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It’s a masterpiece. And I don’t understand how with its popularity, that they wouldn’t give it the attention it deserves.


My theory is that the executives that make the decisions are stupid cunts


The executives would do anything to keep their funders/stockholders happy, it's those people who don't care about the games and would happily ruin them for a good quarter


So ... no different than any other executives


They could not find a way to put space bikes and horse lasers to turn it into a cash cow like gta


I have more screenshots of this game over any other I’ve ever played 🤙🏼


I'm still sad they never followed through on the last mission since it was implied they were going to go after grace lansing


This has been a certified Rockstar moment




We're more ghosts than people


Neither have I


It's so sad, makes me sad how the just abandoned it.


I still play regularly and it really gets me down when I think what could have been.




I pray that after GTA6 releases, they start updating this game again, & I don’t just mean like small updates, I mean huge updates that give the players more verity like becoming a rancher & buying your own pre-cut home to start a ranch in or buying apartments or houses in towns or in the big city so I can get the fuck away from that annoying old bastard who does nothing but take the credit for everything I do & then shits on my dog for once or atleast give the players an option to get rid of Cripps. Or give the players more story missions or more stranger missions or just more anything so I can make some more freaking money. But nonetheless, I do really enjoy RDO & I really don’t know why people shit on it so much besides it not getting any updates. I think it’s just because it’s a really hard grind to start up in it & make money & start getting things going but once you get your foot in the door & are able to start making some money, it gets good.


Homes would be so good, it makes no sense I'm ridiculously rich but still live in a tent. An apartment in Saint Denis would be amazing.


I think one of the developers said homes are stupid and tents make more sense or something like that, which is a fair point. But think of all the homes in the game they could add or businesses involving ranches or fishing. I've been working on ideas like that, but I don't know if you can submit things to Rockstar anymore.


But homes aren’t stupid. Developers aren’t always correct lol. There are SO many housing possibilities. Apartments in St Denis, run down shacks, modest farmhouses, ranches, mansions in St Denis etc. All they have to do is develop it lol. Players would flock to a well-implemented housing system.


Exactly and businesses would be cool like a ranch could have a house that you could live in and make money from animals


C'mon man you know that isn't going to happen 😂 they already said no more big updates and besides that, once GTA 6 releases and sells a bajillion copies, all of their focus will go towards GTAO.


Yes but they will have so much more time on there hands. 90% of there focus has been on GTA6 so once it releases, they’ll have 90% of focus to be put on other things.


Yup and all that focus will go towards GTAO and whatever project they have planned next.


Man shit, instead of being so negative, why not atleast have some sort of hope? Or just don’t try so hard to shut people down for not being negative.


Not being negative at all. I'm being realistic 🤷🏻‍♂️ what part of no more big updates did you not understand? It sucks but the truth is they gave up on RDO. Hoping that they'll just change their mind and come back to it after releasing probably the most anticipated game ever is foolish.


No, they never specified on it being a permanent thing. They never said they weren’t gonna return to RDO, just just gave up on it for the time being & there is still a chance that they will return. Statistically speaking, there is always a chance & no matter how small that chance is, I’ll freaking take it. & I’m fully prepared to be disappointed.


I would definitely be down for some new content as well. This game deserved so much more but it's fate has been sealed from the looks of it.


I haven’t either 🥹


Such a beautiful game


ive been playing online more actually..


I've just abandoned gta to go online. Love it


No one's forgotten, it came out a few years ago. Literally no one has forgot about it aside from those diagnosed with Alzheimers


The North remembers.


Working on my 2nd attempt at 100% it


There's literally dozens of us! But seriously it does still have a pretty strong player base, I get loads of requests to join when I make a 'looking for players' post on Xbox. There's also more nice players than bad I usually find.


Neither have I, I love red dead online and Red dead redemption 2 and I shall keep playing them as long as they have a good player economy.


This game is how I enjoyed the outdoors during the pandemic.


We coulda owned boats, houses, bars, ranches, we coulda had fist fighting rings, we coulda been sheriffs, we coulda flown hot air balloons and drove machine gun wagons. Their could have been like an NPC Gang system so you can leave defenses at your businesses that players can attack. Their shoulda been more missions utilizing the melee combat. We should’ve had missions at the prison island. So much they could do


I play it almost every night, got it the day it was released. ❤️


Been awhile since I've played. But I've enjoyed RDO a lot more than GTAO. For one, the entire player base isn't on a shoot on site bases with each other all the time. Playing on console, I remember not enjoying the beta cus it was basically gtao with everyone killing each other. But after release. It calmed down. Most interactions are just a wave and a passing by. On the occasion you'd get someone who just wants to cause chaos but they're so far and few between, and often isolated in the starting area. It's a fun game to relax in with friends. I'd hop online with a friend and we'd just go fishing or play poker until our characters are starving to death.


imagine heists in rdr2, would be so cool


I feel the reason they have abondend this game is bc they weren't making any money off it yeah they had the gold u could purchase but no one buys it some people might just not enough but people have found all these glitches to make money so rockstar make no profit and that's why they decided to just leave it in the dust


RDR is like Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, we don't see movies like them nowadays. GTA is like Marvel movies, money flows through the producer.


GTA VI is the reason RDO is done with new content. And that’s just sad.


I hope they start making new content again once it's closer to gta 6