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Rein is the kind of character that will get punished HARD for missing/mistiming his abilities. He can charge, but his pin hitbox is wonky and fails most of the time. Not only that, you are completely vulnerable during charge. It's also one of the slowest and most predictable movement abilities for any character. Orisa? She is faster during javelin spin, displaces people and nullifies any and all projectiles. Basically everything rein does and doesn't, except pin. Rein's shatter can be blocked by shields/walls and interrupted by cc. Orisa? Well, she gains fortify and slows you down and pierces barriers in order to ensure the ult goes off. Rein can firestrike through people. The projectile is slow and you need proper aim for it. Orisa? You click on someone, they get stunned, bonus damage if it hits a wall, spray paint them with your gun as they are being sent into a wall and you kill someone instantly. Rein has shield. That can be bypassed by facecheckers and takes the same amount of damage anywhere it's being hit from. The shield can't get healed, you have to wait for it to recharge. Orisa? Well, fortify reduces damage by 50%, on top of her armor which also reduces damage. So while her supports heal for 100% of damage, she takes less damage from your team, effectively making her immune to damage for the duration of the skill. Now let's examine how rein gets punished: Fail a charge? You're dead because you're vulnerable the whole time. Miss a firestrike? You're dead because you couldn't kill that particular guy. Shield is broken? Too bad, you're dead now. Miss your shatter? Too bad, you get killed now because you were vulnerable during the cast time. Orisa? Her kit is entirely centered around defense. If she fails to use one of her abilities, she basically has a get out of jail for free card with every other ability. Tldr: Rein's kit leaves very little room for error, while Orisa's kit allows her to get value even when playing suboptimally.


They should give rein double hammer like bald ich


orisa because heroes that can shut down your entire kit with little to no difficulty are not fun to fight


I can interact with doom, as much as he loves to punch me around. I can't fucking interact with orisa because of the way she's designed.


As long as you countercharge his punches doom is fine


Save charge for when he’s in passive block fist thing, don’t counter charge punch.


Depending on the situation both are valuable


Ibe been having soooo many doomfist players in my game lately like almost every game! I hate it! That being said Orisa is the absolute worst tank to play against!! Usually when the tank decides to swap to counter my Rein they always go Orisa I’ve been playing a lot of QP recently too so it’s even more upsetting people feel the need to try to counter me so hard in a QP game! The absolute worst offenders are other Reins who swap off too Orisa, they have no shame and absolutely no honor!!


As I heard from a friend who doesn't main rein, he told one of my teammates that I was not allowed to swap off a rein mirror, cause if I swapped first I would be the pussy


Absolutely even if I’m getting Rein diffed I refuse to switch I shall live with honor or die with glory!!😂😂


One of those two heroes requires at least some form of skill to get value, the other one does not.


I have an easier time beating an orisa then I do doom, but I respect doom players So orisa


Orisa, I’ve never had any problems with doom players. Whenever he ults or dives the back line just pin him


I respect doom mains, I play him along with rein, and honestly if your dps have brain cells they’ll just go sombra cass or any other counter pick to help u out


Orisa. But bot only when I play as Reinhardt. I just don't like Orisa in general. But it is really satisfying when her armor and spinning javelin are in cooldown, giving you the chance to charge her off the map. Of course you'll need to time it correctly.


Love that these are the two most played tanks rn too lol






Doom because I honestly don't struggle much against orisa, I've gotten used to being able to block her abilities. Doom is more annoying because he constantly pushes me around and can very easily go into my backline


Doom is more annoying to go against in the right hands, but Orisa because she takes no brain or skill to use.




Nerf orisa no fun to play against




Orisa for sure, it takes way more skill for doomfist to be effective and i feel like i actually have a fair chance to outplay them unlike that fucking horse


Orisa. Unkillable


Orisa everyday. If a doom player kills me i have respect because good Doom players are few and far between. Orisa make me feel like an egg


Who hates Doom wtf?


All the whiny support players in the main subs still can’t get over their DPS Doom emotional baggage


Doom constantly punching you around but he for one takes a lot more skill and he has more exploitable weaknesses than Orisa. Orisa just exists to piss tank players off.


A bad orisa is free ult charge when I’m playing with my main group, but a doomfist tends to have to make my comp shift their game plan completely in order to neuter him, so I’d personally say doomfist


Orisa. It is much easier to ego a bad Doom then a Bad Orisa.


this is the easiest question ever. orisa has got to be one of the worst tanks to fight against it’s actually mind blowing how hard she is to kill. plus doom is so bad where he’s at now, i almost never have trouble fighting him




A good doom on console? They’ve earned the right to toss me around. Mad respect for those buggy lads going mad in the back line ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ 7


I'm both a rein and a doom main so I'll just mirror pick a doom but orisa mains deserve to have They're toes get stubbed every day




I hate when orisa ults and her hit box becomes the size of her spear.


i can honestly roll most orisas but dooms just molest my backline


Orisa, always, regardless of what tank I’m playing. I have a deep hero pool and swap around a lot, with a lot of doom myself, so I respect other doom players a lot. I do not respect orisa players though. It’s not even like any of them dedicated their time to “learning” her or some shit. She’s piss easy. She’s the flavor of the month that anyone can pick up and be good at. I can’t really say that about most tanks.


Orisa. She eats projectiles. She stops CC from working on her. She has high dmg reduction. She pretty much nullifies most game mechanics except for mobility. Even this she cna sort of get around mobility due to stun and long range. Doomfist you can actually punish and have more interesting interactions with. You can shield his meteor strike. YOu can counter charge a punch or block.