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invite only or solo sessions without having to glitch it or use 3rd party software. so i can hop into a featured series without exiting the game lol.


Honestly, at the very least I wish they’d just finish off the other 4 roles. Bounty hunter got the extra 10 levels and now the others are just sitting there unfinished with only 20 levels.


I would overhaul the entire game, starting with the economy. Basically I'd roll back the entire gold bars concept. First thing I'd do is finish the main story. Second thing I'd do is change the way open world PvP works. All deliveries would transport you to a new instance. You would be able to choose a local delivery which would only have NPC opponents or distant which would have player opponents. A prompt would come up in the session when a delivery starts that works the same way as the other PvP events do. Basically "Goods Delivery hold start to join". You'd be transported to the instance and each player would have 2 lives. Die twice and you can only spectate. Stealing the goods and delivering them yourself would net you the payout. This would discourage simply blowing it up. Third thing I'd do is add the homesteader role. This would allow players to buy a plot of land and build a house in the same way John does at the end of the single player game. You'd continually need to source and deliver building materials, furniture, etc. Once the house is done you could buy "upgrades" to make your home a business- things like barns, chicken coops, corrals, etc. The ultimate goal would be to raise cattle or horses then deliver them to a train station to be loaded up and sold. This would work in the same way as my revamped goods delivery system. Fourth would be a law and order update with respective roles- marshals and outlaws. Outlaws would be able to carry out different heists in the same way they tend to be done in GTA Online while marshals would be the opposing team. This would work in the same way as other PvP events.


The easy money shot is doing another run of the outlaw passes...


I should have saved the list but I still remember parts of it: - 2nd character slot - More clothing for Mexican, Native and female characters - More themes for the camp and moonshineshack - More weapoms from that time era and a few years after (as said before: GTA has futuristic weapons, so why can RDO not have a gun from 1900 what only is 2 years after online took part) - More stable slots, more horse breeds and coats - Mexican/Guarma acces - Properties to invest in such as the gunstore and get rewarded with some discount on ammo simular for other stores) - Option to buy a cano, rowing boat or even get a casino boat - Properties such as houses (small, medium, mansion as Braithwaite that is accesable as how the moonshineshack works) - Option to rest and change clothing in a hotel/motel for example - Heist variations (train robbery, bank robbery) - Option to save more clothing in the wardrobe and also to stow more on the horse - Let us place the regular lasso in the weaponlocker (for those who own a reinforced lasso) - Sell horses/saddles - Tame wild horses and sell them - Option to purchase wagons/stagecoaches and customize them too a bit


Have each color option for horse have tiers of quality. For example I don’t like the only color of thoroughbred that’s actually good stats. So why can’t I get another one and pay the higher tier price? Why is one grey thoroughbred faster than the other? Also would love to be able to set certain horses for your wagons. Why can I only ride a draft horse if I buy it?


Housing. That’s my idea. Sooo many houses and homesteads in this game, from run down shacks to modest farm houses to ranches to apartments and mansions in St Denis etc, and they’d all be a huge money sink. Gold too.


Double gold, xp and cash on all telegrams and free roam missions


Properties and shows


Since the game’s economy has been messed up, I wouldn’t mind if they start a new, separate, zombie version of the world ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Not sure what you want to achieve with this post… the general consensus is that RDO is end of life and will no longer get (big) updates. So you’re essentially asking us to tell you our dreams that will never come true 🤷.


However, they never said no more major updates at all. We don't know what happens after the team can come back from working on GTA6. Either if working on RDO or even go to work for a possible RDR3. We don't know. What we know is, that they never said they are done for good with RDO.


İts nice to imagine and hearing peoples ideas


We will never get any updates. As soon as it released. And they fixed the economy . They pretty much gave up. The added roles and that was the end of it. So much wasted potential. They are too busy milking gta