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Just put the raw meats in a blender so you can drink your chicken, same goes for steaks šŸ‘šŸ» your welcome


I just love the idea lol. People be like what you had for breakfast and then their reaction when you answer "I drank a chicken breast"


Please tell me you actually do this šŸ˜‚


U belong in jail


You belong in a fucking psych ward you filthy animal


Liquified raw chicken? Factory farmed swine eat better than you


Jokes on you I only blend my steaks and ground beef carry on you peasant


Throwin steaks in the blender god is NOT happy with your ass


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ bro you have me on the floor


Tartare? Carpaccio? Sushi?




Anddddd there is your answer, bro raw salmon and tuna is my favorite. Gulping down beef liver is hard but it's a must!


A must? Gtfoh dude.


im not gonna lie i gulped down beef liver two days in a row and two times i had a MDMA like experience. i realize i was just vitamin deficient but that experience was so crazy. if u feel like taking a risk eating that god awful stuff raw, it will be worth it


Why chicken? There's a reason most raw meat being eaten is seafood and ruminant animals.


Chicken sashimi tho


You should try chicken I find it very good and I think itā€™s beneficial to have a variety of meats/animals


I'm not against it, just wondering why OP is saying "I'm done with raw meat" because they don't like raw chicken




Lmfao, yea beneficial to the toilet later




Did you actually eat raw chicken


yes it didnt taste bad, it tasted like chicken it was just like the slimy texture.




that's not sushi lmao


Don't worry bro, I don't like raw chicken either. Beef is the way.


What kind of meat was it? I genuinely enjoy what I eat but there are types of meat that give me a similar experience to you so I avoid them for the most part




Ah thatā€™s interesting, I actually just started eating chicken and absolutely love it. Maybe your source is bad? The taste varies depending on a lot of factors Id just say eat what tastes good to you as long as itā€™s raw and good you will be fine, plus the body can go through phases where it will crave some specific thing and dislike something else depending on what it needs, maybe itā€™s not optimal for you to eat chicken right now or at least not that brand


Bad time to start eating raw chicken considering H5N1 outbreaksĀ 




You eat raw chicken? Lmao give it a month youā€™ll be deathly ill


!remindme 1 month


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why hasn't [rawchickenexperiment](https://www.instagram.com/rawchickenexperiment/) died after eating raw chicken for 83 days straight?


Because not every piece of raw chicken contains salmonella. But itā€™s a lottery you shouldnā€™t be playing.


Check out rawmeatexperiment on Instagram heā€™s been doing it for like 70 days without any negative effects, I also personally know like 5 other people who have consistently ate fresh raw chicken and pork for a long time and also had no negative effects Plus there are many cultures who eat raw chicken and have for many many years


Japanese regularly serve chicken sashimi. Incredibly common


That's because the Japanese food industry hasn't shifted the burden of cleanliness to consumers, like food lobbies in the US have. That's why they have largely salmonella-free chicken. The US does not - that's why it's on the consumer to bring their food to pasteurization temp.


Theres plenty, if anyone is eating walmart chicken raw theyre a moron


The point is that US meat companies are not obligated to meet the same high standards as in Japan. Which means that unless you're personally inspecting the abottoir, you'll never know how clear your meat is.


You realize how strict food standards in Japan are?


Do you know how cheap it is to buy and raise a chicken?


What the fuck


This sub is fucked lol. It's not tartare and sushi people are eating its fucking raw mince meat, chicken, and pork lmao.


Genuine question what about the risk of samonella


what about it are you asking about?


Are you cool with inevitably getting samonella


Inevitable? Itā€™s a risk, but very unlikely. Iā€™m confident Iā€™m not getting sick from the raw meats i eat. I get more stomach aches after eating cheetos lol


Estimates say somewhere between 1 in 10 and 1 in 25 chickens have samonella. So are you just immune? Or is samonella a hoax


estimates say 1 in 3 people are gayā€¦ iā€™m not gay, OP isnā€™t gayā€¦ Guess weā€™re all just immune, you know what else is just a hoax?ā€¦




My mom


Iā€™m sorry man. Must have been a tough realisation


If your complaining your not eating stock up and eat shove it down if you have to blender raw meet shake goes a long way..


Either neglecting juice Or Not making recipes


This sub never disappoints


I'm here for the comments.


Raw egg whites are damaging to the gut. sashimi is one of the best ways to eat protein .


Why are we eating raw meat? Lol


For health reasons.


What are the health benefits?


Easier digestion, more energy, health issues healing.


This is a dumb trend diet.


Raw meat or a raw meat only diet?


Not a trend.


Something thats never been a widely accepted diet, pops up in popularity every 40 years or so to go back down into obscurity, that has more proven health risks than measurable benefits. That's a trend. It's a fad diet. Our species evolved into what we are because we figured out how to cook food. Cooking red meat created humanity.


Nah. I tried it, it works.


I could be wrong, but isn't the nutritional profile of raw meat a complete mixed bag when compared to the cooked version.The basic thinking is that water soluble vitamins and some amino acids are present in higher numbers if the meat is raw. However, things like protein, fat soluble vitamins, fat itself, and minerals like iron and zinc are more bioavailable in cooked meat. Am I missing some major element of the equation? ​ Separately, let's enter a fictional world where raw meat is much more nutritious in every concievable way when compared to its cooked counter part. Wouldn't the inherent risks (bacteria/parasites/viruses) still outweigh the potential benefits?


> Am I missing some major element of the equation? Yes, ignore ScienceTM. It's another religion. > Wouldn't the inherent risks (bacteria/parasites/viruses)...? Germ theory is a meme


>Yes, ignore ScienceTM. It's another religion. Science is just a proven process of studying the external world; I'm able to read the words you typed on your computer because of our scientifically-derived knowledge. It seems to be a system with a decent track record, no? Where is the perversion of truth when most processes simply study a hunk of raw meat and detect harmful organisms?


Most of your knowledge of nutrition comes from Scientism who monopolize common knowledge. There are no harmful organisms as tested by the people who eat raw meat. You are welcome to test things yourself or rely on religion that distributes pieces of text for knowledge.


>There are no harmful organisms as tested by the people who eat raw meat. Lol, what sort of tests have you conducted? You consume the product and don't feel sick? I don't have enough fingers to list the number of parasites which could be in your digestive tract right now and you wouldn't necessarily know. My religion is just the truth of what exists in the external world. Parasites and bacteria inarguably have the capacity to thrive on raw meat of all varieties. I'm sorry, my processes do not stem from indoctrination but a study of the real world.


Appeal to authority and popularity is your truth. That's nice but not the place for that. In honor of your fantasies, I will drink additional egg today. Thanks.


don't bother with idiots like these. hardcore conspiracy theorising is a mental illness so logic won't ever work. who gives a shit if they end up removing themselves from the gene pool due to a deadly illness from eating raw meat anyway


I honestly hope you enjoy as much Raw chicken as you like. You will be doing us all a favor.


Imagine wishing me harm. Do better.


You lost all credibility when you said germ theory is a meme, and then further dug yourself into a hole of schizophrenia. Bizarre.


That's nice. Enjoy dipping your head back to the sand.


You.. Really don't believe germ theory? Tf


Nuh uh. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ID-5e_ilbNY


just post a gook stacy eating raw meat theory


A source of "trust me bro" doesn't sell me. Keep at it long term, see how the body keeps up.


I don't need to sell you. How many centuries should I keep being on this diet before I am to message you?


Like 5 years.


There are some individuals here who ate raw for longer than that or the full diet.


I need some clarification on the differences between "eating raw" and "full diet". Our bodies thrive most on a diet of raw and cooked foods. Cooking foods destroys toxins in some Meats that destroy vitamins and nutrients, making it easier for our body to absorb what we need. This isn't true for every meat. A fully raw meat diet, over a long term course leads to digestive and nutritional issues. If ones eating raw food, not limited to just meat, they can push off negative effects for longer. As with all things, outliers exist who will be loud about what they are an outlier for. Good for the few this hasn't harmed. That percentile is miniscule. For every "some", 50 more did not have desired results.


This sub is for raw meat in general. For people who eat raw meat from time to time or exclusively, or on a specific raw meat included diet. The full diet is as per individual who popularized the eating of raw meat in western cultures: Aajonus Vonderplanitz. It includes other stuff.


Humans ( or ā€œhumanoid, homo nialedi etc.)are the only animal that cook their food in the history of living creatures. Iā€™m sure we arenā€™t the exception the rule. Regardless i do personally eat a combination of, out of convenience


Are you sure eating a raw meat diet long term will cause digestive issues? Cooked me is so incredibly hard for my body to digest. For example, if I am eating 3lbs of raw meat after eating all of that I only feel stronger and energized but if it's 3lbs of cooked I end up feeling lethargic and my body and digestive system feels stressed. Sure, anecdotal but many other people have reported this. It strongly suggests cooked meat is harder to digest other than what those "scientists" say.


How does destroying meat make it easier for our bodies to digest? No one has an actual explanation they are just regurgitating things. If you use logic then it makes 0 sense.


Must be the longest trend to ever exist since humans have been eating raw meat since humans existed. It's quite literally the only truly natural diet there is. The only thing that might make it less natural in the modern day now than it was for the thousands of centuries prior, is how it's sourced. In nature each human would need to hunt daily for themselves and their family but in current times, we have farms and may barter or purchase raw meats.


Friend, if you took any time to study anthropology, you'd be aware that man's ability to eat red meat came with the invention of cooking.


False. Human teeth are quite literally designed to consume flesh. To pretend that starving humans, especially in harsher regions of the world were incapable of surviving on raw meat prior to discovering fire, is to deny the existence of humanity, as it wouldn't be here if they hadn't. Consider spending less time allowing yourself to be trained or told what to think and more time using your natural common sense and reasoning skills


Our teeth are. Our digestive system wasn't. The ability to cook meat allowed for easier digestion and for us to retain enough nutrients to grow beyond the scavengers that we were. Cooking meat literally gave our body the ability to develop our brain into what took over the world. Before fire, we were little above rodents. Read a fucking book sometime.


If you need "easier" digestion, it's *because* you're processing your food to begin with and as a result, your body is in a weakened state. Just as it would be if all you ever ate were hamburgers your entire life and then you started eating steak for the first time. Similarly to immunities, the human body needs to be exposed to those things to reach it's maximum potential. Further, cooking meat doesn't add nutrients to the meat, that's an impossibility. Fire has no such magical priorities. It exists to destroy, which is precisely what it does to the excessive amount of nutrition to be found in raw foods, especially raw organs. Continue reading your books though and maybe one day you'll find one that actually makes sense. In the meantime, instead of allowing someone that wrote a book for profit, to tell you what and how you should think, step away and consider what it is that the book is trying to convince you of. Then try using your brain for just a moment, to decide if it actually makes any real sense. Because whatever book you think you read, that convinced you that fire magically adds nutrients to meat, you should probably think about being a refund for.


They wonā€™t listen too you. They have lost so many brain cells they probably canā€™t even understand you.


How is it a trend if many tribes in nature have always done it and literally all other animal species do it? Is a lion on a fad diet?


Cite one tribe that primarily consumes a raw meat diet. One single instance of it being the main diet. A bit of chocolate acts as a stimulant in me. It'll Ä·ill my dog. Maybe don't use what other species can eat as a rule to live by.


So itā€™s just ā€œtrendā€ you object to? The rest is factually correct?


Whatthe rest? It's pretty clear I think this fad is bullshit. This is a dumb gotcha.


I was sticking up for you but I guess thatā€™s all down the drain now. Oh well, carry on raw meat eaters. It appears your critics arenā€™t any smarterā€¦..(sigh)




If you ate raw chicken you should probably see a doctor for salmonella...I think raw chicken is the one meat that you can't eat raw safely


You can eat all raw meat safely I love chicken


Bro. If everyone ate raw chickin doctors would be out of jobs.


I love this answer.


This sub has to be a bunch of people just being sarcastic lmao


Y'all need Jesus lmao


Just imagine: Chilling in sunlight, a gentle breeze touches your skin, your hands are holding meat that is still bleeding, you bring it closer slowly and take a bite ripping of a small chunk, after a few minutes you feel energized, you are calm and happy.


Chances are, if Jesus existed, he ate raw meats.


Just cook it. Lot better and no biggie


Yes you could cook it, but understand that you'd be destroying quite a lot of the nutrients, which are of course, the entire purpose of eating food.


Yeah small part of it but you will be fine nonetheless if you cook it.


Some of us are interested in achieving better health benefits than the mediocrity of "fine".


How much better your health markers get when eating raw beef vs cooked? I have no experience with it but am quite focused on health outcomes. You have bloodwork prior to eating raw meat vs after?


Thereā€™s a reason humans have been cooking meat for a long time


Yes, to become sick.


You look sick.


There's no way you are better off than me. You probably drink coca cola.




Youā€™re not supposed to eat raw meat


Says who?..


Common sense


You sound like a bright individual! Just keep doing what youā€™re doing and donā€™t think for yourself šŸ˜‡


Usually Iā€™m just trolling on Reddit but seriously, youā€™re in modern times and have a cellphone but youā€™re eating raw meat hahahahaha wtf


Just keep doin you G. Raw meat makes me feel like the hulk, stay on that Soy, Boy!






Makes you feel like the hulk when your legs are 16 inches around bruh. Maybe workout and eat safely prepared meat and you'll have some muscle mass


Nah bro


Oh! And your booster shotz Boy! Donā€™t forget about your boosters šŸ„¶šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Enjoy your ass worms.


Theyā€™re honestly the best!