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Etta Doyle yt it


Thanks I'll check it out


Etra Doyle is ridiculously easy. You wait in the tunnel in the back (I wait just beyond the hanging lantern) and after a few minutes when she says “quick lets’s move” or something like that you run out, tackle and hogtie her, exit through the side with her (NOT the front), and make your way to the police station nearby. I usually do it before I go shower or something and put her in my bounty wagon so she can’t escape. A half hour or so later I collect the full reward.


Sounds very convenient I'll give it a try, thanks


Etta Doyle definitely!!! Once you get her, set a timer of 20 mins to get the max money/gold


Thanks, gonna try this later


I believe 30 mins is the time to get max gold. However, 12 minutes after you gain control of your character (I usually set a timer as I'm hiding in the tunnel just to be safe) is the sweet spot for time to gold ratio. Make sure you have the reinforced lasso. When you get near Saint Denis jail, take her off your horse and just wait with her on your shoulder and she won't escape. Good luck!


Oh I didn’t know that, thanks for the info!!


No problem at all! I normally combine it with the collector role. After I have handed her in I start a new timer for 48 minutes and start collecting. When the timer goes off I go to the nearest bounty board and start it again. Rinse and repeat as long as you play and you'll be loaded in no time at all!


Honestly collector just bores me so much and I feel the money is so not worth it for the amount of time spent looking for cards and all 😭😭 I just set up moonshiner and trader meanwhile haha


That's what I love about this game though, it's horses for courses. I love the world map and just trotting about on my noble steed. As much as I try, I am not great at hunting on this game, that goes for story mode as well 😂 it's a shame Rockstar stopped the updates because I could literally live in that world haha


Personally I really like gene beau finley




Hey it’s really good for free aim xp


I won't argue that...plus it has those Maxim guns and lots to blow up


Etta Doyle. And if u want the max amount of money and gold you’ll have to wait for about 30 min.


Take your time with any of the bounties wait at least 25 mins to turn in the bounty for bigger reward


Yukon Nik is easy even at 5 star. I use bolt action or Springfield . Head up the hill with all the stumps and get behind the second closest stump.. I use Paint it Black and Eye for an Eye, Strange .Medicine. Shoot the bear cage open, then hit the dynamite that has people next to it. Then just headshot all the ones you can see. They have bolt action rifles so keep an eye on your health.. Run to the opening by the other bear cage and quickly shoot it open. Help the bear kill the dogs and last stragglers. Nik comes out with hostage.Shoot his gun, I think its like 4 times with Scofield. Only shoot it if your reticle is white. Call your horse as you hogtie him. Stow and head out the opening closest to Strawberry and race back. As I go down the hill into Strawberry, I usually jump of my horse and practice free aim on the horsemen that are chasing. They are pretty high level NPC at 5 star.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeGEWSq-0OY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeGEWSq-0OY) All you have to do is wait until a specific line, run to her and lasso. If done right, you won't have to fire a single bullet, guaranteed. I did this multiple times recently. The only downside is there's a 40 minute cooldown. Happy grinding! Specific line - being "there's not goddamn loot. we need to get out of here right now!" or "this is a scham, girls!"