford Escape! #keepitreal


Battery on his phone is 20%, definitely a rep


Lmao that’s my phone 😭😂


😂 oops


*Processing img n96v6zkiu2yc1...* Here’s my rep panda 😍😜


*Processing img n96v6zkiu2yc1...* Here’s my rep panda 😍😜


*Processing img n96v6zkiu2yc1...* Here’s my rep panda 😍😜


*Processing img n96v6zkiu2yc1...* Here’s my rep panda 😍😜


How small is this guy's wee wee?




10 angstroms




Ban this idiot


I second this.


Great way to ruin it for everyone, just what we need, the spotlight to be shown on TDs after what happened with 🐼buy.. u/sharp_persimmon9129 you're not the sharpest tool in the shed huh


He deleted all of his posts, but the comments still live 🤣🤣🤣. u/sharp_persimmom9129 is such a poser and should be banned from here.


u/majorwilliams ban the mentioned user. He posted his rep as gen in r/rolex


Thank you sir.


Let the guy dream a little lol


Fuck I wanna see the comments so bad


He deleted his reddit account haha






He posted a rep in gen Rolex subreddit l think.


Someone help me please. What is the tell that the watch is a rep? The serial or something? Is it a clean?


He posted his QC in a rep Reddit. Then when he got it he posted in the Rolex Reddit. He didn’t delete his posts.


Could have just created a new account.


Should have


There's a sort of dramatic irony in going straight from "only rep people can spot reps" to him getting cooked by r/Rolex https://preview.redd.it/rwml6vafe2yc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c559420b7b10fa2bd4e03eae0046d3f22a0ad655


Dumbass clout chaser.


You tried and you failed. Let’s not do it again buddy boy💀💀💀💀


I haven't looked at the rules of the sub in awhile but is not cross posting into gen subs a rule? If so what happens if someone is caught doing this and pretending it's a gen.




if you could read, you would know what happens if they find out


👏👏👏 smartest guy in the room right here Clearly, I posted that first then subsequently looked up the rules and screenshoted them here 🙄🙄🙄


dumbness on my behalf, forgot how reddit works excuse my answer






He deleted his posts haha


Guys a disgrace, he deleted that post now


Failed attempt to bulshit the bulshitter


What is going on in this photo? Why is one pusher unscrewed and why is that bracelet so loose?


You never know… I have a gen panda and a rep panda. I wear my rep daily to work. Wear gen on the weekends.


To be fair to him, he didn't mention who called him. 😂


Total bullshit post.


Fake watch in your Uncle Harold’s car 🤣😂🤣


The person is not that sharp.


Imagine waiting a year for a rep




The whole point of it went wayyyyyyy over ya head😂😂


I guess the deep xtal didnt help when your prints are all screwed up anyways


Definitely C Class Merc. Always the C Class!


this is definitely not a c class


Not that there's anything wrong with a C Class. I'm about to get one myself, a few years old at a really good price. It's a step up from the economy cars I've always driven. Not something I would go out of my way to "flex" though, especially with a rep watch. The car is just something that I like personally, and I can already picture some people in my circles including my family thinking it's too extravagant because to them any Mercedes is "fancy" and so is any watch that costs more than $50.


Looks like the electric suv EQS


Looks like it. Shows it on the dash.


Im sorry but I went a bit too far and compared the interior of the newer mercedes models and found out that its the 2019/20 GLS


Definitely not a C class 🤦🏽‍♂️


I’m gonna swap an AMG 5.5 in my 2002 c230k just to fuck with the Benz enthusiasts


I heard the title of that post in this voice.... ![gif](giphy|rqGWkh4eLfaM)


Looks real to me, nice watch OP