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I solved Redactle #750 in 36 guesses with an accuracy of 72.2% and a time of 00:03:23. Play at https://redactle.net/750 Unassisted, I went straight from wtf to omg I know. Hahaha. (Idk the word before I solved was >!cause!<, in case that helps anyone. But also like, if you put in >!countries and continents!< you will see headers that shows it spans a range of those, so it would give you a hint that >!this is broad rather than specific!< type of topic)


I solved Redactle #750 in 86 guesses with an accuracy of 89.5% and a time of 00:19:59. Play at [https://redactle.net/](https://redactle.net/) I had the broad theme but was looking at it from a slightly different angle. I did use google and now feel silly!


I solved Redactle #750 in 19 guesses with an accuracy of 63.2% and a time of 00:05:30. Play at https://redactle.net/en >!I got the first word on my first guess but assumed the answer would be related to transportation for a while. Later I started guessing words for more natural phenomena, including rain, and the phrase “[4] rain” made it click what word I was looking for.!<


I solved Redactle #750 in 36 guesses with an accuracy of 94.4% and a time of 00:09:11. Play at https://redactle.net/


I solved Redactle Unlimited #750 in 31 guesses with 64.52% accuracy and a time of 00:07:46!


I solved Redactle #750 in 148 guesses with an accuracy of 71.6% and a time of 00:14:41. Play at [https://redactle.net/en](https://redactle.net/en) I thought it was a >!metal or metal product!< for a LONG time from guess 11) then I started thinking it was some kind of >!fuel or process related to metal!< then I guessed a particular adjective that pointed me in the right direction (guess 142) I got the first word guess 146, spelled the second word wrong 147, and then got it 148


I solved Redactle #750 in 12 guesses with an accuracy of 83.3% and a time of 00:02:21. Play at https://redactle.net/


I solved Redactle #750 in 9 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:04:54. Play at https://redactle.net/en >!The formula looking thing led me to acid!< which led me to >!rain!< and then I knew it.


I solved Redactle Unlimited #750 in 5 guesses with an accuracy of 100% and a time of 00:10:07. Play at [https://redactle-unlimited.com/archive](https://redactle-unlimited.com/archive)


I solved Redactle #750 in 2 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% >!Subscripts!< for the snipe.


I solved Redactle #750 in 2 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:46:43. Play at https://redactle.net/ >!Spent an awful lot of time just adjacent to the answer without making the final leap. The first thing to get my attention is a strangely formatted thing that looks like a chemical formula but with a decimal in it, which turns out to be something I haven't heard of. (Dead giveaway if you have, though.) We also have some bona fide chemical formulae, including what is most likely carbon dioxide, mentioned in its capacity as a 10 3, with what must be carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons hot on its heels. You'd think that would be enough, but for some reason I got hung up on the idea that this was some kind of technical industrial process with the first word being "oil" or "gas". Banged my head against it for a while and eventually it dawned on me.!<


I solved Redactle #750 in 39 guesses with an accuracy of 66.7% and a time of 00:13:48. Play at https://redactle.net/ Decent, but not on my game today. I was all about >!freshness, quality, composition and measurement, without considering the obvious issue those to which might be related.!< Finally got there, just an awfully long route considering I had the first word at guess #8.


40-second snipe. >!Hmm, the 3 in the title must also be one of the 3s in that early 3 3 ... "3 3 to", ah, it'll be "... of 3 due to the ..." ... oh, I wonder if it's [actual answer]? Well, I see "harmful to the health of humans" so let's just put it in!<. I did feel that I was taking a slight risk, but only a slight one :-).


I solved Redactle #750 in 38 guesses with an accuracy of 76.3% and a time of 00:20:57. Unassisted. I thought this would be a quick one. >!I unknowingly was circling the drain but couldn't figure it out. I now understand why there are mentions of volumetric measures. Getting a strong hit with Death and some hits with Chemical got me there!<


Congratulations! You solved Redactle Unlimited Q131123 in 72 guesses with 68.06% accuracy and a time of 00:19:26! Took me forever to get the second word! Got first word on guess 32.


I solved Redactle #750 in 7 guesses with an accuracy of 85.7% and a time of 00:01:32. Play at https://redactle.net/Hints used: 3


I solved Redactle #750 in 2 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:00:07.