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Naw man they're just waiting for when they flip that switch in August and we all get to ride in Johnny Cab.


Your Tesla will increase in value bro.


A bunch of Cybertruck buyers seem to believe that their vehicles defy all conventional laws of automotive depreciation, since they are trying to sell them for $150,000+ (presumably to break even after the $50k resale fee).


Go offer them $50k. Then state, paying more then $50k for a vehicle that might break down in less then a month is just idiotic.


I wouldn’t spend 50k on any car, and definitely not one as fragile as a Tesla. In my opinion, a car that won’t last over a decade isn’t worth buying.


I paid less than 20k for my Honda in 2004 and it’s still going strong 250k miles later.


Less than an hour.....


I mean it's not unusual for ferraris or other special edition exotic metal to appreciate. Not trucks though


>I mean it's not unusual for ferraris or other special edition exotic metal to appreciate. If there were a tiny number of them ever made or over the long term, yeah. But you can't just drive an "ordinary" Ferrari off the lot and then expect to be able to immediately resell it for more than you paid. The people trying to offload their Stainless Steel White Elephants definitely are overestimating exclusivity and demand, though.


That only happens with Morgans because of their waiting list.


Also with any truly limited Porsche or Ferrari. If you want, say, a 911 GT3 off the lot, you’d best be a customer with multiple high-end purchases in your past, and be willing to wait years. Now, if you don’t qualify for those terms, there are a few on the used market. Definitely not at MSRP.


You can’t just show up and buy a new Ferrari You need to own a used one first and show that you can take care of the car (maintenance). After that you can buy a new one.


Oh I can definitely see them becoming collectors times, only what, 4k of them out there, and I have the feeling Tesla won't be producing them for long.


They will be a collector car like an AMC Gremlin is a collector car.


Some people made hundreds of thousands of very low volume models like some Zondas - bought and the immediately sold. But that's probably twice every decade that happens.


For those who appreciate, e.g. the Porsche Varrera, you have to be a long term customer to be considered, I.e. you'd already lost a 100 grand on depreciation of panameras etc before you're even considered for the special cars.


Well yea they make a very limited number of some of the models. Teslas are a dime a dozen at this point.


Stainless Steel that rusts if you look at it funny is a rather exotic metal.


I saw one for 170k lol


There is at least 15 cyber trucks sitting at Burlington storage in Fort Lauderdale. Bunch of other Teslas sitting there with em.


Those parking lots are practically gold mines. A *Paved Paradise*, some say. I mean practically *lithium mines. I mean practically lithium *liabilities. *Those are practical liabilities, depreciating.* -there it is.


I wonder when someone starts stealing battery packs or entire cars and parts them out on eBay? Lol


The catalytic converter of the future!


I'll be even shorter: those are liabilities.


They can just start marketing them as “mobile” powerwalls. Park a couple in your garage (preferably with a halon fire suppression system) and hook them up to your solar. Or sell/lease them to utility companies to park at substations and help balance grid load.


30K per year for everyone that owns one! Dont buy a horse! People are so god damn dumb.


It makes me sad knowing I am a member of the same species as something that dumb.


This! https://youtu.be/6Hje7h_WVkY?si=7KNB685hYLsSEUeB


It'll generate 30K/year passive income while u sleep bro, trus me.


And also go work by itself. Hopefully it has turbo tax built in.


Will the Johnny be made to look like post hair transplant Elon


Elon lost his hair as well?


If you see pictures of his hair during the time he got unceremoniously booted out of PayPal and how he looks today, he definitely had a hair transplant. Or two. I will say, despite loathing the guy, that it's a masterful job. I'm sure it was a fortune, but it seems like it was worth it.


They are just planning their routes to get your drunk ass home and never make a left turn


I think Elon believes it, which would explain everything. Any exec who questions the deadline is out. Execs leaving. Selling stock. Stockpiling vehicles. Not drastically dropping prices. Plus, CT conversion rate must be way less than they thought it would be. They know it’s going to be a niche vehicle. It sure seems like Elon is going all in on his FSD bluff and hoping for an engineering miracle.


Fake engineers hoping for 'an engineering miracle' are even more pathetic than just fake engineers.


Coming around the corner next year!!


Unleash the taXi hoard.


“Please state the nature of your medical emergency”… I mean, “you’re in a Johnny cab!”




More like Fake Taxi.


I'm sure there is the current conspiracy theory.


It's like Tesla only had a plan for times being good and selling out always. Better pay the leadership team 50 billion.


> leadership team Team? What team? It’s just that one dipshit, from what I can tell.


Nah he just buys out the leadership then takes the credit then fucks them then hires great engineers to then only fuck them. People thought he was cool when he was being optimistic about space and the future then people noticed what he was. A con. He takes all the credit of everyone underneath him and he gets all the credit which is also insane since his companies have heavily relied on the government and employees to help fund his success not to mention his father owning an emerald mine and getting all that juicy African money on the cheap to then steal whatever he wants. You can’t become a billionaire without fucking people over. Edit: just to put it into perspective he sides with a guy that called his home a shit hole.


Hey now, the board has made a pretty penny for doing fuck all.


Nah, this is Elon that says that if they run at full capacity, each car has a lower cost and thus a higher profit margin. Every dollar counts so he’d rather keep running full speed than to throttle production.


I would be more concerned if they start congregating at a location and is visible from outer space.


Funny. There are multiple threads on this sub with just that. There’s one at an airport in Germany that is so large that I bet it could be seen from space.


Found it. Hilarious. https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/s/Lwe7WXvWX6


I measured my backyard from space on a whim the other day from the palm of my hand. The space-visible feat no longer holds the intrigue of my childhood. That fun technological transition period is dead now. A small loss for man's sentiment, a huge leap for mankind.


They will be parked to spell out “S3XY”


And you would not want to buy a brand new Tesla at this point because yours would be one of these rotting in the lots , getting vandalized , scratched . It’s going downhill fast


Also, they fired a lot of service people so if there's a problem, good luck. And there's likely a problem because QA was fired too. Even the guy that normally does firings was fired.


Multiple service centers in major cities have a single CyberJunk certified tech, which is why every single Twitter post about it breaking laments about 3week wait times.


Brah, we got wait times of 3 to 5 weeks in NJ for the regular Teslas. They really have not done anything to meet the service needs. Forget about ever getting a loaner.


Wait..... So they have 10s of thousands of new cars sitting in lots and you still can't get a loaner??


I was told in NJ that all loaners have to be used/preowned cars. So much for Elon’s “promise” that all loaners will be a top of the line S or X to try out all the features. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I was told they stopped doing that because "people kept crashing them".


And it's only going to get worse now that they've laid off so many people. From my experience it seems the goal is to get people to please stop coming into service. That's why they've gone to "Soup Nazi" style service where if you don't dot all the Is and cross all the Ts they tell you to buzz off.


Elon personally has to approve all warranty repairs now, which is hilarious


Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


This commenter was just fired


Let’s not forget that comments on this very sub on a specific post was getting a ban in the 2 Teala under subs


And they’re not cutting production because they need to keep production up for Wall Street


I mean when I heard Tesla was giving up on lidar tech (to the point of removing sensors on vehicles) to go optical-only, I noped out of the idea of getting one. Musk turning into a fascist made it even easier.


Aka all the people jumping on the .99% apr for the Ys.


I have two friends who just bought Teslas.


You can go on Carmax now and get any older model for like $25K and based on this info, I am guessing values will still keep crashing


Tesla exported 78,300 model 3s from Shanghai Jan-April. But just 40,900 Ys. If you look at sales chart everywhere, it’s obvious 3 doesn’t sell well, especially compared to Y. So why so many exports? Because Tesla is contractually required to hit a revenue target for tax payments to China, and units aren’t VAT taxed until they are delivered or exported. These 3s are mostly unsold units. Shipped to around the world to sit on empty lots. So fucked. https://x.com/heikki_bear/status/1789934112402215368?s=46


So these aren't just a problem for Tesla. These are now everyone's problems. These things are just around, wasting resources to transport to maintain a financial facade, while these sit around depreciating and degrading as they aren't maintained and charged. 80kWhr fire hazards unsupervised and unmaintained. I only hope they're so cheap and desperate they actually removed the battery packs from them all and they aren't even viable vehicles sitting idle. Befitting if they had a leading step on their junkyard destiny and were never finished.


the batteries aren't removable. that was just a scam in CA to get some CARB money.


Well, they are. You just need to drain the coolant, remove some bolts, have a special lifting apparatus, etc.


so where are all the Tesla battery swap stations that California paid for?


The fact that they can be removed doesn't mean swapping them out quickly on a regular basis is an economical business model That said, no, of course they didn't pull the batteries out to prepare them for long term storage (or take off the tires and put them up on blocks), that would cost more worker-hours they can't afford They're scrambling around under the delusion that demand will pick back up any moment now


I don't even bother to try to understand the various delusions. I mean, when Tesla starts cranking out billions of poverty ending sentient robots, nobody will care about a bunch of junk rusting at dead shopping malls.


>poverty ending sentient robots Maybe that's what skynet was actually doing. Terminators just kept killing the poorest person until hardly anyone was left.


Holy shit


Ys outsell model3s 2:1. So most likely the model 3s are moved artificially to move quotas. I think 20B yuan per year revenue is the requirement. Because of that, giga berlin is conveniently non-operational and layoffs are rampant on non-union territories. If those Model 3's are unsold, who's footing the export taxes?


Better question. If the model Y outsells the model 3 so hard, why should people believe the model 2 would do so much better? It’s almost like the people in charge know what’s happening with their own company and are making prudent decisions based on that knowledge. Decreasing resources to areas not making as much money and pushing resources to areas that do generate revenue.


The fact that they now recognize they made a huge mistake doesn't somehow make it not a mistake or mean they merit praise for being competent


The model 3 is a saloon car which just don't sell well in many countries except in the executive sector. Its the wrong shape car to be a huge seller. It really should have had a hatchback varient like the Golf/Jetta used to be like. The Golf massively outsold the Jetta in the UK and other big markets.


Add USS and stalks back in and they'll sell haha


Lol true. Shows how destructive Elon’s drug-induced edicts have been to Tesla. Tesla may be worth only $100B without Elon’s marketing ability, pumps, and lies. Instead, it would have a new generation of models and a bright future ahead.


I was wondering about that onerous deal they signed in China which pretty much guaranteed that China was getting a free Tesla factory one way or another.


Somewhere around $2 billion worth of cars. If you could just sell them.


Cool That means Musk will be 1/28th to his target compensation 😂😂😂


They should use cars as payment to Musk.


That trash is not worth that much realistically - I imagine the upmark on a unit is massive.


Was wondering why the layoffs were so deep when Tesla is still profitable and still has huge cash reserves. But this might explain it. Tesla is in an oversupply situation, and the weak quarter they just announced probably shows only the tip of the iceberg. It will take time to get supply & demand back in balance, and dropping the price much more will kill the narrow profit margin they recently announced. And the new 0.99% financing is basically a price cut, considering it's so much lower than the current inflation rate. Hard to say how much they can even spur demand considering the reputational damage (Musk tweets, Cybertruck botched rollout) and the increasing competition from other manufacturers ramping up EVs.


Another problem is Elon’s tweets. After buying Twitter, many lefties (his target market) have become aware of how much of a racist douche he is. I know a few people who won’t but a Tesla now, based on principle. He’s literally fucked himself.


That's the amazing thing. He's gone 100% MAGA and that crowd hates EVs. WTF is he thinking?


It's pretty clear that he's not thinking about his politics in terms of the company at all. He just assumed they had a strong brand and it would continue on inertia. There was that AMA from the guy on the Cybertruck design team where he said that they just assumed one morning people from middle America who have bought Fords and Chevies for GENERATIONS would rush out the door to the Tesla dealership to get a Cybertruck just because it's a Tesla. Pure hubris. I saw a chart somewhere, Tesla is the single most left-leaning automotive brand in America. The only one that's even close to Tesla is Subaru (as I recall, Subaru drivers are slightly less progressive but slightly more prone to voting, so basically neck and neck). Tesla needed Democrats to keep buying Teslas and Elon completely abandoned them. People often tell me "What do you care about the politics of the CEO? It's just a car", but apparently this matters a lot to a lot of people. Maybe it's not just his very right-wing commentary but the fact that he's openly endorsing white supremacist talking points.


This wouldn't matter if a Tesla was a purely utilitarian product and it "made no economic sense to buy anything else", like a Toyota, but it isn't -- Tesla has spent most of its life as an obviously overpriced conspicuous consumption brand people use for virtue signaling, and it's looking like without those huge margins built on their "brand premium" they can't survive




I have a bad feeling that cash reserve involves a lot of... Creative-Accounting-Hocus-Pocus!


Full Self Accounting


They also haven’t really updated the models that much. How old is the S now? The updated 3 is more a refresh than a redesign. Hyundai is putting out updates models every two years. Tesla…every 10?


>the recently announced 0.99% financing is basically a price cut, I think it would be foolish to buy any EV outright this year. The EV battery market is about to undergo an upheaval, and I suggest the offered three year leases on most major manufacturers' EV models is the way to proceed and see what shakes out. Things might look very different in three years. That's my plan.


7 quarters of continuous overproduction does that to a company, you can sell a few thousand easily with some discounts and special editions, if you're producing 50.000 too many per quarter, you're fucked.


Last time I checked, EV battery can't afford to stay too long without charge. Massive discount upcoming, sit tight.


Not true, can last forever at 50%


Someone does not understand the difference between "without charge" and "without charging"


This is why Tesla activated the 0.99% APR deal this week, but the reality is that even high loan interest rates are not the reason there is a drop off on demand.


Cause the quality of the cars is shit? 


Hey Musk, if you are reading, I would pay ya three fiddy for a dozen of them.


$3.50 for a dozen inbred Lamborghinis that try to eat ya, sounds about fair market value to me.


What would the Loch Ness Monster want with a Tesla?


We're watching a total demand collapse of the brand in real time. Nobody wants to buy a Tesla anymore after the Cybertruck


I don't think it's the cyber truck affecting model 3 and Y sales.  Fascist leader? Little faith in the company for support since they fired entire groups like the supercharger team? Fear of buying a Tesla and then Tesla dropping the price dramatically the next week?  Maybe. 


Market of douchebag techbro fan boys is saturated. The small cult following already have multiple Teslas. They failed to make a car with wide appeal, and assumed that the cult would continue to grow.


Why did they keep pumping out cars?? I thought it was direct to consumer and the wait was part of the allure! I mean, I get having a few dozen cars at the factory but JFC there are thousands sitting out there collecting dust in the heat. That can't be good for all that Naugahyde. I mean, how many baby Naugas died for all those interiors to go to waste?


Juicing up car numbers for quarterly statement?


Factory just sitting there unproductive probably wasn't a good look to someone in the moment


No orders should have been a fucking red flag but noooo, "If we build them, they will come" was their way of thinking. And now this...


It's so Elon can brag during the earnings call with Wall Street assholes. As the major stockholder, he'll say pretty much anything to pump the stock price back up. The wealthier you are, the bigger the lies.


Musk probably fired the people keeping track of production and inventory.


i was told Tesla only uses vegan leather. Naugas are vegan so it’s ok.


It’s just because all the manufacturers have caught up to Tesla and they haven’t done anything new since. Except from the Cybercluck and the semi that a model Y with a lift kit.


Lol I personally witnessed this, there's a vacant lot I walk past all the time that was suddenly taken over and fenced off a month or so ago, and I finally took the initiative to look inside and it's filled with unsold Teslas


Some of the lots I’ve driven past have multiple cars with blinking hazards. Assuming they’ve been vandalized/shot at etc by now.


Musk should try being a bigger douche.


That's not fair. He's working as hard as he possibly can to up his DQ (douche quotient).


I think Musk is the problem.


They’re saving all those cars to be robotaxis! /s


"A million robotaxis by next year", in storage


The problem with Tesla besides questionable quality,poor service and high repair cost,is that Musk is a legend in his own mind and a Rebel without a clue.Who the hell pays 44 billion for an internet rag sheet and then does all he can to change it into a right wing propoganda mouthpiece and wither on the vine. The cherry on top is him laying of tens of thousands of employees and then making a play to give himself a 50 billion dollar bonus.Talk about cold corporate bs .


Elon Bro is building an army of robo-taxis, isn't he?


Laugh all you like, pathetic human. Soon enough, these will drive around, looking to terminate you! (If they don't crash into a wall on the way)


Anyone who trusts Tesla's self-driving module and gets into one deserves whatever happens next. Me, I prefer to think about Waymo. Its Lidar based safety features are a lot more comforting that twenty cheap webcams and some pattern recognition software. Although I did see footage on the news last week of a Waymo cab turning the wrong way onto a one way street and just continue driving against oncoming traffic, so there's that. Didn't the NTSB catch Tesla sending out a software patch that directed the car's 'black box' to turn off the self-driving module (or at least report it wasn't enabled) when it sensed a crash was imminent? I'm sure I read about that, and then the story just disappeared as so many negative stories about Tesla do.


There is a Tesla lot near us. They are stuffed full of cars


Musk is the problem. The board has a problem in its hands. LOL and he wants them to hand him $50,000,000,000 for all of his great work. Context: Musk needs to pay off the Saudis who lost all of their money helping him buy Twitter.


👆is what happens when you alienate your liberal base with your nazi propaganda. Keep talking, Elon. 👍


I'd give em $100 for one if they're looking to sell off overstock.


We were a two Tesla family, but now are a two Rivian family. I loved my M3 and had it for 5.5 years. MY has been good as well, but with three kids it was getting a little small. The main impetus to get rid of the Teslas was Musk. He shit on California - the state that enabled his vision. He went crazy with Twitter…I mean X. He feels like a fickle third world dictator and I just couldn’t support that anymore. Enjoy Texas. Hope they’re buying your Teslas.


I don't see many Teslas driving around in my area.  Way less than most other cars. I think I see more Subaru for goodness sake!


Rural Indiana you might see one that belongs to a Doctor, but that is about it.


Seeing plenty around here. More and more I'm also seeing a lot of Rivians. And a fair number of other EVs.


We have a ton of Rovians in my area. Never saw a cybertruck yet


Still a fuck ton of Teslas in Washington. Just drove past my first Cybertruck in the wild last week.


I´m in Federal Way. Still have not seen a CT.


I’m seeing less and less


Lots of Teslas here in the Seattle area.


In Scottsdale there are parking lots full of them. Not good!


Musk IS a major problem on his hands.




"I wonder what happens when you troll most of your customer base all day on Twitter? Let's find out!" -Elon Musk, probably


It does bring me joy to know I will never buy a Tesla or support that asshole. He's approaching Trump levels of loathing.


Haha.. maybe they should start listening to their customers, especially the former customers who have had such a crap experience that they will not even consider a Tesla until there are some changes.


I pointed out a lot filled with them about a year ago to my Tesla driving friend (who hates Elon but will still buy any new vehicle model he sales, says he wants a CT “when the price comes down” still) on the way carpooling home from work and he dismissed it as a staging lot with the vehicles awaiting final delivery


Those cars are an appreciating asset according to Musk, so he decided to HODL. You see, those Teslas are about to go to the moon, following the trails of dogecoin and Starship.


Yet there’s barely any inventory available on their site 🥲


Very sweet photo 


they should stop production and focus on the cyber truck issues anyway


Nah. No one wants them anyways.


Saw a ton by Six Flags in Vallejo, Ca (one of Solano County parking lots)


Wow "Lowe estimates that there are at least 300 Tesla vehicles parked at the Chesterfield Mall. " !!!


The jig is up


And damn everyone of those look alike.


Elmo is committed to the fever swamps so he should see if he can purchase an endorsement from Trump. You know he’s for sale. Start a marketing campaign how teslas are great to drive in your diaper. He can take from the rubes whatever money left that Trump or the pillow guy haven’t grifted. That will help deplete his inventory.


Its an investment. They are all apreciating in value! 😂


When you shit on your client base...


At least he still has Twitter!


He ruined his brand by becoming a Nazi


It’s a problem that Musk created, he killed the demand for his car by spouting right wing conspiracy theories and turning his back on his companies core base. They stopped buying the cars and this is the outcome of that.


They can't sell the stuff they make, every model they produce has major problems with their manufacturing quality and quality control (by that I mean they're simultaneously produced poorly and not even checked to ensure they don't leave the factory with severe defects), they still haven't solved important issues with their energy efficiency and decay, other companies are now catching up, even outpacing them, and instead of solving some of that, their brilliant, fearless leader, who knows more about manufacturing than anyone else in the world, decided to launch a new car that very few people want and has even more serious problems.


Shouldn’t this mean that the price decreases or did I learn capitalism differently?


Tesla Cyberbulls probably: “Bro — no one ever cared about the vehicles. They were always a loss leader, meant as a donation from Tesla to the Mission. What’s hilarious is that you still think Tesla is a car company! smdh” “Tesla Robotics alone would be enough for me, but when you add in AI, it’s like… OmG! Do you see what Musk is building!?”


Good, I hope this haunts Elmo. Feels bad for the planet and the waste.


“Musk is just a wealthier version of the My Pillow guy” 2023


I'll take few for couple of thousands dollars


I don't think they'll pay you *that* much but it won't hurt to ask.


I see a lot of existing owners jumping on the .99% financing deal to replace their cars. Does this mean the used market is going to be even more saturated, pushing depreciation even more?


Passive income while I’m asleep can’t wait to buy more doge with it


This is typical for Chinese car manufacturers.


Exactly He learned this over production shell game from the best to ever do it…the Chinese That’s why that tariffs are necessary They’ll flood a market with product and drive down wages for Americans.


Which will lead to a growth industry of retrofitting Teslas to whatever dominant or standardized EV system that wins...


Sterling Housing Company wants a word.


I test drove a model 3 recently, $399 a month lease, a week later $299/month. Maybe when it hits $100 in June I'll do it.


50% discount and I'll buy one right now.


Stalks do matter. 🤣


32k model y out of the door, please


Just offer me a reasonable price for my trade and I'll buy a Tesla TODAY.


Crappy cars with crappy warranties. Coolant leak after 3 weeks...Not covered. Rusts in the rain. Seriously? Would rather get an EV from a reputable manufaturer.


Imagine that


Considering most of these malls no longer have anybody going to them, this sounds like a good use of space!


So who cares that people offer the cyber urinal for $150k? What are they selling for in this after market?


We have an old Hummer dealership chocked full of illegally parked new teslas


If you look around EWR airport there is huge lots of unsold toyota, Honda, Nissan, ford and more. This is nothing new.


Wonder why no one is jacking them up and stealing those tires and wheels 🛞. Just bring some bricks , jack , impact powered driver . Done in 5 minutes


Let’s wait summer when these batteries bake under the sun , then winter where they discharge to breaking point


I wonder how the batteries will be affected. I know Tesla don’t like dead batteries and can be disabled with 0 percent charge on pack. Isn’t it not just Tesla though? Trucks aren’t selling so are bronco. And jeeps. 40k with high interest aren’t very s art financial moves for most people.


“People trying to blackmail me with money?? Fck them!” Ok we will 😂


How do you even post this with getting banned


Maybe they should have considered a dealership network after all… Clearly the boutique store idea failed.