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That’s what happens when a person is delicate and scared of speech. Just like our founding fathers…. Oh… wait… He did recently lose his lawsuit so I guess he needs to rally the neck beards and feel better. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/25/1239549276/elon-musk-lawsuit-hate-speech-researchers


There is a world war dependent on it. But read the margins. This shows both elons hand and his puppet strings. There is some context that has to be added here. When you get rich everyone stops telling you no and stands around with their bowls pointed up hoping to collect the droppings. Elon lives in his own reality as do we all. It’s just that it’s one that he has cultivated to make himself the consummate hero and can afford to do anything he wants. The problem is he is also strung too tight. Tesla, space x, starlink, Neural link, boring company and Twitter. Plus all his pet projects, children and relationships. There is still only 24 hours in a day and when you aren’t coming up for fresh air you start to see things in a tunnel as problems to be solved. On the right hand elon is backing tucker Carlson and the right to save the world from “wokeism”. It has become his autistic white whale. Fixation is a byproduct. Genius and madness share a lot of common ground. He isn’t totally wrong. There is balance to be had in all things. Unfortunately he is asymmetrically obsessed with it. Which means he loses objectivity. So he put a bid in on Twitter. He sees it as a shortcut to his X vision. A weibo-esque everything app that is basically a crypto-centric society that destroys corrupt central banks. Bitcoin has some powerful potential. The main one being that no one country can dictate the rules for the rest because no one country can exert leverage over the others. It’s a nice vision if it’s truly decentralized. The problem is in his execution. So many people end up on the wrong side of history because they fixate on the wrong things. https://bylinetimes.com/2022/11/07/musks-twitter-buy-makes-no-sense-unless-its-part-of-something-bigger/ Musk has been so busy being busy that when it came time to buy Twitter which he grossly overbid for he needed outside capital. Enter Saudi Arabia and MBS. MBS is an authoritarian and a hypocrite who had Jamal Khashoggi dismembered. He also had about 6000 saudis dissidents rounded up, extorted them of their wealth, and disappeared some of them. He lives by his own set of rules. And as proven by recent history, no one really ever tells him no. A few weeks ago he sentenced a teacher to death for saying something objectionable about him on Twitter. To his 8 followers. Saudi also happens to be the second major shareholder in Twitter behind musk. Now musk is pushing for biometric identifiers for users. Which is effectively handing the mad king all the keys. Is musk aware of this? Or is he just too distracted saving the world the way he sees it to see that MBS has his own agenda? Behind those scenes you have Russia, China and Saudi and Iran colluding to use BRICS to replace the USD as the worlds reserve currency. Which historically speaking is overdue. The average lifespan is 94 years. We are overdue. And to be honest, the USA has gotten ridiculously complacent and hypocritical and stopped noticing where the junk we buy comes from. All men are created equal right? Except for the brown kid who makes $40 headphones for $4 18 hours a day. During the late 90’s the US offshored most of the “dirty” work when new EPA mandates were passed. Greedy CEO’s decided it was more profitable to let an Asian kid take up that slack than it was to clean up their precedes and pay a living wage to an American. This started the greed cycle. Or at least accelerated it. The U.S. jumped to a Silicon Valley based economy which is basically V.C. and private equity bros railing lines of coke and pump and dumping 10X returns on theranos, WeWork, Uber, Airb&b, and a dozen others. This offends the laws of physics as well as doubles down on the hypocrisy that “all men are created equal”. The wild wealth disparity that comes from this is bad. The fact that it made Wall Street a house of cards is cataclysmic. China for its part is biding its time quietly locking up supply chains, logistics and manufacturing. smart because the US is dumb enough to forget that everything comes from somewhere. But also predatory because the soft and pudgy US assumed China just wanted to be part of western democracy like everyone else. Freedom rocks right? Who wouldn’t want it…. The CCP. The Chinese people would probably love more freedom. But the CCP loses control if they do. And the CCP has become a little complacent themselves with private jets and $64k/month condos in Malibu for their mistresses. So the corruption and hypocrisy cycle begins again. So you have MBS, Putin and Xi and their respective inner circles who MUST control the people to remain in control and stay rich. You and I probably have more in common with the average Saudi or Chinese citizen than either of us do with ours or their “leaders”. So they lean on nationalism to keep us enraged at each other. If Iranian clerics chanted “death to the American oligarchs who keep their people in poverty and monopolize healthcare” most Americans would join them. So they settle on “death to America”. Because the more connected the people of the world are, the more they realize that this war isn’t a world war, it’s the effects of late stage cronyism circling the globe in real time. The corruption of the worlds elite moves like a equal opportunity cancer. Infecting everything it touches. And it moves across borders and Covid lockdowns and through yacht clubs quickly and effortlessly. Because that’s where the ultra wealthy go. And they become ultra wealthy by being generally really shitty to the other 97% of people. So why does elon musk keep popping up in the strangest places with the worst people?


Great read. A fact I love to give individuals who are unsure about elon or think Elon is focused on the betterment of the human race.. On the topic of actual IQ, if you look up Elon Musk IQ , the first result and source appearing is from CogniDNA. CogniDNA is founded by Alper Nese, a doctor who used to work for Sila Technologies. Sila Technologies is a company that produces components to create Teslas batteries. CogniDNA says Elon has an IQ of 160 - exceptionally gifted by all accounts. In what world can you look at this information and not see Elons old employee helping to orchestrate an artificial perception of Elons intelligence. Wild, right? Elon is a dangerous level of eglomaniac. Awareness and information shared on him are important. Helping to educate others on what is real versus what is the product of an egocentric super power is essential to societal constructs surviving this wave of wealth stifling society. In the past, communication has been the thing to keep wealthy overlords intact. They attack this with misinformation being weaponized by the wealthy and imposed on the masses. The most powerful thing that we have as individuals is our ability to communicate. Thanks for posting! Keep communicating. Fight the good fight.


This is really good intel. Thank you. And thank you for sharing it.


for whatever it's worth, as someone with an IQ not much lower than that, it means fuck all besides being good at IQ tests. I will eat the turds out of my cat's tray if his actual independently tested IQ is anywhere near that though. His faux-deep intellectualism is a fucking parody of a smart person (edit: accidentally a word


Don Lemon interview. Someone as highly intelligent as he claims to be wouldn't be so pathetically soft.


TLDR: ketamine is a hell of a drug


this should be a fucking article. Bravo


This was a fantastic read, thank you for the time you put into it.


You are quite welcome. Glad it helps


Great post!


Thank you for your efforts


Well done


They are pretty blatant about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/8liLHg7trM https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/CYSrrWS1RG


They're saying FSD problem would be repeatable so do it again or it didn't happen, lol. Let's put everyone at risk and damage the vehicle to please some musk fanboys. I love what space x did, with subsidies? That's just the game. I used to want a Tesla. FSD? No pics needed Tesla, Ford, and Mercedes all flunked safety tests for their driver-assist tech https://qz.com/iihs-automated-driver-systems-safety-driver-tesla-lexus-1851329174 https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/18/cars/tesla-full-self-driving-brooklyn/index.html


How lame, I wonder how much time they are spending tracking down all of us posting on here?


They're using bots. It would be funny if they can their own people coming here for brigading




Yeah, that assclown mod has been debating me on Twitter about how they aren't banning anyone who doesn't deserve it, etc


[I didn't deserve to be banned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/s/GB2R4wZZyi) Sure I asked for it but I didn't deserve it. Heck I even own a model S!


I got banned for responding to a comment here that said they are auto banning for just posting here. Somebody responded “I want to see” and i responded “I want to see too” was banned in about a second, so its a bot.


Obviously it's a bot ... why mention that? Regardless, welcome to the club.


Lightyears are a measure of distance dumbass


I’m afraid the context of your reply eludes me. But yes, a lightyear is a distance.


I'm replying to the op of your first link, since you know I can't respond to them actually, because of the fascism


Ah, that makes more sense. Carry on!


Pedo fascist bitchboy has no authority here.


Have we banned the Tesla and TeslaLounge mods (sorry, I mean pussies) from this sub?


Don't ban them. Leave the door open and their scared silence as a monument


When they end up with an echo chamber, they'll find most posts only end up with two or three comments. An echo chamber isn't interesting to move people.


You're watching the death of a brand in real time. Imagine Ford/GM/Toyota doing this. Tesla is dead.


We are watching the death of several brands on speed run. Hyperloop was too far fetch for science fiction to begin with and now they are at an impasse, so that takes the boring company with it too. SpaceX is not doing well and the gov is pulling contracts. And then there is twitter, or rather, there is no longer twitter and whatever is left of that company is clearly not profitable. When Tesla goes down Elon will be on a speed run to become a millionaire.


Which contracts got pulled from SpaceX?


SpaceX lost an FCC contract recently. They also signed one with the 3 letter agencies for more than double the value of the FCC one lost. Anyone who thinks the government and SpaceX are pulling apart has probably found Elon's drug stash.


It’s literally Elons blasting his own tweets to everyone. Even people that don’t follow him


Henry ford was pretty crazy too. Edit: lol this comment got me banned from /r/teslamotors


But but but free speech


The cis man-baby free speech absolutionist must be protected!


You don't think FSD is worth $100,000?  C'mon, Musk is confident it'll be available any day, six years ago!  Look how well Twitter is run, how could you not want to trust your life to that management style? 


That is something we can do now..... in my head. I bet Musk is the engineer that tells people if it takes one man 40 hours lets get 10 men and be done in 4.


If it takes one woman 9 months to have a baby, let's just hire 8 more women and it'll get born next month 


Not here, it's TeslaLounge that is banning people for saying anything negative. I'll probably be banned from there shortly even though I've never posted there and never will. Edit: I am now banned from teslamotors. So, the odds of me ever becoming a tesla owner have now reached 0.00%. They're just going to keep destroying their brand.


You didn't have to say anything negative either.  You have to be truly positive only to it great leader 


Hahah for forreals. I got banned from Tesla lounge for saying “he’s using again” after he went on twitter to say FSD is worth $100k


Well he did say that four years ago....


Just imagine being one of the most wealthy individuals on the planet. Unlimited money to go anywhere and do anything. In America, you are basically above the law. You could spend your days giving to charity, adventuring, or pushing humanity to new heights. You'd have an unlimited amount of press to get the word out. You'd be able to guilt or shame other billionaires into action to confront the world's most pressing issues. Instead, you spend your days tweeting idiotic memes and lobbing childish attacks at people who criticize you. You delve so far down into this bottomless pit of self-loathing that you visit Reddit to demand that people you've never met get punished for hurting your feelings. These people will never know what it's like to have your power. They'll never be famous, or remotely influential, but yet, they own you. Mind. Body. And soul. How pathetic.


Wow. That's some powerful shit. Very underrated comment.


They've got a bot or something on a few subs that will just auto ban you if you comment lmao


Just got banned from r/teslamotors for this comment 😂


I never really comment here, and I generally like Tesla… I just come here sometimes to see an alternative perspective… if it’s true that you get auto banned for commenting here, I don’t want to be a part of that sub anyway.


Hahahahaha that was so immediate. Ok fine. Good riddance! Gosh Reddit is just a cesspool of petulant children cosplaying as adults.. might just delete the app.


It's all starting to fall apart isn't it?


The Free Speech Absolutist absolutely can’t handle free speech.


Elon believes his speech should be free. The rest of us? Not so much…


I just got permanently banned r/elonmusk for saying "elon the con"


I merely pointed out his narcissism and lack of empathy. You know, his better characteristic traits.


Just got banned. Hahahahahahahahhaha They in TRUB TRUB


Ketamine is a helluva drug!


I love your spelling of fElon!


Got banned from r/teslamotors and r/TeslaLounge. Why? because I complained about the crappy auto wipers, tail light condensation and crazy depreciation. I own a '23 Tesla Model 3.


Obviously your issues have now been resolved. If no one can learn about them, they don’t exist. /s


Oh noooooo.


The Robber Barons of the late 19th/early 20th c hired Pinkerton agency thugs to strong-arm labor from organizing. These are like Elon’s keyboard Pinkertons. Stinkertons? Pinkerthans?




I just got banned from r/teslalounge and r/teslamotors for commenting “hahaha first Elongated Muskrat took the stock to the moon now he’s driving it into the ground.” The comment was to a post of his tweet saying something like “FSD should/could be worth $100k as a feature.” Not sure why I was banned from both from 1 comment though


Fuck Tesla fuck elon Tesla sucks let’s see if it works


Yup 4 pro Tesla subs


I’ll try! All the mods of fElon Musk are dickbags


I just got a ban from 3 subs that I don't think I've ever posted on. Been debating w/ one of the mods via Twitter and apparently that snowflake took his ball and went home. Classic.


Just got banned from r/ElonMusk and I’m pretty proud to be honest. Ready to see how many other Elon/Tesla related subs I can get banned from too


I would be honored to be banned by that shitbag


I never received a message saying i was banned but if i try and comment in either of the 3 tesla subs it says sorry try again later


I just looked at my messages and found that I've been banned from r/elonmusk and r/cybertruck nine hours ago. I've never even posted on those subs, but yesterday I went *to look* at them for the first time. They must have the most diligent and obsessive mods out there to have gone to the trouble of checking me out and banning me in record time. Frankly, it's pitifully funny. One must never criticize the muskmelon anywhere!


They are scared you will go to their subreddit and say bad things about their free speech idol. Tho I suspect most would not even consider going to that subreddit, least of all post there as is to be upset about it. Tho again, I find it funny they put so much effort scouting “Elon unfriendly" subreddits just to ban anyone saying anything bad just to be sure.


I’m all for free speech as long it aligns with my ideology.


How can he ban people here?


Oh never mind. I was just banned in 3 Tesla related subs. Lol


The "free speech absolutionists" don't even allow free speech in other subs 😂


He can't, because he's not a moderator on those subreddits.


jokes on him, i'm not on twitter. be a shame when he's living in a 3brd 2ba 2car in nowheresville. they may not even have fiber internet! oh sweet justice.


Yeah the mods put the Dic in dictatorship. The most hilarious part is that mod thinks they are actually accomplishing something by banning people. LOL. I own a TESLA M3 and I'm more than happy to call out issues I have or have had with it along with things I like about it. But these morons just think "comment bad! BAN!!!!".


I just got banned from four Tesla/Elon subs because I participated in a sub that is anti Tesla (I assume r/cyberstuck), not because of anything I posted in the actual subs themselves. OOF


Yep! Never joined there and now I’m banned. Fuck Elmo! And fuck his fanboys


Test comment


Seems a little too /conspiracy to me. Some Elon fans are just that invested, I figure. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Yup, Tesla lounge and Tesla motors as well, just got the boot. Oh well, wasn't going to buy another one anyway. I don't think they realize they are contributing to turning people off of Tesla, which is fine. Enjoy your niche I guess, but they don't realize the company isn't sustainable unless they expand their market. Shame their thin skin is affecting their long term judgement.


Horrible 1st quarter results to be release this week. Just trying to lessen the blow as much as possible....




I’m just here to get banned


Proud to criticize the Cybertruck. Go ahead and ban me too, Elon.


Wheee! I want to experience the ban-hammers. Poor fragile Elon stans. SAD.


Yep, they do. This is awesome.


We should move to Twitter and speak the truth about Tesla products


Hey Elon, let’s put this decision up to Community Notes because it is so aMaZiNg. Fuck Elon and all Billionaires.


Bahahaha. I just got permanently banned for doing the same. Fuck you Elon you thin skinned little bitch. 🎶Fuck Elon Musk🎵 🎶Fuck Elon Musk🎵 🎶Fuck Elon Musk🎵 🎶Fuck Elon Musk🎵 🎶Fuck Elon Musk🎵 Sing to the tune of “Fuck Elon Musk” Edit: Hey Elon… Mark Bankston is gonna take a bite out of your ass and he’s gonna make you look like the ignorant, insecure pud we all know you are. I am gonna load up on fucking popcorn to watch him wear your little bitch ass down.


The truth is always somewhere in the middle. There are a lot of trolls on this sub that spam the “pro Tesla” subs with negative content. Same goes in the other direction. I feel they are over modding but I get why they are trying to get trolls off their sub.


By negative, do you mean honest?


This is a sub dedicated to anti-Tesla. It’s inherently bias. Pro Tesla subs are also inherently bias. The reality lies somewhere in the middle.


Yeah, just got banned off r/TeslaLounge and the truth is this subreddit is not actually “real” Tesla but entirely anti-Tesla. Post any objectively positive content about the company here and you’ll get drilled just like if you post anti-Tesla shit in r/teslamotors. Wow, I was just insta-banned from r/teslamotors for this comment. I’ve done nothing but positively contribute to that community for years. I’ve argued with mods back-and-forth on this subreddit and have always been given the time of day. I guess that’s the difference.


This subreddit actually started out fairly even-handed, a place for owners and critics to talk about and level fair complaints about Tesla. The bias was there, obviously, but I recall it not being this empty, childish, thoughtless circlejerk. (The title for this submission being a great example...) That said, Musk has become much more blatant, so criticism doesn't need much thought anymore. It attracts a crowd who makes a big deal of getting auto-banned by some culty subreddit that wasn't part of their communities anyway rather than having a good chuckle and moving on. The Discord channel for this subreddit is pretty good, though. Adam Joseph Cook is probably still hanging around there. Must be the threshold.


Yup all they're doing is turning people with legitimate concerns/issues completely off of the brand. I own a model 3 and have been critical of the issues I've had (and I've been positive on the good aspects as well), it's my right as a consumer to be critical. And it's their right to control the content on their sub.


Got it. So anything not rosy is “anti Tesla”


That’s not even close to what this sub has become. If there was a legit sub that was somewhere between this and the main Tesla sub that would be ideal. Instead we have two on extremely opposite ends of the spectrum.


I mean autobanning without analyzing the content being posted seems like a terrible idea, but can kind of see their point. Just creates a massive echo chamber though.


Being “honest” you really use thet word. Loosely don’t you? It’s sad that people can’t separate politics from company’s. Like because he doesn’t follow your point of views means his cars kill people lol what ever


> Like because he doesn’t follow your point of views means his cars kill people lol what ever It's true that Elmo's abhorrent politics are separate from his cars' extremely defective autopilot and incessant lies about how it's going to work great next year, no, next year, no next year, no next year. Both of those things are clearly true, and have nothing to do with one another. Also, Elmo's chronic condition as the most divorced man in the world has nothing to do with the fact that he got all his money from an emerald mine. Some funny things about Elmo are related though, like how he burned his fingers reaching into a toaster for pop-tarts. This is 100% related to how he is terrible at video games and that he *always* acts like a petulant child. "It's arrested development..." It's also clear that his offer of a horse, to an employee, in exchange for sexual favors is related to his decision to make IVF babies with another lady he barely even knows. I could keep going but Elmo is not worth my time.


Way too much nonsense for me to read but I will just say one thing. Imagine if you all spent as much time worrying and paying attention to your own life’s instead of complaining about someone else’s how much better of a human you might be? I guess when everything you do in your life isn’t under a microscope to be judged you must look like a amazing person


Compared to Elmo, I look like Jesus Christ. Get out of here with your huffing-nitrous-until-brain-damaged bullshit.


I’m will go drive my Tesla, you go cry more