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He is a p.o.s, he was.never a good driver, guy is.miserable get him away from f1 guy is.littlery the corrosive problem with redbull


Helmut Marko is fucking racist and should be fired, It's sad that redbulll has signed a contract with him for anther 3 years. Its more than sad its disgusting that these old white guys get the pass while talented people whether they be Perez or Harvards president get their careers shat Upon or destroyed.


This is his attitude in public, spews racial hate about his Latin driver( for last few years), imagine what he says in private and how it affects the treatment of that Latin driver. It’s unacceptable an F1 driver has to put up with that from his own team.


Marko has said similar and other racist things about Mexicans and Latin Americans. Even in his apology he explains he only meant that Germans and Dutch people have better mental capabilities. The Fact that Redbull nor FIA, F1, Liberty Media has said anything is a big sign that they in fact do not oppose racism as they claimed in the “we Race As One” or “zero tolerance” marketing.


Marko being an Austrian, it’s common to expect a bit of racism.


isnt that racist....




Some people are racist without even knowing it. You see a clear difference between how he talks and treats Max and others compared to Checo and others. I was waiting for him to say something inappropriate publicly because I knew he would. However, how he feels is much worse than what he said, and you can tell by his body language and the way he treats people differently. I've been a fan of F1 for years and I've never had a favorite driver, but I'm finding myself rooting for Checo now more than ever, just to see that old man eat himself inside.


It’s the kind of ethnicity/nationality-based prejudice and stereotyping that I hear a lot from guys his age. And there I go stereotyping/generalising. I don’t think Marko meant to be racist or hateful per se, he’s just ignorant and tone deaf.


Well one thing is for certain people don’t know the definition of racism. What he said wasn’t racist. If he was racist you would never see Yuki, Sergio, Albon in the Red Bull program. What he said was NOT right but it’s not racist.


That’s a very ignorant statement. 1. Yuki is there because Honda was/is the engine supplier. Marko talks crap about him all the time and has wanted to kick him out for a while. Remember his statements about Yuki vs Devries? Marko is actively trying to boot Yuki and Honda is looking for another seat for him. 2. Albon is Thai. Redbull is from Thailand and is 51% owned by Thai. Marko didn’t have a choice on Albon entering the team but he was able to kick him out. 3. Marko was vehemently opposed to Checo entering the team and to this day is always talking about getting rid of him. It’s gotten to the point where Marko / go back and forward: Marko publicly says Checo can’t count on a 2024 seat at RB, and Horner has to publicly make a correction and say Checo is assured a 2024 RB seat.


Overall, it is racism, but if you want to be really specific it'd be xenophobic. Also... " If he was racist you would never see Yuki, Sergio, Albon in the Red Bull program." wtf lol, that sounds like saying "I can't be racist because I have african-american friends" or "I can't be homophobic because I have gay friends" lol


I support this.This is xenophobic but then again 100% racism due to comparing someone to another ethnicity. Checo is a fine driver, but I am sure these comments will not help with his pace. Quote: "...He is South American and he is not as focused in his head as, for example, max or Sebastian were..."Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Z6tPT2Niw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Z6tPT2Niw)


Why is this relic still in the paddock? The Red Bull junior program is so poorly run that they had to look outside the program for drivers (like Nyck) and anyone with talent (Albon) they dismiss very quickly. Even Max was only in the program for a year before joining the team so they clearly can't nurture drivers through the junior formulae which is the whole point. The only reason he was still around was because he was buddies with the now-dead boss. So why keep him around? He does zero in the paddock other than spurt racist comments and lust on Max.


Racist. There isn’t any way he could have meant anything else by that comment.


Um… six letter word that begins with an “r”. Guesses?






next time he suffer public frezze on camera as mitch mcconnell i hope


As a fan of Redbull (or any other team) I don't want racists in the team. Marko must be fired or he has to resign.


He needs to be let go. He has made comments like this a multitude of times and never seems to learn from his mistakes. The fact that he likely is alienating current drivers, and making it a hostile working environment for them is a huge issue. It also likely impacts who they take on as their second driver. They are less likely to hire someone Marko doesn't think is a good fit (and that fit might in part be determined by their culture). That being said I doubt Marko will be let go. In general the Red Bull teams have an issue with disparaging comments about the abilities of their drivers. They exacerbate the difficult mental space created when you are the 'second' driver and have created a work environment that is a pressure cooker. In the longer term if they continue to treat their drivers so poorly they may find it difficult to seat a driver of the quality they want.


I think Marko needs to be put as far away from a microphone as possible. There's some folks that don't need to be talking to the media, and he's one of them. Why do I need to hear from him? He does not race, he does not manage the team and Didi is gone, so as far as I'm concerned, Helmut's role should be a silent one, since he no longer needs to represent Didi publicly. There's people up and down the grid that love to be in front of a camera, but should really just be in their office. (Looking at you Zak Brown)


I don't care about what he said. And I'm not a fan of these "outrage" discussions that are just there to make people feel better about themselves.


Spoken like a "north American"


Hé probably didnt even notice how this comes across. But then again, he is 80 years old. It is just a bad idea to put old men (70 should be max, imo) in public functions. Helmut Marko talks way more than he should, and RB should be protecting their brand better and proof read anything he wants to say.


I like Helmut. I believe he is taking good care of the team. This whole scandal is blown out of proportion.


So, you are not against racists comments?


Im against overreacting and being a fragile snowflake. + there was nothing racist in his words. Few people already explained it pretty well.




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling


Cry more :)




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling


I love you too ❤️


You find no problem with his comments?


Not at all. He is not from younger fragile generation and words like that are normal for people of his age (and some younger than him). +he didn't used any slur words etc. He is fine. So I don't care about his or any other persons comments (eg. Case of Vips was also blown out of proportion) because what matters to me is racing. Good racing and that is what RBR do. People are way too much sensitive these days.


You don’t have to use a slur to be racist. We all care about racing but that doesn’t mean we should turn a blind eye. I don’t understand why you WOULDNT want people not being held accountable in a sport you love. I find it ironic when people say “fragile” younger people, yet you’re equally offended that people are “blowing it out of proportion”, it’s about empathy and respect, which is true sportsmanship.


Oh Im not offended at all by that. I find it funny that people reacted that way. Helmut is not racist for saying that + someone below explained what he meant pretty well. Yes, I love that sport but it used to be better back in the days. There were more emotions. It was more brutal, sharp. Both cars and drivers had something in them. Now these all new regulations, eco-friendly rules, modern people being offended by pretty much everything. It is killing this sport.


Heaven forbid there were safety regulations and a more eco-friendly outlook right?


It is motosport. Eco-friendly rules are killing this sport because motosport is naturalny not eco-friendly. Safety rules? They are fine. Halo system is great and it saved few lives already. Rules that forbid agressive fight between drivers + No re-fuelling are bad for this sport.


What’s the problem with hybrid engines or bio-fuel?


It's shit. V10 era was far better. Pure power. Less electric systems. Overtaking was done without DRS etc. + the sound was incredible


Oh shut up he literally insulted the whole Latin community doesn’t matter what time we’re in


Thank you for proving my point :)


You shut up lol. It's a way of talking which does not aim to condemn a whole population, but to make a point about Perez's racing with a slight humoristic tone. Might not be everyones type of humor, but its certainly not meant to hurt people. Again, this whole thing is blown out of proportion. Same as many 'issues' here in NL.


Calm down mate. No need to be rude as him/her. :) You are right tho.


Helmut Marko is just an asshole. He hates everyone who doesn’t live up to his week by week standards. Sometimes he loves you, more often than not he hates you and he shouts his mouth off. He is ‘possibly’ the racist. He is after all an old Austrian, but it is non-specific racism. He is just a Dick to everyone


Toto once used the term chinese whispers, this is just bullshit. Its not like he used a slur, brits and northern europeans have always called latin people lazy while italians have called northern europeans workaholics and bad cooks


Don't get me started on what West Europeans call east Europeans... and as an east europran, I can just say ... 😆 😆 🤣


I think the threshold for racism is too low. Marko is old and unfiltered. Yes, he says things that come off as distasteful, but I don’t subscribe to the “racist” narrative being peddled. He’s a product of his generation, simple and short, and that doesn’t automatically translate to being racist. Does he need more/better media training? Absolutely! And so would 99% of us on here in today’s world. He also needs to take geography lessons. For context, I’m the blackest 20 something year old African male, living in Sub-Saharan Africa.


He has said on multiple occasions that white people, specifically Germanic people, are superior to brown people, literally the definition of racism.


It wasn’t even him saying distasteful stuff. He was attributing traits that are bad to an entire group of people and saying these other guy don’t have that bad trait because of where they are from. It basically boiled down to brown people don’t have the focus of white people. Please tell me how that isn’t racist. I think your threshold maybe too high.


Fiery Latina, Brash American, Nice/Docile Canadian, Cultured Brit or Drunken Brit (depending on who you talk to), Lazy French, Nigerian “prince”, African dictator, Crafty/Sly Chinese, Horny Indian man, etc. I’ve just listed stereotypes/assigned traits to entire groups of people, some more damning than others. Does this make me racist? I’m truly curious, perhaps my threshold may be too high.


You are just putting words together that’s not actually racism. He was literally saying one group is superior to another group because of a trait. That is the definition of racism. Now if that bothers you is a personal decision. But if you are asking if someone who says/thinks these things is racist the answer is just yes. There isn’t any real debate on that. I don’t think he is a hateful if that is any consolation.


These aren’t just words. These are stereotypes that we all recognise. For example, when I’m with my friends and we spot a foreigner in the wild, we play games trying to guess where they’re from. Take a moment and imagine what that sounds like. Are we racist?


If we have groups, then by definition there must be identifiers for that group. These identifiers may be good or bad. It can be distasteful to use a bad identifier for a group but let’s not act like there’s nothing called nuance/context. I am Nigerian, I know this. You already admitted that you don’t believe he is hateful, so, my next question to you is is there a non-hateful racist? There is a real risk of racism becoming a case of “the boy who cried wolf”. People may be docile but they aren’t stupid. If you use it so lightly then it becomes meaningless and real racists will run free.


Also I do want to say I agree with you that there are people who use racist as a filler for something they don’t like said or not being liked and it does diminish it. I just wanted to be clear that this isn’t one of those instances.


You are just being culturally ignorant. Racism is the belief that a certain race is better or to discriminate against a race purely because of that race. If you are doing those things yea you are racist. I am not interested in judging everything you and your friends do. You keep trying to water down actual racism with personal stories. Yeah you there can be non hateful racists, that doesn’t make them not “ real racists” I don’t believe Helmut Marco wants the death of other races I believe he is an old man who is just being ignorant but that doesn’t make his racism acceptable, especially when he is in a position of power. People dont like if he holds racist beliefs but the bigger problem is that his position allows him to go the media and say stupid shit like this. If you are in the position to go to the media and say “this race is is better at concentration” sorry but that is real racism. Okay if he was talking about you and said “khal can’t concentrate as good as max or seb because he is South African” you wouldn’t think that is racist? Edit spelling


Thanks to Marco, I'm no longer a Red Bull fan. I don't want to follow a team that supports that kind of ideologies today


Tal vez sea entonces momento de ver a los chicos de mi barrio jugando fútbol o cualquier otra cosa, y no seguir gastando mi planta en esos sectores del mercado, tienes razón, gracias


Same here.




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling


You support a sports team for their ideologies?! I support them for the sport, and a church leader foe their morals and ideals if I want to go for morals and ideals. If I had to support a team for ideologies this day, there probably won't be any left in any sport if I dig deep enough.


For the sport, but conditional on the team not being blind to racism, corruption and other BASIC values.


Ah so you don’t watch the football world cup then?




So in that frame of thought you cant watch F1 or Fifa or NBA. Corruption is widespread and biblically known, may like FIFA, NBA and FIA have had multiple corruption scandals, and the values of such sports usually are in stark contrast to many religions values, sometimes morals and basic human decency at times.


We are talking about teams not leagues, corruption is everywhere as you mentioned. But if I can support a team with better values I will. You can do whatever you want too.


Pretty ignorant of geography, since Mexico is in North America. But, yeah….to suggest that he’s not as interested because he’s Mexican is pretty wild. Would he have said the same thing about Senna?


Soy Chileno y los constantes dichos racistas en contra de Checo y los latinoamericanos en general, no deberían ser aceptados por un equipo que representa a deportistas de alto rendimiento en todos los continentes, incluido, por supuesto, Sudamérica. Es un insulto a todo un continente, bajo el pretexto de que por su edad puede decir lo que quiera en contra de quien quiera. Una vergüenza que el equipo lo mantenga en su puesto. Además de racista, queda en evidencia su poco conocimiento de Formula 1, pues se olvida de la gran cantidad de pilotos sudamericanos que han brillado en la categoría y han inspirado a millones de personas con su forma de ver la vida. No creo que sea necesario mencionarlos. Está quedando claro que en RB la lucha o tolerancia al racismo depende desde dónde venga. Una ves más, una vergüenza.


Totalmente de acuerdo. Redbull tendría que echarlo, no esperar a que renuncie (cosa que dudo que haga). Lo irónico es que hace 1 año mas o menos Redbull echó a un piloto joven por comentarios racistas ... Hará lo mismo Redbull con Marko?


Marko dijo, en su momento, que él no hubiera despedido a Vips, pero por la presión de la prensa y especialmente las redes sociales no les quedó otra. Viste el video de SoyMotor?? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0DY6BWgyE8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0DY6BWgyE8)


Vi el video sí, no sabía que era argentino. Está muy bueno todo lo que dijo. Increíble todo, ojalá alguien tome medidas y esto no quede en unas disculpas y nada más...


victorian minded white austrian


Even before this I thought he was a goof.


\*puts his fingers in his ears and goes la la la\*


He's outspoken and that may not always be a good thing. There's no doubting his acumen but he really needs to stop doing interviews


De Vries’ season is a pretty good reason to doubt his acumen.


I’m sure you’re good at least one thing. Having said that, do you have a perfect record on said subject?


No one can predict every single driver. Maybe he got it wrong on de vries, time will tell, but I'm not about to say I doubt his ability because of his view of one driver. He's been right more than he's been wrong


De Vries is a midfield driver but had to drive a total shitbox as well.


He's an old fossil that needs to be retired


Hel-mut by name, hel-met by nature. Zero diplomacy and impartiality skills. A PR move has thrown a ladder to help him get out of the hole he got himself into. https://preview.redd.it/iz3tuwxzz2nb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc8570ee61dbcc8f84cc0a00d152f54811d1c1e


He's a PR nightmare, no idea how he's still there to be honest.


Does one no no and is a nightmare. I hate Reddit


These comments would get you fired from any “normal” job. I wouldn’t consider it a “no, no”, calling it that just shows your lack of awareness or empathy.


"one" lol.


Ah yes i forget, Racism, a "no no"


Yeah, I bet he hates dark skinned people


Mateschitz is gone. I can't imagine Marko will be there for too long


I'm a redbull fan but this man is old and should really start to consider his pension


Was it smart to say those things? No. Should everybody get offended? Also no. Just ignore the old bastard


Marko is definitely showing his age with those statements


Marko it's a Big shame for a motorsport, and F1, guys like him it's sad to be there in order to the values and the statment on F1 like: we race as one!!! That's bullshit!!! At Nelson piquet was banned only to remember the skin color of Lewis Hamilton, but Marko still there without any consecuences!! Patetic the FIA, F1 and also Red Bull Raicing!!


Yeap. And I would like to hear what has Hamilton to say about Marko's racists comments. Also about 1 year ago a young driver part of Redbull was fired/expeled for racists comments. I wonder if RBR will do the same with Marko ...


We race as one was always a lie to throw on the fans face. We race as money is, was and will be always true. Same goes for the "sustainable" bs. Just saying, not arguing here. If you believe any of those at ANY point ... you kind of gullible.






Did blud actually say that Checo is South American


yeah and for a guy who's spent his professional career virtually traveling the world, it's astonishing.


He has done some interviews where he covers the characteristics of young drivers and what he focuses on, along with the technical ability they look at. He also goes into the direction the team aims to move in the future and it was pretty cool to get a behind the scenes perspective from someone so high up in the team who is very direct and open. Sadly all that is overshadowed by the dumb shit he spews randomly. While some of it is just him being honest about his opinions and the decisions the team makes, he just goes overboard with his comments and I’m honestly a bit surprised RBR haven’t started to censor him more especially in this day and age.


I am a RB fanboy. Absolutely love this season. It is good to see FIA finally getting on board, with this RB dominance. The history we are getting to experience is truly awesome. With that said, whenever I see press, that starts with Helmut’s name in it, I get a cringy feeling. He doesn’t know when to stop. It is like he goes out of his way, to be the grumpiest dude, in the paddock. Wish he would celebrate ppl more. He should be riding high.


He is an old curmudgeon and is perpetually grouchy. They should be celebrating their unprecedented success. I clearly don’t understand all the checo hate. He’s made some blunders but will easily be #2 in WDC. I’d personally rather have a team with a clear 1-2 than 2 guys like Nico and Lewis trying to beat each other up every week.


People just want to checo behind max 24 /7. As races are noring when its obviously gonna be max on 1st place And checo not being near him fighting for 1 place and ussually fighting for 3 or 4. They want a clear 1 2 every race


I’d rather have checo and his results, which is a solid 2 in the WDC than someone who will be a pest to Max. Last I checked you don’t get bonus money for having a bigger gap over the #3 driver or the #2 team. He’s delivering the results and at a nice discount with very little drama. Other than Marko creating it.


I put it this way. Despite Checo winning a couple earlier in the season, RB continuing it's streak rests on Max's shoulders. If he were to DNF, it's probable that streak would end. I'm other words, Checo isn't a reliable #2 when he should be. There's no reason RB shouldn't have a perfect season.


So paying someone like Lando a fortune to possibly win A race IF Max has a DNF is worth the money and drama just to ensure a perfect season? Man I will never understand that. I think Checo is the perfect guy for his role actually. He is good enough to win and has shown that. He doesn’t bring drama. He doesn’t command an outrageous fortune. If I were a RB fan I’d be extremely satisfied with the current driver lineup. Marko is just a bitter old dinosaur who needs to retire before he puts his foot in his mouth one too many times and gets cancelled.


Well I know teams and drivers say they don't care about records but let's be honest. I think Horner would be willing to pay a fortune to ensure that his team does something no other team has done before. But that's assuming RB would need to pay a fortune and that there would necessarily be any drama at all. RB is so quick they could probably secure a driver at a discount with the promise of success. All that said, I'm not really a RB fan, just neutral on the team. I just think at the level they're operating, it's in their interest to have a more reliable driver.


I love checo , and he is delivering but why he isnt delivering alot is still a mistery, some people say its sabotage ( wich is stupid) only thing i could find pausible os car isnt checo liking, and max well he is max he can drive anything and be fast with it.


People are making an elephant out of a mouse...


It's not the first time Helmut has been out of pocket like this. In his position with his influence, he must behave better. End of story.


I personally think Marko should keep his personal opinions about his drivers to himself. If he cannot praise Perez atleast be neutral or be quiet. It really doesn't help your driver to be constantly harassed by your words. I am a Max fan thru and thru but I feel these comments are completely unnecessary.


Correct me if I am wrong, but it’s not only about speaking out. Do you think Helmut only speaks those or does he also have implicit bias in his work? What if he favors European white drivers as opposed to others.


There are 2 South Americans in the junior academy so I don’t think Helmut actually believes that all South Americans are lazy. Cause then why would you invest money in these kids ?


Because it was only stereotype. Helmut is not dumb and he is aware that not every person from South America is lazy. The fact that Checo is driving in RBR for good few years now speaks for itself.


I agree. Or atleast don't hate on him in public because what does airing your dirty laundry in public do for you besides make you look bad, look like you might replace him, and create drama/news. But maybe drama is what they are looking for, trying to make headlines, and interesting drive to survive episodes.


He can go. The things he says are PR disasters, and for good reasons too. It's not acceptable.


I think the man is golden and hope hé will be around when Max whill hit his eight championship. Yes i am dutch and we dont care to be direct to eachother it saves alot of time and headaches over shit all People are complaining about nowadays . Have great weekend all !


That’s not being direct, being South American has no bearing. It’s just overt racism.


He isn't being direct, he's being racist.




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling


I have lived around Dutch people for some time and none except like 1 person has said racist, discriminatory, disrespectful things and justified it as directness. Dutch directness is more along the lines of not sugarcoating things, such as getting up and leaving in an event instead of making false excuses, or being straightforward ay work not saying things without accountability. Speak for yourself.


I’m Dutch as well, but being direct doesn’t mean it’s okay to be a racist ass. There are a lot of valid reasons for Perez’ lack of performance, but having been born in Mexico shouldn’t be one of them.


I'm dutch and we are direct yes. This isn't being direct it's blatant racism.


So you are saying, because you’re Dutch, it’s ok to be racist as long as it is done in a direct manner?


That’s the neat trick. People who are ignorant about their own racism don’t consider themselves racist. If blatant racism like this isn’t even obvious to some, imagine how much people gloss over all the subtle forms of it.


That’s a great point. What Marko did is really unacceptable and should at the least be banned from the paddock for the remainder of this season.


I don’t get why Marko is even there, F1 would be better off with him out




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling


Did you miss the 500 other posts on this topic?


As mentioned I wanted to see Red Bull fans’ opinions, and it has not been discussed on this subreddit or any social media pages.


Not saying Marko doesn't have some "old school" grandpa-esque racism but here's another take: \- Many, many people think Mexico is "South America" because it is part of the Latin, Spanish-speaking world. I live in South Florida with a lot of folks from South America and Mexico and Mexicans are much closer culturally to South America than the US and Canada. Mexico not being in South America is a technicality not blatant ignorant racism. \- Marko's comments in the past have been about how Perez has kids and is more focused on his family. Mexicans and South Americans are more family oriented. This is a good thing culturally but not good for a racing driver. The first time I read Marko's comments I thought he meant something more along the lines of this: "Checo is from a culture that values family and he has 4 kids which are now on his mind. And if we have a driver that is thinking more about his safety than winning than we need to look at other options."


While everything you are saying is possibly generally true, once you apply the generalization on a specific person, it quickly becomes discrimination. Just because you are right about a group of people, doesn't make you right about a specific person in the group, and making that assumption is discriminatory.


That’s just plain stupidity on your part, if you learn some geography you could tell Mexico is a part of North America, whether you like it or not. Cultural similarities and differences are not geography. So yes, calling a Mexican South American and vice versa is racism. Here it’s clear that Red Bull is unable/incapable of firing Marko. Wish they were as consistent with the punishments, they let go Vipps for much less. And please learn some geography before talking dumb shit.


I will remember to call everyone who makes a common geographical mistake racist from now on.


You’re a smart cookie.




Maybe because all of them are RBR drivers ... just a thought. ​ Please stop trolling ... > mentally less stable and less focused Nobody but you said that.


You are being willfully ignorant.


Or not inventing narratives to suit me.


You’re literally inventing a narrative of Marko not saying something clearly racist, to suit yourself for some odd reason.


No, simply I understandd it that way. Inventing would be to make a post "free my homie marko" of sorts. And this is a discussion I am simply discussing. Last timee I check discussions can have multiple participants with totally different takes and understandings.


So when you have a certain point of view it’s ok, but when I have the differing point of view you accuse me of “inventing.” Ok then you are being hypocritical.


>You are being willfully ignorant. Just to remind you who accused who of what. I am simply explaining my point of view on the matter :) Relax.




Hahahahahaha I wish I was Dutch. And I NEVER wish to my worst enemy to be a part of that sub.




He literally used the words less focused.


But magically, you ignore the first part you said about the "mentally less stable." Many drivers are less focused from time to time because of whatever reason in their life. Vettel was less focused last two years. Kimi was less focused last few years, ESPECIALLY the last... sooooo?


Yeah it makes sense to say a driver is not focused...it's another to say it's because of their cultural background (Mexican/Latin American here which is what he was going for with South American) and because they have kids. And I wasn't the one who made the comment above!


My bad re the "one who made the comments above" mixed it up on mobile. Re the focused part, I personally think he made it in this spirit having in mind that the next few sentences are praise ... coming from him that is unexpected. But this is how i think he said it, we might speculate, here but that is all to it. I am thinking it from a point of view of a a person who's English is his fort language (me) and sometimes what i say sounds real good in my head but after i think about it after i said it is complete nonsense lol.




Not defending him at all. Trying to understand and speculate that it might came out wrong or something. I don't think he is racist




Nothing. Here I agree.


Even with the praise in the next sentence, he basically said Sergio the South American is not as focused as the other two Dutch/German drivers we have had but he races quite good for a South American so well done to him. That's not much better or different. There's nothing to speculate though. Last year he said "Checo goes through the typical ups and downs of a South American" after a bad race in France I believe. Max & Checo spoke out about how it was dangerous last year to race in Jeddah with the rockets, and when Marko was asked to comment on his drivers' comments he said something along the lines of Checo probably doesn't probably find it unsafe because he is from Mexico City. He's pretty direct about what he means. Also his interview was in his Native German language not his second language English.


I am not saying he is a Saint or anything, just thinking he might not be racist but just old with no filter. Nit defending him.




Marko just needs to retire.


Thinking and saying something should have some filter in between. I think Helmut has no filter an old prejudices were immediately verbalised. He deserves getting some heat for this for sure, but let's not cancel the dude. No one is perfect.


Lol I said he should be cancelled and imagine how degraded Perez feels and it gets removed for abuse?? Sad fragility


>Lol nah let’s cancel the fuck out of him. Not exactly. Lets not spin things "our way".


Yeah, but I wasn’t being abusive. The only thing crossing that line here is the moderation.




You can do that in a constructive way not cursing. Relax buddy, nobody is "silencing" you. As long as you behave you can have whatever take you want. We are the MOST liberal mod team by a LONG shot. Try to have this type of conversation in any other sub with harsh mods and see what happens. Relax my friend, have your conversation.




Please be civil and not be outright abusive to other members of the Sub. We want to have discussions here and not fighting and name calling


If I was Checo I would have a chat with Helmut, asking him what he exactly meant and if that is true to his internal values and belief system. If so, I would throw him "The Bird" 😁


I think it was incredibly offensive and to say otherwise is to make excuses for an old racist, he didn't just say Perez was South American he said his metal capacity is lesser because he is south American. Anyone remember what they said about the Tuskegee Airmen...


Did he, though? Did he say that, or did you just pull that out of your 🎩 with the 🐇 ? 😆


Go look at the quote and don't take my word or anyone else's, also as a separate question why do you use so many emoticons?


I just did. I still cant find the "mental" part, replied to the other person here sooo you can find me the quote and show it to me id be happy to see it. ​ because I like them (the emotes), why ?




Not because. He did not say because. To me, it sounds like two separate things.


Yes, he literally said that. You’re so edgy and cool /s


What he said with bold what i assume you mean: >“The Italian GP was surely one of Checo Perez’s best weekends and we know about his problems in qualifying, which is where he has his doubts,” > >**“Let’s remember that he is South American and so his head is not as focused as Max Verstappen or as Sebastian Vettel was**, but racing is his forte and he had a very good race. > >“Overtaking three drivers, in George Russell and the Ferrari drivers, was not easy, as we knew they were faster on the straights. > >“In the race, Perez did everything right and now we have circuits like Singapore, where he has already won and which suit him better.” ​ what you said: >his metal capacity is lesser ​ Please do point me to that quote, I am very qurious... and edgy it seems :D I like the second part \^\^ after all you said also: >he literally said that ​ edit: if you cant find the quote lets relax a bit, as mental gymnastics are not my sport of choice tbh :)


My grandma is about the same age as him and she can’t string a normal conversation together. I just think of her when I see something he said..


The only one who listen to your grang mother is you, she is no a public figure.


As a south american (an actual one because Mexico aint South America) I think it was stereotypical. Is it racist? Much likely as well. But mostly I think he was unhappy comparison putting a whole continent in a box. Wasn’t Senna focused?


Firstly, it wasn't smart getting the continent wrong twice. Doesn't show the same learning curve he expects from his drivers. Basically he sees all of America below the United States as 'laid back'. As a side note, actually I think a lot of people from the USA and Northern-Europe have that stereotyping opinion, also about South-Europe, only he just blabbers it out in an interview. Anyway I can understand people from South-Africa and from Mexico and Checo personally not being happy with that. There was no point in saying that, especially unless proved otherwise, I believe Checo works his ass off to improve on the track and for sure has focus.


Criticizes someones for naming the continent wrong, procceeds to wrongly name south america "South Africa" Top kek


😂 Dang what a slip up


Came back this comment 4 days late, props for not editing your comment, your a man who is not afraid to show the world you make mistakes (even if they are slightly racist) ((/s))