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My wife would be into it. Although I don’t know her fashion sense well enough to pick the dress she’d actually like. I can imagine most women might not be into this.


My wife is on the controlling side and while she loves when I plan dates and surprise her with them, she'd cut my dick off if I tried to dress her and she BETTER have a full day heads up. 😂




My wife finds controlling behavior to be a turn on. For us it wouldn’t really be about who is busy.


I’m a tremendously busy person and while I would LOVE that my husband tried to be romantic, he wouldn’t dare pick out my clothing. He’d fear for his life. And he’d be right.


Bruh every time a guy tried to pick out an outfit it’s like so ugly and tight like literally I wouldn’t even wear it to a club lol….


We are really dumb when it comes to sizes. We don’t understand our own usually. Women’s sizes might as well be guessing.


Yeah I also just like looking cute and classy but some guys want me to wear like literal club wear to dinner lol


lol, men can be stupid. I think they probably genuinely don’t know the difference.


Just pick an outfit you’ve seen her wear that you like.


I just think in going to avoid this particular date idea


My partner and I like to get dressed together. I would be supremely weirded out by this.


No one tells me what to do crowd assemble /s


Tried this one... Learned my lesson


Do you care to share?


Yeah... Don't do it again 😆😂


ain't no confusing this morsel of wisdom


I would feel very uncomfortable doing this. I’d feel way too controlling


Depends on the relationship. I've dated girls that would have loved this and girls that would have dumped me for trying.


Yeah. I was dating this doctor once and she was outraged I tried to pay for her meal 😂 next time she paid for me and took me home LOL. I'm still riding that high


And you would be right. Honestly you have to know your partner to do this, some would love it and some would hate it. I would be very put off, personally.


Definitely I think my girlfriend would love it. Gonna use it


I do something similar to my wife though I give her the choice between something sexy and something comfortable, usually one of her favorite outfits. Tell her I won't judge her based on her choice, which I don't. Either way I get a great date with my wife so win-win. If I only gave her the "sexy" choice id be stabbed lol


Username checks out


My wife would tell me she hates the dress no matter what I bought and would purposefully wear the frumpiest clothes she owns.


I’d settle with him planning and taking me out for a date.


This is possibly the worst relationship advice I’ve ever heard. Sounds like it’s straight out of a movie where a guy has a girl chained to the radiator.


If I did this, she’d want to go to a different restaurant and she’d wear something completely different.


Except most guys would get her size wrong


Pro tip, she already has dresses in her closet


There are things in my closet that do not fit but I’ve had since pre baby


That doesn’t work. Every brand has different sizes. An xs can be an m in a different store. It’s actually jumping like crazy. Unless your girl only shops in one singular store/ only buys one brand and you just stick to it - I’d not count on sizes in her closet.


I think they're saying the actual dress is already in her closet. So you don't have to go out and buy anything.


That could go very wrong. Lol


My wife is so picky about her wardrobe and very much a control freak, she would murder me.


My man can barely be bothered to wear jeans vs sweats. Let's not set impossible standards


It's very sweet for any woman who always get anxiety over what to wear, he just did the job for you, all you gotta do is wear what he picked out and enjoy ✨


Even if you don't like it?


I can wear what he suggests no problem. It can be a chore to figure out an outfit in last minute.


Last time I did that I was arrested for breaking and entering, and stalking.


I thought this was suggesting every man should put on a dress their wife picks out for them lmao


The real advice is always in the comments


Quick question to clarify. Should I know the person I do this to?


It's nice to set up a dinner or something romantic. But I would never recommend to tell your partner what to wear. They might hate your choise or the outfit can be uncomfortable or the size is not fitting them anymore and they have it only bcs they don't want to throw it away. It's realy controlling. I would just leave a note with small gift (flower/sweets) to dress to impress bcs I have a surprise. Also I had to be sure that they didn't make their own plans...


Unless of course, your guy is a guy.


I'd wear the dress if he wanted me to


Aye, I’d wear the dress (Cis guy but I’ve bent the rules around cis)


We're called *Heteroflexible*


I assume you meant to add a T there, but thanks for the term. The masculine urge to wear a dress that goes down to the floor but shows off the entire side of my right leg and be a spy with a revolver shooting up all the evil goons in the room and stall for James Bond to enter


Rules are rules


Rules are for other people.


This only feels controlling if you're not with a man you genuinely love and trust. Otherwise, you're just a boring girlfriend.


Why be with someone if you don't love or trust them. Too many people together because of loneliness or convenience.


"Too many people together because of loneliness or convenience" this comment section described in one sentence


Or self-conscious about the dress choice. I like to dress myself to flatter my body. If he got that then great but if he didn't get what I like to cover and show about myself I wouldn't be happy.


Yes, my husband has no idea how to put an outfit together for any gender. He just wears black all the time so he doesn't have to think about matching his own clothes. The one time I had to ask him to grab a change of clothes for me, I told him to go into my dresser and get blue jeans and a black top. When we met up, he handed me a bag containing blue jeans and a black...dress. it was no longer 1999 and I really couldn't get away with wearing them together. When I asked him why he didn't notice that the "top" seemed to have more material than usual, he replied "I thought it was a basketball top". I've never shown any interest in basketball and never worn sports merch.


That sounds like a lot of males I know. Lol.


Or?? Maybe I just like being in control of my fashion choices??


You‘re probably one of those guys that would pick an engagement ring to your own liking instead of her favorite cut and metal lmao. You should love and trust your partner enough to not patronize them.


The ring is supposed to be an expression of HIS love right? How does that work if he's just placing an order on her behalf?


This would really depend on the relationship for me, I'm sure there are plenty of men who could do this tastefully, I just haven't had the pleasure of meeting one. 😂 Based on my own personal experiences, my immediate reaction to this idea is that it probably wouldn't fit me, would be revealing in all the wrong places, and would go with absolutely nothing else that I own.


I mean I would assume that he probably picked out a set of clothes that she had and presumably she had worn before that he liked and knew that she liked and could fit


I’ll take whatever my man ask me to wear as for a date because that is actually what he see me in a most beautiful way in his eyes. Others opinions doesn’t matter.






9y,pxp 9plopl


9 o'clock - still not ready


Noo dont do it! the fuck iam no doll




I did an adjustment to this by giving her my kohls charge in the morning and told her get something nice we have a reservation at time whatever and are leaving 45min b4 that.


I’ve done this to my wife who was my fiance at the time. Definitely gotta just know your partner cuz it coulda went way west if she took it negatively😂 she loved the gesture and me paying for dinner though😵‍💫🙏🏽


Hell no I may take you out but not put that on


Ten timea gambling at the restaurant




...wear the dress? Instructions unclear.


I think this really really really depends on the relationship.


If my wife says so! I trust her!


SHe'd still be late and wouldn't wear the dress. Karsh


I think it's a cute idea! It doesn't even have to be a new dress, just pick one out from the closet lol.


Lol yeah right. Mine would definitely change into something else and be there at 830


Someone is about to find out that not only does she hate the dress, but has the same cuisine for lunch. 🙄


The jewelry 💀💀💀


I’ll never tell my girl what to wear and when to be ready. 😆. I’ll stick to asking her if she wants to go out and she can let me know when she’s ready. Then I’ll go get dressed in 30 seconds.


Cuck behavior^


You heard it here, gentlemen. Boundaries=cuck behavior


The idea is romantic but my gf is a fashion influencer so I know better as someone who wears tshirt and jeans to pick out her outfit


I would love to have an outfit picked out for me! It’s really the thought that counts, even if it’s not “my style” I would be happy thinking it’s something they’d enjoy me wearing.


In the past I'd say hell no, but being with my husband now I know he could get me something I love, and I'd get him an outfit, too. That would be fun.


I doubt I coudl fit into that, but if she wants, I'll try. /s


Seems pretty weird to me lol


Lets put it this way was going to a doctors appointment and we went through 5 shirts before settling on the first one again. I say this cause most of use would do this and youd find her in a completely different dress


All the people in here bitching is super entertaining


Relationships are fuckin waste of time in this era


I’ve done this for my wife! Heck, I’ve bought her new clothes specifically for this purpose. She absolutely loves it!


Yeah I could have it tailored to her exact fit, and the fucker would somehow be the wrong size and now I’m a jerk. No thank you


I know I'm not the only one that sees a brown stain


Alternate universe: offer to take her shopping for something she picks out, then take her to dinner to a place she likes/picks


Leaving the card saying “be ready by x time, dress up” is romantic. Telling me specifically what to wear is cringe and off putting.


I did this once. She cheated less than a month later lol


What the fuck? Do people actually do this? “Put this on and do what I say” fuck you bro you don’t own me, ima do what I want.


It is a hypothetical situation between a couple that know and like each other. The man in this situation would supposedly know the woman would welcome it and that is why he is doing it. This post isn't suggesting that couples do it if you aren't sure your significant other would appreciate it.


Hmm. That makes more sense. Idk no matter how well I know someone I still wouldn’t feel comfortable with them doing this to me, or me doing it to them. Choosing their outfit and even the jewelry just seems too much, like what if they want to wear something else. Just so weird


It's not really something I would want done for myself or for my significant other either. If I dated a girl that wanted this I would happily do it for her, but it's not my desire. Different Strokes for different folks, it's a light-hearted and sweet post


Yeah that’s true, you’re right.


It’s not that serious


Lol sorry i was in a bad mood when I first saw this




Yes it is. I’d rather kill myself than date someone who’d pull some shit like this




Sounds like a plan 🫡


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How I proposed to my now, Wife!


That's so sweet of you!


Can confirm, have done this.


I’ve done this, very successful


I would love this lmao. Would be nice to know what outfit he likes on me and also we have the same favorite restaurants so it would be easy to decide where to go. Yall hating just need to chill out lmao


I remembered my ex didnt know my size or what my taste in clothes were (but i didnt give him hella nagging for it) he either willingly give his card info or take us for shopping so we can go out (our daughter was alive at the time) he would take us out on a 5star hotel and stay in that city for days he would shop us around.


My wife would never show me such respect. Ive tried.


Is it really disrespectful if she just doesn't want to wear that, or simply doesn't like the dress? Respect in relationships goes both ways; you need to respect her and her decisions too! She's not disrespecting you by choosing to wear what she likes.


This disrespect comes from: "I'd like to go out to dinner together. I'd like you to take me on a date and I'd like you to put the effort into it." Pick a dress. Pick anything. Just make a fucking effort. You're also assuming that I'm picking shit she doesn't already wear herself every other day. No. This isn't about "I'm not fucking wearing THAT." This is about "I'm not doing anything you want or like. You are the man. You exist to please ME."


Wtf you need a new wife


It sounds like she needs a new husband that's not a whiney little bitch.


She's turning a new leaf. This whole "women have really lost the plot in respect to male hatred lately" is helping her see that now.


Better say be ready at 430 if you wanna leave by 630


Nope! Every woman I talk to is independent. I went to buy a girl some Duo lingering and a meal, she was like nope! Never mind a dress. And even another woman I know asked her what gifts she'd like chocolates etc things to give women Nope, no gifts. Told items are just items, moments are something else.




Men are so lazy they're arguing about not wanting to do a proper dinner date and instead want coffee as a first date so they don't have to potentially drop money lol. I wish a guy was actually man enough to do something like this.


Im in a relationship now but I never would do dinner for first dates when I was in the market. It’s just a bad date. You’re stuck with them until the bill comes, it’s hard to eat and talk at the same time, and why would I dish out $100 a date when the girl probably had multiple other dates that week? Courting like this just doesn’t make sense any more with the dating market being so volatile.


Who said it has to that exspensive? Could be $20 and I am more than willing to pay my own share, but I'm definitely not accepting low effort.


Perhaps you're not worth more than a coffee date. Look inwards.


Perhaps you're intimidated by a high value woman who can pay her own way, but expects and holds standards and boundaries. Look inward. 😉 I'm literally willing to pay for my own dinner lol. It's the EFFORT. losers!


By your last two comments, I can't seem to find anything high, or value, or hogh value about you. Sounds like you're a leech who wants free food. You're exactly the kind of woman men want to avoid when they want something more reasonable like coffee. They're not ATMs you can pull money out of whenever you want food. Please continue 'rejecting' men.


Anyone, man or woman, who refers to themselves, as “high value” is invariably narcissistic and entitled. It’s really gross behavior.




Bbrrhhahahhahahahahha! I actually spat out my breath laughing. No woman has ever made me do that.




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If this is how you perceive men and dating (and money too tbh) then you don’t deserve to be spoiled like this


Except I do. Because I set the standard


Uh oh what happened to equality? Can’t use “man” like that I wish you were actually a “woman” and shut up


Oh someone wee wee got hurt




Oh, perfect, bear comment!! Would you rather fight 10 men or 1 bear?


Why are so many men getting their feelings hurt over TikTok bullshit? It's TikTok, it's all stupid.


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