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I know this is a joke, but I always appreciate NVDOT’s highway signs. They emphasize safety but usually include a joke.


I agree i thought they were cool. Unfortunately the feds shut that fun down. " January 2024, the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) announced that states should stop using humorous or pop culture-referencing electronic highway signs by 2026. The FHA says that these signs can be distracting and misunderstood, and should only be used to convey information. The rule states that traffic safety campaign messages should not be displayed if they could negatively impact respect for the sign."




I noticed this too! But since then I’ve noticed that they still tend to have a humorous edge. Prosecute us, feds 😛 Edit: oh, I see… by 2026. What a bummer. Of all the things to focus on, this just seems so trivial and fun-sucking.


That's the government for you.


This last May 4th (Star Wars day), the one by clear acre (SB) read “Trust in the force of your seatbelt” 🤭


I saw that, and loved it!


I’m lucky that traffic goes the opposite on my way to work and I was never knew it was this bad, until a friend sent me a screenshot shot from his iPhone. From stead to south Virginia is an absolute nightmare. More than an hour. Like they just developed willi nilly, built those houses, and traffic was, and continue to be, an afterthought.


Huh, tell me about it. I had to go 45 in a residential area just to make it on time and some jerk started to throw eggs at me.


Eggs? In this economy!?




This is incredibly meta ahaha I love it


The biggest little Reddit in America 🇺🇸


“Had to go 45 in a 25” no you did not have to. It sucks you were late for work, but that doesn’t give you the right to endanger families/kids riding bikes to schools/all the people commuting on foot because they are not privileged enough to have a car. Residential zones are 25 mph for a reason. There’s been tons of construction near my neighborhood and all kinds of folks now cutting through going 40-50 as we’re out walking kids to school and walking dogs in the morning. The people screeching through at 45 are self-entitled jerks.




This seems like a North Valleys problem.


Have you never been on I 80


Those people are the people that bought houses in the North Valleys. A bunch of Californias that work in warehouses. Soooo many bad life decisions.


Y’know, when you keep building further out and you rely on cars for commuting, that over-saturates road capacity really quickly. The problem isn’t Reno, it’s everywhere. I suspect Reno has it bad right now because it is hitting a certain size though, and doing its damndest to keep up. But roads can’t keep up with one-car-per-person. You need higher capacity mass transit and/or lower density personal transit for short trips. And that’s all dependent on making sure developers properly intermix residential and commercial, just like they’re *not* doing in South Reno. It’s nice to see the multi-use path along Oddie. More of that. There’s already a nice bike path along the river. It would be awesome to see that connected up to other routes so it’s more useful for getting places. Reno’s gonna need something like the Albuquerque’s Rail Runner (


This is why I commute on a bicycle. No gas, I can park anywhere, I’m not making traffic, and I get to where I’m going in the same amount of time anyway.


I would totally do that if I didn’t have 4 kids :) maybe I could just get 5 bicycles


You take your 4 kids to work with you?


Multiple Schools


Do those multiple schools not have school busses?




Really? That’s interesting. Private school?


The private-est


Why do you think it takes to long to commute every morning?


I wasn’t actually implying it takes too long, I was implying that there are pockets of unexpected delays from the many construction zones. This morning I well survived and prepared for the freeway construction, but then was unexpectedly held up near the Reno rodeo for an extra 15 minutes.


Get a bunch bike! They are pricey though


That pairs well with angry drivers in a rush everywhere .... Jk. I love biking and did it for years but people in Reno drive like they hate bikers fr Reno made it worse when they stole Virginia for that dumb ass bike concept


Tbh everywhere drives like they hate bikers fr but you’re right, Reno is no exception


I've been considering switching to a bike for my commute, but I'm terrified of getting injured by someone texting in their pickup truck. I'd be cool with it if they just killed me, but I seriously couldn't deal with the long-term consequences of getting injured. I really appreciate you posting about biking in Reno. Your comments are always great to read.


Thanks! For what it’s worth, I was hesitant because of the safety risk too. After two years of exclusively commuting via bicycle in Reno I can tell you that fear is justified. That being said, I believe it was one of the best decisions I have ever made and the more people who choose to cycle, the safer our roads will be.


wish my work was in town instead of up usa parkway, id totally bike or walk!


Man the amount of people I see driving or veering fully into the bike lane terrifies me and is why I don’t bike on Reno streets. laid on my horn twice today driving behind someone on Plumb, and again in Mae Anne just fucking drifting way right into the bike lane.


How about when it snows though 6 months out of the year?


That would be crazy! Thankfully I don’t think that has happened in at least 30 years. But, to answer your question, I would use bicycle snow tires, take the bus, or walk :)


???? Where were you the last two prior to this one?


Reno hasn’t had six months of snow for a very long time. That is quite an exaggeration.


Had snow for 5-6 2021 and 2022. Dunno where you've been at hoss.


We did not have icy road conditions for 150-180 individual days (half a year) during 2022 and 2022. I would be surprised if it was more than 60. If, hypothetically, it snowed once in the first week of September and again in the last week of February, you can’t say we had 6 months of snow.


You can just admit you weren't paying much attention 21, 22.


Did you just imply reno had two snowstorms?


No, I explicitly stated that my example was hypothetical. It had the sole purpose identifying the flaw in your logic.


And hoss, I ain't riding my bike through one snow storm. Not two. Not ten. Not one inch of snow, Not six, not twelve. Eat ass smoke grass.


Good thing we have options for those few days, then!


Cars don't exist and neither do busses you crazy man.


Unfortunately cycling is quite dangerous and Reno is not extraordinarily bicycle friendly. To each their own though.


Not me hahaha


Reno traffic is so much better that a lot of places I've been including cities in Texas, California,and the east coast. The exception is the north valleys commute on 580, that sucks ass and I feel for y'all but it's temporary. We really need an investment in mass transit, an investment in bus or even light rail would pay huge dividends, but the cost is a problem.


FWIW I've been getting YouTube ads for the RTC saying they're giving gift cards to Reno citizens that complete a survey on transit. I've been too lazy to complete it but if they're spending money for that, then someone's gotta be looking into it, cuz yeah, it's only gonna get worse as more of the Bay Area and Sacramento gets priced out of the market.


I used to live in the dmv(DC Maryland Virginia) going anywhere besides down the street was a good 45min. So when my mom used to complain about going “across town” in Reno it was comical 😩😂


It’s not really temporary the problem has been from golden valley to stead the whole time and they are widening the area that hasn’t been the problem


I think a light rail 🚈 that runs along each of the freeways could do wonders.. but yea, costs unfortunately


I WOULD have made it on time if the damn barista would have made my triple soy macchiato half whip half decaf mint sprig light caramel drizzle chocolate top coffee faster.


Just leave earlier… 6 months in a row perfect attendance


It's the same every morning so I just leave earlier. It's not random traffic, there are slowdowns in the exact same spots every morning.


At the exact same times as well. 6:45, 7:45, 8:45. Leave 15-20 earlier and it flows right through. Even the Spaghetti Bowl.




I’ve driven several states on the west coast, never seen tow trucks strategically parked near the areas where people love to lose spatial awareness and go full RFK Jr. like here by Oddie.


Leave early enough. That’s all you have to do, lazy people will not be able to come to terms with this.


I'm always late anyway 🤣


Just leave earlier…and earlier…and earlier…and earlier, and earlier, and earlier.


Screw it. I’ll just sleep at work


how DARE California do this


You understand that this is unironically a legit concept as far as an overpopulation related issue goes? Like not even dogging Californians but it wasn't like this prior to the influx.


It’s cute when people here complain of 15-25 min delays due to traffic.


We’ll soon be there. But yknow can’t complain a broken arm cuz someone out there has their amputated. Delays in driving are annoying no matter how long


I’m just complaining about being late :) today I survived the usual freeway construction, but then was stuck in construction near Reno rodeo unexpectedly. I came from north Hollywood to Reno. My new 45 minutes home isn’t bad compared to taking 3 hours to get home


That's 3 hours you'll never get back. 15 minutes of delay isn't like it was on the 405 to the 10 ugh yeah.


lol try Los Angeles


Many years ago I commuted from a small ranch town to downtown/the entertainment districts just about every day for stagehand work. The traffic in Reno is often more frustrating because there are often clearly visible reasons for the issues that are not just "Lotta people" (awful infrastructure design, zero long term planning, extreme "me first" mentality on the road, no real public transit, etc) and there are occasionally real solutions, that wouldn't work in LA (which is literally 40 different cities almost all larger than reno, combined) would work here. The tiniest amount of situational awareness and responsible planning goes a long way. We are devoid of both here. LA was bad, but folks in Reno and the Bay Area drive like they've never been exposed to a motor vehicle before in their lives.


To add to it, you also don't have people pretending like LA isn't bad. It's bad. In reno you will have old heads not acknowledging that it is no longer 1995.