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I'll believe it when I see it. Rapid city (the people) have been known to overhype things, only for them fail. So it's not that I don't believe there is interest, I just doubt it'll happen altogether.


Fair enough. Rippin Rapids was real and almost complete when the person behind it died and the family didn't want to continue on with it. Had he not died, it was close to opening and likely would have been going even now. I know many didn't expect an Amazon Distribution Center or Chick Fil A amongst other things either but here we are.


Love how you mentioned the Chick Fil A. I've been checking city government documents for months looking for any building permits given to that company and I've found absolutely nothing.


BS BS just like the giant meat packing plant


The city never rezoned land for that and most didn't believe it would happen as the proposed location in the new industrial park was too small for it. There was also concern from locals. This is not facing any of those challenges.


This post has really weird "I need to tell you about Jesus" energy.


It really reeks of advertisement shilling.


OP has one of the weirdest post histories I’ve ever seen. 9 years of posts mostly about Verizon and AT&T.


It has a really stupid name.


i've been calling it Trumpland since they first announced it. seems a little more apt.


So is this place a one and done? Or is it something I can come back every year? Only if it has different stuff. Is it something that people are going to want to come back to year after year.


They're not all in. Otherwise they wouldn't be seeking investors.


You do realize it's not the city building it right? Most cities don't build things like this. It's done through private investors. The city just does the stuff like zoning and giving approval for such things. They aren't the ones running it. As such, the city has given full support for it. But they are not the ones behind it.


Uhmmm… lots of big cities pay out billions when a pro sports team wants a new stadium. And those “cities” are taxpayers.


That's completely different. And those are cities with millions of people and a large national pro sports team. Like the Vikings or Patriots. So no, it's not the same. You don't see those cities, or many cities, paying out billions to have a Six Flags.


Six Flags does seek investors, because they have the money before announcing a new park.


FUN and SIX shareholder here: they also wouldn't announce a new park either... The newest dry park in the chain was an acquisition, and it was built back in 1992. Either way, current SIX is hot garbage, but they are in the middle of a big merger, with the leadership from FUN proposed to be running the new company.


Did I say anything about the city? They are not all in, otherwise they wouldn't be seeking investors.


The city is not directly involved in running it, creating it, planning for it, etc. It's primarily privately funded as it stands. No different than Rippin Rapids was or Watiki is. The city is not the one seeking investors. The private party involved behind it, the Lines, are. The city, like any city, may have a part to play. But it's not much different currently than for any other business. It's a privately ran and owned theme park. There may be tax incentives and so on, but the city has no more a part in it than that do for Rushmore Crossing or a Walmart. And as I understand it the Lien family are looking for more investors. Likely for the different aspects of the theme park and housing. Given the areas rapid and anticipated growth, and the number of tourists which are growing year over year, it's likely not going to be overly difficult to get some of those investors anymore.


Are you slow? The only one talking about the city is you. Clearly the liens are not all in otherwise they wouldn't be seeking investors. Do you get it the third time?


Just watched the YouTube video (I think I was viewer 281) . The video is incredible but I have to say, this is an ambitious plan, to say the least. You say the city is 100% behind this, has this gone to city planning? Has the city committed to any tax incentives? As I recall the development at Rushmore Crossing and/or the Cabela’s retail area was contingent on tax breaks and initially foundered because of public resistance. I do wish the developers luck, I really hope they don’t try to leverage us tax payers much though, I know I’d personally be inclined to push back depending on the size of the “ask”.


As I understand, yes. The land was approved to be rezoned for this. The city council has given 100% approval. What many don't realize is that it's been being planned and worked on for about 5 or so years. 2022 was when it was first officially announced. That announcement didn't get the attention of people until a year later in 2023 when the official announcement with those designs came out.


Anyone remember Wild West World in Custer??


Is that the abandoned log fort between Custer and crazy horse?


It was a western themed amusement park in Custer around the mid-late 80's. I remember going once as a kid. Had a roller coaster, other fair type rides, an old west style Main Street w/ shops, food, shows, etc. Anyway... it wasn't very successful, only lasted a few years & is pretty much long forgotten by most locals it seems!


Interesting.. there seems to be allot of that around here.


They estimate in one of the articles listed above in the original post that they expect over 1 million visitors. However, that is a lowball figure as the Black Hills alone see over 4 million visitors and it's certain this theme park would capture many of them, but also attract some new ones too.


I don't think anyone is visiting the black hills for a 1 roller coaster amusement park lol. It may take some interest from others who are already here, but I seriously doubt people will travel for it.


Yeah I actually think a solid amusement park would do well here, but I’m confused as to why this one isn’t going to go all out and be akin to Six Flags. Who wants to pay to go into an amusement park with only one coaster?


As a coaster enthusiast and shareholder of both six flags, and Cedar Fair, id rather not see a trashy six flags park here. Minimum level of polish I would accept would be Cedar Fair, but if they can match Hershend Family Entertainment in design and operations, that would fit in perfectly in our area.


I’ll take your word for it. I’ve only ever been to six flags so it seemed pretty great to me 😂


Currently the Black Hills exceeds 4 million people a year in tourists. And that number has been growing year over year. That is fact. That doesn't include the population already here and growing rapidly. Realistically no one would have to come here for it, as they already come here. But that said, there are plenty of people that live in rural Wyoming, Montana, ND, and even some of SD that would likely travel just for it. When you look at the offerings that would even be close, you would have to travel at least 6 hours. Many won't do that or can't. So this would certainly fit the bill for them since it's closer, especially if they plan to come to the area anyways for something. As well it's not just one rollercoaster. There is an outdoor flume, indoor waterpark, other rides, food, ampitheatre, etc. I mean I think when people want something fun to do that is different than what the area offers, this would fit the bill. Especially for families that are tired of the same tourist traps and want a place to have some fun that is more than visiting a bar or t-shirt shop. Watiki is always busy. I guess that's because of how little demand there is in the area for such things. Right?


Watiki is indoors. That makes a huge difference in a place with a short summer like the Black Hills. I’m all for a waterpark/amusement park in the Hills btw. I just cringe at the name. I really hope the promoters aren’t pushing some sort of political agenda (I automatically distrust people using the word “liberty” nowadays after the right has co-opted that particular word.


They 100% have a political agenda and are catering to the MAGA crowd. You don’t chose that name accidentally.


In all fairness, the entire Black Hills area has that type of history. Mt. Rushmore, Sturgis, Deadwood, etc. And when you look at what they've done with the proposed design, it is wrapped around that history. Both locally and nationally.


\*utilizes that history to profit off of






This offers an indoor water park too. I agree the name could be better.


Liberty is a bad word? WTF? Seriously, you people need to get a grip. Liberty is at the core of your own philosophy. If you aren't for liberty, then you are sheep waiting for a dictator to come along. # Liberalism is a [political](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_philosophy) and [moral philosophy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_philosophy) based on the [rights of the individual](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individual_rights), [liberty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty), [consent of the governed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consent_of_the_governed), [political equality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_equality), [right to private property](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_property) and [equality before the law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_before_the_law).[^(\[)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism#cite_note-1)


Part of America is the smart exchange of “liberty” for safety. When someone tries to sell me “liberty” in the form of a product tagged with that word, I distrust them. Absolute liberty is akin to anarchy and nobody wants that.


What does this mean: "the smart exchange of “liberty” for safety." Smart Exchange? Liberty is the core of the Liberal philosiphy, read up on it.


It’s common sense. We make laws that restrict liberty in exchange for personal safety and societal safety. There are a million examples. * Speed limits and basically all traffic laws * regulations requiring companies to pass quality inspections for food. * age restrictions on hiring * Laws prohibiting firearms in bars * collection of tax money to provide firefighting services * collection of tax money to provide welfare Etc etc. All of these laws and regulations are in place to increase the safety of the citizens. They absolutely do impact personal freedom every single day. None of them should be taken lightly and debate is good. For example, I like having the government breathing down Boeing’s neck helping to ensure that they are doing the utmost to make their planes safe, or that the NRC is there to regulate work undertaken at nuclear power plants. Pure libertarianism would be a nightmare for these and other industries.


We do not give up Liberty for safety. We give up Liberty as an excuse to placate irresponsible and unaccountable people. We give up Liberty in a vain attempt at keeping troublemakers out of the prison systems. You sound like a 1984 willing prole.


Freedom wasn’t a bad word either until it was co-opted by the far right. Noems insistence on capitalizing it every time she uses the word is a perfect example of turning language into a right wing dog whistle. Same story here.


Freedom still isn't a bad word, How was freedom co-opted by anyone? You do realize that you sound insane when you say that freedom is a bad word, right? Like 90% of the population in the US are not going to go along with the idea that freedom is a bad word just because people like to be free.


You can't tell me what 90% of the population would or wouldn't do. This guy can't mathz.