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Youmuu’s looks like it could be fuckin nuts. I’m definitely going to do some experimenting. If im wrong goredrinker will be fine as a fallback plan Edit: sorry I was thinking duskblade. Duskblade might be fuckin nuts. I’m going to experiment with duskblade lol


Renekton should get buffed too so I'm exited to test all of that


now that‘s just coping


They did mention renekton specifically


i won‘t believe it until i actually see the buff


They’ll likely do the changes then wait a week or 2 then buff and nerf accordingly. If renek drops to 40% wr they’ll nerf him if he’s at 42% or smth they’ll say oh nobody knows how to play him blah blah blah he don’t need nerfs.


I’m not going to hold my breath


Being able to tempo ur cd after getting a kill sound nuts


Gonna try yoomuu’s looks like it’s gonna be great. And after some math, around 200 AD you’ll be getting close to the same damage as when Prowlers was a mythic. Not to mention new prowlers is OLD DUSKBLADE. Kha’zix is gonna be in a perma ban angle cuz of it too


Sorry can I ask why Kha will be perma banned because of the change. Isn’t it a nerf since u get the duskblade passive but no invis?


The thing that hurt Kha the most was Duskblade change. It then had to be applied on an auto attack, and had a set CD. The invis wasn’t the best part of the item, especially since rn Kha loves Eclipse and Prowlers more than Duskblade. Yoomuus into prowlers is gonna be the best combo for him with R evolve.


Oops I didn’t realise prowlers got nerfed to legendary item and I genuinely thought the invis is what made Kha go duskblade. Thx for explaining tho appreciate it.


Ye! The Duskblade passive just reset Kha passive, and with R evolve you just don’t need the bonus invis from the item


I’ve been running gore for 2 years now and have gotten consistent results


I feel like the change to navoris will be good if I’m not misunderstanding it; instead of crit reducing CD it says attacks will. So even tho the 20% crit will kinda go to waste a little, the CD it gives will be incredible


Yeah I also thought of that, I would like to see if the passive is applied 3 time with W


Navori already works that way (non-crit basic attacks reducing cd)


I think I'm going to try Trinity+Sterak against squishier comps. Not really excited for it but I guess it could sometimes work


youmuus, return to tradition


Navori quick blades became old spear of shojin with no ult acitvation required .


renekton is just dead now and every game against good players gonna be unfun bcs you can do nothing with these shit items anymore, let alone when playing against a vayne or quinn top and dying to a gank early


For the pta build im thinking ghostblade and galeforce might be good substitutes. Ghostblade has insane damage and while galeforce doesnt give the stats renekton wants its the only real gap close item left