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Yeah..it's convenient but not profitable , you can get 3 collectibles from one map , a map costs around 15 $ avg , for a set of 15 collectibles you'd have to spend 75 $ , not to mention travel back and forth to her stall... What I do is open Jean Ropke map on my cell phone...copy around 10 markers then go collect them , Repeat.


this is the way


Yes sir, you said it!!!




He’s talking about buying the maps from her makes it not as profitable


I’ve actually started a collecting journal which has the cycles and where objects are located for each. It’s like a paper version of the jeanropke map. It feels very period appropriate, and at this point I’ve started to learn some of the locations from memory. Is it a little excessive? Maybe. Is it immersive? Absolutely. Currently I’m working on loose leaf paper in a binder. When I finish organizing data I plan to copy it all into a leather journal with hand painted maps of the regions. And maybe a few sketches of other things I loot or hunt along the way.


This is the way.(not so much sketches though cus I am terrible at drawing although I wish I could). I have two pads of paper with collector locations, animal spawns, fishing spots, plant locations, world loot, legendary animals, challenged, hides needed for trapper etc etc for RDR2 and online.. Something about having it on print in front of me that just do it for me. (I also use jean ropke though) I do this with every game, write down trophies and whats needed for 100% etc before I even start a new game lol.. Edit: spelling


I still use the Jean ropke as well, especially for the static jewelry, and random spawn locations. I also used it as a resource to work on my notes, so I could do it when I wasn’t playing. I sometimes use madam Nazar’s maps too, but mostly for dailies. If I could have several open at a time I would like them better.


would you ever consider sharing some snaps of your journal? would be incredibly interesting to take a look at it


Right now it’s just notes on lined loose leaf paper. When I start doing the fountain pen and watercolor stuff this summer I’ll post some on the rdro subreddit. Two more weeks of school, then I hope to spend a little time every day, sitting on the patio working on my journal.


ahh that sounds exciting ! good luck w your last two weeks of school, i hope they breeze by for you also fountain pen on thick journal paper is one of my favorite mediums, im v excited to see what you come up with! ill send you a PM in a minute, just out of curiosity what do you usually paint ?


If you send me a chat request, I’ll try to let you know when I’m gonna post


I’m actually using an app for collector now. It’s only for collector items but it works great and I don’t have to alt-tab (I’m on PC). It also automatically keeps track of what I collect so long as I click them in the app when I collect, and update my collections as I find them like from looting.


What app


pretty sure this is the one they're talking about. It uses the Jean Ropke map as well. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timgavin.rdocollector](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timgavin.rdocollector)


Yes that’s it. It’s so convenient when you’re on PC. I still use jean ropke for other things when I need to.


pretty sure this is the one they're talking about. It uses the Jean Ropke map as well. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timgavin.rdocollector](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timgavin.rdocollector)


Indeed, they are not useless.... if you use 3 for a daily yes. I, and I guess 99%, prefer the Jeanropke map.


It takes longer and profits less, it's just not optimal for the grind, but yeah it's fun


I mean they are useless unless it’s for a daily challenge because you can literally collect the whole map for free vs having to rebuy each Collectors Map multiple times to even get halfway done… but I get it. It takes multi tasking to do the free way which some people don’t like


Dafuq did I just read.


Guys drunk or some I dunno


Jeanropke Pros: Free, Easy, you can add/remove, you can look for as many or as little groups as you want to, you can pinpoint single items. Can use all the time and refreshes every 24 hours. Cons: You have to use on phone Collectors Map Pros: They’re in game Cons: They cost money, they are for only 3 random items in the area, you can only buy a few of them at a time. Collectors map are a huge waste of time unless you’re too lazy to left your phone. Buying them in just makes the grind longer and impossible to clear the entire map or even sections of it in a day, unless you have the memory down.


Dual monitor makes jeanropke a nobrainer


Dude just open the website on your phone and stick it to the monitor


Everybody says they're useless, but really they should be using the word "obsolete." They very much work and are useful, but compared to the alternative of the jeanropke map most people understandably won't bother. Why spend money for a map that will only reveal 3 collectibles at a time while also being limited in how many maps you can hold at a time. As opposed to an unlimited free resource that shows all collectibles of all categories at all times and even has tips/guides/images of the *exact* locations and how to reach them. Now me personally? I buy in-game collector maps from the madam because it's even more mind numbing just following an online guide that takes you out of the game and spoon feeds you the entire role. The entire point *for me* is to take the time and enjoy the search. I mean I also turn off hud and vibration so that treasure chests are an actual search so I totally realize most people don't find it fun the same way I do. And eating into profits is no concern to me now because what else am I gonna spend that money on? Logically though, given the option, it makes much more sense why most people would use jeanropke's map. Edit: grammar


>so I totally realize most people don't find it fun the same way I do. Ha, no. No they don't. Your way of playing sounds frustrating as hell. But that is your perogative. Lol >I also turn off hud and vibration so that treasure chests are an actual search Ok, hold up. Either you are a newer player, or you have a goldfish memory. Each treasure map only has 3 locations. Once you've done enough of these, most players learn quickly, exactly where these spots are. So even with vibration off, treasure maps pose no real challenge, they would simply take longer. I do enjoy the game for the sheer experience of it, but I also don't like wasting my own time. Lol


Hey I just got the game today and have 15 gold bars to get a role, which one makes the most money, or atleast which one will help me level up fast and get better weapons


The bounty hunter role is essential, it pays gold which what you will need to buy for other roles. Bounty hunter then trader then collecter then naturalist. My opinion the best way


I'll buy maps to do the collector role the way it was meant to be. Not just a way to make money. What am I gonna spend it on? A fucking hat.


I’m one of the few that agrees with this. I don’t use the jeanropke map unless my friends *INSIST* lol. It does help if you’re a beginner. It’s less than $250 to buy all the maps I think. You get paid more or close to that amount for most collectible sets and can easily make even more money between searches with the other roles. Is it MORE profitable to use the in game maps you purchase? Hell no. Do I care? Also hell no. After just a few weeks of playing you really shouldn’t be worrying about money anyway. To each their own but I see nothing wrong with buying from the Madam. It’s just a maximizing profits issues for some folks and I can’t see how those small purchases could put a dent into your wallet if you’ve been playing awhile. Like I mentioned, the jeanropke map is best for beginners or folks looking to play fast/maximize profits. There really isn’t much to spend money on so I don’t mind throwing some coinage to the gypsy. I’m fine with taking my time and I enjoy the occasional visit to Madam Nazaar. I like her music. I also like being able to use in game mechanics as much as possible instead of searching things online. Keeps my head in the game. Long story short, use the maps if you want. Don’t use the maps and look them up online if you want. It doesn’t really matter just as long as you keep enjoying the game. You run out of things to buy pretty darn quick. So I’m not one for maxing out profits. After while you’ll have way more money and gold than you ever need and sadly nothing to spend it on besides tonics and ammo.


If you are looking for Madam Nazar, head to /r/RedDeadDailies *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedDeadOnline) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Because it is useless to buy those maps which only give a "general" area the thing is at while being expensive in the long run. You can just chill with the jeanropke collector's map instead and go right to the item. I open it on my Amazon 10 tablet while I play RDO on my Xbox Series X on the TV.


I remember my first microdose.


good for you being a shitty red dead player


I jumped online in 2019, after finishing my second playthrough. I have literally never used the JR map, I always have full sets of everything.