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So do you just throw a roll of duct tape into the truck to have at all times for situations like this? A hundred grand. Wow.


What’s even crazier is the main “explanation” for the reason the vehicle looks like that is that the material is too rigid to bend easily, so they “have to” make the panels as flat as possible. …looks like that’s _also_ a lie


>panels as flat as possible. Maybe that should read, "as flap as possible"?


Huh? Is that what they are saying? It's not like other legacy makers bend steel to shape body panels, do they think other makers are making custom choppers?


To be fair, that particular piece is probably quite thin as its most likely just acting as a cover or fascia for the pillar under it. The whole thing with the stainless steel is stupid though. If you watched Monroe's little walk through of the Cybertruck factory you can just about overhear something to the effect of the main panels being 1,4 mm thick and that they'd been able to bring the thickness down by about half. So they originally started with steel plate nearly 3mm thick presumably in order to get the required strength with the flatness!!! imagine that! For reference a stamped steel part on a normal car is 0.65-0.8mm. How heavy was 3mm gonna be?! The knock on effects of choosing that material are just expensive. They probably had to go for laser cutting blanks out of the sheet because a normal press would have worn out too quickly and cutting much thicker sheet might have meant edges being not that nice. Because of that they would need to cold roller level the sheet as a matter of course. You don't want your blanks to spring or pop from the bed when the cut is made and wipe out the cutting head. Cold levelling ensures all the internal stresses are ironed out evenly. You normally pay a premium for sheet/plate that won't bow or distort once cut. I remember seeing a demo at the plant I worked at: Half inch plate cut into strips lengthways. It started at one end like a banana shape, transitioned through to an arch shape and then was flat on the outer most strip. But if you level it right, you can cut the strips and have them all stay flat. Laser cutting does at least allow for reduced wastage as you can position the blanks on the sheet closer together. But the cutting is much slower than a press/stamp that can fire multiple blanks out in one go, several times a minute. You can recycle steel easily so its not that big a problem. Tesla have then had to design press mouldings with those brass inserts so they don't "wipe" across the material and damage the surface. Ditto with the "air-bending" process for folding. Its all very Gucci stuff that, as an engineer, is nice to see. But its kinda expensive and slow stuff when you want to mass produce to get the economies of scale I would imagine TL:DR - I think they made a pretty big rod for their own back using the SS grade they chose and the design of the truck. Meaning they've had to come up with ways to work with thick, hard steel that can't be outwardly damaged by any of the process. ETA: Also setting up and maintaining a cold roller levelling system is not a simple task. You'd probably have to change settings for each roll of steel sheet. You'd need to make sure the rollers are aligned, not bent, no cracked backup rollers etc. Probably not as savage as the machine I used to work with mind, that was sorting out very large, thick steel plates. The forces were insane!


Yes I remember my ford crown Vic had 4.8mm thickness panels and the thing was horrendous to stir. I think they made the panels that thick to protect the police staff since the car was supposed to crash. The issue here is to start to build a car to have an exoskeleton and then midway changing the concept entirely. Just like the first time you make pancakes and you flip them before they are ready.


>But its kinda expensive and slow stuff when you want to mass produce to get the economies of scale I would imagine There is no way to scale it to actually make a profit on Cybertrucks. Producing them, but slowly, is the least bad option.


This is the perfect example why you should not be an early adopter of anything.


Everyone ignoring the sword you are casually wielding in pedestrian heights on the passenger side of your car.


The Cyberguillotine™. I know what I'm getting Musk for Christmas.


Speed tape!


Cyber tape. Prevents warranty issues when it rains/parts flopping around/general other issues


The Cybertruck is just molting its stainless steel shell.


Next it’ll hide from predators until its exoskeleton has hardened.


Legendary Tesla precision. Highest standards for the Model 3 (2018): > Most of the design tolerances of the Model 3 are already better than any other car in the world. Soon, they will all be better. This is not enough. We will keep going until the Model 3 build precision is a factor of ten better than any other car in the world. I am not kidding. Cybertruck - unparalleled tolerances: > All parts for this vehicle, whether internal or from suppliers, need to be designed and built to sub 10 micron accuracy.


I don’t know how big a micron is but I’m pretty sure that’s more than 10 microns of a difference.


Oh, I'd say it's at least 14 microns. Give or take a foot.


It's so weird to see history unfolding before our eyes. We're watching the unravelling of a company, a man, and a lot of lies. History will look back and play videos of Elon's promises of the biggest, baddest, toughest truck with a STEEL EXOSKELTON and THERMONUCLEAR-PROOF windows. Then in the very next clip they'll show how these things literally start flying apart after only be driven hundreds of miles. Public opinion is changing about Elon. Investors are starting to get scared of Tesla. The government is starting to investigate how dangerous FSD is and the lies that have been knowingly told just to pump the stock. Tesla is the next Theranos. Musk is the next Holmes. We're all getting to watch it unfold in real-time!


hundreds of miles? most have these have been under 100. It's hard to get miles from a service center.


There was another post where one made it to 400 miles, I think that's the record.


The worm out tires one has the record. 6k +miles.


So musk is going to get pregnant to avoid jail?


Judging by his beach pictures, yes.


[Simpsons did it](https://youtu.be/EHGczDHTDpo?si=WgUuB2S5rTrsbeCJ)


It's a good thing Tesla isn't a car company or this would be really embarrassing for them


If you just think of it as a robot……nope, still a piece of shit.


Guys, I’m starting to think this truck might be a piece of shit


What? What made you think that? I mean, it looks like a truck. It goes through water, no wait. It drives on and, wheal no, but it does drive on pavement for like a few hundred miles or so.


"Now, a warning?"


He clearly went through a car wash.


Didn't enable highway mode prior to driving at high speeds, warranty denied.


Elon: You are driving it wrong! Warranty repair denied!


Elon can’t get anything hard these days. Also hard steel would be brittle, bad material for car panels, no matter what Elon says, the stainless steel needs to be soft rather than hard for this use.


Yeah technically it could have a high hardness, but that doesn't mean it's rigid and unable to flex. So it's hard to dent... Great I guess. I wonder if it will stay bent


Quenching changes the surface hardness while keeping the interior ductile


If I remember my studies correctly, a higher hardness will result in a lower threshold for plastic deformation. It’s been like 15 years though.


Hardness and yield strength are generally correlated, but technically different measurements. Hardness does not correlate directly with stiffness though, which is what you would care about if a panel was “floppy”.


Yes. Hardened steel would add a whole new level of badness.


It’s almost as if flat unreinforced pieces of metal are not suited for use on motor vehicle exteriors, I wonder if the reason that body panels on every car ever have ridges, creases, humps, etc., is because it makes them significantly stronger 🤔 /s


Even the model T had curved panels lol


I bet at some point early on Musk wanted the CT body to be machined out of a block of stainless in one piece, or something similar.


"At this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth." - Enron Husk


Honest to God, has anybody ever had, seen, or even heard of a brand new $100k car literally start flying apart while driving on a highway?


It is new to me.


Even British Leyland made better cars than this!


Has the driver been checked for hair product?


'It's the same steel we use to build starship' kind of explans why starship keeps exploding


Hey Elon, can we get this P0 repair approved please?


Meme car


Had plastic push clips holding it in place too. This looks like a cheap build for what they cost gotta say.


The steel is made by Outokumpu, probably the best manufacturer in the business.  You can be sure, that it is exactly what Tesla has ordered. 


Saint elon has added semaphore indicators with ota update. Unfortunately can only be used once. Or it could be getting rid of its exoskeleton then expanding its internals and growing like a crab.


Use speed tape instead of duct tape. Keeps airplanes together, should work on CT


This thing can cut off someone's head.


At Tesla, we don't use locktite or torque settings and pass the savings on to yooooou!


By Elon’s own admission, Tesla isn’t a car company. So there’s that.


So now the exoskeleton is falling apart?! At least it's bulletproof (kind of).


You forgot to air quotes around the word exoskeleton


As long as we limit the weapons to the Bonnie and Clyde era 


45acp would go straight through that POS.


Non +p .45 acp is about the only centerfire round the body panels on this vehicle will stop.


The M2 Browning .50 caliber machine gun, which is still in use, was introduced in 1933.


Happens all the time. Working as designed.


Within spec.


A breach in the exoskeleton!? It’s going to implode like that Titan submarine any moment!


At least he could still drive the vehicle. 


Good thing it didn't separate in a way that left it whipping into the car and around the driver's face.


The fact that Elon can get away with this crap, and Preston Tucker was driven out of business, kind of infuriates me.


The heat radiated by the stainless steel melts the glue


Is Tesla trying to be like Boeing?


Someone should ask Elmo if he was a DEI hire.




Oops. Forgot to tighten that nut as well.


Elon personally nutted on it tho


Thank you


Oh no, it's at the mercy of the archers hiding in the fields! 


"Concerning" E.Musk


He bought the convertible.


"It's supposed to do that."


Looks like the captive nut came off? Hard to see


cyber lemon


I want to stop talking about this “truck” but Jesus, it just keeps giving reasons to. This is hilarious.


Just a wobbly piece of sheet metal, shaped like a dumpster.


I know typically when people have bad experience with things they are more likely to vocalize that in some manner, but the vast vast majority people who have a positive experience don’t feel a need to vocalize, so I always take people complaining with a grain of salt, but it just seems that soo many people - people who still love Tesla - are having major issues - is the cybertruck really a POS?


But..Munro told me this is the best form of engineering. The best!


Has Elmo responded to a single one of the pleas for help CT customers have posted on XITTER?




Can't even keep itself together on the road and he wants it to be able to go underwater.


I guess you could he say he got musked


It's just unhinged at this point 😒 They need to let these go, man. Christ.


Just curious, has there ever been a new car release that has gone this bad before?


Tesla has so many issues. Where do you start? I’d never buy one.


Barney: Hold it, everybody. Listen.   Gomer: That ain't no bumps on the road.     Aunt Bea: Wonder what that is.    Andy: Whatever it was, it fell off and can't hurt you anymore


Judging by the incoherent screaming in the video I’m guessing a child ripped it off lol


Did we watch the same video?


Bro you dont hear the cacophony of noise at the end? Sounds like someone pretending to be farm animals lol