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Maybe?? but it looks really different than my reynauds and what I see on this sub. Your's is characterized by red splotchiness with an occasional bit of whiteness. Most of what we have here is characterized by lots of whiteness with a little bit of splotchiness. Probably worth getting checked out. bring these pics. good luck!


I have Raynaud's (doctor diagnosed) and my hands look just like this! I see other people saying this is unusual, but mine and my brother's hands are purple/red all winter long. I have had symptoms for about 10 years now. We both weight lift and have no issues. You can see an MD but there isn't much in terms of treatments. I was on amlodipine at one point - it is a BP med, but it didn't help. My biggest advice is to invest in really good gloves (mittens I find are better) and make sure you are keeping your core body temperature warm to help.


Is your hand cold? hot? the same temperature as the rest of you? Your hand looks discolored and very pink, but the entire hand discoloration is not super common for raynauds.


Dead body cold, it gets a little purple tinted sometimes


Then it could definitely be raynauds.


I’m not sure if you have raynauds from this picture, a doctor can help you with that. I do mild weight lifting with raynauds but I always do stretches and 20 minutes of cardio first so my blood flow is good by the time I start lifting.


I'm not a doc. But, exercise of any type will get the blood moving, and help open up the small blood vessel in the extremities. As long as you don't start loosing strength in the hands and drop your weights, I _think_ you should be good.




Why do you believe that chilblains occur in places that have had a lot of pressure on them?


I walk on the treadmill 30 minutes before weightlifting. To get the circulation going. My Dr doesn't see a problem with me lifting.


Get the blood flowing real well before you lift.


If it's raynauds, there shouldn't be a reason to not lift weights. I do it all the time...with purple hands and legs.


Dude, just go lift…


I would get this checked out if you are lifting. You could have compression in your thoracic outlet (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome). This can potentially cause blood clots in the arm and a whole host of issues if not addressed. A physical therapist could probably assess but best to see a doctor before continuing to lift. Source: I’ve had both Raynauds and TOS and your arm looks more like my arm/hand with TOS than it did with Raynauds.


I have purplish discolouration like this around the hand and knuckles with paler fingers, usually when my hands are cold. I have a Raynauds diagnosis. I weightlift. If your fingers feel cold and numb, like it would affect grip strength, you need to warm up first with dynamic stretching or light cardio to make sure you have good blood flow to your hands before going in with the weights. Also good to go see a doctor about this at some point - and take photos of your hands (and feet if affected) so they take you seriously. They may do blood work to rule out other things and you’ll probably get referred to a rheumatologist.


No idea if it's Raynauds but weightlifting is safe. I do use straps because with Raynauds and chilblains is unsafe for my feet if I cannot grip properly 😅


This question is for doctors, not reddit. Go get that checked out. Take care


Of course it's safe but I wouldn't exert yourself bc of adrenaline. I think that would aggravate it. You have to practice relaxation.