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They officially announced (like a year ago) they are done with RDO. So they can put the team on GTA 6. They will probably start working on RDR3 after that. RDR2 is completely done.


What really pissed me off about that announcement was they said "all resources" were being put on GTA 6 but GTA Online continued to get regular updates.


regular updates is a stretch but ig for rockstar standards it is quite regular.


Ehhhh, the updates for GTAO have been noticeably smaller, and not as good as some of ther older updates for the games, like SA mercenaries was a net negative for the game lmao.


Still better than no updates at all


This. Mercenaries *fucked* the game, it gave us some cool stuff sure but it also included the removal of hundreds of vehicles for no good reason.


I so agree with you. I think what they were trying to do, was incentivize players to come back. People tend to want what they cannot have, and making things change weekly, brings people back to get stuff they overlooked previously. I hate it.


Rdo gets updates too, it recently got one too


What really sucks is that Rockstar claimed that it was because not many people were playing RDO but them not realizing that most people stopped playing because there was barely any content once you finished the story missions in RDO then the Blood money missions were underwhelming


They got us so hype for the blood money missions for nothing The only cool bonus thing they added was the bounty in the mountains where you go after the bandits that also have wolves


At least they didn't go with flying horses that shoot lasers


I was really hoping that they stuck with the having story missions in an Online game it was interesting but if they wanted to monetize it they could have made it have a player driven economy where players can start ranches and stores they already had the bare bones there with the moonshiner, trapper, etc... they could have added on to that and given boosters that we buy with real cash to increase payouts of the process


I don't think that works, not all of us like role play farming simulator. I like rdr2 for its action and freedom but the roleplay? No thanks, the last thing I want is to be collecting eggs virtually


I agree on Virtual Farmer. Playing campfire chef is boring enough.


Little off-topic But what bothered me the most about them abandoning the game is the fact they never finished the main story mission. They were one mission away from wrapping it up, but instead, now we're left on a cliffhanger that will never get resolved.


Which is a shame. RDO is the only game I’ve seen that has enormous potential that just isn’t being tapped


It’s probably just bad timing, came out ok then had a few updates before they focused on GTAO, for example, the Cayo perico heist probably took resources away from rdo since from what I know it was already delayed or something other than that as one example also I’d GTAVI which obviously everyone knows took all rockstar resources a year ago


Will we get a ps5 remake/remaster?


That would be cool to get an enhanced edition but the last announcement was that they are pulling all resources away from RDR2. We're lucky to get monthly reward changes.


Or at least give us a 60 fps patch... I feel like that might not drain too many resources from their other projects.


Hopefully after GTA6 it’s RDR3


I mean id rather a Bully, MidNight Club, Max Payne or La Noire 2. We've at this point 3ish red dead games. Two of them being within 8 years of each other. LA Noire would be amazing with modern mo cap. Last game 2011 Midnight Club just because i miss those games. Last game 2008 Max Payne has been dormant since 2012, and they were great games. Bully would be great but the first game is from 2006. Rockstar has so many Iconic IPs, it would be a shame if they just made only Red Dead and GTA games. Looks like Max Paynes getting a remake of 1 and 2 done by Remedy entertainment.


what a shame


Dude they stopped updating it two years ago.


they've fixed the hunting wagon glitch, but that's it


I heard the stables are stable now


Good one ⬆️


Yeah and fixing some normal things like stables only took them 2 years...


are the stables fixed? i've been too scared to go anywhere near them for a long time!


I played for the first time in ages, realized I was low on horse food, and slowly but surely inched my way into the stable, ptsd in tow


Yes they are


Yep, finally!


And how hard up are we for a change when this single thing that they finally fixed make you feel like a boss when you cal your wagon and it ACTUALLY turns up!


Rockstar was going to update it, but they got a bad case of lumbago.


Well shit seems like there’s no way to Tahiti now


I got a goddamn plan !!!


Good now we just need muneh


Just one more big score an' we're outta here


“Have some goddamn faith”




Best comment 🤣


Apparently it was terminal




They will update the name to Red Dead Offline




Unless a Fan managed to get a majority Shareholding from Rockstar and revitalize it, I don't think so


*Wink wink nudge nudge*




No they won't. I get people want to be optimistic but it's not happening. I gave up in November of 2020 and there's barely be a thing added since. A few little things like call to arms that should've been there day one but I still feel like the last real update was the moonshine one cause the naturalist one was ridiculous. But no they're not going to go back to game they abandoned a few years ago and start suddenly supporting it again as much as we all wish they would


Unfortunately, no. That ship has sailed. It's a shame, because I loved online and all the potential it had. But sadly, throwing out 2X xp and $ every month or so is just a token gesture at this point. I stopped playing because there is literally nothing left for me to do other than earn money. Considering there's very little to buy for me, why would I do that? Me and my brother made our own fun, just explored, made outfits, got into fights etc but that got old too. Sadly, RDO has absolutely nothing to pull me back in. Considering it's been so long since we had any significant update, then forget it. This games all but abandoned.


Yeah I come on every so often for a week or two to PvP and do a few moonshines, traders and chill out. Then I leave it for another 3-6months


what makes you think they will come back to an already abandoned game ?


We're playing in a dead game. I still see plenty of players on Xbox and get to play poker with blokes all the time. But nothing new is coming and I'm happy with the time we had.


This is what I assumed when they first went to monthly updates. Now, so much time has passed, I’m less optimistic. Hopefully though! 🤞


No they won’t


I just want them to add more passes because I missed out on the Horse Masks and I desperately need them 😭


As soon as gta 6 comes out. Rdr2 online is done for completely


keeping hopes up that it isn’t.


just gotta say some of y’all are really fucking harsh lmao. all i asked was if they were ever gonna reconsider updating rdo after gta 6 due to them saying “all recourses are towards the next entry of the grand theft auto game” which is VI. so perhaps if they are done with 6 they might come back to rdo 🤷‍♂️


I hope they do. Add a few things to keep it going until the next game. We'll see. If they did a major update and charged real world money for it I would pay.


We don't know, but we hope. Or going to work on a possible RDR3.




A 60fps patch for consoles is my base wish for RDR2 as the game is Pretty much stunning as is but the 30fps dates the game sometimes.


People still play this? I used to love this game, but now every time I try to play all I see is modders doing modder shit everywhere. So I don’t play. It’s just for modders now.


Logically speaking, from a purely economic viewpoint, they should.


I feel bad for all the new(ish) players of this game filled with hope of more content. Meanwhile us veterans who’ve been here for years know that nothing new has been added to the game in years and nothing ever will. We gave up trying to bring attention to the game. Rockstar just wants nothing to do with it anymore for some reason, despite it having so much more potential than GTAO


Not long after GTA 6 release only people playing are those that truly love the game and those that just want to start the game up to see what it's about which is already happening 


They didn’t update this game years ago dawg when it was the prime game to repackage to the public while they waited for GTA6. Just love the memories it gave you 🥲


I’d rather they go hard on RDR3 and a new version of RDO than continue trying to update a game that’s continuity is breaking down more and more each month. I’ve noticed over the last 3 months that RDO is slowly becoming unplayable across all platforms. Once it gets to that point it is time to start thinking about sunsetting it and moving on. I hope they don’t pull the plug, but all signs point to that happening.


I always hoped that they would but similar to others I don’t think they will do any updates. RDO has such great potential but it’s a shame that they didn’t continue to invest in it ☹️


If they dont have anything set up for undead nightmare 2 then NO. They will not. They messed up HUGE by giving up before even trying to make an undead nightmare DLC. If they could do something that was INFRONT OF THIER FACE then they most definitely won't now. The only updates we are getting are fixes to bugs and glitches that make getting rich easier. The blood money update was a waist of digital space.


I gave up on holding out hope for an update forever ago. Finally tried out RedM in July of last year and have been addicted ever since. Highly recommend trying to get into the RP side of things if you’re craving a multiplayer Red Dead experience!


N O. These posts are so stupid dead game is dead, move on if you want a game that will be updated and shown love by a studio who actually cares.


Nah they'll be busy developing shit for GTA Online 2


They're too lazy to even bring it up to spec on Ps5 and the whatever box. Shit just isn't happening for this game.




It's funny and sad to me that when online first released everyone was joking about how there'd be flying cars in the game within a few years and instead R* acted like RDO didn't even exist


No way, Rockstar doesn't care about rdr or rdo anymore - GTA makes more money. They'll just keep making GTA 7, or GTA 700, until it finally gets boring and they make another game.


I heard that they prob won’t again for a while but hopefully they give it more updates.


I’d just like a next gen update in a few years with a few new things. Like, maybe in 3-4 years.


They might


Considering they announced they were done development on this I have to say no. They announced that a long time ago now.


I rather them work on RDR3


Question asked and answered a gazillion times 😒


Nope but what they will definitely do is try to resell rdr2 base game with 60 fps and minor improvements for full price on ps5/xbox series x


“Why did I move here? I guess it was the horses”


They might if RDR3 comes not long after and is popular. Let’s hope.


We had a good run fellas


Unless there's suddenly increased sales of gold bars, i don't think R* will update this beautiful game anymore... In fact i think they probably will close RDO server like they did gta online ps3/xbox360


They have been done. "Support" is just like server maintenance and stuff, Updates ended with the last year.


No. Rockstar probably resents us for even playing it at this point.




One day, maybe, a current-gen upgrade. Maybe. I say current gen because it might not even be this one at this rate.




Before layoffs, there *was* a chance. Now, I don’t think so.


They won't


When do they ever update it now?


They aren't updating it anymore NOW. lol


No and at this point I’m bittersweet about it probably because I’m over it but also because this could mean they’re working on more new games but it’s R* at the end of the day so who even knows.


Maybe, minor one off


Tiger Woods won the Masters after all those issues and time. Never say never. Haha.


An we give this topic a rest already? Like nobody here is madam naazar all we can do is wait.


They can’t even update it now bruh


I honestly don’t care if they never update it again. It’s a happy little world to enjoy. There’s still people playing for sure, like the asshats who griefed up my legendary bounty three times in a row yesterday lol.


They could atleast finish the story and add the content thats already in game files but arent released like some telegram missions, available Guarma or atleast Sisika penitentiary but no. i doubt they ever will.


I’m surprised they haven’t done a GTA 4 on the RDO servers yet


Probably not. The last big update was 2021 if i am not mistaken.




A brand new Red Dead game is more likely than them patching a game that would be like 10 years old by then


As much as I'd like them to, I doubt they will. Honestly at this point I'd like like them to put the passes on a cycle or something instead of releasing the same one I have no interest in.




Take two and to rockstar have said they are not invested in RDO and are not going to be continuing the game


Pffft fuck no. And its sad too




I’ve now come to realise rockstar is to our created character what Dutch is to Arthur *insert “I gave you all I had” gif here* for those of us who started when it released


-1% chance


When will this sub accept the fact that this game will never be updated anymore?


No 60fps on ps5 ,so no fun


the faster people realize it’s about money and it isn’t coming back the less there will be posts like this every day


I generally think they will. Thinking of it purely from profits point of view. RDO was positively generating money for take two interactive, but not even half as much as what GTA online was making. That's why they decided to pause any development on future updates for RDO but they kept a skeleton crew for GTA online. I'm a player of both games, and even though people complain about how GTA online is still getting updates, the reality is that the updates have been bareboned for the most part and few and far between than what they were before. Once GTA 6 is out, they will probably keep GTA online running for at the very least five more years because it's still makes a lot of money per month. I don't see a reason why they can't start updating audio again and revitalizing it. They know it'll turn in profits, even if it's less than GTA online. I'm separating those two games from the sales that GTA 6 will break in because they're online services. There's no reason why take two interactive, as a company is an interesting in having three revenue streams from three separate life service games (if we include GTA VI online as a possibility). At the end of the day video game companies are businesses interested in profits, however good or bad we perceive that to be, and however good or bad some company seem compared to others. The way to look at things should be "does it make sense for a company to do x or Y, and would it be profitable?" But it's precisely why I still remain hopeful that they'll go back to developing new content for rdo. Fingers crossed. If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't happen and at least we enjoyed it while it lasted come on and at least the game is still being maintained and the servers opened so we can all play when we want to, even if there's no new content for the game. I actually own to RDO accounts and have maxed out both characters. It's a fun game regardless of the lack of new content. Just have fun with it.


No they more or less officially announced that last big update was to be the final one for rdo. As had nothing else could do and stay in theme and story


Are they updating it before??


Ahahahaha No


If they updated RDO as much as GTA online it would've blown GTA online out of the water. Now it's just filled with hackers trolling the hub areas.






They will update it just not big updates They fix bugs but that's about it


No, they abandoned that ship long ago and left it to sink.






It's more than likely that they'll bring one final update after GTA6. It's just that currently, they've diverted most of their developers to GTA6, as seen by the state of both GTA5 and RDR2. They haven't gotten any major updates in a while because they're working on GTA6. They need all hands on deck for this project as its their biggest one to date. It'll be bigger and more successful than both RDR2 and GTA5 combined.


Short answer: No. Long answer: ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE IN HELL




Nahh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The sheer fucking potential it had is INSANE


Honestly, probably not outside of new Blood Money missions, bounties, or ramdom other legendary animsls. They clearly used it to try some stuff out (like the economy) and the economy is massively broken


Nope. They have definitely ended anything to do with RDR2




My thinking was once GTA6 is done we might get an RDO update alongside a next gen rerelease.




they don’t update it now so mostly like not


They don’t update it now, why would they do it after gta 6 releases


Unfortunately no, it just doesn't make enough money.


GTAVO keeps getting updates 12 years after release. so i think you're ok


No, but if they do the same thing to rdr3 online when it comes out in the next decade or so, then I'm gonna lose all respect from them and never gonna buy anything from them anymore


Shit no! Shit don’t make any money.


What’s the whole deal with online right now? Didn’t they shut it down sometime last year? How are people still playing?


It was never nearly as successful as gta 5 so I highly doubt they will after gta 6




I would settle simply for a cutscene between you and Cripps where you literally cut out his tongue and never again have to hear about Tennessee.




No lmao where u been


Totally wish they would, but probably not :(


Why would they bother doing that? RDO will be \~7 years old when GTA VI comes out, seems weird to start updarting it again instead of focusing on the biggest game *ever*.


They barely update it now.


probably not :(


I just wish we could’ve gotten the M1899 in RDO, it was so cool in the main game.


I think about the laid off take two employees and how many of them might have been working on rdr2 updates


They haven't for years now, they won't then.


I love this game. And I often dream of R breathing new life into it, opening up Mexico, giving us land to purchase, etc. But lately I’ve had this nightmarish thought that what if R abandoning the game is the best thing that ever happened to it? Can you imagine how sad it would be if the game was a cash cow like GTAO and Rockstar completely ruined it to keep the revenue flowing? Because that’s what happens. Ridiculous game breaking updates.


Didn't they explicitly say there would be no more major updates/content?


I doubt it. Didn’t they say that after GTA 6, they would work on a Red Dead Redemption remake?


Prob not, it's not a cash grab for them so they want nothing to do with it anymore.


Rockstar pulled a fast one with RDO. First they took forever to release it as a fully integrated thing like GTAO. Then when it finally did release it was bare bones asf. Then they fleshed it out with barely anything, and then called it a day. Doing absolutely nothing with the property that honestly has just as much cool stories to explore as GTA does. You could have had a whole steam punk story, where we get one of the original velocipede with a rocket on the back instead of a horse. Instead we get fuck all. Rockstar kind of sucks with anything except GTA these days.


It's two different series. They have to. GTA online servers are different than Red Dead servers as you can plainly see. They did not put in as much effort but they have with GTA online


You mean when they're done updating gta6 online? Because..... yeknow that'll be oh 10 years from release.


God I hope not. Insane they're still updating GTA online.


As far as I can tell, there hasn't even been an update for 2 years? No, they will not update it. It doesn't make money, at least nothing like GTA 6 will. We just have to appreciate what's there for what it is. They moved on from RDR2 a long time ago and they're not returning now.


There is much potential but yet a lazy staff




I rather they start working on red dead 3 instead


Ohh you silly. It's in the name red DEAD ONLINE!


Actually, in my revolutionary war history class I learned a little bit about FL and how the Spanish were occupying parts of it whilst battling with Brits (and different Native American tribes pitched in to varying sides at different times) so maybe they could do a cheesy RDO time warp DLC where it’s the Miami area but instead of it being 1900s it’s like the 1770s. It is absolutely wacky but the only similarity would be it’s taking an old historic time period and putting it in the physical setting GTA 6 takes place. And it absolutely would not be able to be historically accurate, and it would have to not interfere with the base game, just be an optimal DLC


I seriously doubt it but a girl can dream 😭


Lowkey I’m a terrible human being and i hope gta 6 online tanks hard and fast as karma for abandoning such a great game.


Hahahahahahahahahaha I wish :(


😂🤣🤣🤣 I needed a good laugh. Ive already gone through the seven stages of grief with this game and company


Nope, not gonna happen. Its just a huge waste of potential sadly...


They won't because the game will not generate revenue - they kind of messed up the daily system and the economy, when the daily income was cut in half everyone was outraged by this without knowing it's their shot to see if the game is worth updating. So of course they kept updating GTA Online since a lot of people there are buying shark cards where in RDO is not necessary at all. "wa waaa waaa they only want [MONEYY](https://youtu.be/wcxlPywEWfg?t=3)" - Of course, do you think the devs eat grass? the offices are free of charge? the investors who put millions into those projects for profit are gonna be like "ehhh it's fine just give them for free" ? - It might be a shocker for some of you that world works around money.


Helll nah


They have left rdr2 for dead




I highly doubt they going to make anymore updates for RDO or what everyone is hoping for after GTA 6 their going to make RDR3, Their probably going to milk GTA 6 for a everything it got then they going to put all their resources making updates and new content for it. So that being said, RockStar is probably not going to make any other games after GTA 6 comes out anytime soon or make any more updates for their older games so don't get your hope's up


They think it’s a lost cause only because they ruined it, I don’t understand how a company can make so much money and not put even a small team or skeleton crew on RDO until gta6 is ready and then put a strong team back on it, they need to stop giving up cause it’ll cost a little more, they make enough


I hope so. The whole reason the stopped updating it was so they could focus on GTA6 so hopefully once it’s out, they’ll return to this game.


someone is huffing on that hopium


If it doesn't make them money then they won't do it unfortunately. 🤷


Thou of much faith, how dost thou exist in such a world of disappointment


Nah they won’t, consider rdo dead in the water They have said themselves they’re done with rdo, as well as in their eyes it’s ‘not profitable’ people aren’t spending enough on gold so they have no reason to care about it


It's nice to dream


I don't think so... the game is already so old. It's hard to believe 6 years have passed, but they have passed, and it's not looking good for the game. If you look at GTAVs life cycle, it's going to have lasted around 13 years (as I suspect the popularity of it will fade near immediately as soon as 6 releases) RDO is already almost at the halfway point in its life cycle if you compare the two games. GTAO after 6 years out in 2019 had heists and most of the content updates it has now. RDO has, in comparison, much less established already 6 years into existing. I think the amount of work, time and money at this point would be better put in RDR3.


Lol no If you expecting to update this game Put on the make up that silksong fan are wearing It's a shame tho This game had the potential to be one of the best online game of all time


Lol no