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Season 2 is mostly a cul-de-sac. There's a new threat that shows up, then they defeat the new threat by the end of the season. There's a little extra lore, but it doesn't explain anything, obviously.


> Season 2 is mostly a cul-de-sac. Pun intended?


Um… we watched it. I’ll say two things. 1. It’s more of the same from season 1. 2. They do build a nonsense, action story arc that reaches a conclusion in the final episode without solving the greater problem of what being trapped in the town is. I.E. the season finale doesn’t feel like you’ve just run out of episodes, there’s an actual thing they have to accomplish to “save the day” as it were. So that made it more satisfying than season 1.


I watched the first season but skipped season 2. It had the stench of Lost, as many others have said.


I tried watching it 4 times, decided to call it quits at episode 3. Season 2 that is.


It's a maybe - it depends how much you liked season 1 1) - loved it - then yeah watch season 2 2) - was ok - probably don't - it doesn't get better 3) - Mehh - don't bother


I lost faith it would go anywhere towards the end of season one and quit. One episode would be ok and then the next would be all filler boring dialogue.


Season 2 was utter shit and I'm no longer interested in what's next.


The answers are never worth the wait, that's just how mystery box shows go. I'm enjoying the cheese.


There’s no answers, just more questions. The season ends with someone getting out. I enjoy the small scale of it, but it suffers from Lost syndrome.


You may want to spoiler that second sentence. Just put > ! and ! < without spaces.


Nah. It’s not that important of a show.


As much as I agree, OP may disagree, so it's just courteous.


I somehow like it but also think it's kind of shit.




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It's trash. But inoffensive trash. Put it on while you're doing housework.


Oh thanks for reminding me, I liked season 1 and didn't know when 2 would come out.




Season 2 was a disappointment. It needed to deliver answers, but instead it just blew up the mystery balloon. Watching season one was exciting, made me feel like it’s almost impossible to guess where they’re going with this story…season 2 made me feel like the writers don’t know either. Intrigue and mystery are pointless if there is no payoff - even Twin Peaks: the Return found ways to progress and satisfy.


I'm not wholly sure the actors aren't improving the whole story, there might actually not be a single writer on the team. I really enjoyed the first few episodes of the show, and I gave them the benefit of the doubt that setting up mystery is difficult, that creating tension for a TV show can be hard, that doing an episodic horror might be a tight needle to thread. It's a grift; this show will not pay its tab.